Chapter 109: .call

The net Lin Yu then leaned against the wall and shoulders. He didn't want to talk, the stone man was drilling his head on the cuff and wanted to run out to resolve his hidden embarrassment.
There are counts in the heart of the sky. I only say, "Do you want to deny it?"
"Where is it biting?" asked Lin Lin.
"Body." The sky paused for a while and said, "It's too unusual. Or a finger."
Jing Lin feels that there is a lot of difference between the sky and the past. These differences are gradually revealed through the eyes and talks of the sky, which makes the net Lin feel familiar and vaguely unable to parry. The sky is like a soft rib and a familiar familiarity, and the closer it is, the more unstoppable it is.
This fat fish is like a cockroach that does not understand the net lining, so that the literary skills of the ignorance of the net lining become a joke of the child, which is both childish and green.
The things that the sky does not understand, the Emperor is more than enough.
A year ago, they were also considered to be tit-for-tat. The koi, which was an adult, was very savvy, but it was sloppy and frank. But now he has changed the offensive method, it is difficult to grasp like a fog, and the anti-customer is the main, and the weakness of the net Lin is well-informed.
"It’s enough to open a little." The sky is tireless, wiping out and saying in an ordinary tone, "bite for a while."
Jing Lin pinched the stone in his sleeve and said, "You have to tell me the truth."
"This is nature." The sky was changed to a seat and squeezed in front of the net, so that the mat became a barrier between two people.
Jing Lin’s face was calm and hesitated when the fingers of the sky were handed.
The palm of the hand swayed his fingers and said, "I am biting you on weekdays, so I don't want to go to the heart. I took a chance to ask you to bite and solve the problem. It is quite rare to take the gap. Come.

Jinglin will open his mouth in a suspicious manner, and his eyes will test the look of the sky, seeing the sky and laughing, and then biting his fingertips between the teeth.
The sky said: "Bite for a while, I went in."
The fingers fell between the soft lips and the first two segments of the knuckles slowly buried in them.
Warm, soft and messy.
The dry throat was dry, and he suppressed it without stirring. Instead, he said more unusually: "Is it blocked by your tongue? Nothing. If it is uncomfortable, just circumvent your fingers."
Jinglin’s eyes were calm, and the tip of his tongue was rounded around the fingertips, but his mouth was so big. Where is the position separated by the long fingers? Then the tip of the tongue probed back carefully.
The sky feels this soft cockroach and says, "Don't you want to bite me? Use some strength."
The net lining bite the fingers of the sky, but the fingers touched the wall of his inner cavity. The pale fingertips slowly swayed on the inner wall, and the net lining suddenly shuddered. He vomited his fingers backwards.
However, the sky resisted him, and the net Lin was swayed by the scraping, and the numbness was like a spark. He was half-mouthed, and the bright red tongue pushed at his finger at a loss.
The sky opened, and he said, "We naturally know each other. One thousand and four hundred years ago..." He paused for a moment and said, "Do you want to hear me?"
Net Lin nodded and shook his head and felt that it was inappropriate. The sky had already been acquiesced.
"It’s a long story." The sky slightly frowned and said, "Is it too long?"
The finger took a little back and inserted it again. The sky is well controlled, and he turns a blind eye to the smog that has gradually become foggy, but he is always staring at Jinglin.
The touch of the soft wall being rubbed becomes very shameful with the gaze of the sky without a cover, and the net back is against the wall of the car, but it seems to be being pinched. His lips were reddened by the body fluid, and the throat was sliding. He didn't want to let the liquid out.
It’s gonna.
He couldn’t tell what he was saying in his mouth, and his eyes could not move. The incomprehensible and hard-working appearance of the lining urged the sky to think only elsewhere. He almost wanted to take out the Buddhist scriptures and read a thought.
The net Lin was stirred up by the lips, and his eyes were all a bit of ice breaking the spring water. There was already a flush in the neck, and he looked at the sky with sorrow. I don’t know if this would not let the sky go to good thoughts.
The sky suddenly pulled out his fingers and the were wet. He has a tight throat and a fever in his abdomen. He thinks this is because it has not been a bad embryo for too long. He should be even more insatiable, just use this chest to block the net Lin, and then focus on the handcuffs
pinch him, then turn the net Lin over and over to hurt and cry.
Jing Lin suddenly raised his arms and covered his face. The sky stared at him, inexplicably overflowing with laughter.
"In fact, there is something that has been holding you for a long time." The sky used the hand that had not touched the liquid to correct the face of Jinglin. "Do you want to know?"
The net flush between the neck and the neck has not returned. He said: "Where is this bite?!"
"This is what you are embarrassed." The sky lifted his fingers and said maliciously, "I am talking about 'biting'. I am reluctant to bite me, you are the one who is so fascinated by me, Jing Lin, I so innocent."
The net Lin wants to stop.
The sound of the sky: "I thought you were the most daring, how can you use the stone now? You call it what it is, it is you."
Jing Lin said: "I am not."
"Are you not?" The sky was so close, he said, "I don't want it out today."
The stone in the net sleeves rolled for several laps. He said, "What are you holding me?"
"I am holding you an earth-shattering thing."
"I don't believe it." Net Lin had a meal and felt that he had said this.
"Believe it or not, say no to me," said the sky.
"Then you talk." Jing Lin said.
"I want to tell you so easily." The sky used the amount of the top of the net, "I am not very disadvantaged?"
"I noticed it." Jing Lin said, " have grown a lot."
"You used to call me a stupid fish," Cang said. "It’s too late to regret it."
Jing Lin wanted to sneer, and was pinched by the sky.
"I also noticed it." The sky said deeply.
Jing Lin said: "What do you notice?"
"You are ruthless to me," said the sky. "Lin Songjun got out of bed and turned his face and didn't recognize people. Haven't you heard that the spoiled wife is not in the hall?"
There was some doubt in the net Lin, he said: "I don't remember me and you..."
"You said you can't remember it." The sky moved away and leaned against the side of Jinglin.
The net Lin settled for a long time, and suddenly looked at the sky with a serious look and said: "You said to me, are we really married?"
The sky is playing with the pearl, looking at the net Lin and saying: "When you are happy with me, don't you feel familiar? You see, it is a natural thing to start from undressing. Last time you..." It becomes sensational. "When you help, you don't feel that the size fits well, like a fish?"
Net Lin was flustered, and he steadily said: "My past is clear that I have not remembered this love relationship with you in the Forgotten River."
"There is nothing wrong with this." The sky looked down at the pearl of the finger. "The person who saved you is also the one who saved me. He puts you and me together, and he can see that he knows the hidden feelings." Ming. So, in order to prove that Lang Jun is the real thing, I will talk to you again."
The net Lin listened carefully.
"You have a scar on your back, and you have a stroke in the upper half of the waist. I love you once and touch it once." The sky said, licking the lips, "The waves in the warm water I will use your arms to hold your legs, to be light, because you are used to calling 'lighter'. You used to love my beloved, never called my emperor."
Net Lin’s doubts were mixed and said,
What do I call you?

The sky converged the bad color, and the end of the road said: "You are called my brother."
Jing Lin looked at him silently and leaned forward a little and said: "Cheat."
The sky was seen by Jinglin, and asked, "I don't describe it wrong? Don't believe you call a few words."
Jing Lin said: "I don't want to."
The sky said: "Mother shouted, hurry."
Jing Lin picked up the book and said, "I don't want to be fooled."
"Hey, you are a puppy." The sky was pressed against the shoulders of Jinglin and said, "If it is fake, you will be aware of it."
Jing Lin stared at the word for a while and said, " don't want to marry me."
"I will put you in my heart." The sky whispered, "How can I be willing to marry you?"
The net fingertips were a bit cold, and he was silent for a while, and the words were round and round: "... brother."
take me Home.
Net Lin recalled this sentence abruptly, and his fingertips subconsciously conveyed a sense of cone pain, as if this sentence was repeated in pain.
The dimly lit carriage looks like a dark stone sarcophagus, and the net lining sees a stone wall that is mottled with blood. He thought that there was a word on it, but he only saw layers of layers.
The net Lin was stunned and returned to God. He felt that the chest was a general starting point. But there was sourness in his eyes, but he didn't know where it was.
Can he still be sad?
He is already a dead man.
He couldn't tell the joy and couldn't taste the heart. He is really as heartless as the others said.
How could he be sad?
Jing Lin said: "...this is not..."
"The goods are genuine." The arm of the sky tightened. He said, "Isn't this a pure Lin? Isn't it in your arms?"
"I am chasing you..." Jing Lin turned his head and asked intricately, "I love you?"
"I am chasing you." The sky does not answer, but the tone repeats firmly. "I love you."
Net Lin was panicked by this, and the stone between his sleeves finally rolled out on time, and it was incredibly rounded around the legs of the two. The toes of the sky are collected, and the stones are directly put back into their sleeves.
"I love you." The sky became more and more intense. "I love Lin Songjun Jinglin. Why don't you look at me? You are hot. I say this sentence makes you feel hot or unbearable?"
The net Lin lip line is tight, and nothing is said.
The sky said: "If you don't look at me, I will say one night."
Jing Lin turned his head immediately, and he was scared and scared in his eyes. This was the first time he showed his look back in this patchwork body. He even said a little stupid: "I don't want to... I don't want to listen."
"Yes." The sky aggravated the tone. "Then I not only love you, but also want to hold you. You contain
you, don't you listen? Don't listen to me, don't say it - how do you think so?" nice!"
The stone struggled in the sleeves of the sky and could not escape. The net Lin stayed for a moment, and even raised his hand to cover his ears. There was no expression on the face, and he gradually became irritated under the watchful eyes of the sky.
"...I have to say that!"
Cangxiao laughed: "I can't ask for it, come, I am listening."
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