Chapter 120: Cheng Tian

Golden Chain Shooting
To the eight sides, to link the corners of the Gaotai, and to hang the golden cage in the center of Jiutiantai. Sanskrit emerged and spiraled around the golden cage.
The raging clouds are rolling and the thunder is screaming.
Cheng Tianjun Yunsheng Pearl is hanging on the surface, along the steps. Standing in front of the golden cage, he opened the pearl and leaned over to see the net Lin in the cage.
"Who is this?" Yunsheng played with Yin Yangzhu in his palm. "I don't know it."
Jinglin held the railing and the half shoulder was melted in blood.
Yunsheng’s gaze is like a sigh, saying,
Donghai’s birthday is evil, I don’t want to lead you out. You Lin will also be alive and well. When Lin Songjun was so lonely, it’s now lonely. If the father is under the know, I don’t know. What do you think?"
Jing Lin said: "There is no reason."
"This is the normal state of the world." Yunsheng said, "Do you dare to insist that you have the same heart and never think twice?"
"I kill people and see blood." Jing Lin looked at people from the cracks in the railing. "You kill invisible."
"It’s like this for the swordsman." Yunsheng said, "I am not a sword. I have to look for it. I just kill too much, and I have not been tolerated by the heavens and the earth. I am for Heaven, and I can still do it on this nine-day platform." A sage."
"Complete." Jing Lin sneered, "If you have completed so many people, you have not thought about yourself?"
Yunsheng laughed a few times. He said, "Do you understand the meaning of 'gentleman'? In these years, you have never really entered the nine-day gate. You don't understand what the 'father' means. Once you sit This position is the world's co-owner. The monarch is a person who fulfills others, and I am now a monarch. I say that you are fulfilled, this is a gift of heaven. My father called you a sword that year, and all the world thought it was praise. In fact, we know that this is just a mockery. You are in his heart, and you are not qualified to be a man."
Net Lin arrived without a word.
Yunsheng took a few steps, and his robes were golden and dragged behind him. He is surrounded by this cage as if watching a strange animal.
"God will create this appearance, and I will know that one day I will be robbed. I have repeatedly advised my father to plan ahead, but he is sure that you will not be able to turn over the waves. If a person stays high for a long time, he will be neglected. He just used it for himself. Admonish, you really interrupted your life in your hand. You kill the father and sin, sinful, but in my opinion, is this not for the heavens? The father is old, his talent is limited, and the great situation is for him. He said that he could get it. He just killed a group of innocent children by the name of 'father of the monarch'. You don’t understand your purpose until today. It is the same as the blood sea. It is the stepping stone of the father. It kills more people in the chaos, and the blood flows through the city wall. The more your name is, the more positive his name is. You are not the sword of Jiutianmen, you are just his own. Sword. The morality you ask for is not the right way in the world. You are just a false road for the tiger. Net Lin, you kill him, he kills you, you two are just true fathers and sons!"
Jing Lin suddenly said: "He wants to kill people and fill in the spirit. If you want to find a child, you have to have a confidant to do it. I have testified that this person is a ‘hand-carrying fan’.

"Dongjun was born in the blood." Yunsheng said, "My father told him to kill, this is expected."
"He has no heart." Net Lin smashed the paint deeply. "If you want to do evil, you must make sure that the drip is not leaking, and one will not let go. He knows that his identity is special, and he will be tried and figured out, so he is cautious. And will never kill people in a grandiose way."
"You have chosen someone in your heart." Yunsheng's yin and yang beads touched the sound.
"Hello, the picture is a mirror, and it is good at human figures." Jing Lin said.
"You have no basis." Yunsheng smiled at him. "Is this eager to die?"
"You repeatedly advise your father to prevent it from happening. He doesn't listen, but gives it to you. The curse of desperate desire grows in my body. It hides in such a hidden way, because it and me. Not leaving in the evening." Jing Lin is calm and self-sufficient.
"Only the pharynx sword will not leave with you." Yunsheng said, "The pharyngeal scabbard is made by Bohai."
"Yes." Jing Lin said.
"So you suspect the Bohai Sea." Yunsheng quickly picked up.
"There is no basis." Net Lin is not anxious or not. "What are you doing in a hurry? The scabbard is made by the Bohai Sea, and Jiansui is the one you sent."
Yunsheng paced and said, "I have so many things to send out. If something goes wrong, will everyone blame me?"
"You are in charge of the affairs of the door and made an remedy for your father. The medicinal medicine is presented to us, but it is a cover-up. Its original intention is to feed Qingyuan. In the Qingmeng hiding door, the daily supply of flesh and blood is not enough, in order not to Telling her to reveal the original shape, she will feed the medicinal medicine every day. Dongjun never wants to, but I am afraid to glimpse some clues from it. 澜海久在 in the hospital, and with Qingyuan, you can’t do it clean, he notices "Net Lin paused for a moment and said, "You killed him."
"He has a Thunderbolt, how can I beat him?" Yunsheng turned the yin and yang beads. "At this moment, you can't bear to guess the father. The father and son are so deep, I am so moved."
"You killed him." Jing Lin repeated.
Yunsheng pointed his snoring and said, "Don't say me like this, Jinglin, I have never really been a real knife, and the person who killed him is a father."
"It's you." Jing Lin leaned forward slightly, and the middle of it was deeper and deeper. "You panic and fear - have you ever screamed in front of him and asked him to let you go. But he If you don't, he has to ask, you are the father's dog. What you are most afraid of is frankness, because you dare to say your father, and the dead person is you."
Under the warmth of Yunsheng, he finally showed his teeth, and he rolled his throat and said to the cage: "I was kneeling in front of me..."
"My father doesn't treat me as a person." Jing Lin said, "Have he regarded you as a person?"
Yunsheng Huo Ran’s sleeves, he held the railing and cut his teeth:
You stay in the mouth!

"You know so much." Jing Lin step by step, "How can the father allow you to live? The overall situation is fixed, the monarch is stable, the first is you. He refuses to kill me, this is your credit. When you go out, you should be afraid. Under the knife, you have run so many brothers. You have done so many evil things for him. It is your turn, so he will use his fastest blade."
"Yeah." Yunsheng clung to the railing and squeezed out the laugh. "Net Lin, he wants to kill you with you! Ridiculously he has eight sons, everyone has a purpose. He has no one at all. I want to stay, he just wants everyone to be under his feet. When he goes up, we are useless. He broke your love, you forgot? It’s what Li Wei did! They will Dragon scales cramps, just when you mourn day and night. When you are finished, I am finished, how long can Li Wei live? How long can Bo Man and Dong Jun live? You treat him as a wicked person, but I will treat him as For the father. I regard him as my father! I try my best to support him. I try my best to kill him." Yunsheng’s eyes are cold. "He took me nine days later and he took me away. He took Li Wei. That is his shield. He has already killed the machine, but it is a sword."
"You have poisoned." Jing Lin said.
Yunsheng laughed: "Not me, it is us."
The blood of Jing Lin’s fingertips has cooled down. He looks at Yunsheng, but he can’t remember the appearance of a boy. They grew up in one place, but they were like insects in the pot. At first they thought that what the father wanted was a shackle, and finally realized that the father himself was the one.
A group of sons killed his father.
"We are all murderers." Yunsheng lifted himself, has converged his emotions, and said with pride, "How clean is Li Wei? He wants to kill his father for a long time. How clean is Dongjun? He has tolerated after Qingyao It’s not the case. Bo Man is the next one. He hates you and blames his father’s preference. One medicine, one poison, his father? It’s thousands of kinds! One layer, permeation, the father has already On all sides, he still feels that we are all in his hands. We have everything in place - only a knife is missing."
Net Lin seems to be unbearable.
Yunsheng said with pleasure: "Brothers are not brothers, fathers and sons are not fathers and sons. We are the most cruel group of people in the world. But how about this? Let's go! You treat your brothers as fools, but you yourself, Jinglin, you only It is the most stupid nerd! The Jiutianmen command has become a trend, why should we open the Jintai in one fell swoop? Because the dragon will hear the sound. This dragon is the insurmountable wall of the father. The dragon is against the scale under the throat, father I have been pondering him for several years, but I saw him in the darkness of his throat. There is no such thing as a counter-scale. If you want to break him, he will be given him first. When he squamishes the moon, it is the time. You are Sword, you broke him. The person who killed him is not someone else, it is you."
The net Lin hangs down, and the exposed neck is white and bloody, as if it is fragile.
"It's just like confusing the Qiankun." Yunsheng laughed. "There was only one person in the world, and all the people were at my feet. I am Cheng Tianjun, and I am also a grandfather!"
The sound of the chanting has already stopped, and there are no sounds around.
Net Lin suddenly looked up at Yunsheng, a few moments, hooked the lip line, said: "Do you think that these years are in your strategizing?"
Yunsheng raised his arms, the Chinese clothes were full, and the crown was swaying. He said: "The eight brothers, killing the encirclement, the only person sitting here is me. If you don't enter the reincarnation, I will guess that you will live. You are still waiting for the way to save? The father is dead, I will take you here, and I will recall the trial of the Three Realms. Li Wei was as close to you as you were. You killed his father. He wouldn’t know? You are planning a position. If it’s not true, then you will die on the nine days. It’s not just the father. You are now swearing, and Li Wei is helping you. You both should die. I am not a person without a law, I want you to die.

Jing Lin said: "Bohai died because of you, but I also wrote my name in your palm. You don't understand why?"
Yunsheng said: "He is just a disease, and he intends to give you a wind."
"No." Jing Lin said categorically, "He wrote my name, not only to tell my brothers that there are traitors, but also to tell you that, besides you, there is still a person who does not know the exact face. ""
Yunsheng suddenly became cold and said: "You mean to mess with me!"
"Tao Di died in the sea, who helped him to demonize, who put him in the lower bound." The net Lin language is getting faster and faster. "When the time came, who was referring to Jian Sui?"
Yunsheng rushed back, but it was too late. He listened to the steps and gradually stepped up, and Li Wei walked up in a red robe.
Net Lin gently said.
"If you say nothing, if a person stays high for a long time, he will be neglected. Are you dead today, or is he dead? Yunsheng, the yellow bird is coming."
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