Chapter 129: .Fan outside wedding banquet (below)

There was no lotus in the north, and when the emperor returned to the north, he dug up a lotus pond comparable to Nanchan. Eighteen clear streams from the mountains eased into the pool, the pool around the mountains, and unbeaten all the year round. No other things are allowed in the pool, only koi can be placed. Therefore, when guests gather, they only see the green lotus and the blue leaves, and the knowledge will not reach out.
Dongjun is not interested.
He licked the top of the lotus leaf and waved his fan and said, "Is the emperor crazy? The original road, he had to take a boat around for dozens of miles. On such a hot day, those brothers who came out of the water were really sinned. ""
The drunken mountain is sitting in danger, grinding the newly cut wooden sticks, blowing the shavings and saying: "There are many people coming, the mountains are too crowded, and the expansion of the place is barely enough for people to sit down. This is no way."
"Then he made it so big." Dong Jun pulled his clothes. "Don't you call a few people, the world doesn't know that he is married to Lin Songjun?"
"You don't understand." Milo supported his legs and said, "Lin Songjun, and so on, change to be me, I would rather do it bigger, let the people all over the world come to the best."
"Hey." Dong Jun leaned over and said, "Then you are a big man, oh ye."
As soon as he looked up, he saw Dongjun pour the lotus leaf and put him in. When he saw Dong Jun's face, he was upset and remembered the heartbreaking heart. It’s too good to look at it, and I can’t move my eyes for a while. I can only say with a hard tongue:
The beauty is going to be like this, I am willing.

"Then you estimate the amount." Dong Jun rubbed his cheeks. "Want to marry me, how big is the face?"
When Luo Luo went to move backwards, some of them were in a hurry and shocked: "You, are you going to marry me?!"
Dong Jun immediately laughed and took a drunken mountain, saying: "Is this mouse a very interesting one? The heart is bold and big."
The tail of the Jurassic was scared, and he shouted insanely: "I don't know! You ask someone to go!"
The drunken mountain smashed the stick and looked at the two of them. They sighed and said to Dongjun: "How long do you have to wander outside? If you fall into a situation in nine days, you must always come out to deal with the overall situation. Not enough, many things are waiting for you."
Dong Jun dialed a few waters, covered his body with a lotus leaf, and squatted on the song, and turned a deaf ear to the words of the drunken mountains. The drunken mountain can't be, and he knows that he is reluctant, so he won't mention it any more.
The boat came from all directions and eventually gathered in Wanlitai. The table top is paved with sapphire and the octagonal lobes. The pearls contain frost and snow, and the guests coming from afar have a summer heat, which makes the wedding room cool and refreshing.
A variety of little fairy monsters shuttle between the seats, sweet potatoes also with small radish heads around the joy of sugar to eat. The tree can't enter the stage, and the sky makes people stand alone for it on the pool. The person who sits with it is Gu Shen.
When Milo landed on the shore, the person who played for him was a thousand miles. When he saw Miluo, he did not panic, but looked back and smiled at the left side of the Qing Dynasty.
Miluo is not even a taste. He bites the grass roots and flies to let the two pass.
Zuo Qing’s legs and feet were inconvenient, and the millennium supported him. The two men lived together and walked slowly.
As soon as he saw the broken tail of the millennium, he felt distressed. He couldn't help but sigh for a while and said to Dongjun: "It's hard to get around, and the word is really harmful, but it teaches life and death. I pity the beauty of the world, but I will hold Huang Quanzhenbao in front of him. However, if you look at the dung, you only want to tie the love word to your heart. I often don't know people, but I don't know how to be good. What good is it? It is worthwhile to go to the taste."
"If you understand." Dongjun folded the fan and smashed the jar, and smacked it up quickly. Then he turned his head and looked at the scorpion. The face smirked again. "It should be lost! Love is difficult. If you understand it, you should be embarrassed. Come here, good food and good food today, what do you want to do without doing anything? Let yourself be a good thing."
The other floating pear and Huashang have already smashed the curtain, and the net Lin slightly leaned over. A Yibi sat on the chair and picked up the sugar to eat. When Yu Guang saw the net Lin came out, he raised his eyes. He raised his eyes and the sugar in his mouth was stuck. He hurriedly licked his neck and coughed not to cough.
Jinglin couldn't hear the sounds around him, and he organized his sleeves. He glanced at the bronze mirror and said to the floating pear: "Don't ever wear such a robes, is it hard to see?"
The floating pears heard the tears and burst into tears. She wiped her tears and said with anger: "I used to be involuntarily. What do you want to wear in the future? You look at the people in this mirror, when can you understand that you are a What kind of!"
Jing Lin looked at her and said: "I have been a group of demon aunts recently, but I have fallen in tears."
The floating pear gave the crown a solid support and said: "Today is the day of crying, let me cry a few times. After today, our nine brothers are emperors, and never walk alone in the world. I am happy. Can't help it."
Jing Lin looked at her quietly. After a few moments, she said slowly: "I am happy too."
"Good days, happy is right." Huashang held the palm, "Quickly put on the robe, the time is coming. Ah Yi, go to the net, what do you mean? Go! Go immediately Shape, you have to fly red silk in front of the king, you can't make a mistake."
Ah Yi swallowed sugar, and the soul squinted at his face. He suddenly jumped around and turned a few turns around Jinglin. He said, "I may understand the reasons why the big brother is going to marry you. Nine brothers, I serve!"

Floating pears smashed A and said: "You repeat what you have to do."
A Yi did not care to say: "I want to make a red silk paving road. From this day, I set up a bridge without a beam, leading the big brother. The big brother is going forward with the tribute! We touched the head, big brother and Jiu Ge I touched my head, and the things behind me didn't matter to me."
"You must concentrate on your mind."
Hua Chang put a robe on the net Lin, wide sleeves with gold piping, this is a popular color, but it was erased by the exposed fingers.
Huashang used to have a good color. When she was a jinglin robes, she couldn’t help but sigh a few sighs. The coveted laughter said: "You can definitely hold the emperor in the evening."
If Lin Lin feels it, he looks at the bronze mirror.
The millennial old turtle trembled and held the crown, and trembled to the sky. The sky was too high, and he simply leaned over and gave him a crown by the old turtle.
The old tortoise was inserted and said: "The emperor..."
The sky was screaming, and I didn’t listen to the post-sound.
The sects were dozing off, and they woke up to see the old turtles stroking the top of the sky. The old man has already blinked, but he can't see the light, but it is the most famous monster in the world.
The old turtle caressed the top of the sky, and his eyes showed a smile. The lips of the toothless movement moved, saying: "When the emperor first saw the emperor... the emperor was still a little dragon, and now he has to be a relative."
Cangxiao laughed and said, "You have been sleeping in the mud for thousands of years, still remember me?"
"Remember, remember." The old turtle said slowly, "The emperor is going to be old with the people. These days are long, and if there are people accompanying them, they will not suffer."
The sky said: "I am suffering and I am suffering."
The old turtle smiled and said softly: "The old ruthlessness leads this way to the emperor, but in the end it does not work. The emperor goes and there is someone behind it."
The sky was straight up, and the vowels took the hanging robe. The coffin wore a robe and looked up at himself in the right position. When he was dressed properly, he said to Zongyin: "You are a married person. What is the taste of the day?"
Zong Yin said: "If you see her, you can't stop."
The sky said: "Today I am so handsome and unparalleled. If he sees me, it will be like that. If he walks over the diameter, you will let it go, don't stop him."
When Zongyin looked at the hour, he said, "I remember."
Their group of people went out of the temple, and the clouds in the sky have been swayed out of the road, revealing the clear sky. From then on, the guest has been walking along the lotus pond to the head of Jinglin. The ancestors did not say much, and in the group of exclamations, the incarnation became a sea otter.
The dragon swelled up, and the head followed the phoenix. A whirlwind hurricane, I saw two colors alternate in the sky, Ling Tianhong silk lay a few long roads.
The sky was deep and sighed, stepping on it. He looked around in the wind, seeing the E-Feng tail squatting, revealing the red robes behind.
They were clearly separated, but the sky felt the sound of the chest banging, and he clearly saw what the people in the wind looked up.
The life of Jinglin is blue and white, and now it is covered with blush, and the sky will no longer remember other colors between heaven and earth. He even couldn't take a step off, and the numbness was on his head, pouring his mouth dry.
However, the net Lin dials the wind and welcomes it. When you see the sky, you have to laugh. He smiled, and the waves shattered between the two eyes. He only put all his joy in such a pair of eyes, and looked at the sky with no worries. He called the sky and feet soft, but he could not restrain the rise of the surging love.
My silly ancestor.
Sliding in the throat, I thought hard.
How can I kill my life like this?
"Oh!" Hua Chang said with a skirt, "Catch the emperor! This road has not finished yet!"
Under the eyes of the public, the sky has forgotten what rules. He didn't even wait for the son to meet with Ah B, and he jumped out and went straight to his heart.
The ancestors were anxious, and the hearts of the people did not come over, how can you not help yourself! He wants to stand in the air, but he can help the A-Bian to swirl in the air, to play a flower, and the sound of the ancestors is almost falling.
When Hua Chang looked at the sky in a mess, he turned out the original shape, and the tail was desperate. After the net Lin, he followed the saga, and he was as good as the enemy. He also rushed to the original body. The Buddha beasted a hundred feet high and hurriedly shouted: "Emperor! Emperor and staying! You can only bring people to the platform!"
A Yi played a vacancy, and the red silk road was sinking. Jinglin’s eyes also have to follow Shen, and the floating pears still manage the three seven twenty-one, and they will be picked up as colorful birds.
The sky gap is so big, suddenly there are huge beasts that are huge in shape, and they collide together at the same time, and they are crowded with red silk.
Under the Dong Jun, he laughed loudly and said, "This is a bit interesting!"
Next to the Luo Luo drank the wine, and cried into tears, squatting at the table, only shouted: "My God, Lin Songjun is so beautiful! How to get married!"
No one looked at Jinglin. When he was still sinking, he saw the red line on his wrist reappear. The sky swiftly passed through layers of obstacles, rushed from the top, and slammed him, followed by throwing people up, full of load into his arms.
"You want my life!" The sky wheezed, holding a man and making a round, smirking, "I am coming to you!"
Jinglin wrapped around the red line and caught the cheeks of the sky. He coveted and said, "How come to me."
The sky said: "Call me to look at you."
Net Lin slightly lowered the voice, with a little pride, said: "I feel very good looking."
"Stupid kid." Cang said that he slammed the amount of Jinglin, and hated and said with love, "Do not let others see!"
Jing Lin said: "Do you mean to finish the charter?"
The sky immediately withdrew and said: "I am the charter today!"
When the sky was gone, the man ran, and he stood in a thousand miles but blinked, but he listened to Jing Lin.
"You are also very good looking today." Net Lin bowed his head and whispered, "I will kiss you when I return home."
The sky slammed on the water and turned back to pinch the net of the chin. He said: "Whenever I return home, I will save my life."
Jing Lin took his shoulder and kissed him.
The sky said: "It is still dying."
Jing Lin kissed the kiss hard, but saw the sky staring at him, and could not help but say: "... eh?"
"I will kiss me in the future." The sky said quickly, "I want to kiss in the morning and evening. It can't be lighter than this moment. It must be heavier than this moment. You can't just touch me, you have to stick to your tongue. You Can't do it?"
Jing Lin immediately said: "I don't..."
"You don't want to." The sky suddenly smiled. "You can only give it to me, I am doing it."
Say that if you kill someone, you will run.
"Where are we going?" Net Lin was smashed again and asked with his sleeves.
"Going home." Cang said, "I will take care of my mother!"
The water surface is bursting, and people are no longer seen. The pool was hopped out of the koi, and the drops of water splashed, causing Qinglian to shake.
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