Chapter 16: Fight

Jing Lin picked up the curtain and half exposed. His eyes fell on the entrance of Chenjiaxiang, where everyone gathered, all for the murder.

Is the bronze bell still associated with this family?
said the coffin in his sleeve.
It can be seen here as an ordinary person.

Net Lin leaned over the sedan and said, "I feel that the brass bell is still here. I don't know the case first, I am afraid I can't find the bell."
"This case is bizarre, not like man-made." Cangwu remembered the scenes of the previous few days and said, "He has five people, but he has lost a little girl. I listen to the nightmare next door, maybe it is a monster. Caught up the blood."
"If it is a monster." Net Lin and the fan into the sleeve, "Hui Wei and the division priest will sit idly by."
The sky did not pay attention, but the net Lin remembered clearly. Although the body in the yard had been foraging by the Raksha bird, it still left many traces. Among them, the blood marks that are dragged out are the most conspicuous. The murderer is clearly killing, not a knife to give a good time.
"Check the case." Cangwu put the stone villain under his head and said, "Where can this place enter? Drunken Mountain is afraid to be armed everywhere, just waiting for you to cast a net."
"The Division of the Division is in charge of everything, but it does not control the human case." Jing Lin slightly raised his head, and when he saw the entrance of the house, he was entering the hospital door, and he turned his direction and went elsewhere.
The guy was stretching his neck and watching the excitement. After a collision, he immediately turned his head and said: "No long eyes..."
Jing Lin is a beautiful embroidered man, and his eyebrows are proud and proud. He hit the side and leaned back, his eyes darting into the head, and he was very interested: "What is going on, it’s not someone else who is hitting you, it’s the of wealth."
The buddy responded sensitively to the towel and changed his shoulders. He squeezed out the position with a smile and gathered it on the edge of the forest. He said, "Isn’t it a of wealth! Grandpa is not born here, have you been here on weekdays? It’s not a notice, but a dead person, it’s here.

"It’s no wonder that they are all crowded here." In the middle of the net, Lin was stunned by the side people, pulling a par from the sleeves, covering his mouth and nose, and raising his eyebrows. "Wait for the story?"
"The small running hall relies on a mouth, and I dare to go wrong." The guy smiled. "The shop is over there, a few steps, Grandpa has to be empty and you can sit down!"
"Good to say." Jing Lin said, "Who is living here?"
"This family name is Chen, Chen Laotou brought his sick woman, and sells sugar people on this street all day." The man pointed to Jinglin. "It’s just at the door of the shop, and often comes and goes. He still has a son. Called Chen Ren, Chen Ren’s wife is Zhou. This is not finished. There is a little girl at home, seven or eight years old, who is the little girl left by Chen’s early daughter. Chen Laotou sells sugar people every day. You say where this can be? The family is always on the wall, and Chen Laotai often asks people to borrow rice from the children.
"What about his son?" Jing Lin really got an appetite.
The buddy Nunu said, "Chen Ren mixed in the gambling hall over there, owed a debt, and was beaten more than one or two times. I want to say that most of the cases are made by the gambler. I saw them in the month and forced them to the door of Chen’s house. Chen’s old man gave him a few heads and sent them away. They are all desperate.

Net Lin swept the gambling hall and smiled: "The desperate is so fooled, a few heads can turn around? That is better than asking for a meal."
"Grandpa, you are wise!" The buddy took the man and said with a smile on his hippie. "It’s hard to say that it’s because after that, the common winter forest is swaying on the side of Chen’s house. I’m afraid the gambling hall can’t breathe, calling winter. Lin came to wait for revenge."
"Winter Lin?" asked Lin Lin.
"It's not him." The buddy whispered. "The rivers and lakes are famous! The kung fu is gone, there is no trace to go. The door-to-door order of the door is everywhere, but it has not caught people yet. But we ran the hall, It’s the ear. I heard that he often lives in the town. You guess where he always rests?
The guy squeezed his eyebrows.
In the east lane of the kiln, it is reported that a woman named Hua Yan is better.

Jing Lin has not yet noticed, but the sky is sitting up in the sleeves.
Jing Lin asked again: "What is this person doing?"
The man whispered: "Jiang Yang thieves, there are many big cases under the hand."
"Rogues." The scorpion bite out these two words and sneer at the stone villain. "I said that there is a familiar taste in the room."
The man still wants to say, but he has been picked up from the back. He snorted and shouted: "This is the of wealth!"
As soon as he turned back, he saw a familiar face. When he was on the road, his legs and feet were soft. He was more charming than seeing Jing Lin: "Gu catching the head! Handling the case?"
Gu Shen has a knife in his hand. He is not very young and his eyes are particularly sharp. He mentioned the buddy to the front, but Yu Guang was looking at the net Lin and said: "I heard you say that you are the leader, go straight to the door and have a confession."
"This can be awkward for me!" The buddy suddenly shocked, Baba said, "You can find someone on this street who is more familiar with me! That, the money master, does the moneyman live next door to Chen Laotou? You are looking for him!"
"People have been there in the morning." Gu Shen handed the buddy to the back subordinates. The waist card swayed and rubbed his hands. As usual, he lifted his chin on the net and smiled slyly. "You are born."
This life has a double eye, I am afraid that even ordinary monsters do not dare to look at him.
The net Lin has not moved, but still covers his nose. When the eyes glanced, they flowed out of laughter and seemed to be swaying.
"I am so good-hearted and good-hearted people, adults are afraid that they should be born."
Gu Shen laughed and turned to look at the alley and said: "Is the son also interested in this life case?"
"Nature." Jing Lin said, "I have never met before, and I am very novel."
"This is a case of extinction. The body is dying, and it is terrible." Gu Shen refers to knocking on the handle. "Is ordinary people not afraid?"
"Afraid of anything." Jing Lin sees the move, "Is it something that can be heard, can you be afraid of two battles? The rumors are mostly three people, just wait for the adults to find out the truth."
Gu Shenmao glared at the on the chin and said, "The son is curious, don't ask me about it. This case is now in my hands. I know more than a lot of people."
The net Lin received the pa, slightly biased, and the look faded a few points, saying: "Do adults want a few beads? There is no need to bend around, it is straightforward."
Tuen Mun catching is no worse than the rest. It’s worth a lifetime of 20 silver beads in the end of the year. It’s just a miscellaneous sticker. The trick is not to let the moon go, so that it will lead to the extortion of all the places. Repeatedly banned.
Gu Shenyi, and raised his head and laughed, raised his hand and waved, saying: "The son will take care of Gu, and a few beads are nothing. It is."
He still wants to say something, and he hears the person behind him reminding: "Big brother, Liu Shirong has found it."
Gu Shen took a fist to Jinglin and counted as a farewell. Net Lin beheaded, seeing him turn and go.
"This person is not easy to fool." Cang said, "Do people have such keenness? I think he almost does not leave the knife, Jinglin, he is tempting you."
Jing Lin also stared at Gu Shen’s back and said:
This case is confusing and requires him to find some clues in front. What did you say in your sleeve?

"The thief who took the copper bell is Donglin. He really has something to do with this case." Cangwu shoulders, "What does he kill Chen family? This family is so poor that they can't give him any money."
"Maybe it is the trust of people." Jing Lin said, "It is not impossible to have money to make a ghost, and to buy a gambling house."
"He took the little girl?" said the sky, "Why not kill."
Jing Lin silently thought, the end: "Only one side of the word is rare, there are people."
Money started to slap and wiped the palm of his hand. The water in the basin is still clear, but he seems to be widowed with dirt. The more he rubbed it, the more he polished the flesh.
The door was suddenly slammed, and Qian Shishi suddenly stood up and knocked the basin against the ground. He quickly picked up his heart and whispered, and asked softly: "Who?"
"Qianfuzi, harassed." Gu Shen's waist card swayed in the gap between the doors.
Qian Weiqi clenched his fists, held the door, and exposed his eyes from the seams. He said, "I have already said everything to the adults. What else is there for adults?"
Gu Shen only smiled and said in a thick voice: "Some things have to be heard again."
Qian Shishi swallowed saliva in Gu Shen’s eyes. He removed the latch and opened the door. Gu Shen crossed into the door and looked at the yard inadvertently. He said: "There is no attention in the morning, the wall of the Master is not high, and it is easy to recruit thieves."
Qian Shishi’s yard and Chen’s family are closely attached. Actually, the courtyard wall of this film is not high. People with similar heads can only see the situation in the courtyard of the neighbors with a little lameness. Chen Jia posted in the alley, there is an old widow with a grandson, and the money is Shi Shi.
Qian Shishi followed Gu Shen and said: "If you have a life, you have to raise it."
Gu Shen said: "Do you wash your hands? You haven't eaten yet."
Qian Shishi looked at him reluctantly and said: "I only saw the body with the adults, I am afraid that I can't eat anything in these days."
"There are countless cases in which Laozi has handled the case. It’s the first time that he encountered it. Killing people and corpses is shocking."
Qian Shishi gestured to Gu Shen, and Gu Shen sat down in a big way. He said: "Let's gossip and say, then give me the gift in the door."
The money is reserved for the official, and when the opening is a sigh of relief. The teachings of this year are nearly forty, but they still have fine skin and tender meat, which shows that there is little wind and frost on weekdays. He is thin and thin, and he is like a woman with no strength.
"That night, I returned early because of my studies, drank some wine, and slept more than usual. In the middle of the night, I only heard the wind and noise, and I was half-awake when I was frozen. I was surprised that I didn't close the window, so I got up." When I was in the window, I heard Chen Yuan’s noise, thinking that Chen Ren was home.
Qian Wei’s eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously.
Chen Rensu came to love gambling. Even the old coffin was robbed of money, and he did not return home for a long time. The family must be for money and silver. This person has the habit of snoring both parents and daughter-in-law, so every time I go home, I have to be noisy. I am drunk and I hear the snoring, and I am so annoyed that I plug my ears. He said that he would hide his face here and choked. "But how can I know that there was a life in the night, and the grass rain was so bad that she was caught. She was only seven years old. I don't know what the murderer meant."
Gu Shen did not say a word.
Qian Wei retired a little, and he was already blushing when he looked up. He said: "Chen Ren is a miscellaneous thing! It is he who has harmed a family. This person is full of evil, and he is not enough to sigh, but he still has to take someone else. It really makes me sad."
"I heard from Laozi that this Chen owed a lot of debt to the gambling hall."
"Sixteen gold beads." Money is eye-catching, "I just can't afford to buy grass rain!"
Chen Caoyu is the little girl of Chen family.
"This case is murderous. Before it is broken, the Master must also be careful. Don't go out to talk in these few days, and you can come to find you at any time." Gu Shen got up and suddenly turned his head when he left, handing money to a handkerchief. "Master, wipe the sweat behind the neck."
The horror of Qian Shishi almost became fearful. He responded slowly to the sorrow and rushed to the head and said, "Thank you, thank you."
Gu Shen gave a boxing speech and left the door. As soon as he left his forefoot, the money was calmed down. The master frowned and stared at the hand in his hand for a moment, finally realizing a bit of disobedience.
Gu Shen, who is accustomed to "Laozi", when will he say "crack" when he knocks on the door? The mansion remembers his confession clearly. If Gu Shen wants to see it, he can watch it at any time. Why bother to run? He was originally a suspected person. Gu Shen also needed a special trip to say hello to him, asking him to "don't go out"?
The money was cold and sweaty, and even the cold hair was erected.
The person who came is not Gu Shen, who is it? !
Gu Shen
stepped out of the alley, he rubbed his shoulders with the market hawkers, as if the cockroaches were generally pulled up in an instant, revealing a pair of peach eyes with affection.
Jing Lin squeezed his throat and buckled it.
The sky screamed at the stone villain: "You marry him, deceiving a set, which is more powerful than me."
The stone villain made a face to him, and he was a little proud.
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