Chapter 44: .

Chu Lun is not crazy, no matter what, but in the eyes of others, he is already mad, not crazy. I only said that Chu Gongzi went to the streets to sell the words. When the pen was to be stopped, I would like to say a few words of hard work to the pen.
The passing person asked the neck: "What is the hard work of this?"
Chu Lun said: "It is a busy day, it is hard work."
The passerby said again: "When the pen is an object, can you understand what you are saying?"
Chu Lun stopped talking and said only to the pen in his hand: "You must cry again, and the ink is coming out." Then he raised his head again, and everyone around him looked at him as a fool.
Chu Lun also felt that he was crazy. He took out the paper all day and went back to the ink. For the blessing of madness, business is getting better and better. After all, it is really rare to write a good word and a madman. Chu Lun is a little more affluent, and medicine can afford it. However, he did not know that even though he worked hard, his life would be tied to the third time before entering Beijing.
Because in the lifeblood of Huangquan, Chu Lun was dying in emergency in the 12th year of Tianjia. Before the end of the dying, there was no need for it, and the boat was drifting. The soup had not entered, and it took two days to completely suffocate. After the death, he was thrown into the mass grave by a roll of grass. Whatever he learned, he was buried in the loess, and his life record clearly mentioned that another surnamed left is the champion.
The pen and demon see the Chu Lu staying in the night and studying hard, the more uncomfortable in my heart. He wanted to tell Chu Lun, and repeatedly swallowed back, because the Chu Lun people are like the spring breeze, the pen demon is willing to stay with him.
Seeing that the winter has arrived, Chu Lun has already ordered the door to wait for the spring time. But the baggage he had properly packed was stolen, and the remaining silver would disappear without cause.
One day, Chu Lun Li called him and said: "I will go to Beijing along the river in the spring, can you plan?"
The pen demon bones rolled to the side and became a teenager sitting cross-legged on the table and said, "Why are you going to go so far? Stay at home, I will accompany you to play."
Chu Lun said: "The exam is coming soon, you can't help."
The pen demon knows nothing to help, and still says: "You have already named Dongxiang, why bother to ask for the fame and fortune?"
"No matter the name of the country, there is no door to the country." Chu Lun moved his legs and feet, and he often felt pain in the winter. He put on a thin coat and said, "I have been studying for more than ten years, and I only hope that it will be useful in the coming days."
The pen demon is stunned. He clenches the paper and asks: "Even if you die?" Chu Luyi, the pen demon immediately scared. "There are many monsters in Beijing, they are big demon! They are happy. A scholar like you."
Chu Lun asked: "Are you also a big monster?"
The pen demon nodded: "My former master was nine days of Ning Xian, and of course I am a big monster."
Unexpectedly, Chu Lun smiled and laughed. Although he was always gentle, it was difficult to see such a big laugh. It seemed to be broken like a cloud.
"If you are like you." Chu Lun said, "I would like to take a look."
The pen demon felt that Chu Lun’s eyes were soft and the figure that was found was tied back. He said with a sigh of relief: "You don't understand... you don't understand! Be careful, listen to me."
"You call me cautious." Chu Lun looked at him flatly. "How can I call you?"
The pen demon loosened his legs, sat on the edge of the table, facing Chu Lun, not allowing himself to lick his eyes, only vaguely said: "My name is music."
Chu Lun’s intentions have been decided, and the words do not understand. He followed Cha Ruan all day and became a pen to mourn a lot. Chu Lun’s ears are honed, and even in his sleep, all the words are in the side of the pen.
In the same town, Chu Gongzi walked a few steps and turned back to catch the pen. He had to talk a lot with the pen. They became more and more shocked. They only felt that they were very admired and admire Chu Lun’s madness. They did not forget to go to Beijing to take the exam.
Regardless of how the music is blocked, Chu Lun will eventually board the ship. On the eve of his departure, Le Yan said to him: "If that is the case. You will take me with me."
Chu Lun said: "If I have three long and two shorts in the middle, you have to float on the river for many days."
The music talked and cried, he said: "How do you say this, it seems that you will meet the king."
Chu Lun pushed the book together and ordered the oil lamp. He smiled at the music: "I am suffering from old diseases. It has been difficult to find a case in recent days. I know a little bit. I saved you once in the night and I have already returned. Why should I follow me again? ""
The music is followed by a drop of water and said: "I know that I have to go on the road, I can't figure it out."
Chu Luh sighed a little and said: "Even if you don't go, you are dead... You cried for me one after another, I have no family, it is enough."
Le Yan wiped the tears: "I don't want to cry, but I, I was born like this, the sage is always jealous of me! Knowing that it can't be done, you remind me of another person five hundred years ago, I When I think of him, I always cry."
Chu Lun said: "Who?"
The words are choked: "Spring, spring, pharynx, dangerous stone, cold and green pine. 1"
Chu Lun gave him a par, crying and laughing: "I asked who you are, how do you read poetry?"
"Because that person came from this poem." The words used Papa's nose and said, "I have been jealous of him for many years, but that is also impossible. The sage does not like him. But I have my own, hey, you are I don't know, he used to demonize the demon, and the pharynx is the most powerful sword in nine days! When I saw you, I remembered him before his death."
"Maybe he also has his own reasons." Chu Lun will fold up and say to the music, "... Although I am sick, I will go to a game. You and I will meet each other, take care of you... I don't know. How to thank you as well."
Le Yan said: "I am a monster, very powerful, where you need someone to thank!"
Chu Lun laughed: "I didn't know it before, and the monsters love to cry like this."
Le Yan whispered in his head: "I am a pen, I have to ink every day, I can only cry every day, crying and crying can't stop."
The music has been crying and being horned, and Chu Lunpa can't stop it. He saw the music crying and crying and screaming, turned over and continued to cry, snoring like a small next to his family, and then he felt funny. The more you cry, the smaller you cry, the more you turn back, the ink is dark.
Chu Lun will pad the pad under the pen, the back ridge is slightly bent, and the light has been seen between the lights.
"The monster has a good monster." Chu Lun whispered, "I don't have to be afraid of dyeing myself when I have such a long illness. It's just too short... I feel that I can't be content."
The pen replies to the ink and no longer speaks.
Chu Lun boarded the ship offshore, and the music was in his bag. On the road, the spring was cold, and Chu Lun’s illness turned sharply. It was hard to get lying in less than half a month. If you are lying on a sick bed, please say goodbye to burning books for him.
"I am afraid it is difficult to stay in Beijing." Chu Lun smoothed the paper sheet and said, "Many remnants have not been completed, and others are also burning wood, not as good as you and me today, for heating."
The music refused and saw a lot of papers.
Chu Lun said: "The Dongxiang cases have not been turned over. I am responsible for the villagers, after death..."
The words are screaming: "You can't die! You can't die!"
Chu Lun smiled bitterly: "How can I still marry me now?"
Le Yan put the book paper back into the bag, and got up and patted the cheeks of Chu Lun. Red Tong said with a sigh of relief: "If you are bent on your mind, you will learn if you are not dead. How can you die here? You must take the top spot and petition for the people. You wait, I, I love to cry, but I speak loyalty! I will not let you die."
Chu Lu smiled and said: "Everyone has a life."
"You met me." The music came up, "it will be safe and sound."
Le Yan went to Huang Quan, and he had the famous brand of Su Ning Xian, and there was no one to control it. He used to be with the people of Suining Xian. It was the ghosts at all levels who did not dare to offend easily. Because the people of Suining Xian were extraordinary, even Lin Songjun could not be spared. They could be able to stand up.
The music is unimpeded all the way. When you get the life record, you know that things have stabilized in half. Although he fled and practiced well, the best word is the word, no matter who's word, as long as he has seen it, it can be exactly the same. It’s sneaky to find the page of Chu Lun, wipe out the paragraph of
Death in Emergency
, write a pen and write
Shun Zhizhi, do what you want
, and think a little, find the original written The page of "Tianjia Twelve Years of the Year" wiped the person's champion.
The music sings quietly, and the name of this person is read, and the three words of "Left Qing" are written by the workers. Although he does not know who this "Left Qingyi" is, he also understands that because of this touch, this person will miss the name of this year's champion. However, he looked at the life of this person and clearly wrote that "the official transport is prosperous, and he is corrupt and ruthless." He has lived until he is seventy years old, and he has let go of his heart. God has lost his life and unconsciously, and he has left with peace of mind.
"Then he will be able to gradually become more common, catch up with the scientific examination, and get what he wants." Cangjie interrupted the music, poured cold wine on the shop, tasted it and said, "Where is this easy thing in the world, although I am not yet Knowing what the lifeblood is doing, you can guess that even if you change Chulun, someone will have to go to this life, that is, whoever is going to be the unlucky one."
"No!" said the music, panicking. "I look at the score and make sure no one will die!"
"The world is impermanent." The sneer sneered. "You have done what you want, and what others do."
The music said: "The disease of Shen is coming for no reason. Who should he resist? This arrangement is wrong."
"I listened to an old man's ‘law of heaven and earth,' so the arrangement of human life must be done by someone.
Cang said,
Everyone has a life, why not accept it?

The music suddenly raised his head and looked at the net Lin. Even the tears did not care. He only said: "Jun... is it also a fateful one? This arrangement... This arrangement tells me how to accept it! Is it the world that gave birth to him, It’s just that he wants to go to hospital and regret it. I... I don’t accept it...

The sky is in the mouth of the cup, saying: "The word 'love' is a bad debt."
The music is decapitated: "I am willing to make a life, just ask..."
The night wind swelled, and the net lining fluttered. The voice of the music is not lost, it has been scattered in the wind. When the sky was seen, the east side seemed to be catching up with something. He drank cold wine and got up and went to Jinglin.
"I smelled..." The frown frowned, "Pencil?"
Jing Lin said: "That is the fragrance."
The two saw the east side of the thing traversing from the sky, and it was actually a white fox. The fox fur is soaked with fragrance, and the mouth is one person, jumping to the inn of Huashang. But after seeing the fox, chasing one person, holding the whip, shouted loudly.
"The fox demon is a sinister man! He wants to be intimate with others! You have endangered his life and you will not let go!"
The fox fell to the ground, and the sky saw that his tail had been broken, and he was beaten bloody. What is even more so is that the person in his mouth could not discern the human figure. The fox whimpered and screamed, and the man limped into the inn.
If you want to chase people, you will hear the sound of Hua Chang.
"Hey infants, this place is the master of the goddess of music, what do you count? I dare to chase him here!"
梧 甩 甩 甩 甩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Hua Chang 蔻 叩 叩 window, cold voice said: "God is not a god, a ghost is not a ghost, you also match?"
Yan Ying’s anger was unstoppable, and the sky was watching with his arms. The first time he saw the excitement of others, he heard Jing Lin said.
"You lied to me."
The words are not spoken, and the net Lin is turned back.
"Private change of human life - you took someone else to Chu Lun. Your words are true and false, you are not for loyalty, but for 'love'. You expect someone to die, but still arbitrarily."
The music is swaying, and his throat is slightly stunned: "How can I be good! Jun... Jun..."
In the wind, the net Lin couldn’t hear the voice of the music. He only heard the copper bell that was originally on the body of Chu Lun divided into two places, shaking from the fox body.
"Sickness" has been entangled in one place with it.
At this time, I heard the fox whispering in the inn, and the strong wind swept from south to north. The whole city was suddenly extinguished, and the lantern straight was broken. The sky raised its hands to avoid the wind and tightened the net.
"what happened?"
Jing Lin said: "The dead."
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