Chapter 55: 咽泉

"Net Lin" looked at the net Lin, he did not sneer, his eyebrows covered with frost, the movements when lifting his body are exactly the same as the net Lin, even the coveted when the sleeves are the same, the only thing that is detached is Jinglin.
"Except the magic guard." He whispered softly, "Who will take me."
"Heaven and earth are talented." Net Lin has a slight throat, "all can be replaced."
"This heart casts a sword, and then it is impossible to compare it. In front of the pharyngeal spring, the so-called talents are all mediocrity." He paused, and even the voices were like the same person. "When you are the same brothers, who can compare?"
"Hurricane." Net Lin lightly spit two words.
"Fatful madness is worthy of Lin Songjun." He said in a sullen manner, "Lin Songjun must be mad enough, arrogant, enough to be iron-hearted, otherwise how to talk about the way? Otherwise how to kill? Or how to swear?"
Jing Lin is looking at himself. He knew that the demon was chaosing his mind, but he could not stay out of it. He stared at himself so coldly, as if he saw it hundreds of years ago, he was such a madman.
Looking back is the shore.
That day the true Buddha said compassionately.
Jing Lin, turning back is the shore.
But what did Jing Lin say?
The demon raised his hand and pulled out the pharyngeal spring. He saw the cold front of the blunt sheath collecting the sound of the scorpion, and the general body of the mercury flowing in the dark room appeared in the dark room. He stepped onto the ranks, as if five hundred years ago, the net Lin drove the sword to the nine platform.
"Lin Songjun in the right way of Mingtang." The demon and the net Lin looked at each other. It seems that Jinglin himself asked himself, "How can I not keep the whole body?"
"The body is in the three realms." Jing Lin said, "Death is the place."
"The taste of the hand-edged father is really happy." He screamed at the sword. "That sword crossed the neck, and the old man’s head fell, and the blood was like a spring. That was the most loved brain under the sun, from mine. When the feet roll off the steps, the bones are muddy, and the common owners of the Three Realms will change others. I am holding the sword and guarding the road, killing the father and the animal, killing the father and the monarch, and destroying it all, how happy it is!"
Jinglin’s fingertips are getting tighter, the lip line is shrinking, and he still picks up smoothly:
Not bad.

"I am dead." The demon "啪" broke the blade, discarding his feet, and sneered condescendingly. "I have murdered countless people in my life, the most sinful and sinful, but when I look at me, I have to sneak and steal, and I am still dying." The reincarnation is wonderful, the arrogance of the heavens at that time, and the ghosts of today."
Jing Lin said: "Not bad."
The demon looked at the net, and the sneer was getting louder. He looked up at the darkness, and the thick fog gathered behind him behind the darkroom, clinging to the eyes of Jinglin and covering his face. He said: "Why didn't you die clean?"
"About the old debts have not been returned."
"How do you have a face to face?"
Jing Lin said: "There is something in my heart."
The demon is in the dense fog, like a slap in the face, like a dream. He swam in the ear of the net, and the fog had covered the whole body of the net, and even the five fingers could not be seen.
The demon whimpered and said: "Do you have a heart in your heart? No, you are Lin Songjun, you are the omnipotent Lin Songjun. You kill your hands and feet without blinking, you are not jealous, because you have no heart.

The net Lin is painful. He doesn't know where it hurts. He really has no heart. In such accusations, he never frowned.
The fog suddenly opened, and the mountains were covered with clouds. The nine-day gantry countertop welcomes all the guests, and the people gather together to watch a strong fight. But seeing the list of sons, each with a white robe and a silver crown, the imposing manners, but there is still a single knee under the prince, when standing up like a standout.
He turned and Jin Lin saw himself.
"On that day, you guarded the door, and there were no defeats in thirty-three games. You never let go of the crowd. You never look back, you must not know, we stood in the back for the same time, but even the father couldn’t ask for help. He held it. Your arm, personally wear a crown for you, and even sigh in the nine-day door no one else. Your net Lin is the sword of the nine-day gate, the face of the nine-day gate, then what are we?" The demon ridiculed himself, "You see us like Seeing the mud, seeing the grass, you look down on the brothers and sisters, do you think we can afford you?"
Net Lin suspected that somewhere she had been smashed, was stirring the meat, sticking the skin, and bleeding outside.
"No problem," he murmured.
"You have always been superior." The demon said, "Do you think that you are in your body? When you send me on the road, you don't even want to take it with you. If you are such a person, how can you call yourself a "dao"?"
"I kill you." Jing Lin said, "Nothing wrong."
The demon immediately smiles: "You are right, how can you admit your mistakes? Even if you are the most embarrassing person in the world, you can look like a person. Funny, ridiculous! You are blinded, do you think you are human?" Lower the temperature and cut the tooth. "You don't understand at all. Ordinary people don't know people. They want to kill their fathers. Everyone has blood and flesh. Ordinary people can't cast swords. You are a demon, you yourself? You are a What? Why don’t you drink your sword!

The net Lin does not move like a mountain. He said: "How do you like, ordinary people can win women, plunder people, kill people?"
The demon said: "The weak meat is strong, and they should be treated!"
Net Lin turned around and calmed down: "Since the weak meat is strong, I am killing you without errors."
The devil giggled in the throat, he said: "You have a sigh in your heart, oh yeah - you see, you can't help but die, is it a weak meat?"
The demon melted away and the surroundings darkened. The net Lin Khan had already smashed his clothes. He heard the sudden whispering of the child on the left. The girl cried and cried: "Jiu Ge, Jiu Ge! Yao Er is sore... Nine brothers!"
The palm of Jing Lin was tight, and even the nails were broken. A word in his throat could not be spit out, as if he was soaked in the fire, soaked in the ice, and he was shaking.
The girl squatted in the black fog, no legs, and it hurts to roll. The fog was like a raging fire, and she burned her voice. The liver and gallbladder shouted: "Nine brothers... Jiu Ge rescue me..."
Net Lin took a step closer, his teeth slammed, and even the blue veins were exposed.
Suddenly, a young boy was vacated on the right side, and the young man was not seen. He looked at Jinglin with horror. He shook his head and whimpered: "Nine brothers, nine brothers don't kill me! Nine brothers... I beg you! I know the wrong, I know it wrong!"
The net Lin wolf stopped and looked back.
The young man cried and his face was crumpled. He was hoarse and sulking, holding the legs of Jinglin, and pleading with his head: "Nine brothers! I will not commit any more! I beg you, beg you..."
The girls also climbed over, and they took the clothes of the net, like pulling the straw. The net Lin did not move, the boy first uttered a very painful shout, and the chest was bloody.
"Nine brothers... don't kill me..." The young man sank in the ground, licking the shoes of Jinglin, slipping out a few blood marks, he was eventually swallowed, and he saw the grievous eyes chasing Jinglin before the end. Scorn and hate.
The girl was also attached to the ground, and the clothes were still licking the clothes of the net, but they were already mad.
The net Lin throat finally overflowed, and he wanted to hold something, but there was no one around. Suddenly behind the footsteps, Jing Lin looked back again and saw Li Wei looking at him in a wrong way. Pure Lin is like boiling at this moment, because it is this moment, he and Li Wei brothers turned against each other until he died, never once again called a brother with Li Wei.
Li Wei said: "I have to check it out, and I will bring it back."
He loosened his palm and the dragon scale fell. The net Lin stepped back and the bleeding between the teeth was bleeding.
Li Wei said: "It’s too late for you to come. It’s over, is it good? Don’t do it again in the future, the brothers can do it for you, that’s all.
He crossed,
Qing Lin ......"
Jing Lin suddenly stunned: "Get out!"
Everything dissipated, and the demon blew in the wind. He laughed and said: "You are not greedy? You think you can save it. You laugh at both ends. No one can save it! Lin Songjun, you have not saved. !"
"You it!" The net lingering Linghai rushed to the aura, and when he made a slogan, he saw that the original empty place had a speeding rush, and a mottled old sword covered the blood.
The bells "Dangdang", the bells in Kyoto undulate together, forming a ringtone.
The evil spirits are in the shape of a mist, and they are actually teenagers who are crying for help. He is like a paper, laughing like a smile: "With your waste, do you want to fix me a life and death? Net Lin! You know that you are a sword, let me fall into the blood, and suffer from the magic The pain of the heart! I hate every day and every day! I suffer from all kinds of pains! It is for a day of revenge!"
"Hate." Net Lin teeth bite the word, his eyes are like frost, "Who is dare to say hate to me under this day!"
The demon's hand was drawn in the air, and I saw a sword that looked like a pharynx. He sighed with arrogance and slammed his voice, saying: "I will swallow the city of the mountains and the people will be swallowing up, and I will swallow the half-sacred body. Even if Li Lan comes tonight, I can retreat!"
The dark room blew open, and the old emperor coughed blood into the sputum, and saw the green awning, and the Tianhe reversal. The demon holds a long sword and flashes to the front of the net. Jianfeng "砰" hit, the net Lin is clearly unarmed, but sees the demon's sword blocked halfway, the wind winds with the blue light brakes cover the two.
"I hold the pharynx!" The demon sword is like a rain, and the net Lin is tearing. He snoring, "I have learned the sword, I have already imitation of you! This world will be without you, since I have a replacement!"
Sparks rubbed, and the net lining slipped a few inches in the hurricane of the evil demon, and the demon came up: "I want the name of Lin Songjun to become more dirty! More evil! Not only do I hate you, but the world hates you. You!" He laughed madly, "Net Lin! Killing thousands of people is you, destroying Tianliang is you! You it!"
Jing Lin looked at him from the sword and said: "The nameless iron is not worthy."
The two were steeply divided and slammed into one place. The demon scorpion apocalypse, only see the night wind, the clouds are clustered, thunder and thunder. The net Lin lost to the Linghai, but it was able to mobilize the force, and the palms were scraped off the red line and smashed the blood.
The sky has changed, this devil is not bad, he first swallowed the mountains and tens of thousands of people, and also steals the goddess of the goddess of the gods, and the blood sea magic wave washing, that is, drunk mountains can not stop.
The net Lin robes rose, and he tried his best to listen to the ringing of the swords in the Linghai, and set up half of the swords in the palm of his hand. The pharynx sword that once smashed the heavens and the earth is now with its master, and the edge of the blade is continuous, and it is impossible to break it!
The demon in the palm of his hand, said: "Yunsheng should thank me! You are alive, he is sleepless! I am going to see you on the head and see him now, but not all happy!"
The net lining power swings the sword, and only sees the sword and the wind sweeping. The demon has raised his arm and resounded as the cat painted the tiger. The wind is raging, and the blade is slashing.
Jinglin has already grasped the sword that comes out of the way. When the broken old sword falls to the palm of his hand, he will be magnificent. Even though the difference between the spirits and the sea is great, it is still as strong as the meteorite.
Jing Lin gently, sighed.
The ground that followed the palace was suddenly overturned, and the blood and water were mixed with wet sweat and splashed on the back of Jinglin's hand, and a vast force poured into the arm. The net Lin Linghai slammed up, and the blood rust of the pharynx rushed for a moment, and the cold stalks suddenly smashed, and between the thunder and the thunder, a sword and mans carried the waves. The demon's sword was arrogant and suddenly broke. In particular, the sudden changes in the nebula, the wind and the waves, this sword is like a thousand troops, and it is flat.
The pharynx is out of the sheath, and the ghosts are stunned!
The demon screams, the wind cuts the whole body, and the blood is blooming. He snorted and the sword in his palm was broken into powder and scattered in the wind. The net liters of the cheeks were bloody, and he gasped and swelled.
The pharynx dissipated, and the net Lin shook a few steps, and fixedly looked at it.
The sky was a bit sullen in the cold eyes, but he saw such a net Lin for the first time, so that his eyes were full of sorrows, and he was surprised by the pure Lin.
Net Lin dripped blood between the fingers, and the hand of the sky slipped from his arm to his palm and lifted to the lips, not wasting. The blood rushed into the chest, turned into a soft, hot and smashed his arm and hugged him.
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