Chapter 69: .Yama

Huangquan Road paved with flowers on the other side, and the slabs lingered in the lush red waves. Here, the sky is dark and dark, and the mists are piled up. Hearing the ghosts, the chains that have come back from Zhongdu to come back are "squeaky". Numerous dead souls wearing shackles walked along the road, crying and whimpering, like a torrent of rain and rain around the ears. The flowers are stacked in a watchtower. Every ten steps, a ghost will be guarded, and the chains will be involved in the net, leaving the souls of the road to nowhere to escape.
If the net face is thin, there is no breath. He held the stick in one hand and tied the chain with one hand, locking the sky with the soul. The face of the sky is wearing a mask, walking slowly, looking forward to the movement and looking at it.
"This place is well picked." Cangwu slightly bent his upper body and said in the eyes of Jinglin. "After coming down, it was deeply gully. Both sides are the millennium stone that supports the middle of the world. Only Huahai can go back and forth smoothly. The ordinary people are down, and they are afraid that they will never go up again."
"Life and death have already ended before the checkpoint. Ordinary people have come here, they are already dead. Going forward half an hour, it is away from the mouth of the mouth." Net Lin slammed him back with his elbow, "Your yang leaks." It is."
The sky pushed the mask and asked: "How do you wear masks to cover the dead souls? If you catch the wrong person, you can't detect it."
"The details of the life record are recorded. Before the ghosts take the person, they must first verify the body." Jing Lin said, "There was no mask before, but the former prince was screaming, and the new one was afraid to meet the miserable. The ghost will faint, and the mask will be given when the ghost is in the air."
The sky said: "The world laughs and talks, when the king of the king is afraid of ghosts. How is he, how is he the king?"
"Because he loves to eat, he was originally closed under the wall of Huangquan. When he woke up, his hunger was hard to bear, and he smelled the smoke from the fire. He swallowed the soul of Huangquan, and even the king of the palace ate half." Turning to think of something, turn around and warn the sky, "carefully cautious."
The sky asked strangely: "But is it not a dragon that can swallow everything in the world? How can he do it?"
"He just swallowed the abdomen." Jing Lin said, "After finding something you can eat, you will spit out the dead soul together with the king."
The poor old king has been diligent and diligent. Since Huang Quan’s system, he has been boring his head from the ghosts. He has worked hard all the way, and he has done nearly a thousand years of promotion. He finally got a nine-day promotion and was able to serve as the king. Who knows that if he hasn't been doing it for a few hundred years, he will be swallowed into the abdomen with no brains, wrapped in saliva and vomited. For a time, it is difficult for himself, and he will go away with grief and indignation. In the nine days of the scene, no one is willing to descend on the expensive, one to two, then the punishment of the swallowing and spit the monster sitting in the town of Huangquan, became the new king.
Cangwu touched his throat and thought: "In one breath, you can swallow away 43,000 dead souls. What is this person's original body? It has such a big appetite."
Jing Lin said: "He was very fierce in his original body. He was a guardian of the original stone statue from Jin Te. You will be afraid of seeing him."
Cangwu asked: "Is it more fierce than me?"
The net Lin dagger, the sky will become more curious. The two of them followed the dead soul and walked for a long while, listening to the sound of the rapid flow of the river, and the sky finally saw the whole picture from the Jindukou.
The other side of the flower wave swaying, I saw a city wall smashed in the fog and red mans. The river passes through the whole city, the boat and the train horse, and the lanterns of various colors are hanged in a complex manner, shrouded in the top of the thousands of dead souls, just like the vast expanse of the stars. The Linhe Pavilion is hung with a small curtain of beads and jade. The souls of the dead in the market are surging, and the boat that can cross the soul to the palace of the king is narrow and narrow, and two columns of ghost arms are famous, calling one to go. However, tens of thousands of dead souls have been hoisted here. According to this speed, it is not enough to call for five hundred years.
The sky turned and saw a stone sculpture standing tall in the city. The stone carvings were placed on the forelimbs of the forelimbs. The hind legs are bent, and the chest is raised, and the side of the beastly beast is looking into the distance. It must be the original king of the net.
Under his body and posture, the sky can not help but feel good. He used his chest to reach the net, and he bowed his teeth.
"Is it a beggar?!"
The sky was smashed by Net Lin, and he refused to believe in his casual words. He only held this person tightly in his hand and walked side by side with him.
"There are so many people here." The sky raised his hand and pushed up the mask. "And odorless traction, how do we find the Millennium?"
"The millennium must find the left clear, only to stay at the ferry." Net Lin snorted and took the sky.
The ferry rushed to the dragon to grow up, and the singer’s ghost was dry and smashed down and smashed the bowl of water. When he sat down, he smelled the strong meat. He turned to see the two people sitting on the stalls. One of them opened the oil paper, and the braised meat and flowers spread on the table, which led to the death of the half-street. It’s just that one of them is afraid to dress up and not dare to go forward.
The ghost difference was screamed by this taste. He has been a ferry class in recent days and has not been to the middle of the crossing for a long time. Now I took a few copper beads out of my sleeve and got up and got behind them.
"Is the man coming back from above? Smell this smell, it is the marinated beef of Kyoto Wanfuzhai!" he muttered. "I want to double the price, can the man cut love?"
Net Lin chopsticks a meal, said: "A dish of beef, it is worth a few dollars. If Xiongtai does not disappoint, just sit down and use it together."
Ghosts screamed and the robes sat down. Cangwu handed him a pair of chopsticks. He looked at the two men and said, "Thank you! Look at the dude, do you have a bad job?"
"Yeah." Jing Lin said, "The first difference, many accidents, can bring people back, it is not easy."
Ghosts bury themselves in the air, and they laughed a few times. They said, "You brothers are only bad, I don’t know if this Huangquan is a poor job, or a good soul."
"Oh?" Jing Lin will be open-minded and ask, "How can I say this? I see your brother, you are the name of the ferry, you don't have to be tired of running."
"Early, although the soul is constantly changing, there are fewer restrictions. What is the name of the singer worthy of admiration? I have not met a few people all day, but I have to listen to the complaints from the people of Tianjin." The ghost sighed and said, "Nine days of neglect of greetings, the prince of the prince will be more lazy, you see this away from Tianjin, and if you continue in the past, you will be a disaster."
"What are you busy with?" Cangwu played with chopsticks and said, "I am dead late, I still want to reincarnate soon."
"Oh." Ghosts laughed. "You are still anxious to reincarnate. You must know that once you have passed this river, you can't remember this world. If you have any important people, you have to forget."
"This world has encountered people who are worried." Cangqi pinched the fingertips of Jinglin, "forgot the best."
The net face is not changed, just ask: "Is the prince ignoring the case?"
"Brothers, you just came back, so I don't know. In recent days, the prince is close to the prince, and he is about to marry a fox. He spends all his time on the wine, and there is time to pay attention to the case."
The sky and the net Lin are relatively glanced at the same voice: "Fox?"
"Not bad." Ghost said, "It is a broken white fox. This white fox used to hang around the ferry, looking for someone who was recruited by the king of the king and then recruited in the temple, but he was confused by his appearance. I want to marry someone. But the white fox is a male, and I would rather die."
"Is the king mad at heart?" Cang said, "This fox has already been!"
"Do you have anyone in the palace, unless the king opens, or who can escape?" Ghosts and chopsticks, got up and made a sigh, said with a smile, "Thank you brothers! I am in this ferry, If there is anything in the future, come to me. I am famous for Fengchun."
After talking about the ghosts, he turned and left, and Lin Lin looked at him more and more. Seeing his extraordinary temperament, he was not like ordinary ghosts.
"Where is the king's palace?" The sky has long been intolerant, and he has to get up. "The millennium cannot be lost."
"When the king's palace is separated from the sky, it is necessary to cross the mountain and get lost in the mountains." Jing Lin indicated that he was not safe, saying, "He must follow the number of rituals when he wants to swear. The eve of the wedding will stop at Jinyi. Sud, the next day can be counted back by the Yuwang Ferry. We only sent it away from the Jinshu."
The sky and the net Lin rested in Tianjin, there is no day and no moon here. After about two days of hard work, I finally saw the ferry with a lantern and the red silk in the city.
Looking at the window, he asked: "How do the ghosts in the city cry?"
"Touching the scenery, touching the eyes and hurting." Jing Lin said, "They stayed here for a long time, the old dreams of the past are vivid, and they can't forget and can't go back."
"People in this world, the things that are unsatisfactory occupy more than half." Cang said, "What is worth crying."
"Although there are ten or nine things that are unsatisfactory, there is still one that is full of happiness. For this one, bitterness is also willing."
The sky said: "It’s too bitter, sweetness can’t taste it.

Between the two people's words, Cangwu suddenly saw more than a dozen ghosts smashing the big red car squatting and tying the chain, and is dying to forget the river. He suddenly got up and took the net.
The ghosts screamed at the sedan, and the ferry stunned the lime. See that the car is decorated with a circle of lanterns, the doors and windows are nailed to death, the inside is black and lacquered, and the shadows are not clear. When the ghosts fell off the sedan, they stepped back. On the ground, a strong giant bull was lifted, and the back chain of the cow was dropped. It dragged the car forward. Then the river dough vacated the fangs, like a black cloud, surrounded by a car, not allowed to approach one step. Sitting on the sedan, one person, wearing a hat, a mouth, and a whip.
Jing Lin said: "That is the king of the king."
"It is him." The sky was propped up, and the face under the armpits was red and white. "Looking younger than me."
"He is already 1400 years old." Jing Lin said, "It seems that he is paying extra attention to the Millennium. Even this road is not willing to borrow the hand of others."
"It's a pity that he is late." Cang said, "There are people in the heart, how can he have his place?"
Jing Lin headed and said, "Do you know thousands of things like this?"
"Yeah, see him clever and soft, very cute." Cangwu shoulders, "But he is a man, I have to ask him for many things."
Jing Lin did not make a sound, listening to the next side, Luo has stepped on the crossbar to get up. He held the car in one hand and raised the batter in one hand. He rushed and said, "I want to kiss my grandfather tomorrow! I am going to eat wine from the Jinwan ghosts. The banquet is set on 100,000 tables. All of them are guests! You all have Have to drink! Give me a happy day!"
The birds are humming, the giant bulls are ploughing their feet, and they are only three times away from Jincheng. At the end, Ju Luo threw the whip down the sedan and leaned against the window and said to the millennium: "Heart and heart, afternight, you and I are husband and wife. The things that promised you in the last few days will not count! The husband and wife are the same." Is it unreasonable to shut me out?"
Thousands of fists slammed on the window sill, and the cold said: "I have a husband!"
"Isn't it dead?" Luo Luo spit on the grass branches. "It is a short-lived ghost to write clearly on human life. Don't worry, I can live for thousands of years, can grow old with you, and have more time than mortals. ""
"Let me go out!" Millennium looked at him from the crack and said it over and over again, "I have a husband."
Luo Luo kicked the kicker and said, "I don't look as good as he looks? Is it better for him to be better than him? He can give it to you, I can give it all. Hugh said a few sheets of paper, a few poems, It’s half of the yellow spring, I can give it to you. I’m so bitter and painful for hundreds of years, and I’m moving this deep affection to me. Can you not be happy?

"You don't understand this world love word at all." Millennial heads arrived at the window, don't open your face, "...I don't want anything else, I just left Zuo Lang!"
Luo Luo said to him: "You are so beautiful, compared to the nine heavens, only Dongjun and Lin Songjun can control you. I love your color, I really want to be with you, how can you not? ?"
Millenium knows that he does not understand at all, only said: "If you really love the color, why not Dong Jun?"
"Dongjun's skin is bright, but the truth is fierce. Moreover, he is a evil demon. With him, I am panicked. However," Luo Luo laughed. "A few hundred years ago, Lin Songjun once hanged in the clouds." Listening to everyone, the side is ashamed of the heavens and the earth, and even the goddess of the music also wants to avoid. After Lin Songjun was listed as a god, the first color of the heavens and the earth will no longer see people. I don’t want you to say, When Song Jun was not dead, I made up my mind to marry him."
The sky was still able to listen to it. When I heard this sentence, the window under the hand was smashed.
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