Chapter 78: Stone essence

This is the gathering of the three parties, but the three are all bored. Suining and Dongjun are also two-faced and disgusting. They are welcoming in front of the West Road. The two are not smiling.
"Who am I? It was originally the Suining sage of the East Hehewei. How did you blink your father and call him here?" Dong Jun folded his palm and said it to himself. "Think of it - it is not good. It is now in the west." How is it going to live? If I know you are next time, I will not come."
"Although my strength is thin, I am willing to do my utmost to help the great cause become a good thing. It is no better than a leisurely, no-life person." Yan Ning did not look at him, saying, "The four parties are mourning all over the country, and Dongjun wine enjoys it. Stand alone and be very chic."
"That is natural." Dongjun said coolly, "It’s not my family, my heart will be different. I am a demon, seeing people die, naturally I am happy, I want to drink."
The two of them did not have any intersections. It was only that Dong Jun’s prime was very convincing. He also let go of the waves, often drinking alcohol and ignoring personnel. He was regarded as the number one candidate for good and evil, and he repeatedly made a number of attacks.
Suining did not want to fight with him, but turned around and found that the pure Lin is still missing.
"You don't have to find it." Dong Jun said, "It is his responsibility to count the body."
Jinglin and the Cangwu walk side by side. At this time, it is rising in the rising sun. The city that was dark and unclear last night has been exposed to the sun.
Jing Lin said: "I was lucky enough to ask my brother last night to save the people in this city."
"I just push the boat, the key is still you." Cangwu crossed the body and said, "How do you deal with the corpse in this city?"
Jing Lin looked at it, all dead. Some pile up in a pile, and when it is soaked in water, it smells bad. He said: "Burn it off. The evil spirits stay in the air. If you build it for a long time, it will cause the disease."
"Most of them have been discolored, and counting is not an easy task." The pale face of the sky is white, and it seems that they are not used to these scenes.
Jing Lin handed over the Pa, and the sky covered his nose and mouth. He is not afraid, but because the sense of smell is too allergic, but it can't be used as usual. This cotton pad has a normal texture, but because it has been with the net for too long, it has a taste of refreshing and refreshing, and it is also the taste of pure Lin. The little finger of the sky was slightly bent. He pressed the pa. He coughed a little.
Net Lin did not look at the difference, only said: "It is not easy, time-consuming and labor-intensive."
In the middle of the sky, he found something in the middle of the park. He didn't move. He said, "That will start from here, and there are many children."
The two of them said that they were going down, and the net Lin turned over the child who was lying on the ground. When the child was soaked in the water for a long time, it was already beyond recognition, but the exposed hands and feet were thin and thin, like a dead wood. Jing Lin thought that he was killed by the evil spirits, who knows that there is no trace of biting.
"How can I not see the blood." The sky said that it was against the child's head and revealed his neck. "It turned out to be clean."
The body of the corpse opened a round mouth, and the wound was red and wrinkled. It still seemed to be burned by fire.
"Not being bitten to death." Jing Lin and the sky looked at him, his heart suddenly sinking, inexplicably somewhat uneasy. He took all the clothes in the hands and feet of the child, and saw the inside of the two wrists of the body, and the two ankles were all cut out, and the blood of the body was left unattended.
"There are no monsters that eat human blood in the south." The sky looked at the wound and said, "Seeing this scar, it seems to be the mouth of a very thin blade. You can cross the middle of the crossing, can you recognize who will use such a knife?"

"Unheard of it." Jing Lin said, "The thin blade is not good for Li Feng, and it is difficult to win in a narrow road, unless the thin-blade person is extraordinary, can be soft and flexible, and operate freely."
"I know one," said the sky. "There is a bird in the north that is called a colorful bird. When it is feathered, it can be as thin as a wing, sharp and unobstructed. It’s just that the bird is covered with feathers, so the individual scratches are Not there ever."
Jinglin stepped back and found several bodies along the way. The strange thing is that all adult bodies have traces of biting, but only children do not see bite marks.
"Even the demon does not eat." Net Lin was blown by the wind without any sound, and he said, "Is it man-made."
"Ordinary people have no such deterrent even if they have such good craftsmanship." The sky released the pa, saying, "There is one thing I have not understood since last night."
"What is it?"
"I have heard that the disciples who have been sent out of the nine-day gate are all masters who have been trained to be stable and have achieved a small success." In front of Jinglin, the sky was dark and deep. "Five hundred people are divided into three towns in seven towns, and then they are in danger." The situation can also be kept for a few days, and it will be overwhelmed by the whole army."
Net Lin looked at him for a moment and said: "You seem to know about Jiutianmen."
"This is nature." The sky said with a little regret, "I used to want to report to the nine-day gate, but unfortunately the talent is not enough, and I was turned away. Moreover, nowadays, Jiutianmen is the head of the parties, and every move is highly regarded. People who want to know it, are they afraid to ask for it?"
Jinglin heard this, but had another idea. He felt that there seemed to be a reminder in the words of the sky, that he might open the mouth, and it seems that this is just the unintentional words of the sky, because his look is too frank, and he calls the net Lin to temptation.
Jinglin removed his gaze: "There is a lot of doubts about this matter. You have to ask for it."
Hui Yu double-eyed gauze, sitting on the edge of the bed in a stern manner. He did not hear the voice of Lin Lin for a long time, and could not help but secretly screamed and called "Jun Shang".
Net Lin sat by the window, and the sky did not follow. Because he was an "ordinary businessman", he could not participate in the nine-day door, and he found an early escape.
In the heart of Lin Lin’s thoughts, the mouth is still cold, just ask him:
You will count on these days.

"The night is dark and the black wind is high. In order to avoid evil spirits, the city is not allowed to light after entering the night. Therefore, there are black spots everywhere, and the fingers are not seen. The scouts are searching for blood waves, and they will not return until the night. The guards will expect the blood to come. Therefore, I waited for a night to set a curse and strengthen the alert. Just staying late at night, I once watched the wall and saw the blood and the sea flow to the left, just avoiding the town and escaping. The guard will be vigilant. I didn’t dare to relax, I waited until the night to guard the city wall, and there was never a demon close. This kept for three days. In the morning of the morning, I heard that the North Gate had been broken, and I saw the seas rushing in, and the fog was fascinating. Into, the charm of the defending city did not work, and there were countless deaths and injuries in the blink of an eye."
"Nine-day gates hold the word 'liver and gallbladder' with the main entrance wind, and all the disciples will be escaping from the escaping, all of them will face the wall to block the blood." Hui 桉 voice is dumb, "most of the dead, seeing the city has been Flooded, the squad will ignite the beacon tower, but see the north line is flooded, even the fog can not break through, it is known that the seven-star town and the twin city outside the hundred miles will also suffer this, so I sent me to rush to go to the news. I dare to deceive the monarch. Before I could see what I was doing, I couldn’t do anything but raise my hand, but I could only distinguish it with a pair of eagle eyes. In the fog, I can only identify the way.
"So I went to the horse alone, wearing fog and rushing to Qixing Town. But on the king, for a long time, although the demon is deceitful, it is used to loner, even if there are companions, it is only three or four. But I am running this time. On the way to the horse, when I saw the fog of the sea, they gathered together into a group and mixed into groups. I was chased by greed, the arrow was broken, and my eyes were hurt by the fog. Fortunately, the guards of Qixing Town were saved. I also suffered from the sea, and I am preparing to send the horse to the south and send us news!"
At the same time, the two sides were attacked. It is no wonder that the lack of support was due to the fact that there was no rescue, and they were caught in the blood, and there was nowhere to pass the fire. The horse could not catch up.
"When you go to Qixing Town." Jing Lin asked, "Is it dead?"
"My eyes have been lost, I can't see. But I heard that the seven-star garrison said that this rush has been attacked, perhaps not by chance." Hui 桉 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静
静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静 静Except for the people who are running away from the devil, it is better to understand that the attack is more strange than the others. The past is a demon invasion, blood and sea again, when there is a sea thing. I suspect that there must be a reason, If there is a corpse in the city, it will not be strange to see the seas. But in a good town, we have our guards, how can we have dead bodies?"
After a long time, Jinglin said: "You still have a rest, this matter is left to me."
Jing Lin came out of Hui's door, and saw that Cangwu and Suining stood far and talked. There was something in his heart, and he was not in the same position as Suining. He only beheaded him. Both of them even owe their face to the cold.
If you don’t want to talk about it, you will go with Jinglin and say,
Can you ask what you want to know?

Jing Lin said: "It is still confusing."
"I just wandered around in the city, and when I came out, I met the sage and got something new."
Jing Lin side: "What?"
Cangwu asked: "Do you have a sister?"
"There is one." Jing Lin said, "I am young and sick, and I live in the mountains all the year round. I have never been to the world."
"So saying that nine days are very precious love."
"Nature." Net Lin thought about it and said, "Even if there is no brother, there is no love for her."
"No wonder," said the sky.
"No wonder?" Jing Lin looked at him.
"I heard that Jiu Tianjun recruited children of all ages from all over the country and wanted to set up a private school for nine days. In this way, you can be accompanied by your sister, and you can also get a good seed for the nine-day gate." If the sky is not scared, say, "no father." Homelessness is preferred."
Jing Lin seems to hear something, and he is connected.
At night, the sky and the net Lin live next door. He spread the lining of the lining in the light of the light, and saw a bead in the back. Nothing else, it was the Buddha beads when Nanchan talked about it. I didn’t want to leave the net Lin, but I also took it in Parry.
The sky turns to the beads, the van Gogh has long since disappeared, and the rest are pure Lin. This taste has been lingering around the tip of the nose since half a month ago, so that he can't avoid it.
The window slammed open and a fox head came out. Hua Chang only squeezed into the head and whispered: "The master pulls me!"
The sky does not move, saying: "You can leave when you pass the words, you don't have to come in."
Hua Chang only had her front paws slamming the window, her tail shaking outside, she said: "Sister asked, when are you going back!"
"It depends on God's will." The coffin detained the beads and said, "Is the nine-day gate sent people recently?"
"There is a stinky boy." Hua Chang said, "For the sake of blasphemy, Zhang Zhang! He wants us to retreat to Baili and give him a city!"
"You ask him first." The sky was so fierce. "Is the debt paid?"
Hua Chang said: "And ah, my sister recently received an apprentice, talent is different, qualification is unparalleled, but unfortunately it is a mortal, or a dumbfounded kid. Can you raise it? If it is, it will stay."
"It seems that you like it too much," said the sky.
"I don't like mortals!" Hua Chang swayed her eyes against the window, squeezing hard, but suddenly screamed.
"Someone caught my tail!" Hua Chang was shocked and looked back in confusion, then shouted, "It's a stone!"
The sky immediately knocked over the candlelight and rolled to the ground, motionless, as if it were fainting.
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