Chapter 85: Bad species

Jing Lin did not know what this "bad" was. He did not rush to answer, but solemnly said: "My family, my brother does not have to care."
The sky can't help but turn his eyes and say: "People say you want to bully you, how can you agree so easily."
"Brothers can make a profit and break the gold." Jing Lin said to look at the abdomen of the sky, "does it disappear?"
"This is no big problem." Cang said, "I was scared of heart disease by the sea. When I saw you, I was cured."
"Unfortunately, I can't take you out." Jing Lin took the porcelain bottle back into his sleeve and said, "If it is someone's stomach, how can we get around?"
"Evil spirits are prone to heart failure, staying here for a long time, may be illusory, and naturally discerning the direction." The sky was awkward, I felt better, and continued, "If I say something nonsense later." It must have been blinded by evil spirits. You only have to poke me."
Jing Lin said: "I have written down, but what if I am caught in it?"
"You won't." Cangwu got up. "Besides the demon martial art has broken the dilemma, Hugh said that the demon, that is, the blood sea will also let you three points. In addition, your heart is firm, this is not easy to be affected by heartache. We are running On the day of the city, I saw the corpse in the city is weird, and now I am looking at it here. It is better to check the Qixing Town and hope to find some clues."
The two of them went into the town together, and Lin Lin took the pharynx and the blood fog also avoided three feet. The sky is cheap, and the soreness in the abdomen gradually dissipates. He knows that it is the pure aura of the net, and it is a treasure.
Qixing Town was originally along the Yangtze River, although the port was not as grand as the Xuanyang City, but it was also small. Now it has been buried in the yellow sand, broken broken rods everywhere. The Xijiang water smells unspeakable, and the body is torn like a shard, drifting on the river. Jing Lin picked up a collapsed house and glimpsed the corpses inside. They were all stacked on top of each other. It should be a person who was mad at the sea and was trampled to death.
"When I was in the north, I also saw the sea attacking the city." The scorpion smashed the rotted body and said, "The greed will come out, even the animals will not let go. However, in the south, it is repeated. Seeing the demon abandoning the dead and not eating, the fall is very different."
"Not only in the north." Jing Lin looked at the body and said, "When the east fell first, I rushed to the front, seeing the tide, and the devil eats everything."
"Children in the city don't eat, and now people who are still dead in the seven-star town do not eat." The sky is sinking. "Is it because they are only messing up, not eating people?"
"If this is the case." Jing Lin and his eyes, "...the evil devil is no longer just for the appetite, but for the siege. They not only flocked in groups, but also realized the art of war?"
"If he is a person, many problems will be solved." Cang said, "You can't take a partial view and look elsewhere."
The two of them moved to the town again and watched various bodies on the waste street. Many of the bodies have long been separated, and the devil's bite marks can be seen from the tears, but the strange thing is that few are eaten. The corpse should not be placed in the blood sea immersion for a long time, and more of it has been turned into a pool of blood and blood, and even the bones show signs of erosion.
"I understand." Cangwu stood in the corpse and suddenly said to Jing Lin, "In addition to the role of the demon in the city, it is perhaps to feed the blood. You see this place, most people are thrown to the ground after their death, the demon Neither eat nor let, but let the flesh melt in the blood. If he is a human, he will not do it for no reason."
"But when people enter the blood, it is difficult to survive." Jing Lin looked around and said, "The blood is suffocating, and ordinary people will die."
"Who said this?"
Jing Lin said: "See you with your own eyes."
"So how do some people who are cultivated enter?"
When the sky was said to give up the half body, Jing Lin only saw a white robe behind him. There are quite a few disciples who have been buried here in this place. This one has no bones, and even the robe has been eroded by half. Only one broken sword is placed on the side. Jiansui and the listings flutter in the wind, but the sword body does not stand.
Jinglin approached and leaned over to pick up the listing. This card is hollow and light, with the name and cultivation of the nine-day disciple engraved on it. He erased the dust from the board and gradually saw the words under his finger.
"Gathering the spirit." Cangwu read and repaired, saying, "He has been cultivated into the Linghai, and then sees his remnant sword and snow, and he has stood still for so long, and he must not be underestimated. This kind of person, despite entering Bloody seas, but also self-protection. Why did Jiutianmen refuse to enter the sea?"
"At the beginning of the sea, the disciples had sent in-depth disciples in the door, but all of them were missing." Jing Lin said, "The seas invaded the towns, and they knew that there were countless demons. Even the ordinary disciples could survive the fog. It is also impossible to support under the evil devil for too long. Over time, there will be a ban on entry. Although the order is said, the border towns are often attacked, and the disciples can not abandon the city and abandon the people. Unwritten rules. Wherever the blood is submerged, there is no life."
"Because ordinary people, blood sea seems to prefer monks." The sky pulled out the remnant sword, and saw the word "hepatobiliary" engraved on the sword, and then dusted it, placed it in a white robe, pressed it. Under the stone.
Jinglin will be listed and said, "I have discussed with Dongjun to enter the sea. He also said that it is extremely dangerous here and people cannot survive."
"Dongjun." The sky slowly recited the name. "I watched him act all these years, often wandering inland, and refused to come to the sidelines and re-enter the blood. He is the most understandable person in the world. No one doubts?"
"On the contrary, he has always been skeptical." Jing Lin said, "He is in the door... it is similar to me. He often speaks a word, everyone is a brother, there is no one who is not ridiculed by him. He knows himself I am inconvenient, so I rarely go to the sideline. My father loves him."
"This is surprising." Cang said, "He is repenting of compassion in the side of Nanchan Lotus Pool. He did not become a monk. How did he enter the nine-day gate?"
"I heard that my father asked him to get started. He shouldn’t have it. Just when he went up the mountain, he saw the elephants playing with the Qing Dynasty, and he played with Qing Qing’s flowers. In the meantime, Qing Yao was innocent and had asked him two sentences."
"Qingyao asked him where the home is, staying to be my brother is good." Jing Lin said, "Dong Jun is a demon. There are no parents in this world, no brothers, but in a word between the child, I want to come and be lonely. After he gets started, everyone is intimate, and the words are difficult to distinguish, but they are really good for Qing Yao. Even if it is a father, I can’t compare it."
"Your brothers are all interesting." The sky smiled. "You said that he is similar to you. Is it similar?"
Jing Lin quieted and said: "Not flattering."
In the town, the yellow wind blew the robe, and the net Lin side was quiet and calm, and a few hairs floated. When he is angry, he can't see it on his face, his fingers won't move, his eyes won't change, but he can make the sky clear and clear.
The sky suddenly approached the net Lin, and it was almost rushed back.
"Let me know where I don't like it." The sky picked up the chin of Jinglin and raised the cockroach. He said in his mouth, "The eyes are bright, and the fog is like a cut of water. When you cry, cry... Have you ever?"
Jing Lin was still amazed and said: "No."
"That would make me take advantage of it." The lips smirked and the fingertips twirled in the corner of his eye. "When you cry, it is Tianshui Yingchi, and the beads are falling apart. This tofu is like..." The eyes of the sky are so heavy that the fingertips are on his cheeks. "...roll down, the net is in your brother's apex, with vinegar-like, sour and painful."
"Pain?" Net Lin tongue tip, I think his eyes look like an eagle predator, a wolf tail, a bit fierce.
The sky did not speak, he was trapped in the messy spring water, and felt his head sinking, letting it fall down and pulling the net Lin closer.
How come there are such nice things? However, he slaps the size, as long as he shows his original body, and he can blow this person against the net. However, the net Lin was so beautiful, the eyebrows were not cold, his heart, his soul. What is also reflected in this eye is not "Cao Cang", but a naked monster.
A demon, full of greed and greed.
The sky is breathing lightly, but his fingertips are adding gravity. There are thousands of ways in his mind that entangled in the pure Lin, but these thousands of ways have collapsed and shattered in the eyes of Jing Lin, becoming a treacherous and inevitable.
"No pain." The sky whispered a bit, "I feel very happy."
The lips are close and the nose is smelling.
He Lin knows that the water of Lin Lin and the Lin Lin of the Lin Lin can hold the waist even with his eyes closed, and he can provoke the body to tremble with a little force. His embarrassment is not enough. How dare he face this person? He is clearly trapped in the shackles of Net Lin!
The sky was enchantingly close, and he had to kiss the net, and suddenly reached the palm of his hand, and then he was poked on the waist.
Jing Lin face hot, violently step back, against him, said: "Evil people are heart-wrenching, you say nonsense!"
The sky was poked by this finger, and he licked his waist and gnawed his teeth: "...yeah!"
This fucking!
When Cangfu repented, his brain yelled and kicked, and he would poke him!
Jinglin was not light and heavy. When he saw his patience, he immediately said: "Can you still recognize who I am?"
The sky was poked out by the poke, and the sneer said, "Net Lin!"
Jinglin was suddenly named, and his waist was straight.
The sky went down, and the mute said, "I am going to die."
Net Lin decided to set the and said: "No, no."
The sound of the sky shivered: "The blood has a hand, and I have to rush my belt!"
"Blood?" Net Lin was shocked and immediately went to see, "I see..."
The sky lifted the palm of his hand and squatted in the back of the net. He slammed the man's body and crushed it on his lips, chasing the tip of his tongue. The net was smashed for a moment, and when he opened the sky, he sat down on the ground.
The net Lin was shocked, and it was not the same as lifting the hand. It was not rubbed. The mouth still contained some water, and it quickly turned red. He blinked slyly, seemingly did not understand, wanted to open his mouth, and was blocked by the numb tongue, even for a moment of breathing.
"This is a disturbance to the heart."
The thumb of the sky licked across the lips, staring at the net Lin in disgust, but smiled shortly.
"You want me to say this, but how can this be as you wish? Silly, I am like this. Do you think that the word "swinging" is for you to play?"
Jing Lin only understood what he said was "bad", and immediately raised his arms to cover his face, trying to wipe his lips. Unexpectedly, his wrists were pressed and pressed into the palm of his hand.
"Do not rub." The sky is deep and angry. "Otherwise, I will be moving today, and you will not find the North!"
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