Chapter 86: Abnormal

How does Jinglin expect the sky to be like this? He has cultivated his heart and does not have much to do with the brothers. Therefore, even the things of the wind and the moon are rarely heard, let alone be taught to "sway" like this. The palm of his hand hugged his wrist, and he was reddened in his wrist, but he couldn't say it was painful. It was just a mess, and it was already in chaos.
The sky was pulling people, knowing that this little fool was being stunned and dizzy, listening to what he said, and really did not dare to wipe it again. The sky was poked in his eyes, and he loosened his tone. He said, "I can't find the North to scare you. I don't make sense to bully you."
The net Lin lip line is close, and she wants to speak. She is also licked by the water that is contained in it. Instead, she swallows the body fluid.
When the sky was seen, the last conscience was also gone, and he said, "Okay, this is a slap in the face, you have to give your brother a chapter."
"How can this be done!" Jing Lin said shockedly.
"Then give it back to me." Cangwu handed over the hand of Jinglin, raised himself to pull himself, and said narrowly, "What are you swallowing? Give it to me, I don't say that. It is."
Net Lin's other hand quickly blocked his mouth and nose, for fear that he would come again. Jinglin’s chest is undulating, but he is speechless, and he can’t resist it. He can only insist on calmly saying:, don’t return it to you!

The sky said: "Your? Deceived ghosts are clearly left to me. You are a good man, and even my saliva should be occupied."
Net Lin was forced by him, never thought that there would be such a bad guy with black and white reversed!
The sky pushed his finger to the lips, and he slowed down the tone. He said, "How can I be so stingy when I am teasing you?" Jing Lin is already afraid of him, and the sky is not in a hurry. With the fingertips of Jinglin, he said, "Isn’t it just a heavy weight, is it broken?"
Net Lin shook his head hard.
The sky was worried and said: "I can't help it, let me know. If it breaks, I will lose it again."
Jing Lin saw his love and sincerity. The twilight of the past has faded, and it is generally the same as the ordinary "Cao Da Ge". He can't help but slightly remove the occluded hand and say, "This place is evil, you -"
The sky caught his hand, and he slammed his lips against his lips, and he was so helpless that he couldn’t get enough. The sky twisted his hands, pressed against his lower back, and the legs were clipped together, and the person was thoroughly caught in front of him, trapped between his arms and long legs.
"The so-called soldiers are not detestable." Cang said, "I have said my words, how can I get it so easily?"
Jinglin was kissed on the lips and smelled red and white. He even gnawed his teeth: "You yell at me!"
"When did I get over you?" The sky approached. "I said that if you kissed you, you will kiss you, where is it."
The voice of Jing Lin was rushing, and some shivered: "How can you do this! I am dedicated to you as my brother, you actually, when I was a cousin!"
When the sky was aware that he was shaking, he could not help but add a tone and said: "What nonsense, I am your cousin? Hey! I want to be with you!"
"you are not human!"
The sky was shouted like this by the head, and the net anger was not reduced. It was very serious. He reacted and said that he was not a mortal. He said, "I am not a human being. It is a bad embryo. Do you recognize it? ?"
The net Lin language is condensed, and eagerly said: "Nothing!"
The sky said: "Is that still boasting me?"
Net Lin has already collapsed into a military, and there is no way to fight back, and it has been suffocating, and even the white cheeks have fainted red. The pure intentions he had trained were all broken by the sky, leaving only two or three points to support.
The sky said: "I don't like to eat people. If you meet you, you will break your sex. If you don't kiss you, you will starve to death."
"Nonsense!" said Jing Lin, "again me!"
"Then you open me so well, you know if I have lied." The sky took his hand to the abdomen.
Jing Lin’s fingertips shrank, and he screamed:
You are still accumulating food!

The sky then laughed. He said, "What should I do? I will not be a brother again with me in the future?"
Jing Lin Shen Sheng: "There is no such brother."
"Good!" The sky suddenly smiled. "If this is the case, then I will clarify that, Lin Lin."
Jing Lin saw his solemn solemnity, thinking that he said something secret, or what is hard to say.
The sky said: "I have to look at you thousands of times a day. I want to think of you thousands of times in my heart, what kind of brothers, and tell me that my brother is aphrodisiac."
Jinglin first stayed for a while, and then even the back of the neck to the auricle was red. The words in his mouth rolled one after another, but eventually they became a paste, sticking together, sticking his tongue and not working, and his mind was faint. He felt that the surface was burning, and his heart burned. He burned the whole person's eyes in front of him, and the dilemma that he had crossed was upside down. He was stunned and planted on the chin.
The sky was slammed back, catching people, and then looking down, Jinglin was already dizzy.
Jing Lin still remembers the rumors that he got when he got started. He handed it to his fingertips and opened the words that read "Desperate Desire". He came out of the Vatican at that time, and made a new silver crown. The white robe was still a big circle, and the sleeves were dragged under the wrist to the ground.
He also spoke with some accents in the south. He was young and tender, licking his sleeves and running behind the brothers. He called Li Wei: "Brother!"
Li Weizheng and Yunsheng talked and laughed. Listening to this crisp and soft accent, they knew who it was, and immediately stopped and asked: "Net, is Lin Lin?"
Net Lin daggers, helped the crown, and spread his own donkey to Li Wei, saying: "What is this?"
Li Wei took a moment to look at it and smiled bitterly: "It is unexpected to fall to you. You will repair the magical sword. The rumors given by the father are these four words. You must remember."
Jing Lin asked: "What is the magic sword road?"
Li Wei said: "It is the way to break the temperament, to kill the devil who ordinary people can't kill, to marry people who can't be embarrassed by ordinary people. Don't be self-sufficient, the closer you become, the more selfless and fearless you are. It’s much easier to fix than others.

Net Lin was puzzled and said: "Why am I easier than others?"
Li Wei looked at him with a pity and never said bluntly. Tao Zhi, who came behind, sneaked out and blurted out: "Because you have no heart and soul! How can there be a spiritual sea, and you will first condense the truth. You have no heart! No heart!"
The courtyard was screaming for dinner, and the brothers smashed. The net Lin stood behind, folded the fold and spread it out. He was hot and sweaty by the hot sun on his head. His large robe was loose, and he was not comfortable walking on his body. His hands and feet were tied in a cage.
The net lining wiped the sweat, the eyelashes were soaked in sweat, and it was sour and awkward. He couldn’t help but rub his hand. A man sullen his head, and after a long while, he licked.
If you are an individual, you will have a heart and soul. How can you not have a net Lin? He is only a little more talented than others, and has a Buddhist relationship. When the Buddha has gone to the dust, his heart has already had a good and evil thought. They told him to break his temper, and to say that it was as easy as it would be a matter of course. But this is absolutely his human desire, and his acquisition is his temperament. He must temper this heart before he can cast it into iron. ruthless.
But he is an individual after all.
When the net Lin woke up, the sky was watching. He looked straight at the sky and suddenly looked up and said, "How long have I slept?"
"Three hours." The sky leaned against the window, and the outside had fallen into darkness, and even the stars could not be seen.
Jing Lin touched the belly and felt that Linghai was too calm, as if it had been comforted. The sky was bullied and pushed to his side, stretching his legs and saying, "I found one thing."
Jing Lin is still a bit embarrassed, and he hears him.
The sky did not look over, just said: "There are no children in Qixing Town, and there is no one."
"Listen to the meaning of Suining, as early as a few months ago, the door will be widely recruited by children. The children in this town may have already been sent away." Jing Lin said.
"There are still some left in the city, but all of the seven-star towns have been sent away?" Cang said, "There is no such thing under the sun."
Net Lin clears his mind and says, "What do the demons take away from the body of the child?"
"Children's death is strange." The fingertips of the sky banged on the knees. "There is a lot of fog here. I guess it is inseparable from the nine-day gate."
Jing Lin said: "Nature, this piece is within the jurisdiction of Jiutianmen."
"Nine days of gates have so many children, just to be private, I am afraid I can't stop it." Cang said, "Where are the extras gone?"
Jinglin thought about it and said: "In recent years, the disciples in the door have been sharply reduced, and it is urgent to expand the newcomers. If the qualifications are not enough, they can stay and do a sweep."
"No," Cang said. "I also know that Jiutianmen is concentrating on talents, but that is better. These children are only four or five years old, and even worse, they are even smaller.

"They." Jing Lin suddenly had a headache. He frowned and said, "...I have to go back to find out."
"I have some questions to ask you."
"But it's fine."
"乖净霖." Cangwu fingertips rubbed the beads, bluntly asked, "Have you never been a female color?"
Jing Lin remembered the incident before the fainting, and immediately warned: "Don't tell you."
Cang Xiao laughed: "God, I am so big, I still confessed to the first time."
"I am unstable and naturally dizzy." Jing Lin said.
"Don't you think of going elsewhere?" Cangjie blocked the road of Jinglin and trapped him in the bed. He said, "You are young and right, and the partiality puts me in my head and thinks about it." Just say it to me, isn’t it?

The faint feeling of Jing Lin appeared vaguely. He sipped a little sweat and said, "I didn't think about it."
"Don't you want to be happy with me?" The temptation in the sky, "I will be far more powerful than you, you don't want to learn at all? There are no others here."
"I don't want to be happy." Net Lin hugged his ears.
"Ah..." The sky whispered softly, and suddenly came to him, slamming into the air with his gap. "Speak not to be happy, blushing?"
Jing Lin was blown by him and he was beaten with a sigh of relief. He was unable to rebut: "I don't."
The sky suddenly held his hand, revealing his face, and said: "I want to kiss you."
The rabbit in the heart of Lin Lin suddenly lived, and he ran high and ran fast. Jing Lin looked at him, clearly opened his hand, righteously reprimanded him and drank him, but his mind became a paste and became unlike himself.
Jing Lin breathed a stagnation and suddenly changed color. The faint feeling suddenly collapsed, pressing his throat and overturning, and wanted to vomit. The cold sweat on his back was desperately forced to go out. He pushed open the sky and vomited, and the heart in his chest seemed to be like a prisoner. It was extremely difficult to beat. The face of Jinglin became pale, and the arms that supported him were shaking.
The pharynx snorted loudly, and the net lining clenched his teeth, but he vomited sour water.
The sky was stunned, and he just looked at the net fainting and felt that something was wrong. He tried to make a special trip and saw the strangeness. When I copied the person, I saw that the face of Lin Lin was already blue, and my fingers were close to my chest.
"Spiriting and calming!" The sky is crossing the spirit, and the sound of the net is slow. "Hold the mind and return to Linghai. The throat is here, the demon does not invade."
The net Lin quickly calmed down, and the life and the evil spirits were suppressed. His chest is gradually recovering before he can breathe freely. The neck he raised was soaked in cold sweat, and the sky was wiped clean with a finger, and the skin exposed to the net was scary.
Nine days!
In the eyes of the sky, the murderousness skyrocketed.
I want your life!
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