Chapter 92: .darling

The rain is like a bean, and the net is down the stairs. The position of the octagonal tomb is nine days around the mountain. It is the feng shui treasure of the nine heaven gates that absorbs the aura of the heavens and the earth. It is used to suppress the disciples who have reached the realm of the spirit. In order to prevent evil, not only the establishment of layers of guards, but also a number of cinnabar iron.
Net Lin stepped in and the fire was flashing and bright. He is as white as jade, cold like a cold iron. In front of the 巍峨 符 符 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 符 符 符 符 符 符
"Lin Songjun stays!" The general is thin as paper, and the armor is like a paper man. He was originally a ghost of Huang Quan. He was released because of the invasion of the blood sea, so he was taken down by Jiu Tianjun to use the tomb. At this time, his face was faintly blue, and he looked like a ghost in the smoldering fire and heavy rain. He said to Jing Lin, "No one can enter if there is no iron order."
"As a father and a son, I have the right to walk in the door." Net Lin dripped rain in front of him, he said, "Let it open."
In the palm of the hand, the iron chain "哗啦" is shaken off, and the half-face is not given. It only says: "If there is no iron on the iron, Lin Songjun must not enter it!"
The net Lin suddenly went further, and the foot of the foot swelled, but it was blocked by Dongjun.
"If you have something to say, why should you be angry with your family!" Dong Jun stopped Jinglin and said to the general. "If you know that he is Lin Songjun, you must have heard about his temperament. You should understand that he is not a fool. It is also necessary to understand that his father loves him the most! Tonight, he is not right in the tomb. He will be paid by him alone. You sell his personal feelings. He has the opportunity to come back, why bother to make this rush!"
"I know that Lin Songjun is a man." The general said, "However, as a garrison, I will never let the iron order!"
"I am dead brother." Jing Lin's eyes are black and bright, saying in a word, "I want to see him, you dare to stop!"
"Jun Shang’s loss of love is still going to be done according to the rules! Moreover, Lin Songjun walks all the year round, and no one is intimate with him. It’s too late, why bother me and other incompetent people.
The general slammed the chain and slammed it. Road, "Retreat!"
The mountains and pines set off waves, and the thunderstorms in the rainy night. The general will not be prevented from being kicked, and immediately retreat a few steps, then angered, but followed the scabbard and broke through the door. He did not dare to take the big in front of the net Lin, the iron chain screamed, the raindrops were smashed by the cross, and turned into a sharp rain needle in the air and swarmed to the net Lin!
The pharyngeal scabbard flipped and swept, and the rain needle slammed into it. The next moment, but the scabbard counter-picked up, the rain flower burst between the two. The generals broke the water in the flying chain, and the net Lin had been wrongly pushed, and the snoring sounded, and then the general was slammed into the iron. He slaps the iron slap and sighs: "Lin Songjun deliberately kills me!"
This sound stunned the rainy night, the iron glory was magnificent, and countless ghosts broke out, and thousands of horses rushed down and swayed against Jinglin. The thunderstorm blew, the lightning broke through the night, and the sky was rolling like a raging dragon, rushing and noisy in the heart of the net.
Net Lin angered the heart, the backhand grip, listening to the "squeaky" sound, the pharynx springs out of the sheath. The pine waves swayed violently during the torrential rain, and the entire nine-day mountain was trembled. His swords are ghostly, and if the shadows are dispelled by the light, they are cut open, and thousands of souls scream and resent, tearing them into pieces and spreading them.
The net Lin is approaching, and the general iron chain wraps around the pharynx, but it does not move under the pull. The net of the shadows is boiling, and the generals are faintly listening to the sound of the dragons in this vast and boundless vastness. The next moment is suddenly shocked, and the iron sign behind it is "Oh," and suddenly collapses. .
The generals spurted blood and saw the rear portal open, and the net Lin crossed in. Dongjun folding fan inserted in the back collar, opened the robe corner, jumped from the back of the general.
Jing Lin walked through and ended before a new tomb. The greater the sound of the rain, the more the stone mud is slippery, and the grave is quickly flattened, revealing a copper-casting gong that wraps around the Sanskrit gold chain.
A few steps away from the net, it is necessary to carry out the coffin. At the rear, he leaped to one person, raising his hand and three daggers to take the net. Net Lin looked back at the shock sleeve and saw Tao Zhi step back.
Tao Zhi said: "Are you crazy? You have to dig his tomb! People are dead, hateful hatred!"
When the rain was empty, the stagnation, Li Wei fell down and said: "Net Lin!"
Net Lin grabbed the Sanskrit gold chain and picked it up. The coffin was slammed and slammed.
Li Wei took a photo and nailed the coffin in place, shouting to Jing Lin: "What are you doing!"
Jing Lin said: "I want to see his body."
Li Wei has moved to real anger, he said: "Noisy!"
"You let it go."
"I am your brother!" Li Wei did not retreat, "How can you see that you made a mistake! Bohai has already been buried in the earth, and the town has a gold pattern. If you open it, it will cause you to be evil!"
"If it is evil and evil, my sword is not merciful!" Net Lin took a step closer, and the voice was slightly raised. "You let it go!"
"You are going crazy today, I won't let you. If you come to Japan to do such a thing again, I won't let it! Linsong Junjian has crossed the border and has no scruples. Now I have to play with me before I can't listen to it!"

Jing Lin sounded angry: "I will see him tonight!"
The broken scorpion gun suddenly stood on the side, and Li Wei was as steady as a mountain. He said, "That is the first to ask your throat fountain!"
The top of the head flashed and thundered, and the surroundings were already in the midst of nervousness. If the heavy rain of the column is poured between their shoulders, everyone is soaked and cold. Tao Zhi has always been arrogant, and at this moment, under the tremendous pressure, he dared not pant. He looked at the two people and had already had a good mind.
"Nine, nine brothers..."
Tao Zhi’s voice came out, and Dong Jun was the first to block his face. Tao Zhizhen was uneasy, but he did not dare to move.
The net Lin fingers are loose, and the pharynx springs are thrown at the feet with the raindrops. When Li Xiao Deng was in his heart, he relaxed his mind and eased his tone: "What is the matter, first with me..."
Who is expected to clean the thumb against the sheath, the pharynx is cold and bright, and the anger bursts with the sword. Li Wei grabbed the fierce, and his cheeks were cut by the pounds of swords.
He was both angry and heartbroken, and he said: "Okay! Please enlighten Lin Songjun!"
Tao Zhishen is already unstable. If the Dongjun fan is already prepared, he must fly out at this moment. Tao Zhizheng tightly Dongjun's sleeves, Dongjun face the wind, the rain, the posture is leisurely.
"Your nine brothers are angry, Li Wei actually thought that he could send a few words." He thought deeply and said, "I really don't understand the net."
The mud was rolling, and Li Wei was shot and sinking. He was heavy in weight, and the ordinary people could not lift even when they were lifted. When they fell down, the rain was pushed to the sides. The net Lin shirts swelled, and the pharynx springs blocked the world with a shot. When the sword and the gun body were interlaced, they pulled out the "stinging" spark. The rain condenses the long eyelashes, and the face of Jinglin is washed more and more inhuman. He held his sword and smashed his legs, and Li Wei screamed and screamed.
The broken smashing gun is like a fan, and the slamming spring screams. Li Wei was wearing the night, like a stalwart, and did not show weakness in the blade attack. He can be as stable as a mountain, but also as a stone, and there is no flaw in this anger. Shura Dao tempered his heart and steadfastly. Once he looked for it all the way, he would slam it and fight forward. In focusing on the matter, Li Wei and Jing Lin can be described as true brothers!
When Jing Lin turned the sword, the back of his hand broke, and the blood flower immediately spattered. His shirt has been ripbed, the sword is fierce, and Li Li is also doing his part.
Seeing that the two moved the real thing, Tao Zhi’s feet were soft, and Dong Jun said,

Dongjun trembled and shook his body.
Tao Zhi quickly dragged Dongjun's arm and rubbed his feet on the ground and shouted: "You can't go! The two of them will fight again, the octagonal tomb will be destroyed, and the father will be held accountable, and we can't escape!"

"What is it about me?" Dongjun earned his arm. "I am a free man, and I am happy with the Qingyuan. I can't make it for me!"
"Brother!" Tao Zhi dragged him, "stop them both!"
"I can't stop it." Dong Jun said, "A broken fan will break, you will be on your own."
"No!" Tao Zhi dare, take out the sprinkling of the chaos does not call Dongjun to go, said, "I know that you are unfathomable, do not need to do more, fold the legs or hands of Jinglin is Li! I will not move again."
"How do you hate him like this?" Dong Jun fan knocked his chin. "If you fold your hands and feet, he will be abolished."
Talking about the hurricane of the two men, the Dongjun fanned out and saw that the violent hurricane was twisted for a moment, and turned back and slammed away, tearing them both back.
"What are you going crazy late at night!" Yunsheng stepped in and said, "My father is in front, still not squatting!"
Jiu Tianjun did not know when it was standing in the rain, and the clouds were densely covered.
Li Wei said: "Brothers learn from each other, nothing is wrong. How can even the father be alarmed!"
"Teaching?" Jiu Tianjun laughed, and he became more and more chilly in the rain. "Strengthen your two dogs, and you must fool me at this juncture! Mixing things, this place is also where you are wild?!"
The iron horn of the octagonal tomb has been broken, and the smoldering fire is flying around. Li Wei slammed the ground and said: "...the son can't see the week."
"You!" Nine days of anger is unstoppable.
The net chest was slightly volts, and his back was bright red, and he suddenly slammed his back in the thunder. Everyone is not afraid that he will dare to make it at this moment! The gong was dragged out of the cemetery, and then it was smashed by the net.
"Net Lin!"
Four angry stunned.
The cover was turned over and the rain was pouring. Jing Lin’s eyes were removed from the shackles and everyone was swept away.
"Where is the Bohai Sea." He asked indifferently.
Thunder and lightning are empty, and the darkness is gone. Everyone’s face is wrong, because there is nothing in the air.
Jiu Tianjun suddenly had a chest pain, and his face was white, and he shook a few steps and was supported by Yunsheng. He stared at the cockroach, and squeezed out the words between his teeth.
"What about people?!"
Tao Zhipu sat in the rain, he looked at the brothers, and unfortunately wiped the rain on his face again. Li Wei has been stunned and will be in the middle of a moment, and the face is also awkward. Only Dong Jun did not look at the eyes, and the hand was smashed with a folding fan.
Net Lin stood in the rain and slowly closed his eyes.
In the rain, the pharmacists entered the room of Jiu Tianjun, and the rest of the brothers were standing under the corridor. Nine days do not call, they can only kneel.
The net Lin did not move, and suddenly a small bottle was rolled at hand. He looked at the side and saw Li Wei's coveted look.
"Broken and sharp." Li Wei said, "The broken mouth is not easy to stop bleeding, as soon as possible."
Jing Lin handed into the sleeve, and remembered that the son gave Cao Cang. He will give up, only "hmm".
Li Wei wiped his face and said, "How do you find out that he is not in the shackles?"
"I just want to see the body." Jing Lin looked at the front, the heavy rain separated the eyes and ears of others, leaving the empty space of both of them.
"I personally cover the embarrassment." Li Wei said, "This is not a trivial matter. There are many crises in the door. Those who can take us away from the body should not be underestimated."
Jing Lin said: "He is among us."
Li Wei was silent for a moment and said: "Brothers are jealous of each other, but they are easy to trap."
"How long can you live with a fool?" Jing Lin said, "The sea is dead."
"...who are you suspicious?"
Net Lin does not speak, but looks at Li Wei.
The so-called brothers, this is actually the case. At this point, they can no longer be calm. Anyone is possible, but no one seems to be like it. Tonight they played so fiercely, if it was not the last moment of the net Lin insisted on the opening, when will the matter be noticed and two more.
"I actually figured it out so clearly." Li Wei looked at the brothers behind the rain, each face was vague. He said, "If you are not familiar, you can't do that."
The two of them took another hour, and Yun Shengfang took the medicine bowl out. He stepped into the rain and said to him that he hated the iron and said: "If you want to report a sentence, you have to do it. You two... the father is angry, and both of you are returning to your yard and thinking about it."
Li Wei took the lead and got up with Jing Lin. When Jing Lin passed through the brothers, no one saw it, and there was a trace of cold wind, disappearing into the corridor.
Tao said with irritability: "He is causing trouble, and it is said that we are being sinned here!"
Jing Lin and Li Wei were punished for closing their doors, but when the door was in full use, Li Wei went out in three days. Only Jinglin is in the hospital, only with the tree, has not waited for the order. Everything outside seems to have nothing to do with him. He does not need to eat now, but he also avoids the embarrassment of eating cold meals.
He really thought about it, and he couldn’t move one day before sitting on the wall. The cracked and broken place was delayed, and the net lining grass wrapped the cloth strip, blocking the eye-catching scar on the back of the hand.
He still didn't have a heavy hand, but he was injured, but he didn't call Li Wei to see the blood.
The net Lin is against the wall, and the gaze moves with the light and shadow cast by the broken window. When the weather is fine outside, there is more autumn rain, and the interior of his house is simple and cold. He counted the days, one day, and finally passed the half-month, to the date of the appointment.
In the cold wind in the night, the net Lin supported the umbrella. When I left the door, I remembered that I was still thinking about it, and I walked away from the wall and turned it out. He walked along the courtyard wall, staggered the disciples of the night patrol, rolled out the stones at his feet, supported a fat leaf, and bounced behind him.
Mingjintai has long been closed, and the four-story watchhouse has stopped business. The night was cold and people were shaking, but the net Lin was a little hot. He came from the bank of the fallen, and the rain on the umbrella was splattered with beads. He set foot on the Mingjintai, squatted and stood on the side of the bar.
The stone leaned against the foot of the net, and the fat leaves were dried up, and they looked around in the cracks of the stone fence.
Jing Lin is waiting for someone. He didn't wait like this before, so he didn't know the anxiety, just the heat of nowhere, watching the railing in the rain, and the texture on the top was counted clearly.
He waited for the horns to be slightly wet, waiting for the stone to linger in the gap.
Why are people still not coming?
Jinglin re-coded the days and counted them one by one. The half moon's covenant is tonight, and tonight is the half moon's covenant. He remembers it correctly. His memory has always been good. The water on the countertop was splashed on the face of Jinglin, and he was stunned.
The umbrella suddenly slammed, and Jing Lin looked up. Seeing the wind and rain in front of him, one arm squatting on his umbrella, and slamming a person, his head slammed on his lips.
The sky is not even, the hair is soaked, the fruit on the robe, the mud on the back and legs. He did not care about the umbrella, and he took the robe that was in his arms and held the net with his arms. Unknown fruit rolled over the ground, and the sky was hot.
"Where I planted eight mud pits, I can find it. I saw the bottom of the umbrella straight down and stood upright." The sky was gasping and he kissed him and said, "Sure enough." It’s my heart!

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