Vol 2 Chapter 1420: , plan ahead

When Yindu, the largest country on the Indo-China Peninsula, was also successfully won by the Condor Empire, all players' eyes again focused on the Condor Empire.
Because now the entire Asian region except the Asia Minor peninsula ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire, all other territories have been taken over by the Condor Empire.
Although the lack of Asia Minor peninsula, there is a slight flaw in the Asian region of the Condor Empire, but the flaws are not concealed, and the Eagle Empire has finally completed their strategic goals.
Now, the relationship between the Condor Empire and the Ottoman Turkish Empire is unclear. It can be seen from the fact that Ning Yuanken opened the holy city of Jerusalem to the Ottoman Turkish Empire. Any conflict will break out.
The Ottoman Turkish Empire was bent on invading the European region, while Ning Yuan wanted to use the Ottoman Turkish Empire to weaken the living forces in the European region, so he was willing to give the other party huge military support behind his back.
Both countries want to use each other to achieve their own goals, so they chose to go to war.
Although later, Ning Yuan also agreed to open the holy city of Jerusalem to some European players, but with Ottoman Turkey in the middle, European players need to go around a lot if they want to go to Jerusalem, and the price offered by Ning Yuan is also Let many European players stay away.
Therefore, until the European players still have a certain strength, the Condor Empire will not turn against Ottoman Turkey.
Since the Condor Empire will not go to war with the Ottoman Turks in a short period of time, where will their next target be?
Is it Tiros, west of the Ural River, or the kingdom of Ayyub on the other side of the Suez Canal? Or North America or South America?
Anyway, judging from Ning Yuan's ambition and the increasingly arrogant arrogance of Huaxia players, players will never believe that the Eagle Empire will stop its expansion.
Just when many players were guessing where Ning Yuan's next goal would be, Ning Yuan made a move that surprised many people.
After explaining to Baishihai that he was responsible for the large-scale immigration to the Indo-China Peninsula and Central Asia and the Middle East, Ning Yuan began to mobilize a large number of troops to the border between the Condor Empire and the Rus, as well as the border between the Condor Empire and the Ottoman Turkish Empire.
This move of the Condor Empire immediately frightened the players of Tiros in the west of the Ural River.
In order to resist the possible invasion of the Condor Empire, Russian players were so frightened that they immediately mobilized troops to the border areas.
Although Ning Yuan had already said hello to Emil Osman before the action, Emil was still frightened by Ning Yuan's generosity.
Just when the players thought that Ning Yuan was going to take action against Russ, the Eagle Empire troops who came to the east bank of the Ural River built a river bank and then built a city wall at a certain distance from the river bank.
As the scale of the city wall began to take shape, the players of Tiros on the other side of the river soon recognized that what the soldiers of the Condor Empire were building seemed to be the Great Wall.
That's right, Ning Yuan mobilized troops to the two border areas, and his purpose was to build the Great Wall.
A Great Wall next to the Ural River separated the Condor Empire from Tiros.
A Great Wall next to Ottoman Turkey cut off the Asia Minor peninsula from the periphery of Asia.
In addition to building the two Great Walls, Ning Yuan also ordered people to build some castles specially used for garrisoning troops behind the two Great Walls.
When the Great Wall and the castle are all completed, the Condor Empire only needs to station a lot of troops in these two border areas to ensure the security of the border areas.
When the players learned of Ning Yuan's move to build the Great Wall in the border area, they were immediately confused.
According to common sense, the Condor Empire has the most powerful cavalry troops in the world, shouldn't it be the opponent to build the Great Wall to guard against them?
The Condor Empire's initiative to build the Great Wall was simply a cocoon, because what the Great Wall blocked was precisely the huge cavalry troops of the Condor Empire itself.
Moreover, the construction of the Great Wall is such a big project that wastes money and people, even if the Eagle Empire uses the army to build the Great Wall, it is a great waste!
Not to mention the daily supplies of the troops stationed in the border areas, let’s talk about the huge obsidian used to build the Great Wall. Just transporting these obsidian to the border area is a workload that ordinary countries can’t do.
With so many troops and transportation, is it not good to resume the daily production activities in those occupied areas as soon as possible?
Even if the Condor Empire is rich and powerful, this kind of consumption that is no less than fighting a large-scale war is too wasteful!
Could it be that Ning Yuan suddenly changed his mind and didn't want to continue conquering the world?
This is impossible!
Even if Ning Yuan has already satisfied the current scale of the Condor Empire, those players in Huaxia will not agree.
So what is the purpose of Ning Yuan's move?
In fact, Ning Yuan's purpose is very simple.
The first purpose of building the Great Wall in the border area is to train the recruits, so that the recruits can go to the border area to receive labor training, and by the way, they can also experience the tension in the border area.
The second purpose is to confuse the players' sight, so that they can't guess when the Condor Empire will launch again, and where the target of the launch will be.
When the Condor Empire is launched again, the Five Continents Alliance will not work well, and the Condor Empire will inevitably encounter joint resistance from more countries.
Therefore, Ning Yuan's construction of the Great Wall at these two borders also has a sense of self-protection.
With the existence of the Great Wall on the frontier, the Condor Empire can resist the invasion of the enemy with the least amount of troops. As a result, the pressure on logistics and transportation will be much less.
Although the existence of the Great Wall on the frontier blocked the large-scale attack of the Eagle Empire’s cavalry troops, it also prevented the possibility of the enemy wanting to sneak in secretly.
Besides, as long as the gates on the border Great Wall are opened wider, the speed of cavalry passage will not be slowed down much.
In addition to building the Great Wall on the border, Ning Yuan has also carried out clearing operations in Central Asia and the Middle East.
Now that the entire Central Asia and the Middle East have become the territory of the Condor Empire, it would be inappropriate for these places to have air-limited areas. After all, the Condor Empire has the most powerful air force in the world.
Therefore, in order to clear up these obstructive areas earlier, Ning Yuan converted all the Nine Forbidden God Stones produced on the Nine Forbidden God Peak into Unforbidden God Stones, and then arranged for a special person to be responsible for the removal of the forbidden air field.
After arranging the above work, Ning Yuan didn't go to have fun again as the players thought, but began to concentrate on preparing for a larger war that would break out in the future.
Ning Yuan knew very well that once the Eagle Empire's army stepped out of the Asian region, the Five Continents Alliance used to fool people would immediately become history. At that time, players from various countries headed by the Beautiful Country would definitely unite against the Condor Empire.
If it really comes to that time, I am afraid that not many countries will choose to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, because sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight is basically waiting for death.
I believe that no matter which continent Ning Yuan will choose to attack, players from all over the world will also form a coalition and try their best to cause trouble for the Condor Empire.
Therefore, Ning Yuan must plan ahead for a larger war in the future.
After the Condor Empire unified Asia.
There is half-dead Europe left on the earth;
Warlords and chaos in Africa;
North America, tortured by three aboriginal empires;
South America caught in massive melee;
And the Australian area that is being suppressed to death by the kangaroos.
The climate in the European region is relatively cold, which is more suitable for the northern army of the Condor Empire to fight.
The climate of North America is similar to that of Europe. Except for some southern coastal cities, the climate of most areas is not much different from that of Europe.
The deserts in Africa are vast, where the dry and rainy seasons are very distinct.
South America is a typical tropical rainforest climate. Except for some plateaus and mountains, tropical rainforests are almost everywhere.
For these areas with different climates and environments, the troops dispatched by the Condor Empire must also have certain adaptability, otherwise it is likely that large-scale acclimatization will occur immediately after arriving there.
For these continents with different climates, Ningyuan is preparing to set up three theaters and an all-round combat army.
These three theaters are aimed at the North Temperate Theater of Europe and North America, which belong to the temperate monsoon climate and the temperate continental climate.
A dry and hot war zone for tropical desert climates, savannah climates and tropical rain forest climates in Africa.
A hot and humid war zone for South America's hot rainforest climate and tropical marine climate.
Considering that the Silver Pegasus Knights and the Dragon Eagle Knights are very useful no matter which theater they are in, Ning Yuan placed them in the all-around combat legion.
After the three war zones were divided, Ning Yuan began to transfer every army in the Condor Empire to the corresponding environment for applicability training in advance.
The troops divided into temperate theaters, their training places are mainly in Siberia and northern China.
These troops will live in these places for a long time in order to adapt to the climate of Europe and North America in the future.
All the troops assigned to the hot and dry war zone went to the Middle East Arab region.
The Middle East has little rainfall and a hot climate. As long as these troops can adapt to the hot climate in the Middle East, they will certainly be able to adapt to the hot climate in Africa in the future.
All the troops assigned to the hot and humid theater went to the Indo-China Peninsula.
The Indo-China Peninsula has a large area of ​​tropical rainforest, where the climate is hot and humid, very close to that of the tropical rainforest in South America.
As long as the troops in the hot and humid theater can adapt to the climate of the Indo-China Peninsula, they will not have much rejection when they go to South America in the future.
Compared with the armies of the three specific theaters, the Knights of the Silver Pegasus and the Knights of the Dragon Eagle are more difficult.
Because no matter which continent the Condor Empire will attack in the future, these two troops are indispensable, so they are destined to run back and forth in three different climates in the past few years.
After allocating three targeted theaters, Ning Yuan turned his attention to some special forces on the enemy side that he would definitely encounter in the future.
The beautiful country players located in North America hold the Dragon Eagle Knight, the air overlord.
After several sea battles with the Condor Empire, the Dragon Eagle Knights in the hands of the players from the United States have lost a lot, even if they have recovered a lot now, as long as the Condor Empire does not make mistakes, then the dragons in the hands of the United States players will lose a lot. The Eagle Knights would not be able to bring too much trouble to the Condor Air Force.
Players in South America have a wide variety of monster troops, but due to the long-term melee there, the scale of these monster troops is not very large. As long as you are a little careful, I believe that they will not be brought to the army in the humid and hot war zone of the Condor Empire. too much trouble.
The northern countries in the European region have basically been crippled by the Condor Empire, and even if they are allowed to recover for more than ten years, their strength will not be feared.
Those countries in the European zone close to the Mediterranean Sea are now at war with the Ottoman Turks.
So far, players have been the main players in the army of the enemy and the enemy. Their respective aboriginal elites have not yet entered the battlefield, but if they consume like this, it is estimated that the aboriginal elites should not be far away.
In the end, no matter which side had the last laugh, they could not bring too much trouble to the Condor Empire if their strength was greatly reduced.
In Ning Yuan's eyes, they were just a delicious piece of braised pork.
The braised pork wants to be soft and rotten~EbookFREE.me~ The heat is the most important, and it needs to be simmered slowly. Now is the time for Ning Yuan to simmer them.
Compared with the mediocreness of other continents, the African region is more exciting.
Giant dragons, giant gnolls, demons reborn from ashes, seraphs who are thriving, as well as silverbacks, chimpanzees, mandrills and other rotten monsters.
Don't look at the chaos in the African region, but there are quite a few powerful special forces there.
Although Ning Yuan had never seen any silver-backed cloud group, mandrill army or giant jackal, he had experienced the power of giant dragons.
Thinking that in order to slaughter the dragon, he used a lot of indiscriminate methods.
Now there are secret realms where giant dragons can be produced in Africa. Some forces already have giant dragon legions. For these forces, Ning Yuan still has to give some respect.
In addition to the giant dragon, Ning Yuan had to pay attention to the demon clan reborn from ashes and the player Seraphim warriors who were conspired by some evil players.
When the Eagle Empire marches into Africa, these forces will most likely join forces to fight the invasion of the Eagle Empire, so Ning Yuan must know the details of the other party in advance, and then prepare and prevent it in advance.
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