Vol 2 Chapter 1421: , Tekken Empire

Savage 5/13/42
A war revolves around the Australian city of Adelaide that changed the history of the Australian continent.
The two sides of the battle are the Australian Allied Forces, which are dominated by Australian players, and the Iron Fist Guards, led by the Emperor of the Iron Fist Empire, Loki Iron Fist.
The cause of the incident started when Loki Iron Fist drove himself to the territory of the Australian Allied Forces.
After successfully suppressing the Australian Allied Forces with the help of the Condor Empire army that came over, Loki Iron Fist not only was not particularly happy, but also felt an inexplicable pressure from the Condor Army on the island.
Compared to attacking the diverse Condor Empire army, the Tekken Empire army's attack methods are relatively simple.
Restricted by racial talent, all members of the Kangaroo family are good at melee combat.
Although they have iron fists that frighten the enemy, the lack of long-range firepower has always been an eternal pain in their hearts.
Loki Iron Fist knew that, with the talent of the Kangaroo family, it was impossible for them to do much in long-range attacks in this life.
If you want to change this situation, you must absorb a race with long-range attack ability.
Now in the entire Australian continent, only the Australian Union has such a race, so Rocky Iron Fist resolutely decided to launch a full-scale war against the territory of the Australian Union regardless of the objections of his courtiers.
The reason why Loki Iron Fist was so anxious was because he was worried that if he didn't hurry up, the Condor Empire who supported them behind their backs would probably turn against the customer.
They are not related to the Condor Empire, so why does the Condor Empire provide them with all kinds of support without hesitation?
Loki Iron Fist is not stupid, of course he guessed what the Eagle Empire was plotting.
Although Loki Iron Fist's ambitions are not as great as Ning Yuan's, he is not willing to be subordinate to others as a minister.
That's why he wanted to quickly unify the entire Australian continent, and then send away the Eagle Empire army on the island, without giving the Eagle Empire any chance to touch the Australian continent.
In order to avoid long nights and dreams, he couldn't care whether the time was ripe.
Anyway, in his opinion, the Australian Alliance, which has been huddled in eastern Australia, has long had little strength left.
If it weren't for the two mountains of the Australian Mountains and the Great Dividing Range as natural barriers, the territory of the Australian Union would have been leveled by his army of kangaroos.
This time to launch a full-scale attack on the Australian Alliance, Loki Iron Fist dispatched almost all the troops of the Iron Fist Empire, and even gave orders to the several Condor Empire troops stationed in Australia to work together.
In the face of Rocky Iron Fist's order, several Condor armies all chose to refuse. They shied away from the order they received and only helped the Iron Fist Empire to defend the surrounding area of ​​North Lake Eyre from the attack of the Australian Alliance. They did not receive any initiative. The order to attack the Australian Union.
After being rejected by several condor troops stationed around North Lake Eyre, Loki Iron Fist's determination to attack the Australian Alliance was even more determined.
Now in the eyes of Loki Iron Fist, the condor Empire troops stationed in North Lake Eyre are the nails that the Condor Empire left on the Australian mainland.
If these nails cannot be pulled out as soon as possible, then sooner or later the Condor Empire will use these nails to encroach on the Australian mainland.
Therefore, he disregarded the objections of some important ministers, and issued an order to launch a general attack on the Australian Union with a very firm attitude.
The Iron Fist Empire troops participating in this operation are divided into three groups.
The first attack was from the northern part of the Great Dividing Range against the Aussie League's Brisbane area.
The second route attacked Sydney directly from the passage between the Great Dividing Range and the Australian Mountains.
The third route starts from the Eyre Peninsula, passes through Adelaide, and then rushes directly to the heavily fortified Melbourne area of ​​the Australian League.
The route taken by Rocky Iron Fist himself was the third route, and Adelaide attacked Melbourne.
The Adelaide region is located at the southernmost tip of Flinders Ridge, with the sea to the south.
Here, the Australian Union has only a garrison of less than 20,000.
In the face of Loki Iron Fist, who came from the whole country, the 20,000 defenders were simply vulnerable.
In just one day, the Southern Army led by Rocky Iron Fist broke through the city of Adelaide.
After breaking through Adelaide City, Rocky Iron Fist did not follow most of them to the Melbourne area, but chose to stay in Adelaide City.
Rocky Iron Fist wants to coordinate the logistics of the army first, and then go to the Melbourne area to preside over the overall situation.
As a result, on the same night, Adelaide City, where Rocky Iron Fist was located, was attacked by the Australian coalition forces.
Facing the crowd of Australian coalition forces, Rocky Iron Fist was immediately stunned. He couldn't figure out where these enemies had slipped out.
Now his army is on its way to Melbourne, so it is impossible for the enemy in the direction of Melbourne to sneak over.
It is even more impossible for the Central Route Army. Now that the Central Route Army has approached the gap between the two mountains, it is impossible for the Central Route Army to not notice with so many enemies running out.
As for the North Road Army, Rocky Iron Fist didn't even think about it, because it was even more impossible to let so many enemies slip out there than the Central Road Army.
After eliminating all kinds of impossibility, Loki Iron Fist immediately set his sights on the vast sea in the south, because the enemy suddenly appeared out of nowhere from the south.
Rocky Iron Fist's guess was correct. The Australian coalition force that attacked the Adelaide region by night came from the sea.
In fact, the kangaroos are not only lacking in long-range attack, they are also laymen in navigation.
Because the Kangaroo people's shipbuilding technology is extremely primitive, they have no idea how many islands around the Australian mainland and have never set foot on those islands for so many years.
After the Eagle Empire established diplomatic relations with the Iron Fist Empire, Ning Yuan provided all aspects of support to the Iron Fist Empire, but only did not give it any help in sailing and shipbuilding.
Back then, Loki Iron Fist proposed to buy some large ships from the Condor Empire that could go to sea, but this request was directly rejected by Ning Yuan.
Ning Yuan not only refused to provide the Iron Fist Empire with ships that could be used for navigation, but even the Australian Alliance garrison on the islands around the Australian mainland did not tell the Iron Fist Empire.
In Ning Yuan's opinion, there are two kinds of voices on the Australian mainland that are the best, so he acquiesced to the Australian alliance players to occupy the surrounding islands and build military bases on them.
The reason why Loki Iron Fist was eager to get rid of the threat of the Condor Empire had a lot to do with Ning Yuan's rejection back then.
In Loki Iron Fist's view, the condor empire's fleet can come from the sea at any time, and they don't even know where the condor empire is now. This is not a reciprocal relationship at all.
If the Iron Fist Empire cannot have its own maritime fleet, then they will be trapped on this continent forever and will only be passively beaten.
Rocky Iron Fist not only wants to expel the Condor Empire army stationed here, but also wants to have a fleet of his own that can sail far away, and all of this is available in the Australian Alliance, so he can't wait to get it as soon as possible. Take the entire Australian League.
There was nothing wrong with Loki Iron Fist's choice of the tactics of dividing his troops into three groups. The only mistake he made was that he was driving himself, and he also chose the Southern Army, which was close to the ocean, and then broke away from the main force.
In the eyes of Rocky Iron Fist, the Adelaide area just won is a very safe rear area.
However, he didn't know that there was an island called Kangaroo Island just south of the Adelaide region.
Kangaroo Island is also known as Kangaroo Island.
Because the Australian Alliance is not strong on land, they did not focus on the Adelaide area, but on Kangaroo Island, which is dozens of kilometers away from Adelaide.
When Rocky Iron Fist led his army to attack the Adelaide area, the Australian coalition forces on Kangaroo Island received the news.
In the face of the menacing Iron Fist Empire army, the players of the Australian Alliance unanimously decided to give up the rescue of Adelaide City, and then wait for the main army of the Iron Fist Empire to leave the Adelaide area, and then launch a night attack by boat to cut off the Iron Fist Empire. The logistics supply channel of the army.
So, Loki Iron Fist, who took the initiative to stay behind to deal with logistical transportation, lay down his gun like this.
After the main army of the Iron Fist Empire left, there was only a remaining force of 5,000 people in the Adelaide area, and 2,000 Iron Fist Guards used to protect Loki Iron Fist.
And the Australian Union army that attacked by night was as many as 100,000 people.
One hundred thousand to seven thousand, and the Australian coalition has a large number of long-range troops, so even if every soldier of the Iron Fist Empire has a pair of iron fists that can crack mountains and rocks, they cannot resist those cold arrows from all directions.
As the soldiers of the Iron Fist Empire stationed outside the city were killed in battle, the black Australian coalition forces soon surrounded the entire city of Adelaide.
At this time, there were only less than 2,000 troops left in the castle and the 2,000 Tekken Guards that belonged only to Loki Tekken.
Facing the dark crowd outside the city, Loki Iron Fist directly climbed onto the city wall to command the defense in person.
In his opinion, even if there are only 4,000 soldiers, facing the rabble outside the city, relying on the strong city walls of Adelaide City, it is not too much of a problem to defend for a day and a night.
So Loki Tekken has always acted calmly.
After seeing his expression, the soldiers of the Iron Fist Empire immediately had a bottom in their hearts, so everyone's morale was immediately boosted.
However, not long after this offensive and defensive battle started, there was a thunderous cry of killing in the city of Adelaide.
The enemy even came out from behind them.
After seeing a large number of enemies suddenly appear in the city, Loki Iron Fist's expression finally changed. He never expected that there would be tunnels dug by the enemy in advance in Adelaide.
After thinking for a moment, Loki Iron Fist immediately led the soldiers of the Praetorian Guards to break through.
Originally, the players of the Australian League just wanted to retake the city of Adelaide, and then kill the Iron Fist Empire army left behind by the way.
They wouldn't care if some of the fish that slipped through the net escaped.
However, when Loki Iron Fist led the soldiers of the Praetorian Guards to break out, some players who saw it immediately noticed the difference between this Iron Fist Empire team.
The kangaroo warriors in this team are not only highly skilled, but their equipment is also much more luxurious than those of ordinary kangaroo warriors.
But when they saw the well-protected kangaroo man in the middle of the team, everyone's eyes lit up.
Although the players of the Australian League don't know Loki Iron Fist, they can still see the difference in his identity from the way he dresses up and his arrogant demeanor.
This outfit, this bearing, combined with the situation of being closely guarded, this must be a big fish!
In the face of the big fish delivered to their mouths, there is no reason why players should not eat them.
As a result, Rocky Iron Fist's team immediately became the main target of the Australian League players.
There is no doubt about the personal strength of the soldiers of the Iron Fist Guards, but in the face of the Australian League players who are three layers and three layers outside, they gradually feel what is powerless.
As the Australian League players charged again and again, many soldiers of the Praetorian Guards began to gradually become exhausted.
When the physical strength of the Praetorian soldiers began to fail, casualties were inevitable.
In the end, under the invincibility of two fists and four hands, all the soldiers of the Praetorian Guards who protected Loki Iron Fist were killed, and the unwilling Loki Iron Fist also fell under the sword of the Australian League players.
Originally, the players of the Australian League only thought that they killed a big fish~EbookFREE.me~ They just wanted to send the body back to the headquarters to receive the reward.
As a result, what happened next made all the Australian League players dumbfounded.
When the news of the death of Loki Iron Fist reached the three Iron Fist Empire troops on the front line, the three-way army that was storming the Australian Alliance defense line not only stopped the attack immediately, but also all retreated dozens of kilometers.
In the face of the sudden withdrawal of the three-way army of the Iron Fist Empire, the people of the Australian Union were also puzzled by the two monks.
However, after the body of Rocky Iron Fist was transported to Melbourne from Kangaroo Island and recognized by a player in Melbourne who had seen Rocky Iron Fist, the situation on the entire Australian continent was completely messed up.
With the killing of Rocky Iron Fist, the players of the Australian League saw the hope of a counterattack, and they immediately started the general mobilization of the war, preparing to launch a comprehensive counterattack against the Iron Fist Empire, which had lost its backbone.
In terms of the Iron Fist Empire, the death of Loki Iron Fist directly led to a drama of three sons fighting for the throne.
Loki Iron Fist has dozens of sons, three of them are the strongest, and they are all in the army.
Since Loki Iron Fist is in his prime and has not yet established an heir to the throne, the three most powerful sons all want to be the emperor by themselves.
The three sons each lead an army, and now no one obeys the other, and the war is about to break out.
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