Vol 2 Chapter 1422: , Occupy Oceania

is the eldest son of Loki
Although his ability is not the strongest among the brothers, because he is the eldest son, he is a few years older than the other brothers. own descendants.
Tiga Tekken is the third son of Loki Tekken.
Although he is eight years younger than Canaan Tekken, he is the most powerful of all Loki Tekken sons.
As soon as he came of age, Loki Ironfist began to put him in battle.
After several years of honing on the
, Tiga Iron Fist also has a direct line of people who support him.
Compared with his two powerful brothers, the seventh son of Loki
, Tyro
, just came of age last year, so he has not yet had time to form his own team.
However, because Taro Tekken's appearance and personality are very similar to Loki Tekken when he was young, he is more liked by Loki Tekken than his two brothers.
If Loki Tekken can live to a hundred years, then the most promising successor to his throne is Taro Tekken.
In this attack on the Australian Alliance, Rocky Iron Fist let his eldest son and third son be in charge of the North Road Army and the Middle Road Army respectively, and he took Taylor Iron Fist in charge of the South Road Army.
Just from this point of view, you can see how much Loki Iron Fist likes this seventh son. He may have secretly cultivated the seventh son this time.
If everything goes well in this attack on the Australian League, then after the great victory, Tyro
, the seventh son loved by Rocky
, is likely to take this opportunity to succeed and have a team of his own. 's team.
After he has his own team, Taro Iron Fist can fight against his two brothers for the heir.
At that time, coupled with Loki Iron Fist's love for him, I am afraid that his two brothers will really have a hard time competing with him.
However, it is a pity that Loki Iron Fist died before he started.
Now not only has the plan to attack the Australian League be suspended, but there will also be a civil war within the Iron Fist Empire due to the struggle for the throne.
After learning of his father's death, at the suggestion of some ministers around him, Taylor Iron Fist immediately returned to Adelaide with his army.
He originally wanted to kill all the enemies in the Adelaide area, and then use revenge for his father to win over people's hearts, but it was a pity, but when they returned to the Adelaide area, the Australian coalition force that attacked Adelaide City It had already escaped.
In desperation, Taro Iron Fist could only lead his army back to the Eyre Peninsula, and then wait there for news from his two brothers.
Compared with Taro
who is uncertain, Canaan
and Tiga Tekken are not so mother-in-law.
After confirming the news that their father had been killed, the two immediately led their troops to retreat, and then frantically scrambled for territory during the retreat.
Every time they pass through a place, they will replace the guards there with their direct descendants, but anyone who dares to disobey them will soon become a corpse in the stinky ditch.
As the two led the army to scramble for territory, the central and northern regions of the Iron Fist Empire soon fell under their control, and only the southern coastal areas of the Great Victoria Desert had not been touched by them.
After the ownerless site was almost seized, small frictions broke out between Canaan Iron Fist and Tiga Iron Fist.
As the small friction gradually increased, the two armies soon had a large-scale fierce battle around Ayers Rock near Lake Amadeus.
The battle lasted for two days and two nights, and the two brothers' army kept changing the roles of offense and defense.
In the end, with his valiant personal strength, Tiga Iron Fist successfully led his army to defeat his brother.
After the defeat, Canaan Iron Fist, unwilling to fail, was forced to flee to the Cape York Peninsula at the northern tip of the Australian mainland for a deadly defense.
Facing Canaan Taylor, who gave up a large area of ​​territory and fled to the Cape York Peninsula, Diga Taylor did not choose to continue to pursue and fight, but directly commanded his troops south, aiming directly at Ai, where his seventh brother was. peninsula area.
Seeing that Tiga Iron Fist is now unstoppable, many generals of the Southern Route Army who are still waiting and watching immediately choose to swear allegiance to Tiga Iron Fist.
In the end, Taro Iron Fist, who had betrayed his relatives, could only lead a part of his own soldiers to flee to the condor army in the North Lake Eyre area and seek refuge from the local condor army.
During the period of the Iron Fist Empire's civil war, all the Condor Empire troops stationed in the North Lake El area remained neutral.
It stands to reason that Tiga Iron Fist has now won the battle for the throne. He only needs to pardon his elder brother and seventh brother, then he can officially be crowned the second emperor of the Iron Fist Empire.
But Tiga Iron Fist did not choose to do so at this time. He directly sent someone to send an ultimatum to the Condor Army near North Lake Eyre, asking the Eagle Empire Army to immediately hand over Taro Iron Fist.
Facing the already swollen Tiga Iron Fist, the Condor Army of North Lake Eyre directly chose to refuse to make contact with them.
Others are afraid of Tiga Iron Fist, but the Eagle Army is not afraid of him.
However, in order to avoid stimulating Tiga Iron Fist, the local Condor Army sent someone to explain to Tiga Iron Fist.
They persuaded Tiga Iron Fist not to kill each other. Since he has already won, why not be a little more generous and directly forgive his two brothers.
Facing the condor Empire army who wanted to keep Taro
, Tiga
was instantly furious.
Like his father who was killed in action, Tiga Ironfist didn't like the condor Empire army that didn't leave in the North Lake El area.
When Loki Iron Fist was still alive, he had repeatedly persuaded his father to strike first.
Since you can't drive the other party away, take them all directly.
Those who surrender are taken for themselves, and those who do not surrender are killed.
Anyway, now there is no need for the support of the Condor Empire army.
At that time, after Loki Iron Fist listened to Tiga Iron Fist's suggestion, he immediately scolded him fiercely.
Now that Loki Iron Fist has been killed, the entire Iron Fist Empire is what Tiga Iron Fist said, so he can do whatever he wants.
So under the influence of the extreme expansion of ambition, Loki Iron Fist decided to completely destroy this condor army that relied on and shielded Taro Iron Fist.
That night, Tiga Iron Fist personally led an army of 100,000 elite kangaroos to launch a surprise attack on the base of the Condor Empire.
Facing the kangaroo army that suddenly appeared outside the station, the commander of the Condor Empire on the Australian side gave the order to retreat without hesitation.
At night, the Elf Archers are no match for the Kangaroos at all.
Once the kangaroo warriors who are proficient in melee combat are allowed to rush into the barracks, there is bound to be a one-sided carnage.
Besides, they are cavalry, and defensive warfare is not their good at all. Only by galloping on the vast field can they exert their greatest power.
So after discovering that a large number of unidentified kangaroo troops were approaching the station, the Eagle Empire elf cavalry archers stationed there immediately retreated to the northeast with Taylor Iron Fist.
After learning that the enemy had fled without a fight, the arrogant Tiga Iron Fist immediately ordered the Iron Fist Empire troops stationed in various places to besiege the elf cavalry archers of the Condor Empire that escaped from all directions.
Facing the siege and interception of the
Empire army, the elven cavalry cavalry regiment, which did not carry much logistical supplies, could only be forced to flee to the Cape York Peninsula, where the first prince Canaan
was located.
Facing the Seventh Brother who defected to him and the army of the Condor Empire, Canaan Iron Fist directly welcomed them in with the same hatred.
So far, except for the southeastern coast of Australia where the Australian Alliance is located, and the Cape York Peninsula, where the two brothers are in distress, the entire Australian continent has fallen under the control of Tiga Iron Fist.
After integrating the army of the Iron Fist Empire, Tiga Iron Fist was officially crowned and became the second emperor of the Iron Fist Empire.
After the grand enthronement ceremony, Tiga Iron Fist did not inherit his father's wishes to continue to attack the Australian Alliance, but directly surrounded the entire Cape York Peninsula with heavy troops.
It seems that if he doesn't capture his two brothers, he will never be at ease as an emperor.
In the face of Tiga Iron Fist's massive attack, the defenders of Cape York Peninsula did not dare to fight at all, and they could only defend themselves with solid fortifications.
Fortunately, there are still a certain number of Kangaroo troops under Canaan Iron Fist, plus the long-range firepower suppression of the elf marksmen of the Condor Empire who dismounted, they tenaciously repelled the waves of enemy attacks.
The participation of the elf marksman of the Condor Empire caused heavy casualties to the army under Tiga Iron Fist, but Tiga Diga Iron Fist did not slow down the offensive because of this.
Because he knows very well that the number of arrows carried by the elf cavalry archers in the Condor Empire is limited, and there is no large blacksmith shop on the Cape York Peninsula. As the battle continues, the arrows in the hands of the elves will soon be used. light.
But after the elf sharpshooter's arrows were exhausted, the remaining army of his eldest brother could not stop the attack of his army at all.
At that time, he will be able to conquer the Cape York Peninsula in one fell swoop, and then completely eradicate his two brothers to avoid future troubles forever.
Tiga Iron Fist's idea is very good, but he has already forgotten the homeland of the Condor Army on the island after being carried away by the victory.
After the great changes happened on the Australian mainland, the Tenglong Army players who stayed here informed Ning Yuan of the news as soon as possible.
When he learned that Loki Iron Fist had been killed and his three sons were about to start a battle for the throne, Ning Yuan realized that it was time to take all Oceania.
In his next plan, the kangaroo warriors who are naturally good at melee combat are a very important existence, and he cannot let these three brothers bring disaster to the army of the Iron Fist Empire too much.
So immediately, Ning Yuan sent a huge ocean-going fleet to the Australian mainland to take over the entire Iron Fist Empire.
As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your opponent, you will be safe in a hundred battles.
To deal with the kangaroo people of the Iron Fist Empire who only know how to speak with their fists, the Silver Pegasus Knight and the Dragon Eagle Knight are the best choices.
They can shoot each other with arrows in the air, and the kangaroo warriors who lack long-range attack ability can only stare down below.
Of course, if you want to occupy the entire Iron Fist Empire, air force alone is not enough, you must have ground troops to work together.
Adhering to the concept of one inch long and one inch strong, Ning Yuan transferred a bear heavy infantry regiment and a centaur regiment from the Middle East to Australia together.
When Tiga Iron Fist led half the main force of the Iron Fist Empire to besiege the Cape York Peninsula, the ocean-going fleet led by Ning Yuan also quietly arrived at Carpentaria Bay on the west side of Cape York Peninsula.
With the successful landing of the Condor Empire troops in the bay north of Robinson River, the Condor Empire officially intervened in the war on the Australian mainland.
The landing Eagle Empire army first took Robinson River City without any suspense, and then immediately killed it from the west side of the Tiga Iron Fist army.
Facing the large number of Condor Empire troops that suddenly appeared on the island, Tiga Iron Fist, whose self-confidence had swelled to the extreme, suddenly woke up.
After regaining consciousness, Tiga Iron Fist immediately regretted it.
How could he forget the existence of the Condor Empire?
Furthermore, the reinforcements from the Eagle Empire came too quickly!
Regret is regret, but it is done, and it is impossible to regret it, so Tiga Iron Fist can only choose to stick to the end.
Tiga Iron Fist knew that he had no way out in the slightest. If he didn't fight hard, then he could only go to see his father who had just left for a few months.
As a result, when the Eagle Empire army was just approaching the Cape York Peninsula, he personally led the entire army under his command to launch a decisive charge against the Eagle Empire army that had come from a long distance.
In the face of the desperate Iron Fist Empire army, Ning Yuan did not fight it head-on.
He directly ordered the bearmen heavy infantry to form defenses in place, and the centaur army used the speed advantage to circle around the enemy's periphery and surround the enemy.
Because the bearmen heavy infantry of the Condor Empire walked very slowly, when the centaur army that arrived in advance chose to avoid the battle, Tiga Iron Fist's fist hit the air at once, except for the enemy flying in the sky. , they couldn't find any opponents at all on the ground.
However, after the kangaroo warriors of the Iron Fist Empire found that all the enemies were above their heads, they were completely confused. They had never encountered this kind of battle before~EbookFREE.me~ The kangaroo army of the Iron Fist Empire was because of Confused because they couldn't find the enemy, the Silver Pegasus Knights and Dragon Eagle Knights of the Condor Empire did not have this concern.
Facing the dazed kangaroo warriors below, they fell like arrows.
As the rain of arrows slanted down from the sky, the Kangaroo army below was immediately killed.
This is simply an unequal war, and there is no suspense from the moment it happens.
In the end, Tiga Iron Fist, who dared to challenge the majesty of the Condor Empire, became a cold corpse. After his death, the kangaroo troops under his command also chose to surrender.
After successfully solving the siege of Cape York Peninsula, Ning Yuan immediately led the surrendered Iron Fist Empire army to launch an attack on the Australian Alliance, which was gearing up.
In the face of the condor empire with all its elites, the Australian alliance has no power to fight back. In just five days, they have completely become a piece of history on the Australian continent.
After successfully occupying the entire Australian continent, Ning Yuan immediately led his army to attack New Zealand in southeastern Australia.
In less than a month, Ning Yuan's Condor Empire army wiped out all New Zealand players on the South Island and North Island.
So far, the entire Oceania has also been included in the territory of the Condor Empire by Ning Yuan.
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