Vol 2 Chapter 1423: , North Atlantic Alliance (1)

Although Oceania was not included in the Five Continents Alliance, the news of the Eagle Empire's rapid capture of Oceania still made many countries have to be more vigilant.
The Condor Empire can attack Oceania today, and it can attack any coastal country tomorrow, because the entire Pacific Ocean and most of the Indian Ocean have basically fallen under the control of the Condor Empire.
In the face of the Condor Empire with powerful voyage capabilities, some small countries near the sea have no ability to resist the invasion of the Condor Empire, so some coastal countries on the verge of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean are all worried.
Seeing that many countries began to worry that they would become the next target of the Condor Empire, Redmond of the Beautiful Country immediately saw the opportunity.
While promoting the threat theory of the Condor Empire, he invited players from various countries to participate in the Anti-Eagle Conference hosted by him.
After more than a month of publicity, the Anti-Eagle Conference was officially held at the manor of Raymond in the beautiful country.
In order to participate in this conference, the player leaders of many countries gave up a round of game time and rushed to the beautiful country one day earlier.
At eight in the morning, the meeting was officially held in the form of a barbecue party.
Looking at the leaders of players from all over the world sitting in the banquet hall, Raymond slowly came to the host stage and said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Raymond Manor, I hope you can have a good time here. day.
This time I called everyone here, mainly to discuss the issue of the Condor Empire with you.
As we all know, Ning Yuan's ambitions are not ordinary.
Although he is currently building the Great Frontier Wall in the Ural River and the Asia Minor Peninsula, but in my opinion, this is the trick he uses to confuse everyone, because his goal has never changed, which is to conquer the world in the game.
He had used a similar method before.
That time, Ning Yuan also acted very forbearing and stayed dormant for more than three years.
After completing the dormancy, he immediately began to find fault, using dirty means to frame the blame on the Kazakh Khanate, and then the lion opened his mouth and asked the Kazakh Khanate for a condition that could never be met.
When the Kazakh Khanate rejected his conditions, he took this opportunity to declare war on it and finally openly invaded the Kazakh Khanate.
Now, the routine used by Ning Yuan is no different from the last time.
As long as the Condor Empire completed its dormancy, Ning Yuan would find various excuses to invade the target he had chosen.
This method is hard to guard against, because if it fails once, he will choose to do it a second time, a third time, until it succeeds.
According to the report of the player spy who infiltrated the Condor Empire at the risk of death, a crop called Shalihong is now being planted on a large scale within the Condor Empire.
It is said that Shalihong can grow anywhere in the desert and does not require watering or fertilizing at all.
Because its rhizomes can penetrate hundreds of meters deep underground, it can grow normally even on the driest sand dunes.
Shalihong not only has the effect of slowly sedimenting yellow sand, but also is an important food crop.
The player spies we sent to the Middle East were lucky enough to taste the fruit of Shalihong before dying.
The fruit of Shalihong is the size of an egg. After peeling off the outer hard shell, the pulp inside is not only tender and juicy, rich in nutrients, but also very strong in satiety.
The player spy just ate four red sand fruits and already had a strong feeling of fullness. After eating, the dry mouth immediately disappeared.
I heard from players in Jordan that desert crops such as Shalihong can also be increased by the production of the ancient city of Petra.
Ladies and gentlemen, think about how vast the deserts in Central Asia and the Middle East are, and how vast the deserts in Australia are.
If Ning Yuan were to plant all the desert areas with Shalihong, how many Shalihong fruits would the Condor Empire harvest in a few years?
The fruit of Shalihong has a very hard shell on the outside. As long as the shell is not damaged, it is not a problem to store the fruit for three or four years.
It can not only satisfy hunger, but also quench thirst. Isn't this the best kind of military ration?
If the Condor Empire has enough of this superior military ration, then once the Condor Empire starts to invade a certain continent, what should we do to resist it? "
When he said this, Raymond suddenly paused, and then looked directly at every player below.
"President Raymond, if it's like what you said, then we will still resist. How can we have the strength to resist the large-scale invasion of the Eagle Empire? The final result must be the destruction of the country."
"President Raymond, the current Condor Empire is no longer something that several countries can unite to compete against.
So if the situation you mentioned really occurs, no matter whether we resist it or not, whether the resistance is fierce or not, the final result will not change in any way.
But since you have gone to great lengths to invite all the game leaders from all over the world, you must have a good solution?
President Raymond, if you have any ideas, you may wish to say it directly. As long as it can save us from the threat of the Condor Empire, we will fully support your decision. "
"Yes, President Raymond, we will definitely support you fully."
This kind of occasion does not need to be arranged in advance at all. After Raymond stopped, a few young brothers from the beautiful country who were good at observing words and feelings immediately started to cheer for him and set off the atmosphere.
Seeing that the atmosphere was almost set off, Raymond stretched out his hand to signal the younger brothers to keep quiet, and then said slowly:
"Actually, I can't think of a really good way, because the strength of the Condor Empire is there, and we can't change it.
However, we can't be bullied by the Eagle Empire because of its strength!
Therefore, if we want to fight against the Eagle Empire and protect our country, everyone here must unite. Only when everyone is united and united can we smash the conspiracy of the Eagle Empire.
So what is true solidarity?
I think that is that every country should no longer have reservations, and don't always hope that others will be in the front, and you will be behind.
If everyone is united on the surface, but secretly intrigues, then once the Eagle Empire launches a large-scale invasion, our result can only be defeated by the Eagle Empire.
In order to make everyone truly united, and no longer have the fluke mentality that the sky falls and the big man is on his back, I suggest that all the countries that come to participate in the meeting today form a grand alliance together.
Considering that our continent is on the verge of the Atlantic Ocean, then our alliance might as well be called the North Atlantic Alliance! "
"The North Atlantic Alliance is a good name, but the name is a bit too long. Why don't we just call it the North Alliance for short?"
"Okay, Beimeng is a good abbreviation.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby formally announce the formation of the North Atlantic Alliance. If anyone does not want to join the North Alliance, he can leave now. "
With that said, Raymond began to scan the venue again.
Although I don't know what medicine is sold in Raymond's gourd, the player leaders who can come to this meeting basically want to have a relationship with Raymond, so when Raymond announced it, no one was there. Choose to leave.
Seeing that no one got up and left, a bright smile appeared on Raymond's face.
Pop, pop, pop.
After clapping his palms lightly, Raymond said with a smile, "Thank you for joining the North Alliance and for your trust in me.
Now let me explain to you the responsibilities and obligations of joining the North Alliance.
First of all, after joining the North Alliance, in principle, everyone here is a close ally.
So from the moment of joining the North Alliance, no matter what conflicts there are between you, please choose restraint and never attack each other again.
Then someone will surely ask, is it not enough to have deep-seated hatred?
My answer is that it is okay to have irreconcilable contradictions, but you have to wait until our Northern Alliance destroys the Eagle Empire, or at least until we drive the Eagle Empire back to China.
As long as the Condor Empire is no longer a threat to us, then the Northern Alliance can be disbanded in situ, and everyone who has grievances will avenge their grievances and those who have revenge.
Before the big trouble of the Condor Empire is completely resolved, please be sure to exercise restraint, otherwise it will seriously damage the solidarity of our Northern Alliance.
In addition, in order to allow all member states that join the North Alliance to contribute, and to prevent someone from secretly cheating and cheating, I think it is necessary for us to form a North Alliance coalition directly under the North Alliance.
The troops of the Northern Alliance Army are jointly provided by all member states, and each member state decides the amount of troops to be provided according to the population of its own country.
For a larger country like our beautiful country, we can provide some more troops, and for a small country like Portugal, they can provide some less troops.
All the troops directly under the Northern Alliance can be raised in their respective countries in peacetime. Once the Northern Alliance is recruited, these troops must unconditionally obey all the orders of the Northern Alliance without any delay or questioning.
Also, the most direct purpose of our formation of the Northern Alliance Alliance is to fight the Eagle Empire, so everyone must provide the best domestic troops to join the Northern Alliance Alliance.
For those who want to make up for it, I urge you to quickly dispel such thoughts that will seriously damage the interests of the North Alliance.
Because the target of our Northern Alliance coalition is the Condor Empire, if we don't do our best, then as long as we fail once, we will probably never have the chance to compete with the Condor Empire again.
Therefore, the Northern Alliance Army must be an elite division, and all the soldiers who join the Northern Alliance Alliance must be the best in each country.
When the Northern Alliance coalition is formed, its number will definitely be a very large number.
Such a huge army needs an astronomical amount of food and grass every day.
These grains and forages must be shared among the member countries. The member countries with rich products should bear more, and those who are incapable should bear less.
With grain supplies, their transportation will also be a big problem.
In order to facilitate the mobilization of the Northern Alliance coalition forces and the transportation of food and forage materials, I demand that all the Northern Alliance member states must unconditionally open their domestic teleportation arrays to the Northern Alliance.
Among the NATO member states, I do not want to see the cloud of war in any place.
Again, if there are irreconcilable contradictions, you should keep them in your heart first. After the threat of the Condor Empire is eliminated, I will give you enough time for you to resolve the contradictions.
Next, I will talk about what kind of strategy our North Alliance should adopt to deal with the Condor Empire.
I personally think that the Condor Empire is now in a stage of recuperation, and they are secretly accumulating strength. Once they have completed the accumulation in all aspects, they will surely launch a large-scale invasion on a certain continent.
As things stand, the continent is likely to be Africa.
Why is it said to be Africa?
Because Asia is next to Europe and Africa.
Now the Condor Empire is building the Great Wall on the Ural River Basin. Once the Great Wall is completed, the Condor Empire only needs to deploy a small number of troops there to resist the attack from the other side.
The same is true for the Great Frontier Wall in Asia Minor.
Ning Yuan knew that once he tore up the agreement of the Five Continents Alliance, he would inevitably be boycotted by players from all over the world. At that time, large-scale battles might break out in all the places bordering the Condor Empire.
In order to avoid opening up too many battlefields at the same time, and also to avoid burning the flames of war to the mainland of the Condor Empire, Ning Yuan planned to build these two border Great Walls.
The existence of these two frontier Great Walls directly minimizes the threat from the European region, so it is obvious where the Condor Empire's real goal is next~EbookFREE.me~ Everyone from the African region will be here. Long, it seems that there are two Chinese forces in your African region.
If you don't want what happened in the East Yindu region to repeat itself in your African region, I think you should understand what to do next! "
"President Raymond, it's not that we don't want to destroy the two Chinese forces occupying our territory, but the conditions do not allow it!
The Huaguoshan Kingdom had taken root there as early as the Open World period of that year.
To put it badly, they developed earlier than many local players.
Now Huaguo Mountain has formed a climate, and formed an offensive and defensive alliance with several nearby forces. If we want to eliminate them, we really do not have that strength. "
"Yeah, President Raymond, it's not that we don't want to eliminate those foreign forces, but we only have the strength to protect ourselves now, and we don't have the strength to take the initiative.
Those giant dragons and monsters in Huaguo Mountain are nothing. What really bothers us are the demons who suddenly descended on the African continent.
You don't know how terrifying the strength of those demon warriors is.
Now that those demons don't take the initiative to attack us, we are already secretly having fun, how can we have the courage to take the initiative to provoke those demons! "
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