Vol 2 Chapter 1424: , North Atlantic Alliance (2)

The broken thoughts of the African player leaders quickly dried up the smile on Raymond's face.
Seeing that this continued, this alliance meeting was about to become a complaint meeting for players in the African region. Raymond immediately stretched out his hand to signal everyone to keep quiet, and then said in a deep voice:
"All the presidents from the African region, I deeply sympathize with your experience.
It stands to reason that everyone will become a family after joining Beimeng, and we should help you eliminate all hidden dangers.
However, compared with the threat of the Condor Empire, those giant dragons and demon races are not worth mentioning at all.
Because those giant dragons and demons have not yet really formed a climate, otherwise everyone here today would not need to complain to me here.
Those hidden dangers in your African region have only affected some neighboring countries, and have not really reached the level that must be solved immediately.
The Eagle Empire is different.
If we don't hurry up, the strength of the Condor Empire will increase by one point every day that passes.
If it is true that the Condor Empire has completed all the accumulations first, then we may not have any chance to turn around.
So let's put things in your African region temporarily, we must hurry up to deal with the Condor Empire. "
"President Raymond, we can understand what you said, but if we don't solve the threat of those giant dragons and demons, we can't recruit elites from China to join the Northern Alliance Army!"
As soon as Raymond's voice fell, a player leader from the African region immediately asked a new question.
After looking at the leader of the African players who asked the question, Raymond pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Our Northern Alliance is not an alliance that doesn't care whether our allies live or die.
In this way, all countries in Africa that are suffering from dragons and demons can temporarily not participate in the formation of the Northern Alliance.
These countries can temporarily focus on self-preservation.
Hmm..., considering the factors of transportation, this time the formation of the Northern Alliance, the countries in southern Africa, whether they are facing the threat of giant dragons and demons or not, should not participate.
The countries in southern and central Africa can join forces to attack those giant dragons and demons, and try to solve these threats one by one as soon as possible.
Countries in northern Africa, especially those close to the Mediterranean Sea, must all join the formation of the Northern Alliance Alliance this time, because we have to preempt this time and cannot give the Condor Empire too much time to recuperate. "
"President Raymond, do you mean that we are going to take the initiative to attack the Condor Empire this time?"
After hearing Raymond's last words, all the player leaders in the banquet hall showed incredible expressions.
"Yes, this time we have to take the initiative and burn the flames of war on the territory of the Condor Empire."
Raymond nodded decisively.
"President Raymond, if our Northern Alliance wants to take the initiative to attack the Condor Empire, we must choose one of the three places: the Ural River, the Asia Minor Peninsula, and the Suez Canal.
But now our European region is being attacked by the Ottoman Turkish Empire. Before solving the big trouble of Ottoman Turkey, how can we have the ability to attack the Condor Empire? "
After receiving an affirmative answer from Raymond, the player leaders in Europe immediately asked new questions.
Facing the questions from the players leaders in Europe, Raymond said confidently: "Everyone, as everyone guessed, this time we took the initiative to attack the Condor Empire in the three places you guessed. .
But one thing everyone guessed wrong is that I am not planning to launch an attack on the Eagle Empire from one of these places, but plan to advance in three ways. Attack the Condor Empire. "
As soon as Raymond's voice fell, there was an uproar in the banquet hall.
In the eyes of everyone present, it is remarkable that the newly established Beimen coalition can take the initiative to launch an attack on the Condor Empire. After all, it is the Condor Empire that unified the entire Asian region!
However, what they didn't expect was that Raymond not only had to take the initiative to attack the Condor Empire, but also to advance in three ways. What did he want to do? Can the newly established Northern Alliance Army stand up to him?
At this moment, many people regretted joining the Northern Alliance hastily, because they felt that Raymond was a complete lunatic.
Follow a lunatic and they will perish faster.
"Everyone, please keep quiet first and listen to me in detail."
After seeing that many people in the banquet hall changed their faces, Raymond immediately stopped the private whispers of the player leaders.
After seeing everyone stop to look at him, Raymond said loudly: "Everyone, I know what everyone is worried about.
As soon as our Beimeng was established, we will open three battlefields at the same time, and the object of war is still the Eagle Empire, so everyone will inevitably be a little worried about whether we have this strength.
Here I would like to explain to you that this battle cannot be fought overnight.
We don't care what the preparations of the Condor Empire are, just the formation, training, going to the battlefield, and the transportation of logistical supplies of our Northern Alliance Allied Forces will take a long time to prepare.
Please remember that marching to fight a war is not an overnight thing, but requires a very long preparation process, otherwise even if we have tens of millions of troops, in the end it will only be a mob.
For example, was there a small number of troops in Central Asia and the Middle East?
At that time, the Central Asian and Middle Eastern coalition forces headed by Persia had more than one million absolute elites.
You must know that the millions of elites are the real elites who can go head-to-head with the regular army of the Condor Empire without falling behind!
In addition to these millions of elites, the entire Middle East and Central Asia can at least arm hundreds of millions of ordinary troops.
But what about the final result?
Even with the help of millions of European light cavalry, they were eventually defeated by the Condor Empire, and even the multinational coalition I personally formed fell in the two rivers.
Some people may ask, we have so many troops, why are we still defeated by the Condor Empire? Is the strength gap between the enemy and us really that big?
My answer is that there is indeed a certain difference in strength between the enemy and us, but the biggest reason is that we are not prepared enough for the Condor Empire.
The Centaur Legion of the Kazakh Khanate was defeated by the carelessness of the enemy.
The million hussars of the Eastern European Union were defeated by a lack of understanding of the enemy.
The millions of elites of the Central Asia and Middle East coalition forces were defeated by the underestimation of the enemy and the cutting of food and forage.
The multinational coalition army I led was defeated by unknown people.
Although the reasons for these failures are different, they can all be attributed to insufficient preparation.
There is an old saying in the Chinese people that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be safe in a hundred battles.
The meaning of this sentence is that you can only be invincible if you fully understand your enemy.
Now we have a very good understanding of the Condor Empire, and we know which special forces within the Condor Empire need special attention.
Now the only thing we lack is enough elite troops and sufficient food and forage materials.
As long as these conditions can be met one by one, then we can immediately start a protracted war with the Condor Empire.
Why is it a protracted war?
Because our opponent is the Condor Empire, if we can easily defeat it, then it is not worthy of us to form this North Alliance organization.
This time, we took the initiative to attack the Condor Empire, not to take advantage of it and defeat it, because we don't have that ability yet, and it's impossible for the Condor Empire to be unaware of our actions.
Our active attack this time is mainly to not give the Condor Empire too much time to digest.
The Condor Empire has not occupied the Indochina Peninsula and Central Asia and the Middle East for a long time, and those occupied areas need a certain amount of time to restore production and population.
According to our estimation, it will take at least ten years for the population loss on the Indo-China Peninsula to recover to a certain extent.
In Central Asia and the Middle East, it will take a longer period of time, because the riots launched by Tiandao in those places, the army of the Condor Empire almost killed more than 60% of the population there.
If it was in the past, then the Eagle Empire would definitely focus most of its energy on developing the Indochina Peninsula, because the desert area in Central Asia and the Middle East is too vast.
However, after possessing the unique desert crop of Shalihong, the agricultural status of Central Asia and the Middle East suddenly improved a lot.
In order to make all deserts covered with red sand, I guess the Condor Empire will continue to immigrate to Central Asia and the Middle East.
If the Condor Empire is really given five to ten years to develop, then through immigration, they will gradually gain a firm foothold in Central Asia and the Middle East.
If we really waited until that time, it would not be us attacking the Condor Empire, but the Condor Empire would start to expand on a large scale again.
Once the Condor Empire takes the initiative to attack, when they have enough food and grass materials, it is difficult for us to resist their fierce attack. After all, the Condor Empire already has too many special arms.
Therefore, we must take the initiative to attack the Condor Empire before it has completely digested the Central Asia and the Middle East.
Central Asia and the Middle East is a vast area, and it takes a long, long journey to travel from the homeland of the Condor Empire to the Ural River and the Saudi Arabian peninsula.
Although there is a teleportation array in the game, the troops and materials that the teleportation array can transmit every day are very limited.
Therefore, if we open three battlefields at the same time, and then launch a large-scale attack on the defense line of the Condor Empire, then the Condor Empire is bound to complete the logistical supply of the front-line army through land transportation and sea transportation.
As a result, the long logistical supply line will consume a lot of manpower and material resources of the Condor Empire, seriously slowing down their recovery speed.
If our army can be a little stronger, then even the Condor Empire can make ends meet.
Although we will also consume a lot, but this is the price that must be paid to defeat the Condor Empire.
Now the Condor Empire has a single continent, and our North Atlantic Alliance has four continents.
Gather the material resources of the four continents to fight against a condor empire.
If we can't win in this way, then we can only admit that we are not as good as others, and have no face to look for any reason.
So I hope that this time everyone will not have any luck, and be sure to take out all the hole cards at the bottom of the box.
Because our chance is probably only this time, and if we miss this chance, it will be very difficult for us to form a strong coalition. "
After speaking, Raymond looked at everyone with sincerity, hoping to get a response from everyone.
"President Raymond, we Icelandic players are willing to fully support you, but the total population in our country is only more than 600,000 including the aborigines, so the support we can provide to the North Alliance may be very limited."
Under Raymond's gaze, the Icelandic player leader took the lead in making a statement.
"Thanks to President Runar for your support. As long as you Iceland players show enough sincerity, even if you support the smallest number of troops in the North Alliance, we will still thank you Iceland players for your contribution to the North Alliance."
Looking at the Icelandic player leader Runar, Raymond nodded in relief.
"President Raymond, may I ask how much you players in the beautiful country are going to contribute to the Northern Alliance this time?"
Just when Raymond was about to enjoy the loyalty of the younger brothers, an untimely voice suddenly sounded, making the atmosphere in the entire banquet hall cold.
Everyone looked in the direction from which the voice came, and the person talking between them was Joseph of Roth.
When Raymond found out what Joseph said just now, he laughed happily.
Joseph and him can be described as old enemies. In every game, Joseph will lead the Roth players to fight against him. As long as there are global virtual games, the battle between them will never stop.
Joseph can be said to be one of the few people who can sit on an equal footing with him. Unexpectedly, this time he was the one standing on the podium, but Joseph could only sit in the banquet hall and listen to him.
So when he saw that the speaker was Joseph, not only was he not angry, but he was very happy.
After reaching out to his old opponent, Raymond slowly returned and said, "Since our players in the beautiful country are the initiators of this Beimeng, it is only natural that we should do more for the Beimeng to join the alliance. The member states of the North Alliance play a leading role.
Before the war began, we in the United States sent a million elite troops to the European region.
And from the moment the North Alliance was established, we will immediately dispatch a fleet to transport food and grass supplies to Europe.
At that time, as long as the food and grass materials in the European region can supply more troops~EbookFREE.me~, then our beautiful country will continue to send troops to the European region.
In this war, even if our vitality is seriously damaged, we are bound to drag the Condor Empire into the water. "
After that, Raymond looked at his old enemy with a smile on his face.
After listening to Raymond's answer, Joseph applauded and said, "Okay, since President Raymond has such determination and courage, then we, Russ, will sacrifice our lives to accompany the gentleman.
Now I solemnly promise everyone here that as long as the war starts in the Ural River Basin, then we will inevitably mobilize the whole people in Rus, and even if we fight to the last person, we will help the North Alliance to finish the war. "
"Okay, President Joseph, I'll give you a toast!"
Seeing Joseph supporting him so much, Raymond immediately took a glass of wine from the servant and then gestured to Joseph.
The atmosphere in the banquet hall suddenly became lively as the two long-time old foes abandoned their former grudges.
While toasting each other, everyone discussed how to contribute to the upcoming decisive battle.
After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, a more detailed plan appeared in front of Raymond.
Looking at the list of member states in his hand and the number of troops ready to dispatch, Raymond burst out laughing with joy.
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