Vol 2 Chapter 991: Heliga's ambition (two in one)

"The plan is a good plan... But, will Lieutenant Sykes agree? The 3rd Mecha Division serves as a positive check, and we are the main force attacking the monitoring tower..."
Heliga's so-called idea is actually very simple, that is, to persuade Lieutenant General Sykes to let his 3rd Mecha Division join the battle to retake the watch tower. The chariot unit of the mech division is sufficient to contain the defense of the soldiers located on the periphery of the surveillance tower, while the elite assault troops composed of students and powerful facilitators need to rely on this time to enter the surveillance tower and find The location of the interference source-although according to the results of the independent calculations of Gu En and Ling, this location should be right on the top of the tower.
However, although this way, the plan is foolproof-but they are also worried because of this, will Lieutenant Sykes agree to such a messy idea?
In addition, does such a move violate their so-called "neutral" position?
When Lien raised these two questions to Heliga, Heliga immediately got a head start.
"Neutral, you big-headed ghost-our current position is clearly biased towards the regular army, isn't it? What happened in Kruchen State before, even if we say that this is only an internal problem of the Duke’s family, but We did help the regular army in the battle against the fortress of Oloklos, right. In addition, so far, all of our actions have been hooked up with people in the regular army, not with the leader. Can you understand the truth?"
"No but-this kind of behavior, in the eyes of bystanders, is acting in a position that is biased towards the regular army. Besides, think about it, although the noble coalition forces are huge, they themselves are unreasonable-they use overwhelmingly. The false propaganda deceived the people and led people to believe that the current situation in the empire is that your majesty allowed them to come out and eradicate the malignant tumors within the empire, but in fact we all know the truth-they killed the prime minister with the help of terrorists and then panicked in the reformists At this time, the power of forbearance broke out for many years, and the driver sent troops to occupy the vast areas of the empire. This is undoubtedly a crime of treason. At least for Duke Kane."
"However, the other four nobles have also participated in this matter. If this is the case, wouldn't the four famous sects be implicated? Therefore, they will definitely react fiercely to this." Li En expressed puzzlement. "So in fact, I still don't quite understand why the Duke of Kane gave up the Duke of Elbarea so easily-this is a quarter of the empire's territory."
"That's because although they formed an alliance for a short time, the four great nobles did not work together. They did not fight for the same ideal, but only wanted to realize their part by jointly launching a civil war. It’s just a common interest appeal.
Heliga said,
Of course, Father Kane doesn’t need to say much. What he is doing now is basically treating the emperor as a handle and taking himself as the actual figure in power. If the civil war is based on him If he wins a complete victory and ends, then he is very likely to completely empty the emperor, or simply find an excuse to replace it-in that case, the empire will return to the dark age hundreds of years ago, ruled by pedantic aristocratic politics. The reforms and progress made over the years will accompany this incident and be run over by the wheels of history again."
"You can't let this happen anyway." Eliot understood the seriousness of it.
"As for the Duke of El Barrea...I think he should not have the ambitions of Duke Kane. But he is a typical guy who can't sit still, and doesn't judge his ability correctly. Therefore, , He actually wanted to expand the influence of the El Barrea family in the empire through the civil war, and to use this as an opportunity to compete for more rights to speak after the empire returned to the old system. But the problem is that he was in the civil war Miscalculation of the situation in Kruchen State, as well as the strength of the Galeria Fortress and the two generals, led to a series of incidents. Fortunately, Juss shot in time and made up for the worst. The bad influence was eliminated, and the El Barrea family took this opportunity to eradicate the current corruption in Kruchen State. In terms of your majesty’s character, it should not be further investigated. Yes, at least the current status of Euses will be preserved-the El Barrea family will be greatly weakened, but cancer and worms will also be eliminated as a result, maintaining the most healthy and refreshing form, from another perspective Looking at it, it might not be a good thing."
"Yes... Although it is painful, it is also a necessary change." Li En muttered to himself.
"As for the other two, that is the key to the civil war. Their attitude can be said to directly determine the direction of the civil war, and it can also determine the size of the loss that the empire will suffer as a result. The Nautia state was originally gathered. Almost two-thirds of the heavy industry of the empire is self-evident to the importance of the empire. Therefore, for this, His Majesty has always chosen the loyal Marquis Rogner family as guards. However, such a family is very important to the emperor. The loyal Marquis Rogner has also joined the Treason War of Duke Kane. Do you think this is possible?"
"That said... The reason why the Marquis Rogner joined the war is a bit strange. He doesn't want to usurp power or expand his influence, and he happens to be the one who is most loyal to the royal family... Then why?" Emma frowned-she found the logical fallacy in it.
"There are two possible scenarios. The first is that the Marquis of Logner did not appear to be loyal, but was actually a hidden and deep anti-thief-but there is no evidence to support this hypothesis. Therefore, it is meaningless to discuss here. Then, another possibility is that in the announcement before the war, Duke Kane falsely concealed part of the news and his own ambitions in the process of persuading the Marquis of Roger to participate in the war. , Leaving the Marquis Rogner unprepared, or believing the lies in his words to be true;-this led to his rebellion."
"That is to say-it was Duke Kane who lied to the Marquis of Logner!" Gaius understood Heliga's meaning, "In that case, we only have to find the Marquis of Logner and explain to him -"
"How do you explain this?" Torval said in a deep voice, "Since Duke Kane has such a bold plan, he must have made sufficient preparations for such excuses and claims. One of the reasons that can convince the Marquis of Logner One, I think it should be the head of the reformists, that is, Prime Minister Osborne who has been assassinated. The nobles have always believed that the Prime Minister is evading the power of the emperor, and he is actually in power. If Rogner The Marquis is the one who is loyal to the royal family, and believes the words of the Duke Kane in this situation, he will join in for similar reasons."
"Yes... and the feud between Duke Kane and Prime Minister Osborne is no secret. Therefore, he must have been well prepared to use this to persuade the Marquis Rogner to join him. For possible You must be fully prepared for the doubts you will encounter. In this case, some of you students, guerrillas and officers of the regular army suddenly came to him and told him that the purpose of Kane’s war was actually The person who wants to be loyal to him, that is, the emperor's replacement, he will not believe it anyway."
"Yeah..." Gaius calmed down. "The Marquis of Logner has never met us. He will definitely not believe what we are saying."
"As for the last one, the Marquis of Haynes-he is actually the hardest one to deal with among the four great names. Since the beginning of the civil war, he has completely concentrated his forces and resources on his territory, and he is The regular army of China carried out encirclement and suppression, but never went out. I think he is the smartest person, because he is waiting for the signs of war to change over time. If the reformists can come back, His Majesty the emperor regains power, so he can use this as an excuse to fight for a lot of room for defense, and if the overall situation of the aristocratic coalition is determined, then his army will be able to replenish its energy even if it is deployed later. He has seized a lot of military merit. This is the so-called low-risk investment-stable profit without losing money. However, in other words, this also means that he is the best to deal with-he has no ambitions and will not be easily targeted for reform The hatred of the faction is incited, and therefore he will not randomly send out his army. As long as he can see that the indestructibility of the noble alliance is no longer, then he will easily fall to the other side-therefore, although it is not good Deal with it, but don't worry too much."
"It seems that you have fully understood the leaders of these four nobles." Claire thoughtfully, "Did you have a plan from the beginning...?"
"Almost. I figured out some things together with Olibate, and some were only at the stage of conjecture, but slowly figured out after the beginning of the Civil War." Heliga did not deny this, nor did he deny himself. I want to be satisfied with such things as Pian An Yi Yi in the Civil War, "I don’t know if it was Duke Kane’s strategic mistake or some other reason-he did not take His Highness Alfin away, and did not want to The meaning of searching on a large scale is really stupid."
"What does this have to do with Her Royal Highness... Wait, can't you say...!" Li En suddenly wanted to understand what Heliga meant--just now, he also persuaded Gaius not to find the Marquis of Logna casually. Thoughts, because the latter would never believe their accusations against Kane. However, if it was the accusation made by Her Royal Highness, it would be completely different.
The existence of Alfin is the key to breaking this balance. If the Marquis of Logner was deceived by Duke Kane, then Alfin's words would definitely shake him up. Even if he was not allowed to help, it would at least allow him to remain neutral and stop interfering in matters related to the civil war. And if he happens to be a careerist who has always used his loyalty to the royal family to disguise, then Alfin’s statement can also become the key to stimulating war in Nautia State. By then Heliga wouldn't mind participating in the battle in person, let them see the world's strongest human power-anyway, as long as he didn't touch the bottom line he had agreed with before, everything would be fine.
If all goes well, the two regions of Kruchen and Nautia will restore order. What's more, the heavy industrial foundation of Nautia State can make up for the loss of regular troops in the eastern part of the empire during this period. Heliga can liquidate the nobles of Kruchen Region in Bariahat, while preparing the next step-similarly, this can also serve as a warning to the Marquis of Haines in Sacharand. , Is bound to affect the relationship between the remaining two leaders of the noble alliance. This is what Heilija had planned from the beginning—in fact, if Duke Kane knew about the importance of Alfin, he should try to find it at all costs. However, the bad relationship with El Barrea's family did not let him know about it, and the latter's desire to steal credit happened to help Heliga's intelligence protection, which can be said to be a mistake. In addition, Heliga cleverly avoided the beginning of the war, when the aristocratic alliance had the greatest advantage, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in his hometown, and only took action when the balance of Kruchen State was broken by the foolishness of the Duke of El Barea. He began to squeeze in the next step of the plan for Notia State, so as to take advantage of the opportunity of the aristocratic coalition's failure to respond to half of the country.
Of course, if the association is really a loyal ally as Kane imagined, this plan will still encounter many difficulties. But Heliga happens to be one of the people who knows the true purpose of the association-the association is only interested in the treasure, and all the plans are around the treasure itself. Naturally, it is impossible to have any position on the political situation within the empire. Their assistance is only part of their plan. Heilija had already understood this through his contact with associations during Liber’s time. Therefore, he cleverly used his powerful power as a possible destructive threat to the association plan, and successfully won the association’s plan for him. Cooperation-it can be described as the last straw that crushes the camel.
"All in all, it's almost like this-after this is done, Nautia State should no longer be a threat. The seemingly united alliance of the Noble League is actually just a piece of loose sand-all I have to do is Tear off that glamorous camouflage." Heliga smiled confidently, "How? Are you interested in joining? If you don't want to, then I will find a solution by myself later; but if you think I am What I said just now makes sense... This is the first and last opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
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