Vol 2 Chapter 1015: The Enlightenment of the Ice Girl

For the first slash, Li En still used the basic move "Momiji Cut" in "Eight Leaves and One Sword Style"-after a crisp sound, the device outside the door was completely divided into two. The tip of Li En's sword gently rubbed the surface of the metal gate, leaving a shallow scratch, which did not cause any damage to the gate itself as Sharon was worried.
"It's a precise blow..." Toval on the side was also amazed.
"Yeah. It seems that Li En hasn't regressed during this time..." Alyssa, who was on the side, also kept nodding her head-this trick was cut off from him in front of the Lunarria Natural Park in Kyldik. The chains are exactly the same.
"Huh... it's still a little bit close." Li En looked at the shallow traces on the door, and shook his head somewhat dissatisfied, "I shouldn't have left this trace..."
"The control of moves is also constantly changing with the improvement of the realm." Toval said with a grin on the side, "When you can achieve that level, maybe you can compete with your man named "Feng The brothers of "Sword Saint" came to a contest. As for now, exercise is the main focus, right? "
"That's what I said." Li En put away the sword, "Miss Xuelun, is this all right now?"
"Well, it's okay now..." Xue Lun stepped forward and tried to take the device that had been divided into two by Li En from the door, but in the process accidentally discovered the secret: "Wait... …this is……"
"What's wrong? What did you find?" Claire asked suspiciously when she saw Sharon's expression and actions.
"So...no wonder they dare to be so big." Sharon carefully took out one of the parts of the instrument that was still intact. "This is an encryption plug-in made by the Epstein Consortium, which I cannot crack. Something... Fortunately, this instrument itself has no backup energy source. After it was cut off the supply of conductive power, it stopped operating completely. If that were not the case, from that moment on, I think there should be an alarm here."
"That's it... That is to say, if it wasn't Miss Xue Lun who cut off the supply of guiding force over there..."
Everyone thinks of the possibility of a disadvantage, and they can't help but become afraid.
"Therefore, we can imagine that after entering the monitoring tower, we should see a lot of such devices." Sharon said, "In other words, when we encounter an instrument like this, we'd better use it. The way to ignore it... so that we can save time. Unless we have to do it, we'd better not waste too much time on these things."
"In that case...I think we can change our plan a little bit." Kleiya said softly, and a brand new idea had been formed in her mind. "According to the schedule, at this time Miss Sarah and the Third Mecha Division The special forces should start a melee with some of the guards on the surveillance tower in the northern plains. Since we have not been spotted yet, we must move forward cautiously on the one hand and watch behind us on the other. That is, we can station and stand there on a certain level of the monitoring tower, taking advantage of the height and terrain."
"You mean... on the third floor from the top of the monitoring tower, there is a big platform..." Xue Lun recalled.
"Yes. If we can sneak there without being spotted, we can occupy the favorable terrain there. Unless they deploy a large number of destructive weapons on the top of the tower, they will not harm us; and if we can hold on. , The bottom-up advantage will be reflected." Torval nodded and approved the plan, "But, can this be guaranteed? After all, if I remember correctly, according to the internal monitoring tower provided by General Van der According to the structure diagram, the commander’s office should be located on the third floor, and next to the commander’s office is the location of two guard formations?"
"Um... At this time, it's my turn to deal with them." Claire's eyes were slightly confused, but when he looked directly at Torval and others, his eyes were extremely firm. In the armory of the Mecha Division, something was taken out, enough to help us solve them."
"What is it?" Li En asked.
"Could it be...poisonous gas?" Torval seemed to have thought of something.
"Yes. Although it's a version that won't kill people after being diluted, it was originally a product designed to be quickly disseminated over a large area...The common room for soldiers is still small. Therefore, even this kind of poisonous gas is likely to kill them."
"How come..." Elliott and others on the side said they couldn't accept it.
"Is there no better way? Anyway, I don't want to see someone die because of it..." Li En on the side was not as direct as Eliot's reaction.
"I just said that this is war, and where there is war, there will be death. When the railway gendarmerie flees from the imperial capital, it always risked its lives and escaped from the encirclement of the imperial nobles. The guardian of the Garelian fortress.
Claire said sincerely,
Therefore, those who face war must be aware of the loss of their lives... Whether it is to overcome their fear of death or to themselves This thing that will become an executioner that takes the lives of others is the same. If you can’t accept this...it’s too late to withdraw now. I won’t stop you. The enemy hasn’t found a trace here, so you can go back the same way. Up."
"Why... we didn't mean that at all." Li En said quickly, "It's not that I'm afraid to take responsibility...I just think, is this kind of behavior a little...inappropriate?"
"When the soldiers of the noble coalition shot my comrades on the way to the railway gendarmerie, they didn't think of a similar problem." Claire said coldly, "I deliberately dilute the poison gas that will inevitably kill them. To the extent that they are still likely to survive, it can be regarded as being merciful, and it can be regarded as a kind of comfort to my personal conscience. But war is like this, it will not follow human morality, it has its own rules And the law of development, and everyone who is stuck in it has to implement it. I am a soldier. I admit and accept all this and any consequences that may result. This is my duty. Co-workers and students Not so. If you have your own positions and your values ​​are contrary to what will happen next... Please leave now."
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