Vol 2 Chapter 1016: Answer from Class 7

Kleiya's words were flat, but the content was like ice cones, piercing the hearts of everyone in Class VII. The question Claire said was so acute that they were almost evasive before and completely avoided talking about it. But now, this question has finally been pointed out sharply; are the students in Class VII really ready to participate as participants in this war?
Lieutenant General Sykes and Lieutenant General Craig, as well as these professional soldiers such as Kleiya, needless to say... Even the presidents of Sharon and Ryanforte have found themselves in this civil war. The positions and actions that should be taken, and have been prepared for this. As for Heliga, he was preparing for this even earlier, and he had already succeeded in the first battle. With a very fast and efficient method, Kruchen State was peacefully separated from the rule of the former Duke of El Barea. Moreover, his plan has been extended to the extent that he wants to take action on Notia State.
With the secret support of His Royal Highness Aulibat, coupled with such a long time of preparation-presumably he had already figured out the contradictions and conflicts and the problems that might arise. However, the students in Class VII have yet to figure this out, even for those who did have relatives involved in the civil war.
Of course, neither Heliga nor Kleiya and others did not mean to blame them. They were not soldiers in the first place, and they had not chosen anything because of their personal will. They should have the right to refuse, or to think about, their next position and actions.
This is indeed the case. If only Kleiya, Toval, and Sharon are the only people in action, because they are not dragged down by non-combat units, they can infiltrate the top of the tower more quickly; although the combat effectiveness may be when facing the "executor" It will be slightly damaged, but it is still acceptable. Therefore, Kleiya said that they were completely in time to withdraw at this moment-the penetration was not complete, and the defenders did not find them at all. In this case, they still have the opportunity to return and return to Nord. The camp where the villagers are, waiting for the result of this action.
However, Claire's aggressive questioning calmed Li En and others. They were reminded in this way, but instead found their goal of action and the so-called position.
Do not intervene in the war in a direct form, but strengthen one's own position, and use this as the only legitimate standard-this kind of thought is formed in everyone's mind by coincidence.
"In that case." Claire heard what they said, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, "Then what are you going to do?"
"It's very simple. Regardless of the military conflict between the Marquis of Logner and Lieutenant General Sykes, it is absolutely improper to sacrifice the lives of the inhabitants of the Nord Plateau that are not part of the administrative domain of the Empire. Therefore, even if you put aside the positions of the two sides of the war, this is undoubtedly an act contrary to the basic principles. Not as an assistant to Lieutenant General Sykes Vander during the civil war, but only as the residents of the Nord Plateau. Only the client."
"..." Claire didn't know what to say about this set of speeches.
"Therefore, your actions, Captain, are the right of regular army officers. We cannot make a judgment. And our own actions, I hope you can understand."

"Is this really okay?" After hearing the plan of Li En and others, Kleiya was puzzled. According to Li En and the others, the specific plan was to directly kill the opponent by surprise, without using powerful killing. Sex weapons do not trigger an alarm and act on the premise-but the risk is too high.
The defensive setting of the entire monitoring tower is about forty people. In other words, the number of soldiers stationed here is about the same. The big compartment that Cleia used as the target could hold at least twenty soldiers. Now this time can be regarded as the same stage as the lunch break. Although the lunch break of the soldiers is clearly stipulated, the noble army has not taken too seriously the things that these regular soldiers would strictly observe. Therefore At that time, there is a high probability that an excess number of people will be encountered. Even if there are three masters in the team, it is not easy for them to attack suddenly without them noticing.
"So, you need Miriam's help at this time." Lien explained, "I just noticed that you can go out from the outer corridor on this floor, and the one you reach after ascending happens to be in that big compartment. Next to the window. If Miriam is outside as a check, it should be able to reduce their actions more effectively."
"Well... this is a feasible plan." Kleiya thought for a while, "but it is still not enough to directly subdue everyone...especially when we don't know the exact number of them."
"Therefore, I will use the guidance magic as an aid, and Mr. Toval would better help too." Elliott elaborated on his thoughts, "Using the combination of the two types of guidance magic, the wind attribute and the water attribute, you can It will cause great disturbance to them. In that small room, it should be able to cause considerable damage. Of course, doing so will definitely make a lot of noise, so..."
"Although it is not as good as Sister Vita, I have mastered the soundproofing technique of the witches' clan." Emma said softly, "Just covering the entire room when you two move. problem."
"In this way, can you slightly change your previous plan?" Li En asked.
"I think so too... Although you know it is the iron rule on the battlefield, but if it can be avoided." Gaius said on the side, "At least the success rate of this plan is theoretically not much lower than your previous plan. But. We hope our approach is correct and you will make appropriate judgments."
"Gaius and I will do our best to assist Miss Sharon and Miss Kleia, and try our best to subdue them as quickly as possible when the soldiers are restrained. Everything we learned in Tolz, Nethar The military physical skills taught by the special instructor and the actual combat theory taught by the instructor Sarah, we will make good use of them in actual situations."
"If that's the case, let them try? You can keep the insurance. If it doesn't work, you can put it back." Torval also spoke for them, "I think you shouldn't miss those few seconds. Right."
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