Vol 2 Chapter 1038: Follow the vines (two in one)

After hearing Heliga’s account, Levi’s doubts on his face eased a little, but he still had some questions that he didn’t understand. "I know what you think...but, is it too risky? Can pollute The existence of the "riding god" must not be any general malice. Are you really sure that there will be no problems? "
"Actually, I hope Vita can help because of this...because she should be able to judge this kind of problem. I am actually not sure." Helija nodded, "But I think there should be no problem. As the front As a member of the "Association", you should understand how external logic is defined and where its power will be reflected. "
"Then, how do you deal with that "Blue Riding God"? It seems that his relationship with Kane is not that simple. "Levy's meaning is really obvious-the "Imperial Liberation Front" can make so many amazing moves half a year before the start of the civil war, how can it escape without the support of Duke Kane. The eyeliner of Prime Minister Osborne and the Intelligence Agency? Kane definitely played a vital role in this. Crowe's feelings for Kane are also on the one hand-what if he is really loyal to Kane? As his initiator, Wei Ta is already commonplace in his actions, and Crowe is very likely to see the anomaly through this.
"Wait for me to test it." Heliga said, "I'm not too sure. But I don't think Vita has concealed that "Scarlet Riding God" cannot be opened by Kane. Besides, since Mr. Kane only uses Klow as a tool to smooth out obstacles, I think they are more of a mutually beneficial relationship, and there should be no mention of kindness and justice. "
"If it is, you will take a secret action... if it is not..." Levi did not continue. "In that case, how do you deal with this matter?"
"I will leave a plan and act according to that plan. A few of them should be arranged by His Royal Highness Olibate to ensure the legitimacy of their actions and avoid further involvement in the civil war." Heliga said, "As for myself... after I get the things, I should find a chance to run away. Anyway, the Noble Alliance is always pretending to be ghosts. As long as I don't do it too obvious, I don't think the problem is big."
"If this is the case, then I won't ask more. Until then, I will stay here forever. In other words, the previous Usess called me, and the things you have been thinking about before, seem to have changed."
"Oh?" Heliga's eyes rolled, "It's just right, use this as an excuse to stop Craig for a while. If he asks me for help, I will use this excuse to try to buy some time for the seniors and them to prepare."

With a surge of spiritual power, a bunch of people appeared out of thin air on the originally empty ground, as well as a huge and incomparable knight statue. This is precisely Li En and others who successfully returned from the Nord Plateau. This clearing in the depths of the Lunarria Natural Park was originally due to the presence of Warcraft nearby and no one came. In addition, after Juss grasped the real power of Kruchin State, he relaxed the area intentionally or unintentionally. Of course, the reason for the announcement is to avoid any unpleasant conflicts between the leaders of Kruchen State and the residents of Keldik after that-but in fact, it is necessary for the riding to hide here. The convenience.
Currently, the only people who know the secrets of the Grey Riding God are those related to Li En, and Wei Ta and others. But Wei Ta and others could not destroy the plan of association, so letting them know that these things have no effect at all-in short, putting the riding here can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.
Heliga and Levi had already arrived here and waited-this was the time agreed last night. Li En and others are still very punctual. Of course, it was not that they deliberately delayed returning until almost noon, but because they had experienced a fierce battle yesterday, their bodies were very exhausted, and they walked from their settlement in Gaius to the northwestern plateau. It will take a long time for a place with sufficient spiritual power to allow the riding to transfer space. Therefore, Heliga simply told them that it was okay to come a little later, at least not to let the body suffer from lack of rest.
"Long time no see." Heliga greeted Alyssa, Gaius, Miriam and others, "Fei is still at my house, and Juss will have time to come in the afternoon. I just contacted him before. , Now I am looking for him to handle one thing."
"What's the matter?" Miriam asked curiously, "Speaking of which, I have heard of what you seem to want to do in Juss's territory..."
"In layman's terms, it's a personal enmity." Heliga curled his lips. "I don't think there is any need to tell you the specific details. It has nothing to do with you. In short, I will find Juss next. You guys. Let's go back with Levi first."
"Don't forget to bring Juses with you in the afternoon." Alyssa reminded her.
"Don't forget Laura and others," Macias reminded.
"It's okay, it's impossible to forget." Heliga nodded, and finally reunited. She can't be too sloppy, and she will do it as a top priority in the short term.

"Master Euses, it's time." The old butler, Arnold, said respectfully. After listening to his words, Euses put down the pen in his hand and got up slowly.
"I see... It is the representative of the board of directors of Gongdu Bank," Juses said softly. "What's the matter with him?"
"It's the same thing about the loan interest rate... The representative said that the conditions you gave him were too harsh, and the bank's board of directors couldn't approve this..."
"In that case, tell him that this is my last concession. If you can't do this, you don't have to think about the next thing." Euses thought about it, and then said.
"With all due respect, Master... I don't quite understand what you think. No matter how you think about the interest rate setting like that, it is too harsh... It is not good for the bank's cash flow. What's more-- "
"This is the case... now it's no better than in peacetime. Let this group of people give out loan sharks and harm the people here?" Euses snorted coldly, "I think it's good. Father has been a hindrance before. For various reasons, how about these idiots who have not been able to make an inch of them? Now is the time to clean up. By the way... Speaking of father... how is he recently?"
"Master Helmut is fine now... When he went yesterday, he was quite normal. However, the maids would occasionally hear him muttering in the room. I wonder if you too let him……"
"He said that to you himself?" Juss laughed. "It won't help if I let go... His house arrest is a decision made by "he" and a representative of the regular army. One of the bargaining chips used in exchange for the regular army to avoid entering the Ducal Palace directly. If I break my promise here, the reputation of the El Barrea family, which is not much, will suffer again. "
"..." Butler Arnold said nothing.
"Just say that on his side. If he is still dissatisfied, come with someone with a card. My acting duke can be regarded as a "duke" at any rate, and it's not someone who wants to see him. Juss sneered. "Send him away in ten minutes, and then drive to the restaurant in the city." "
"Is it the one you... often go to?" Arnold asked softly.
"Well, that's it. Today, a friend will come here later." When mentioning this store, Juss's mouth barely squeezed a smile. "This afternoon's work is temporarily put on hold. All those who have something to meet , Let them postpone it until tomorrow."
"...Yes." Although I don't know why his second young master has become so temperamental, at least, what he is doing is making the El Barea family that is gradually losing credibility become normal-only for this, Ah Butler Nuo still doesn't know what to say.
The current Euses, to a certain extent, is a bit like Rufas long ago-treating them with impeccable courtesy and grace in front of those nobles, but secretly calculating one after another ruthless idea.
After thinking about it, Arnold had only one instinctual instinct-Master Euses became like this, it must be because of the influence of the boy from the Viscount family on the border of the empire. It must be so.

"So...your idea is correct." In a box on the second floor of an imperial restaurant on Noble Street, Heilija and Juss finally met—what the two were talking about. It was what Euses encountered at home before leaving the Ducal Palace.
"Although I am not very clear about the previous things, I also know their style for the time being. According to the imperial financial law, they have already made many mistakes... If it were not for the father’s political inclination towards the nobility, it would be impossible to respond to reforms. If the law passed..."
"Well, their actions are not good for the Duke's family. They are simply squeezing Crucian State through the funds in their hands and putting the money in their own pockets. I think they must have been waiting and testing you during the previous period. , Look at you, who suddenly came to the throne somehow, what kind of energy is the second son of the duke, who was originally not very visible in their hearts. As a result, our action center was not on their side during this time, they probably I can’t hold it back anymore. I mistakenly thought you were a soft persimmon, but just a puppet of the regular army, so I have put a lot of pressure on you recently."
"Then you came back just then? Is this what you planned to do?" Euses asked with a smile.
"It happens to be today, and I am also very surprised." Heliga spread his hands, "but anyway, it is such a process, even if it is not today, it will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... Anyway, it won't be too far. I just need it. Such a small trouble came to "hold" oneself, lest the old group of regular army scammers came to make trouble. "
"Why? I remember, didn't you also participate in the affairs of Nautia?" Juses puzzled.
"Unlike here, at the Rogner’s house over there, I don’t have a close common interest like you. My classmate’s sister is just a nodding acquaintance, and she doesn’t know Alyssa’s mother at all. I am not very clear about the situation. Although using brute force to solve the problem is also an option, it will cause too many casualties...It does not conform to my policy." Heliga shook his head. After getting in touch, I think I can take advantage of this opportunity—in fact, it’s the same as you. The matter of the El Barrea family can be solved by themselves, and the Rogner family’s affairs should be handled in the same way... The Marquis Rogner is better than Your father is a little more reasonable, and he is not like your father, he is a true royalist."
"This is... a person like the Marquis Rogner will make the Empire people respectful anyway." For this evaluation, Juss had nothing to refute, but rather agreed. "This way, it can also give Ann. Senior Sister Jelica will not let the problems at home spread out for some time..."
"Moreover, Irina Ryanfort will definitely do it for her own benefit. The current situation of the civil war is not clear, and it is not a good thing to change the status quo easily." Heliga nodded.
"It's just that, in this way, it's impossible for Duke Kane to watch you do it like this anymore, right?" Juss said, "He has given up the El Barrea family, so he doesn't care and is very Normal... But Nautia State is currently the most supportive place for him. If there is a problem in this place, the civil war advantage he has finally established will not exist... He will not trouble you Huh?"
"That's right." Heliga smiled satisfied, "This is exactly one of my purposes-to get him to come to me. And I will only tell you... This matter was planned not long ago. At that time, I may not come back here for a long time to participate in your affairs. I will try my best to make His Highness Olibate free and come back here to help you... Will stay with Kane for a while."
"Why? Is there anything worthy of you in him?" Juss was surprised.
"Yes. I can't say the specific details, you will know it soon...In short, he may regard this as a possible place...I will trouble you to arrange it a little at that time, so that no problems will arise."
"Okay." Even though Euses was a little confused, what Heiligar had decided to do hadn't gone wrong yet-Euses believed this, so he agreed.
"So, just following the hand passed by the bank board of directors, they cut off their lifeblood." Heliga smiled, "I count on your help during this period. The results of the previous data analysis should be Come out too?"
"Well... you come to me tomorrow. Let's talk." Juss nodded. "That's all for talking about business today-let's go."
"Why, are you so anxious to see Miriam?" Heliga laughed.
"Don't talk nonsense. Who treats that kind of kid..." Juses flushed, angrily said.
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