Vol 2 Chapter 1040: Position clarification

"Wait...what the is this..." Even Juses on the side was dumbfounded, Alfin was also quite surprised, even Levi's and Fei's expressions were loose-it seems that these and Hai People who had walked closer to Liga didn't know this information, and it was no wonder that Lien, Alyssa and others were already in a hurry to ask questions.
"Don't worry... let me answer your previous questions first." Heliga said, "Just follow the order of your questions. First of all, you, Macias."
Macias, who had been named by Heli, had a slightly loose expression.
"Before answering the question, I want to tell you. I have inquired a little about your father's news, and the conclusion is that there is no danger. In order to stabilize the military spirit, the respected Mayor Regnitz cannot be put into prison so quickly. In, waiting to be punished. He is currently with His Majesty the Emperor, let’s be regarded as taking care of the lives of His Majesty and others. Of course, the information I got is that it may also be because Kane is attracted to his talents and hopes to be able to Winning him as an ally...After all, for Duke Kane, his only enemy is Prime Minister Osborne."
"..." After hearing the news from his father, and it was good news for the time being, Macias's expression changed slightly, and finally said gratefully: "Thank you."
"It's okay... After all, it's something that I promised before." Heliga shook his head, "Next, talk about the question you just asked... You said I was secretly arranging you, but it's not... I didn't mean it. I want to involve you in the core issues of the civil war, but I want to follow your Highness’s ideas, so that you not only watch the war happen, but actually think about what you can do in the civil war. But very Unfortunately, the family, origin and personal background of many of you have determined that they cannot be a non-core participant. Needless to say, noble families like Euses and Laura, Alyssa and Macias The same goes for Elliott, Elliott and others...Even Emma and Gaius, who seem to have nothing to do with each other, were involved in various degrees of associations and the actions of the Imperial Army?"
"This..." Everyone couldn't help thinking about this problem-indeed, these problems were not something they could avoid.
"So, it's not that I deliberately want to arrange, but I can only pick out some options that I think are acceptable among the things that happen." Heliga said, "As for the question of your Royal Highness, this is even more important. An accusation that shouldn’t exist at all. Her Royal Highness has long understood her obligations as a member of the royal family. Neither Her Highness Olibate nor Her Highness Alfin tried to escape it. If Her Royal Highness had been from the beginning Tell me that if she just wants a good shelter, then I won't arrange her by her side, but will be sent to a place far away from the core of the imperial war."
"Whether it is Liber, or the Leman Autonomous Prefecture, the Principality of Remifilia... all can operate." Alfin said calmly, "It's just that, regardless of the outcome of the civil war, the reputation of the royal family will be Because my father and Cedric were arrested during the civil war, and they went bad without doing anything, and leaving only the elder brother to fight for it, I myself went to another country to enjoy a moment of stability..."
Alfin didn't say anything, but everyone understood.
"Sorry... I didn't mean that." Marchias realized his mistake and hurriedly apologized.
"It's okay... I'm not just telling you, but also to everyone present, anyone who has related doubts, even if there is only a little.... Besides Macchias, there is also Ellio What Te and Laura asked about was my own position. Indeed, I don’t want to conceal that Duke Albarrea’s downfall was due to his own fault, but also to what I had done secretly. I The goal is to keep the El Barrea home, at least to keep it in the hands of Juss at the moment. Going bigger, I don’t want Cruchen State to become too chaotic and let the regular army take power. Who knows what will happen? There is also my personal enmity against some of the nobles of Balihaat."
"On this point, I can testify. Heliga is always looking for opportunities, and doesn't want his personal grievances to affect the whole of the duke... What's more, what he wants to do contains certain things that are very unfavorable to the duke. Evidence, for me, it’s a common interest for the time being.
Juses said on the side,
Besides, at least for his help, I am very grateful... In this case, I still have a chance. A good hand that saved my father from a broken hand. The Keldyk incident did not cause a bigger problem because of his help. After that, I was busy with various things, and I got help from him when I was overwhelmed. ...So I don't think there is any problem with this, from the standpoint of the acting duke of Ballahart."
Laura and others fell silent after hearing this.
"Then Emma asked...what is the relationship between me and Miss Vita? It's actually very simple. It's just an ordinary relationship of interest. You should all know that for some reasons, I and some members of the association Some sources, including the Church of the Seven Luminaries, etc...It was in a previous operation that the representative of the association's actions on the empire, Miss Vita, reached a certain consensus-as one of the purposes of the association, For some reason, Vita wants to see the fight between the riding gods very much. I think the reason for this, the squad leader, should you know?" Heliga ignored Emma's embarrassment and continued, "However, because The initiator of "Gray" is Li En, and the initiator of "Cang" is Crowe...If there must be a battle between the two people, then Li En must quickly become stronger. "
"I mean..." Li En was puzzled.
"Originally, Vita said she wanted to force you to join the dispute by grabbing your sister and your Royal Highness." Heliga spread her hands. "But at this time I showed up... I think this plan is not very good, and I have a conflict. For some reason, they did not dare to provoke me too much, so we reached an agreement. They will not disclose our movements to the noble army, nor will they move your sister and the emperor under agreed circumstances. Your Highness. But I need to find a way to make you, Li En, take the initiative to take on this "mission." "
"Between riding gods..." Emma murmured to herself.
"Yes...this is the condition she made. It is also the core of my agreement with her so far."
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