Vol 2 Chapter 1041: Li En's joining (two in one)

Following Heliga’s words, everyone turned their eyes to Emma. Everyone had noticed it before. As early as when they were still exploring the old school building in the school, almost everyone found Emma in the ground to varying degrees. Anomalies in the old school building period. After that, a series of questions such as the talking cat became lingering doubts in everyone's hearts.
"..." Emma's face was green and white, and finally seemed to have compromised. She resignedly said: "In this case...I am afraid that some things should not be hidden from everyone. What I will say next Things will involve a lot of inconspicuous things in the history of the empire, but they are actually far-reaching. Can you help me add?" Emma asked Heliga, apparently tacitly acquiescing that the latter knew everything.
"No problem." Heliga nodded.
"Then, let's talk about it many years ago..."

Emma's story-or confession, is over. It left some unacceptable information for everyone.
The roots of empire history. Those famous events in history; even the Great Drekers, who has the greatest impact on the empire today, had a deep connection with the "riding god". What's more, Emma's organization called the Witch has witnessed these changes for thousands of years.
"Are these... true?" Alyssa asked Heliga, seeming to think that as long as he nodded, this matter can be concluded, and there should be no more doubts.
"Yeah." Helijia nodded, "And I can tell you one more thing... In the underground of the imperial capital, Emperor Delekels was driving a certain riding and defeated the imperial capital. The other riding driver in the movie is now known as the "False Emperor". "
"..." Euses and Macias glanced at each other-the former passed on from the nobles orally, and the latter had never heard of such records from various classics and books.
"The witch clan will take on the method of erasing people's memory... In addition, the great emperor seems to have done this intentionally. Therefore, in a secular sense, the description of the riding in books and folk tales is reviewed...in Under the combined effect of the two, people have long forgotten that there is such a thing as a "riding god" in this world. "Emma said hoarsely, "until the cycle starts again. "
"In the official history of the empire, it is recorded that the pseudo-emperor died in the rebellion. In fact, it is true, but not because he died because of a physical defeat as described in the book, but because he has been mad. Assimilated by the riding god. Among all riding gods, that existence is slightly different... It was
by something earlier and fell into a state of madness different from the general riding god. Therefore, people like the Puppet Emperor just relied on some methods to forcefully activate the riding god. He didn't pass the trial given by the riding like Crowe and you in the old school building, nor did he have enough strength to control it, so he could only become crazy and was completely taken away by the riding god. Miss Lianna and the emperor joined forces to defeat it, and the pseudo-emperor who was sent out of the cockpit by the riding quickly died due to physical exhaustion. This is the truth that happened that year. "Heliga said, "Furthermore, Miss Lianna reflected that Emperor Delekels was very sorry about this, because the latter wanted to judge him fairly in front of the people of the imperial capital...but then there was no chance. Moreover, he even took advantage of the chaos to let the descendants of the "pseudo emperor" escape from the imperial capital. "
"What?" Heliga's subsequent sentence is more like a complaint than this story-this caught Macias's attention. "Someone from the "pseudo-emperor" has escaped from the imperial capital? "
"Well... if this weren't the case, his descendants would probably be dealt with in various ways. Dreikaels the Great Xingxiong is only roughly, and probably won't kill them all like other princes who have seized power... After the dispersal, it should lose all influence and credibility, and then be exiled to the borders of the empire and be demoted as a commoner. It should be a very common behavior. However, the emperor still let some slippery fish escape outside-this also caused The empire’s small-scale rebellions in the decades after that. This is not detailed in the history books, so you don’t know it." Heilija said to Macias, "In fact, most of these rebellions are in some places. The nobles raised their armies for some very ridiculous reasons—there is no doubt that the descendants of the false emperors tried various methods to win over these nobles, but they never succeeded."
"Then... after that, how about the riding of "Fei"? "Eusis asked with concern.
"I don't know... There is no way to completely destroy things like the riding god. Because its power comes from some kind of higher existence, which makes humans completely uncontrollable. Therefore, even though they rack their brains, they still do it. Not this point. In the end, with the help of the witch at the time, Emperor Delekels and the others sealed the riding of "Fei" and re-established the imperial capital Heimdall on the ruins of the seal. And the center of the seal is the current imperial palace, Balfram Palace. "
"What!?" If the previous things are just footnotes hidden in a dark page in mainland history, then this news is exploding enough-it surprised everyone.
"By the way, the plan of association is also related to this. The "Phantom Flame Project", literally understood, is to use Crossbell's "phantom" to guide the "flame" of the empire... the purpose of association is every time They all revolve around the core of Zhibao itself. In Liberty, it is "empty". Closbell's "illusion" has been unusable for humans many years ago. The existence that remains now is nothing but the product of the obsession and madness of the Clan named Kullois. . The association has gradually withdrawn from Crossbell, and their next goal is obviously to focus on imperial events. "Heliga ignored everyone's reaction and went on.
"In other words... Sister's purpose for joining the association, is it..." Emma changed.
"Probably just as you thought. She probably had a disagreement with your patriarch on something. To be honest, you should know it yourself. In fact, you don't know the key situation of many witches at all... , This civil war is also an opportunity. At least, anyway, the responsibility of the leader of the gray has fallen on you...just use this as a breakthrough to solve the problem, how?"
"..." Emma didn't speak, and after a long time, she took the initiative to break the silence: "...I understand. Before, I couldn't figure out why my sister suddenly left without saying goodbye...Why the mother-in-law is sad, but she always doesn't Forget some things... I seem to be a little bit dazzled."
"All in all, the battle between the riding gods is a must... but it is not a death battle. It is just a formal battle in which both sides must go all out. Li En-I don't know how you feel now, maybe Is it confused? Maybe not ready yet? But anyway, from now on, you have to force yourself to prepare for a war between the riding gods."
"The outcome of the battle...no, what's the meaning of this battle itself?" Li En asked after thinking about it.
"It doesn’t make any sense—or, the Riding God War itself is just a simulation of a special situation, or something similar... I was a little confused about this before, but in a certain event before that, I I understand a little bit." Heliga said, "But, for you, for you, this battle means not only this kind of boring thing, but also-after the outbreak of the civil war, between us and Crowe , Has there been any communication and exchanges? What do you think about the fact that he is the leader of the terrorists?"
Heliga's simple words stirred up ripples in Li En's heart.
Compared with those things, this is much purer. Li En still can’t forget what Kroo said when he appeared while driving the Blue Rider God—denying this time. The fetters of getting along are something he cannot accept.
But now, Crowe was already a knight of the blue that the aristocratic coalition army relied on very much, and his position with him had reached a point where he was completely opposite. Li En was originally troubled, what kind of posture trouble should he take to see Crowe-until Heilijia gave a reminder and a possible path, that is, the road of struggle between riding gods.
I don’t care about those political struggles, it’s just an opportunity—a chance to learn the truth about a lot of things if you win.
"You don't have to worry about those things... There will be no problem with His Royal Highness Olibate's arrangements." Heliga said, "He has already told me before. If you are ready, you can take that thing. Leave it to you and let you do what you want to do. At that time, I will settle down here for the time being, and I can also follow him to clean up the mess over there, instead of continuing to waste here and disagreeing with you."
Heliga's last sentence was obviously just a joke-the little misunderstanding of everyone just now has been solved. What everyone cares about right now is nothing more than the issue that Li En is also concerned about, that is, what exactly is Crowe's attitude - nothing more.
"But... if you want to defeat Crowe, the difficulty is not small. His own strength is not weak, and he is still a veteran who has been driving the riding for more than three years." Heliga analyzed, "In addition, I listen to Lai. Wei said that the weapon you used at the time was a big sword seized from the mechs, not the Taishou you took advantage of; however, what Klow used was a double-headed sword that was absolutely not conventionally equipped among mechs, right? "
"Well...so that, in addition to the performance problem of the riding god, it seems that there is indeed such a problem." Other people said after witnessing the situation at that time.
"Because Crowe’s double-headed sword is made of Semuria stone...itself is very strong. In addition, it is the same as the casting material of the riding god, so it can also improve the resonance of spiritual power to a level. . This is an important reason why you can't beat him." Heliga said, "Vita has already told me that if you are interested in participating in the war and confirm your determination, then tell you about it-you want to win. They can only use weapons that are also made for Semuria Stone, and practice diligently on this basis."
"But..." Elliott found a question, "Where can I find such a large piece of Semuria?"
His remarks calmed everyone's discussion-indeed, the rareness of the Semuria Stone was clear to everyone present. A small piece of Semuria stone can even be held in the palm of the hand as a heirloom in the homes of some little nobles in the empire, not to mention the huge Semuria stone that can be forged like a riding weapon?
"And...it’s difficult to build weapons with such things..." Alyssa posed another question—the nature of Semuria Stone, including its super high hardness, and The high adaptability of conduction energy, but correspondingly brings great difficulty in processing. Regardless of the source, how about getting so many Semuriya stones? It is even more difficult to make a weapon like a sword.
"She also gave solutions to these two problems. First, if Li En really makes a decision, then in response, the land will respond accordingly-specifically, it is called Lingku Existence. These places may store a large amount of Semuria Stone. In addition, there is no need to worry about the processing problem. Crowe’s double-headed sword was obviously made with the help of the forces on the side of the association, but In fact, there is a helper in the empire who might be able to do this. Alyssa should be very familiar, right?"
"Could it be Dr. Schmidt... But I remember that the research progress of the University of Engineering is not..."
"I heard that he found something in the design of the mecha soldiers, which may be used in auxiliary research. Because he has been actually helping the noble coalition forces with the follow-up maintenance work of the mecha soldiers... if it can be taken Luray’s control should be able to contact him. In addition, although you have nothing to do with Dr. Schmidt at the moment, if you really bring enough semria stones to him The scene is absolutely spectacular. He shouldn't want to miss this great opportunity, and shouldn't refuse to help."
"Hmm... Indeed, it is possible." Alyssa nodded.
"But... the distribution of the caves should depend on many factors... Eventually, it will definitely be scattered across the empire. In this case, how can I..." Emma was caught in another dilemma.
"So, His Highness Olibate will provide a very useful aid at this time." Heliga said, "I will contact him now-just tell him that all the members of Class VII are already there. I’ve decided what I’m going to do next—and on this basis, start acting. How?"
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