Vol 2 Chapter 1056: Summit Contact (2 in 1)

The regular army troops bypassing the great forest and the positions of the noble coalition can only return to the territory of Lamar State through the roads in the northern part of Sacharant State. As usual, there are troops stationed on the borders of the great nobles' territories. After all, the battle between the nobles of Ereponia is not unprecedented in history. The aristocracy seemed to be in harmony, but in fact the act of stabbing a knife in the back was a kind of after-dinner conversation that the people of the Empire liked.
However, it is obviously a rare exception in the history of the empire-because it is considered an alliance in the civil war, the rulers of each state have agreed to open some traffic-related controls to provide convenience for nominally friendly forces. Although the security between the fortresses stationed near the main cities of the respective great nobles was not lost for a while.
Therefore, when soldiers patrolling in the state of Sassarand at night, when they saw the densely packed armoured vehicle group in the distance, their inner reaction was to doubt first, then shocked-wondering why the friendly forces from Lamar State did not respond to such a large scale. There were any greetings in the military operations, and then it was discovered that the thrilling roar of the "18th" could not be heard in the regular army.
Without waiting for the Sacharand State Army to react, the 6th and 7th Mech Divisions had already moved under the Sacharand State Army Fortress, and then they launched several rounds of shelling. The roar of the 18th and the harsh rubbing of the light tank against the ground formed a symphony of panic.
The soldiers of Sacharante State recovered from the roar of artillery-but the scene before them had made them lose the idea of ​​counterattack. Because what they saw was the incredible number of tanks in front of them.
This is not a military operation... This is the emergence of two large mecha divisions. Under the almost crazy firepower, how can a small border fortress withstand such an attack?
"The report says that the small border fortress has been suppressed. According to previous requirements, the two railway tracks and the outer tank road were not shelled, but it seems that the opponent's infantry units are already gathering nearby."
"Very good. Keep the queue, just rush over. The sixth and seventh light formations are responsible for suppressing the remnants around. The eighth to the twelfth to the scheduled guard route, pay attention to the army in the direction of the capital of Sacharand. Is there a corresponding response? If there is a situation, let them report as soon as possible."

The aristocratic army of Sacharand also deserved the reputation of the Marquis of Haynes as a "wise general"-less than half an hour after the small fortress was destroyed, the Marquis of Haynes was completely sleepy by the news of the border attack no.
"What's going on?" As he hurriedly put on his clothes, the Marquis of Haynes, who asked the soldiers who came to deliver the news, forced himself to calm down, "Is it an attack by the regular army...?"
"Yes... The third small fortress on the border with Lamar State has been conquered frontally after a 10-minute salvo from the regular army." The messenger said quickly, "It's an all-in-one formation of tanks. ...The number is extremely large. After capturing the small fortress, they seem to have moved straight to the southwest."
"The southwest... isn't it for Saint Tejac?" Hearing the news, Marquis Haynes was a little relieved-it wasn't that his hometown was being targeted, "Find out where the opposite is. Is it a side?"
"If you are located in Lamar State... only the sixth, seventh and ninth mech divisions." The soldier quickly replied, "We tried to send an inquiry, but the other party kept the force communication silent, only moving towards the southwest. mobile."
"Southwest...very good, but there are our troops over there." Marquis Haynes nodded, "In that case, let them fight first. By the way, about how many people came from the other side?"
"That... Your Excellency the Marquis... this is just what the soldiers saw in a panic, not necessarily the real data..." The soldier was embarrassed.
"Say it!" The Marquis of Haynes said impatiently, completely disregarding his own demeanor—somehow, he had a premonition that this number would be very absurd in his mind.
"According to the people seen in the front...it looks like two tanks of mecha divisions...all have been dispatched." This is indeed the case, giving the Marquis of Haynes a thunderbolt.
"..." He stopped putting on his jacket in a daze, and sat back on the bed without saying a word.
"Your Excellency Marquis? You..." The butler who was waiting for the marquis to dress was frightened.
"Pass my order..." The Marquis of Haynes was silent for a long time before he re-sounded-but at this time, his tone had begun to slowly return to normal.
He finally knew what this regular army was going to do.
"Order all the defenders in the southwestern region to assemble in the direction of Saint Tejac. At the same time, tell the Lamar State Department, General Alleria and Brigadier General Vores all the above information. Before the other party has any response... ...Don't take the initiative to attack this regular army unit."
"Yes." The soldier got the order and left quickly.
"Your Excellency, you..." The butler on the side hurriedly took a step forward, trying to lift the Marquis of Haynes from the bed. However, the Marquis himself waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, and then slowly stood up.
"Do you know who is the opposite unit?" He asked the old butler next to him leisurely.
"This...sir, I really don't know."
"There was news a few days ago... the regular army in the southwest of Lamar State, the sixth and seventh mech divisions, have completed part of their reunion." The Marquis of Haynes smiled, "and the seventh mech division , Is the force actually controlled by His Royal Highness Olibate."
"Ah..." Hearing the name Olibate, the butler finally made a voice--but he still didn't understand what it meant.
"It's still too young... to use this radical method." Marquis Haynes smiled. "He was helpless in the face of General Alleria and the encirclement of Vores, so he wanted to be unable to hold it under the car. Before, I went to the old fortress in the southern part of Haidu, across the canyon." Marquis Haines said, "Because it is impossible to break through from General Alleria head-on, so I chose to use the way of Sasaraante. "The Marquis of Haynes pointed to the empire map on the wall of his bedroom. "This fortress was once the old fortress that Prime Minister Osborne declared abandoned when he was carrying out military reforms... However, he was assassinated before the demolition work was completed. Therefore, it still retains its functions as a military fortress, and even a way to store supplies. In this case...if they can be transferred here for garrison, the conditions are definitely better than the temporary fortifications in the hills. Much.
"So, I didn't come to your Excellency." The butler on the side also heaved a sigh of relief, "But, why do you say he is naive?"
"Because this is a plan that is too taken for granted." The Marquis of Haynes sighed, "Look here-if there is no blocking, he can start from the northwest of the hills and go there directly through the highway. But There is actually General Alleria’s control area. They chose to bypass the forest and take our way... Do you think we won’t find it, and wouldn’t it be the same thing?

"...After the general finds out, you can launch an interception nearby... and you will definitely get there earlier than them, waiting for work, right?" The steward looked at the map and said uncertainly.
"Yes. If you want to understand this, you know why I said he was too naive and too stupid." The Marquis of Haynes nodded, "His thought, 80% is after using two mecha divisions to join forces. The huge number of tanks in possession threatens us. Without any preparation, I cannot deploy troops and send soldiers of the same rank to encounter them, so we cannot stop him here. This judgment That’s right... even if Vores is there, I think it’s a very difficult task. However, this large number of tanks will not be invisible... They want to pass by us, so they won’t be discovered by us. ?"
"So, as long as Lord Vores knows the news—"
"This chariot unit will be ruined in the hands of the generals who are waiting for work." Marquis Haynes nodded confidently, "You also go to the communication room. Take my token to convey the order. Let the soldiers fight the joint battle. The chariots conduct a symbolic interception, and be careful not to love the battle. We are not their opponents who are not ready for battle. At the same time, make sure that General Alleria knows this as soon as possible."
After the house opened the room, the Marquis of Haynes did not rush, put on his coat elegantly, took a cigar from the beautiful box in the bedside table, and walked to the balcony. In the smoke, he suddenly thought of such a question.
"His Royal Highness, is it really unexpected that General Alleria and the others will act immediately after getting the news from their own side and take shortcuts to block his only way?" What does the Marquis of Haynes think? Can't figure this out.
His Royal Highness does not seem to be such a brave person. The Marquis of Haynes did not participate much in political struggles, but he also met Olibate as a distinguished guest at the summit of the great nobles. He talked with him and understood that he should not make such a decision.
Besides, they are all chariot troops...The Marquis of Haynes has realized another problem-even if it is a mecha regiment, it does not mean that all troops are chariot troops. Semi-mechanized infantry, field troops, and artillery are also important elements of the army. So, where did these soldiers go?
Could it be said that His Royal Highness Olibate had actually anticipated all this... he figured out a way to make General Alleria what he could not do?
No, it can't be-it's all random thinking. In the evaluation of Brigadier General Vores, apart from the best in the regular army, like fierce generals like Sykes Vandel and Olaf Craig, absolutely no one in the regular army can do this. Besides, just relying on the infantry field army, it is impossible to be the opponent of Alleria's most elite mecha unit. Unless these people launch a decisive assault and use a steady stream of lives to hold General Alleria. But is it really worth it? To put it bluntly, this war is just a civil war between different classes in the empire. It is a solution to the redistribution of domestic interests, which can only be solved by force, not the Republic or other countries that invaded the great Ereboni. Ya-he is a realist, he believes that the soldiers also understand this to some extent, so they will not be so desperate, just to achieve the purpose of this strategic shift.
So, what is going on?
After thinking about it, he still decided to dial that number after a long time and contact that person.
"Hello, this is the capital of Sacharant State, the Marquis Mansion of St. Tejac. Although it is a bit abrupt, I have some things to discuss with Kane..."

Kane originally slept sweetly in the luxurious bedroom of "Patanguai". However, the annoying knock on the door caused Kane to leave his sweet dreams and return to reality.
However, after hearing that the reason for the interruption came from the contact with the Marquis of Haynes, the bit of dissatisfaction and anger in his heart dissipated, and he was replaced by curiosity-what the could make the Marquis of Haynes Is this scheming fox suddenly so anxious?
It's just that, after hearing the cause and effect of the matter, Kane was not as calm as before. Originally, he was thinking about whether this person encountered a crisis that he could not solve by himself, such as the remnants of the regular army in his territory suddenly attacked all of them, or other nobles took the opportunity to make things happen. As a result, I did not expect that although the incident did happen in Sacharent State, it was Kane’s own tail in Lamar State that burned.
"Don't worry, sir... I have let people inform General Alleria about this through military contact." Marquis Haynes comforted Duke Kane in the communication, "Your army is closer there. , It is impossible to arrive after that... But, I actually have a little question about this matter. I think I should tell you..." Then, the Marquis of Haynes had a little reservation about what he had just thought. , But most of them told Kane. Naturally, he has reservations about his own self-interest considerations, but Father Kane still heard the question he most wants to know-His Royal Highness Olibate, does he think he can resist Alleria?
"Of course it's impossible." Duke Kane laughed, "His Royal Highness... just as you said, he is too young. With this little trick, he can't resist General Alleria. Yes. It's just..." Kane hesitated suddenly.
"No...No...I seem to be missing something..." Kane's father suddenly became a little flustered, "It seems like there is... as if someone is..."
Suddenly, a figure appeared in his mind-a figure that was a little creepy when he thought about it now.
"Please...Please come here...Hurry up." He panicked and gave an order to a soldier beside him.
Somehow, he had such an idea all of a sudden—now he desperately needs the help of Vita Clotide to confirm the truth of this inexplicable idea.
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