Vol 2 Chapter 1073: Kane's adjustment

"..." Staring at the report sent under his hand, Kane's face was ashamed, and he sat down on the sofa in the command room.
Next to him are the staff team led by Chief of Staff Rufas, as well as Brigadier General Vores, who temporarily served as commander in chief because of General Alleria's wounds, and his officers, as well as other persons related to noble forces. In addition, Crowe and Wei Ta were in an inconspicuous corner, looking at each other, unable to speak to the situation in front of them.
"Why didn't you deliver it earlier?" Kane repeated feebly-to the soldier who was delivering the message, "Since it happened yesterday afternoon, why did the news come this morning!"
"Um... That's because there was no movement from the Marquis of Logner. It wasn't until this morning that the Marquis Mansion released a message saying..." The soldier was about to defend, but found that Duke Kane had completely lost his usual benevolent eyes. Like a predator, staring at him fiercely, he was so scared that he couldn't speak.
"Your Excellency... please restrain yourself." On the side, Vores hurriedly grabbed Duke Kane who wanted to rush up to give the soldier a kick, and signaled the latter to step back and not continue to anger Duke Kane, and then said: "Your Excellency , I only received the news this morning. The Marquis Rogner did not have any military operations after that, and did not see such as regular troops stationed in the city of Luray. In general, the 3rd Mecha Division The regiment and the 4th Mech Division have been staying in their respective defense zones honestly. If it weren't for the news from the Marquis Mansion, or for other reports from the front troops, we would not be able to discover this."
"This situation will happen, mostly because Prince Oribat personally came forward and charged you in front of the Marquis of Logna as a royal family." Rufas on the other side of Kane spoke- There was confusion in his tone, but Vita could tell that his confusion was disguised, but it was so vivid that it was difficult to distinguish between seriousness and falsehood-at least no one else around had any doubts, "This The point is my dereliction of duty. I should keep in touch with the Marquis Rogner...otherwise he won't take advantage of it."
"This can't be blamed on the Chief of Staff Rufas." An officer on the side saw that Rufas took the initiative to take the blame and took the initiative to defend him. "All the battles in Lamar State proceeded very smoothly. Fasting’s command and dispatch."
"Including the battle at the beginning of Sacharant State, the Lord Marquis of Haynes also used Lord Rufas's battle plan?" Another officer said.
"That's right... The plan made by Lufasqin is not leaking, and I was amazed when I saw it." Brigadier General Vores, who carried out this plan, did not hesitate to praise his words. "Qing Rufas has done it perfectly, but he is just a person after all... and the Marquis of Logner is a pure warrior himself. This is what was done by His Royal Highness Olibat and he was persuaded to do it. Such a declaration."
"Then...according to what you mean?" Kane wanted to let the hapless soldier vent because he couldn't find a punching bag. The association was the guest he invited. In the entire civil war plan, the association did not know how much effort was behind the association. Kane knew how powerful the association was. How dare he disrespect Vita? As for Rufas, he has always trusted and cared very much. He was completely different from his ignorant father, and he did not intend to blame him face to face. As for Vores, there is no way to say anything. He was originally mobilized from Sacharante a few weeks ago. In theory, he is not Duke Kane’s own person at all, but is really under his control. General Alleria is still recovering in Haidu’s hospital. Although the doctors promised to do their best—they are also very curious about who can take Alleria, who is claimed to be the first swordsman in the empire, The sub-general is consumed like this-but General Alleria wants to resume normal operations, it will take a week or two no matter what, it is impossible to appear here.
Therefore, seeing the crowd seemed not to panic at all, Kane couldn't help but look at Rufas, who has an excellent reputation, and wanted to hear what he had good suggestions.
"I think your Highness must have told the Marquis of Logner that your protection against your Majesty is a little too much." Rufas rolled his eyes and considered his words, trying not to use words like "rebellion" or "house arrest"— —Although the people present are more or less aware of the truth, "Your Excellency Marquis's loyalty to the royal family is not clear. I think that he declared neutrality instead of further declaring his incompatibility with the noble alliance, maybe It also leaves room for continued negotiations."
"In this case, can the negotiation still be useful?" Despite Rufas' resourcefulness, Duke Kane did not see any hope this time.
"No... The Marquis Rogner did not declare hostility to the Noble Alliance, so there is still a chance. I think your Excellency must show a certain degree of sincerity to let the Marquis Rogner dispel this idea... At least, if he is not willing to participate in the war The supply of weapons, equipment and munitions to Lamar State cannot be stopped. We should not abandon our efforts to negotiate with the Marquis of Logna now... I think, at least we should look at the quality?"
"Um...that's fine. However, I don't have much hope for this matter, so I don't want you to go personally." Duke Kane said irritably, "Just ask a few representatives of the nobles of Ordis- —"
"No, this matter must be done by Your Excellency himself. Not only you, but also our entire staff, the members of the "Association", and the battleship "Patan Guai". A strange smile flashed across Rufas's face, "Our goal is not only to persuade the Marquis of Logner, but also to find a way to "convince" the Grey Knight together-isn't this what you want? "
"Oh?" Duke Kane asked, seeing Rufas so confident and overjoyed.
"Sir, listen to me..." Lufas put his lips to Duke Kane's ear and whispered for a while. The sophistication of the voice control made it impossible for Vita, who had quietly turned on the witch's secret method, to hear clearly. He could only hear the words "seduce" and "strategy" that Rufas said occasionally.
"Ok... if that's the case, just try as you said. If it doesn't work, you can only wait for General Alleria to come back and start the scheduled decisive battle." Kane looked around, "Bring the hunters and Call back the elites from all over the world. The scattered battles are no longer meaningful-now in addition to trying to win the support of the Marquis of Logna, there is one more-to pay close attention to the movement of the imperial capital."
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