Vol 2 Chapter 1079: Crowe's Story (Part 2) (2 in 1)

"Why do you care about my opinion so much? How can you care about other people's eyes when you have done things like terrorists?" Heliga is quite puzzled about this. Since Crowe has done such a thing, why? Must know what others think?
"You are right, I really don't need other people's approval... But I am sometimes curious about what I am like from the standpoint of ordinary people." Crowe thought for a while and said, "But People in this world have their own positions, I am afraid it is difficult to get answers from them."
"Then you mean, I am absolutely objective?" Heliga asked softly, "It must not be. How can I say it is the person who has chosen a position in this civil war. You let me evaluate you? the behavior of……"
"I just think that if it's you, you can get the most fair and objective ideas." Crowe said, "How do you put it...that is, you are a bit beyond the secular framework, and you can always get some, although incomparable. Cold, but very correct thoughts and conclusions. You just have to think from this perspective."
"If you insist on saying that..." Heliga shrugged, "If you evaluate it from a relatively objective perspective, your actions are a bit confusing, and a bit stupid, unreasonable."
"What's the reason?" Crowe didn't change his face.
"First of all, for this purpose itself... You said before that you murdered the prime minister to fight for your grandfather, right. But the problem is, your grandfather did not die by the prime minister or an assassin sent by the imperial government. , But because of his conservative economic strategy, he was abandoned by the people of Chu Lai. In the whole process, it was nothing but Chu Lai’s country that was too weak compared to the empire, and your grandpa could not reverse this situation and change Unrealistic. He can’t figure this out himself, so he is depressed. Although unfortunate, it is difficult to blame the prime minister. If I were you, I would hate those of Joule even more than Prime Minister Osborne. Members, it is they who ruthlessly abandoned your grandfather in order to cater to the capital integration of the empire and for their own benefit. Killing them is more logical than killing the prime minister."
"What else?" Crowe's expression changed slightly, but the tone remained on the original channel, and continued to ask.
"What if it is not Prime Minister Osborne who used diplomatic means to solve the legacy of Liber's Hundred Days War and won the emperor's trust, but the leader of the noble empire who had the upper hand? I am afraid, Zhu. Lai will become ruins directly under the iron torrent of the empire. In this case, if you become a terrorist who opposes the power of the empire, it is more reasonable and not surprising. What's more, your opinion At first, I didn’t seem to pay attention to this kind of right or wrong, I just thought about it... But I don’t think the prime minister took the matter between you and your grandpa at all."
"It was the underestimation of the enemy that caused his failure...?" Crowe repeated gently.
"No... I don't think he has ever regarded your grandfather as a so-called enemy." Heliga shook his head. "He is just the trader of the state machine of the empire, and your grandpa is another smaller country. They are just playing the game on this basis. The available resources, information and intelligence, economic strength and military strength of the two sides are very different. This is simply an impossible situation to win. Your grandfather’s insistence is in Zhu Lai In the eyes of the citizens of China, it is meaningless, and the rapid development of the country brought about by the powerful capital injection of the empire is the root that people are happy to see. It is impossible for Zhu Lai to unite with a certain person, a certain belief, or a certain royal family. Around, there is a strong sense of self and nationality, trying to distinguish oneself from foreign invaders... Zhu Lai is just such a country that goes with the tide, a piece of grass with no position at all, only moving in the direction of interests Running dogs. In this case, if you want to unite the country and fight against a behemoth that is a great thing in the eyes of the people? The Chulai people will only think that your grandfather is a fool, or accepts competition from the empire. For the advantage of the opponent, at the expense of everyone's interests for his own sake, not only will he not be grateful for his efforts, but he will also feel that he is the one who is in the way."
After listening to Heliga's words, Crowe's face changed and changed again and again, but in the end he said it was extremely calm: "...It's really merciless, just poke my sore spot."
"This is the truth... Although it is ugly, this is what you asked me to say." Heliga sighed. "Or, I just told the facts that you have known for a long time-the last internship in Joule In, you should have felt the changes there after you left, right?"
"Well... flourishing and flourishing is exactly what the imperial special economic zone should be. The people are happy and prosperous. Although there are some new problems and some ugly slums, most people are indeed..." Nodded.
"They chose the empire and abandoned your grandfather. But Prime Minister Osborne just did what he was supposed to do, and used a very clever way, through diplomacy and economic means...no one died because of this, nor People are injured. The end result is that everyone is happy. The only thing that is an eye-catcher is your grandfather. It is the people of Chu Lai who made all this, and let the people of Chu Lai completely put down their guard against the empire and spread the world. Under the offensive, it was those Chu Lai's legislators who opened their arms to greet the imperial capital. Who is the object of your revenge? Or, if you want to fight back, who should you slap your fist at?"
"...What you said is correct. However, Grandpa doesn't seem to care about these things... In the final analysis, it is my own wishful thinking." Crowe thought for a while, "Grandpa never blamed those congressmen before he died. We... he was actually overwhelmed, and the swearing and ridicule among the people broke the heart, and finally turned into that look."
"That shows that he is indeed a very professional politician. He understands that the entanglement of interests has nothing to do with personal emotions-especially for the controller of the state apparatus."
"Yes... Grandpa doesn't hate the congressman or the prime minister. He just hates his incompetence, and the pain that this incompetence brings to himself." Crowe said, "but I still think I did nothing wrong... …If I really go back to Joule and make some terrorist attacks against civilians, or assassinate the congressman who caused my grandfather to step down before… then I think I’m the real… it will be overwhelming."
"This means that you still have kindness and reservedness in your heart, so you can remain indifferent to those people, instead of rushing to get revenge." Just like Ling Zai misunderstood her biological parents and watched her parents hold the newborn. When his younger brother was trembling with grievance and hatred, Levi even said "you can decide by yourself" which is almost explicit, while Ling just said softly, "Life is very happy... …That’s it,
and then forced to leave with grief,
and why do you consider Osborne to be your opponent...?

"..." Crowe swallowed silently at the same time-he hadn't really thought about this question. Why did I treat the slaughter as the one who does all the evil from the beginning? If he really wants to say responsibility, he is not even the first responsible person.
Is it because the prime minister's personal strength is so strong that people have forgotten that he is just a mortal, and he will definitely die if he is shot through the heart by a sniper rifle? In other words, the prime minister’s strength has turned into his excuse-when a person snatches food from the unarmed poor, he may feel guilty of bullying the weak, but if a person can it from the dragon Where's a lot of treasure? Will only be treated as a hero. Is it because Prime Minister Osborne is such a dragon that everyone is afraid of, so when he made a big move, no one thought it was wrong?
Crowe seems to be able to accept such an answer. However, Heliga felt a bit weird-the empire's civil war occurred to the present position, there have been too many logically unreasonable places.
He shook his head, and finally gave up thinking about it. However, he had faintly discovered something in his heart-that is the wonderful connection between the empire and the surrounding countries, if there is no.
After the Northumbria-Salt Pile Incident, the empire’s ambiguous attitude towards the new autonomous prefectures did not match the empire’s diplomatic strategy all along.
Libel—it’s hard to imagine that the empire would actually commit an event of a bad nature like Hamel—and according to some internal information provided by Heliga and Olibat, many of the main battles that were later executed The officers sent all claimed that they seemed to have become fanatical and militant for a while, and they were coincidentally, appearing simultaneously under multiple confessions. Heilija first only regarded it as Wiseman, the black hand behind the scenes, using his suggestion technique to fan the flames, and did not pay much attention, but now think about it...the vision is really serious. Logically speaking, even if the protagonist wants to go to war, there is a better way, and they have chosen the most puzzling, and the least likely to be done.
The same is true for small countries such as Closesberg and other autonomous prefectures. The speed of expansion of the empire at this time is very rare in history. If what the Prime Minister Osborne did was to fight for his own capital to fight against the aristocratic faction, but what happened in Clos Bell and the big and small changes in Clos Bell, the Prime Minister asked the members of the Intelligence Department to make strange actions. ......Also made Heliga very suspicious.
In addition, the empire's attitude towards organizations on the mainland such as the Qi Yao Church and the Guerrilla Association is also very exclusive. If the reason why the Epstein consortium is not allowed to enter the empire is to protect the economy of the empire, it can be justified. The purpose of the guerrilla association is not conducive to the work of the empire’s intelligence department. Because, the empire only retains unilateral external transportation to the ceremonial province, and is only set up at the lowest level. Is it to protect its own domestic elf beliefs?
Helija always felt that something was pushing the empire behind the scenes, pushing the empire into chaos step by step. Especially after the beginning of this civil war, Heliga wanted to figure out the trend of association. While waiting for Vita's answer, he was also seeking some helpful ideas for himself.
However, Crowe did not know what Heliga was thinking at this time. He patted his head, looked at the clock on the wall, and then said, "By the way, there are still many people on this boat, they should be your old acquaintances, and some are people here... Do you want to see them? Anyway, I'm still idle now."
"I want to meet the general staff of Rufas." Heliga said absently, "Is it convenient?"
"I don't know... he is not on the ship now. However, occasionally he does leave like this for a few days. As for what he is going to do, we don't know. Kane fully trusts him, and at least when he is needed. He can always be contacted. A few hours before you came, he left the mothership in the airship, I don’t know where he went."
"That's it..." Heliga always felt that Rufas was hiding from himself, but he had no evidence, so he held back this idea, "In this case, I'll see the two people on the table just now. Unhappy greasy uncle." Heliga said half-jokingly, "the two of them never left, right?"
"No. The two of the "West Wind" have been in charge of the training of the mecha soldiers. Their work has basically been completed long ago, and they are just playing casually on various battlefields. Crowe shook his head, "They heard that you were coming, so they came right away... I heard it was your former acquaintance with Fei?" But at the dinner table just now, why did you disregard the two of them? "
"What you want is this kind of effect. Let them know that after the "Hunter King" is gone, the boss of "West Wind" will not be the two of them. Two little guys, do you still want the real boss to sell their face? "
"Who are you talking about?" When Heilijia said this, he deliberately made a loud voice, and Crowe slowed down, which also meant that the room in front of him was exactly where the two of them were. As expected, as soon as Heliga's voice fell, a cry of dissatisfaction came from the room.
"Did you see it? Only I can yell in such a dishonest way. The real big guys are like me—" Heliga pushed open the concealed door and used it lazily. Fingers caught the tiny throwing knife that fell from the door--that was the trick of the master of the voice, Jeno, the "trapkeeper", "Calmlessly, calmly--"
As he said, Heliga dropped the throwing knife—the sharp metal directly pierced the wine bottle on the table in front of Jeno, the purple-red wine scattered with the glass slag, and Jeno and him were innocent. The gun’s "destroying beasts" were also hit by some fragments, but both of them protected the key parts. The battle suits they wore to defend against the "stray bullets" were a piece of cake, and they were naturally unharmed.
Seeing this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched--Sure enough, aren't the hunters a normal person?
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