Vol 2 Chapter 1120: Airborne

What Heilija gave to Sigmund was nothing else-it was exactly what he had killed in the western and northern parts of the empire not long ago, and taken from the chaotic "Eudemons"-according to Emma According to the statement, these Eudemons carry the rare shining stones that have absorbed special magic power from ordinary beasts, or some powerful magic circuits installed by magicians of a century ago for the convenience of fighting. Although the related technology has almost been lost, in the hands of some smart technicians, they can still be processed into a special circuit to perform powerful magic. Of course, even if you don't need to do powerful magic, it can also be processed into other guiding elements, which are more powerful than ordinary guiding circuits.
Because "Class VII" has Emma, ​​a powerful genius witch, and among the people Heliga knows, Olibate, Ling, and Alfin are also leaders in force magic-so he also paid special attention At once, these rare and precious spars were removed from the bodies of these Eudemons. In this case, I can also find reliable channels in the future and process them into practical guiding circuits. Even if you don't need them, you can definitely make the best use of them.
Moreover, Heliga seemed to recall that he had seen something similar in the warehouse of the "Black Auction"-even though everyone was surprised at the existence of Kiya at that time, ignoring these secondary things. content. After thinking about what he saw at the time, the starting price on the exquisite card with the auction box, Heliga felt that these things should be able to match Sigmund's appetite.
"..." Sure enough-Sigmund was a good knower. As soon as he saw these spars, his eyes lit up. If Heilijia hadn't known that the person in front of him would be more or less decent, maybe he would have thought that he would rush forward in the next second and take all these things away.
"I also know the market for this thing... Moreover, in a sense, this is a very rare thing. Even for you, there is no stable access to it." Heliga weighed the things in his hand, "Enough Is it worth the cost of buying information?"
"Indeed..." Sigmund took the few spars handed by Heliga, and carefully examined them in his hand.
"You should have your own channel for processing, I won't ask." Heliga continued, "For some...obvious reasons, leaving this spacecraft, I won't admit to doing this with you. It's a deal. You didn't tell me anything, and I didn't give you anything-we just talked a little bit about the hunting-related topics."
"I understand." Sigmund didn't mind, just chuckles, "In that case... we will return to the "Red Constellation" operation headquarters next. What about you Do we need to find a place to put you down? "
"Let me see... this should be the neutral zone on the border between the Empire and the Republic." Heliga said, pushing open the hatch, and looking at the ground through the clouds to distinguish.
"Yeah... 250 sel.'s north of the city of Closberg, a neutral buffer zone between the border of the Empire and the Republic." Sigmund said, "Although it stands to reason, we have the "Crimson Chamber of Commerce" transportation caravan. One identity, it’s okay to fly directly over the airspace of the two major powers... but now the two sides are not at peace after all, we don’t want to be treated as a thorn in the eye by the nervous air forces on both sides. "
"So...no need, I don't think there is much place to stop around here." Heliga looked at the terrain dominated by mountains and lakes, spreading her hands, "If it's normal, I don't mind the red "Zodiac"’s nest stayed for a few days... but for now. They will have the final strategy battle tomorrow, and I can't be lazy in this situation. "
"then you……"
Before Sigmund could finish asking—Heliga took a light breath, then jumped straight, and jumped off the airship—the young figure quickly passed through the clouds, leaving a small ripple above the clouds. Sigmund and the hunters who saw this scene stared wide and small.
"Captain...this..." Randy's old subordinate, the captain of the hunting squadron named Zacks, naturally saw this scene.
"Huh... let's just do it." Sigmund didn't show much surprise at this scene-I don't know if it was because he was mentally prepared for it. He looked at the subordinates with different expressions and complex expressions, and said, "We don't care about him for the time being. When we return to the headquarters and the rest is over, "Red Constellation"... is going to be temporarily closed for a while. "

With the help of Light Feather Art, Heliga landed gently on the ground. While looking at the surrounding terrain, he used magic to dry himself. Soon, he discovered that this was a canyon on the northeastern border of the empire, and it was inaccessible-walking northwest, you could walk to the main road leading to the "Steel Capital" Luray, and a little bit to the south, a slight detour , You can come to the avenue leading to the imperial capital Heimdall.
However, for the average person, this land can be considered dangerous-not only various beasts and monsters, but also poisonous insect bites. Therefore, even some guerrillas with the ability to protect themselves are unlikely to choose such a place. May choose here, perhaps only some people in the martial arts need to retreat to practice, or those who have special training with disciples.
However, Heliga didn't choose to jump down here on a whim. After interacting with that, what seemed to be the "primitive Kia" in the spiritual world, Heliga was surprised to find that he seemed to have a certain degree of ability to master the energy flow of the Qi Yao channels. Although he could do this by injecting magic power himself, in this situation, it is more like a special skill that he suddenly acquired. Thinking of the way Qia was "made" as a treasure, it wasn't surprising.
Therefore, with this new force, Heliga keenly discovered that there seemed to be a "spiritual cave" similar to what Emma said, which was also temporarily formed here with the help of the power of spiritual veins. Now that Li En and the others have said, they have found many Semurian stones in other areas of the eastern part of the empire...
Looking at the time-there is still a while after the meeting, Heliga decided to take a moment and try his luck in it. Although this thing is of little use to him... But whether it is forging weapons and armor for others, or simply-selling it for money, it seems to be a good choice.
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