Vol 2 Chapter 1133: The prince's abacus

The seven lunar calendar, December 29, 1204, at 6 o'clock in the morning, was a gloomy rainy day.
The sound of raindrops hitting the ground and leaves can be heard clearly in the quiet forest. But the dozen or so soldiers present, no matter who they were, didn't mean to sigh at the weather. They ignored the regular noise in nature, and did not care about the few withered leaves that occasionally fell with the rain. Instead, they formed a small circle in an orderly manner, with a somewhat complicated guiding force in the center. Device.
"Everything is normal... The AS03 team continues to stand by, waiting for the action to begin." Soon, such a voice came from the force guide. All the soldiers on the scene heard what was coming from inside and looked at each other, and everything was silent.
They are one of the trump cards of the Ereponia regular army, members of the Special Operations Group of the Third Mech Division. Earlier, the 3rd Mech Division had a successful operation on the Nord Plateau. In addition to the commando co-operators headed by Claire Levitt, Lieutenant General Sykes Vander placed second only to the commando The credit for this lies on them. The reason is that they, as special operations forces, succeeded in using their abilities throughout the operation to hold back the elite soldiers of the Marquis Rogner who had originally planned to rush to the surveillance tower to rescue them, thus giving the entire plan great flexibility.
However, the captain of this force knew very well that when Lieutenant General Van der dedicated his highest respect to his group, it also meant that they would become the leader in this crucial shot.
To the elite of Kane, who is located in the eastern part of Lamar State and guards the access road leading to the "Haidu" Ordis.
"Deploy heavy weapons. At seven o'clock. Wait for further orders afterwards." The captain gave the order, and the team members went to execute it. The captain stood alone among the busy and shuttled soldiers, thinking about the next countermeasure.
According to what Lieutenant General Sykes had previously revealed to himself privately-this civil war is almost coming to an end. Although he didn't understand why the originally anxious battle situation had suddenly undergone such a change, Sykes certainly wouldn't talk nonsense on the ground. The fact that the Marquis Rogner had announced his withdrawal from the Alliance of Nobles had puzzled them. After that, the weapons that were originally backlogged in the warehouse of the Ryanforte Agency had not had time to deliver to the Marquis of Rogner. Under the strong order of President Irina, who restored the control of the company, the follow-up production was completed with extremely high efficiency, and was transferred to the regular army.
Seeing that the soldiers had made concerted efforts to install the underframe of the heavy artillery, the commander vaguely felt that the structure of the artillery was somewhat similar to the "train artillery". It's just that the power is really far behind-but to be able to deploy in the highlands of the forest where you are, its mobility may be the point that needs to be paid attention to. If "RF" can create a freely deployable train gun like this after the end of the civil war, instead of deploying only on train tracks like the two destroyed in the fortress before, it should have greater strategic value. Right.
He took a deep breath and brought his thoughts out of these thoughts. He understands that if nothing goes wrong, in more than an hour, he and his soldiers will fire the first shot of the regular army's biggest counterattack in this civil war.

At 7:13, in the western part of Sacharant State, the farm in the south of the Ismia Forest is just north of Tyrrhenian. Sasara was supposed to be stationed here at the order of the Marquis of Haynes. The garrison of the state leader. However, the farmers and townspeople who have been supplying nearby troops for a long time didn’t know. Just a little bit later yesterday, the soldiers of the leader army evacuated quietly without knowing it. The regular army troops besieged in Dorynor Fortress arrived at a later time and quietly took over here.
Leaving aside those leading soldiers who have received orders-besides, the second son of the Marquis of Haynes came with the Marquis's warrant, and even if they had opinions, they did not stand against the order-the purpose of the regular army was more than just This is a relatively strong pass. Their real purpose is to figure out someone who will come back here a little bit later-counting the time, he should almost be there too.
Under the direction of the commander of the 11th Mech Division, the soldiers took off the uniforms of the regular army and replaced them with the spare parts of the leader army of Sacharand which were still in the inventory. uniform. The soldiers strictly followed the orders and did not interfere with the various objects in the camp. They just borrowed the training ground and dormitory here.
"Hey...are we really going to do this kind of thing." And in this military fortress, there are one or two figures who are somewhat out of place, walking through the soldiers casually. The soldiers who had been ordered early turned a blind eye to the existence of the two of them, and these two men were whispering a little nervously at this time.
"That Brigadier General Vores seems to be a very powerful master." The slightly shorter boy, Sven Yabel, who is nicknamed "Sword Three", said to the tall boy next to him. The latter did not hold the compound guided weapon he used to use at this time, but something that was somewhat subtle to him-a special ancient relic held by one of the leaders of the assassination organization "Courtyard" , Can flexibly manipulate the gravity of "Zhao Lin King Power."
Of course, this should be a whole set of ancient relics, including body armor, helmet, orbs and staff together. But for now, only the orb and the staff are in his hands.
"If you want to fight... he drives something called "Mecha Soldiers". The two of us, including those soldiers, are definitely not opponents. "Treasure Sword One" Ace spread his hands, "But if you have to face the firepower of this small fortress, there should be no chance of winning. Didn't the prince say before, as long as we use this device to put that mecha soldier Overturn it, and then use the words of the Marquis and Prince to persuade..."
"Speaking of this, are you really sure that you will use this thing?" Swain on the side listened to his statement and was a little relieved-because he knew that he didn't need to be with mech soldiers. "Black Tornado" fought directly, but he was still very resistant to this ancient relic that had always belonged to the "Emperor" before, "It's not better to give it to the prince..."
"Because if they use this thing, they will inevitably have to wrestle with the church afterwards." Ace sighed, "So it's better to let us... just say that we killed the "emperor", and then use it as a fame. …We don’t need to deal with the matters of negotiating with the people in the church afterwards. "
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