Vol 2 Chapter 1160: "Son of Iron and Blood"

"Woo...what the hell..." Whether it was the summons after the terrorist attack in the imperial capital, or the quick glance of the "Steel Earl" high-speed train passing by-when Li En and Prime Minister Osborne looked at each other, Li En always felt an inexplicable heart palpitations, and even his memory began to become trance. It's just that the companions didn't seem to notice this before.
However, in the second half of the civil war, in order to collect enough semrian stones to create a sword for the riding god, Li En and others captured one after another "spiritual caves" that appeared with the progress of the civil war In addition to getting a large number of Semurian crystals at the end of the cave, Li En could also see some fragments after that. According to Li En's idea, it should be the "Lionheart Emperor" Drekers and "The Saint of the Gun" Liana fought side by side during the "Lion Battle" and collected Semley together in the cave for the same purpose. The memory recorded by Ya Shi Shi. Only Li En can see the fragments of these memories, and other companions can only listen to Li En afterwards.
However, there has never been a time when this feeling made such a heart palpitating-Li En pressed his chest in pain, the beating of his heart was so loud, as if he was about to roar out of his chest. Surrounded by the worried eyes and words of his companions, Li En worked so hard to calm down again.
What came along with peace was—some memories that should have been unfamiliar, but were so familiar that they could no longer be familiar.
The cold wind mixed with fine snow, wailing in the mountains, I don't know what kind of tragedy it is telling. A middle-aged man with a haggard face and stumbling steps carefully cares for the sleeping baby behind his back, while seemingly aimless, but in fact the goal is moving forward firmly.
In the end, somewhere where you can avoid the cold wind and block the falling snow—the man carefully put the boy behind his back on the ground together with the baby—the boy who was awakened by this action looked at the picture in front of him. The angular, familiar face giggled.
Looking at the boy's smile, the man seemed to want to put the child back on his back for a moment--but in the end, he was still cruel, gritted his teeth, and placed the boy slowly and gently on the ground.
"Li En...you...must live well...goddess, please...at least let this child..." The tough, tough man who should have said something like this begs. . The child who had been making enough noise gradually fell asleep again, vaguely aware of the man's fading away, and not long afterward, another somewhat eager footstep hurried over—
The vague and unfamiliar face in the memory gradually became clear. With some horror, Li En discovered that although the face in his memory was younger and handsome, with sharper edges and corners-but it overlapped with the face full of vicissitudes and wrinkles in front of him.
"Ah..." Li En couldn't help taking a step back.
"Haha... did you finally remember it? My son." And the man in the memory—it was the man in front of him, the man with a certain joy and determination, Gillies Osborne. He was supposed to be assassinated and died, but he didn't know why he could be resurrected, and the "iron-blooded prime minister" standing here.
"Oh... No. You should be called "Gray Knight" now. "After thinking about it for a moment, Gillies Osborne changed his mouth-in his eyes, the flash of joy disappeared, replaced by some kind of expectation that the acceptor cannot question, "After this , I have to ask you to play our "hero" temporarily. "
"What..." Heilijia on the side was stunned when he heard such a speech--if he understood correctly, the prime minister meant...
"Li En? Li En?" Li En had completely entered a trance state, he stumbled back a few steps - until he hit the feet of "Grey Riding God", and then sat down. Even if Alyssa and Emma called out eagerly, they seemed unable to call back his consciousness.
Upon seeing this, the prime minister no longer cared about Li En's side-instead he called Miriam over and gave orders to the "children of iron and blood". Specifically, Rufas next needs to coordinate the power he gained when he was around Duke Kane, and integrate this part of the power to participate in the battle of Clos Bell; Rekert and Kleiya are to represent the "Intelligence Bureau" The "Railway Gendarmerie" and the "Railway Gendarmerie" are busy with the post-war reconstruction of the empire. The former focuses on the remnants of the noble coalition army, while the latter needs to cooperate with Mayor Regnitz to deal with the affairs of the post-war imperial capital and guarantee the royal family Security. As for Miriam who hesitated, the prime minister did not give her any instructions.

Everyone in Class VII was busy checking Li En's situation, and Rufas temporarily left the magic city to go to work. Duke Kane has been subdued, and the crown prince is under the care of Claire-in this case, the prime minister said that the "Magic City" would disappear in a few hours and the palace would be restored to its original state, so he requested After the instructions of everyone to leave immediately, everyone just had this sense of unreality, and just mechanically followed the prime minister's instructions. Before they parted, Heliga and Fei had exchanged the signal, they agreed to the prime minister's invitation and got on the special car with him. Because the prime minister is going to meet a series of big names next, this time he invited Heliga to go with him.
"Haha...Okay." In the car, the prime minister took the initiative to speak to Hailijia-shortly after driving away, the imperial city did return to its original state, the magic soldier and the Eudemons disappeared, leaving only the destroyed Ruined streets and buildings. The guided vehicle passed through such an imperial capital and headed for a place near the imperial capital.
"Indeed...now there are only two of us." Heliga sighed while watching the prime minister driving the guided vehicle proficiently, "Where is this going?"
"Karel Leaving Palace." Osborn said simply, "The core of the reformists now definitely need a meeting to stabilize the military... It is your Majesty's intention to take you with you."
"Really?" Heliga was a little surprised, he thought it was a whim of the prime minister himself.
"Well... the specific content, I will return to the imperial city later, then you will know your majesty's will." Osborne said.
"Then I'll talk to your Majesty again at that time." Heliga nodded, "Speaking of which...how are they doing now?"
"Are you talking about His Royal Highness Olibate or His Royal Highness Cedric?"
"That's a question, of course it's Cedric." Heliga curled his lips-Olibate's movements could only be clearer by himself.
"His Royal Highness seems to have been slightly impacted by Duke Kane's atrocities, but there is no life-threatening...According to the doctor's examination results, a few days of rest should be better." Osborn said, "Besides..."
"No... it's nothing. I'll leave this topic for later." Osborne shook his head and sold it off, "Because someone may know this thing better than me."
In some blunt chats, the outline of Karel's palace was clearly visible.
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