Vol 2 Chapter 1173: Snake Head Meeting (No.

Usually, if other members of the "Association" are asked to evaluate Kemparera, they will usually get several similar results, saying that he is frivolous and unreliable. However, he was very serious about what the "Leader" personally confessed to him to do. After successfully aroused the uproar of the apostles, he methodically went on to say many details to confirm his explosive conclusion.
Specifically, the main reason is that the plan presided over by Vita Klotide, that is, the plan to replace the real "community restraint" with a controllable "simulation mutual restraint" is regarded as a failure. After the battle between Lien and Klow, there was no sign of the success of "Xiang Ke", that is, the winner of the riding swallowed all the power of the loser, and he did not show that the "curse" had any interest in the disputes here. . In fact, even Vita herself, before embarking on this plan, mostly felt that it was unlikely to succeed.
"It sounds like "Second Pillar" is a somewhat indecisive person. "Mariabel expressed her opinion. She is very concerned about Vita Clotide, a senior who has a similar ancient heritage to her. "According to the "Taohua Master", if you want to increase the success rate, Should she make the empire's civil war even more out of control? "
"Um... but that would kill a lot of people." Arrian Hurd said, "If this is the case, I don't think Master "Leader" wants to see it either. However, I also knew that her efforts would not have any good results, so I didn't pay too much attention to the things over there... It's just that I didn't expect to lose so thoroughly. The attitude of Prime Minister Osborne was not unexpected. "
"After all, Your Excellency "Sage of Steel" had an appointment with me long before he joined the "Association." "Leader" looked at "Seventh Pillar" with loving and helpless eyes, "In that case, I am afraid that the follow-up of the matter will proceed according to your previous expectations... From this point of view, "Sword Emperor" is not true either. The destiny is completely separated from the established destiny..."
""Leader" means that Gillies Osborne's goal is the same as ours? "The First Pillar" doesn't seem to be so convinced by this idea. However, even though he is the first "Apostle", he is basically a domineering and domineering look when facing other colleagues, but this posture will only look ridiculous in front of the "Leader", so he has to My tone softened, "But..."
"I will not interfere with your plan. You can decide the specific method by yourself." The "Leader" seemed to see what the "First Pillar" was thinking, "Whether to take a remedial plan, or just choose to and "Iron-Blooded Prime Minister" cooperation...all by your own will. "
"As far as I am concerned, working with the "Iron Prime Minister" in this way will make me emotionally difficult to accept, especially given the current miserable defeat of the "Second Pillar". It would be terrible if he used this to ask us for some extra terms of cooperation. "The fourth pillar, called "relapse" by other colleagues, expressed his views, "And I don't think the doctor is willing to let go of the new test opportunity?"
"Yeah... My research is also at a very important stage for the time being. Although it may take some time to gather information and resources..." Dr. Novartis said in a rather ambiguous tone, "Although I had expected it a long time ago The abnormal movement of "Black Atelier", but such a huge loss is really hard to make up for. In this sense, my master's old man is not easy to deal with. "
"Is there anything wrong with Master Yoguru?" Mariabel asked politely when she heard it. She doesn't care about Dr. Novartis's concern as the head of the workshop, she just doesn't want to be able to buy the doll produced by the old man Yoguru.
"I am afraid that it will not be able to fulfill your wishes for the time being, your new "third pillar". "The Fifth Pillar," who had been silent for a long time, said at this time, "Master Yoguru Rozanbeck has agreed to someone's invitation, and he will work there...including his usual puppet affairs. They will be temporarily closed. This is what I heard from him not long ago."
"If I remember correctly, before the doctor came to "associate", Lord Yoguru seemed to represent the current position of the doctor, to integrate the workshops under the "association" and be directly responsible to the leader, right? "The fifth pillar asked the first pillar like this.
"Yeah... I have some personal relationships with him for the time being. He doesn't want to be regarded as an "apostle," and the leader and I have never forced him. When it comes to the fate of "association," he is older than most of you. "The First Pillar" nodded, "So even I was surprised... What did Heilija Khozwell use to persuade him to devote himself so wholeheartedly, even the "Annihilation Angel" did not let him He was so concerned. "
"Haha..." The little girl "Annihilation Angel" said, I am afraid it was just my staid master who got special treatment because of the guilt of that experiment. "Dr. Novartis sneered, "But this is not enough to break his principles...No matter how you say it in the past, the "Association" can still find him if they want to help. "
"Yes. His essence is the same as you. He is a person full of eagerness and curiosity for all new technologies and possibilities. Although he will be more reserved in methods and other aspects..." "First Pillar" sighed, "but he does not Will give up any opportunity that may make the career he pursues further. What you said is good, he is not a person who will infinitely yield and accommodate because of his conscience... However, this also explains why he agreed to that. Invitation."
"... Could it be that the boy could provide him with any incredible inspiration to experiment with the "artificial soul"..." Dr. Novartis rarely expresses his surprise in such a direct way-but this is originally What he understands is the career that the old man Yoguru is pursuing. An artificial soul-just like the study of "outer principles" he is currently studying. This is their ultimate pursuit as scientists.
"I think so." "First Pillar" nodded, affirming this, "I just went to Rozanbeck's workshop not long ago. The old man Yoguru is not there, maybe something is going on... But I found out that there was something quite incredible in the depths of his workshop."
"What is it?" Dr. Novartis hurriedly asked, even Maria Bell on the side showed a curious look.
"...I don't know." "First Pillar" seemed to hesitate for a moment, then said ashamed. This is obviously more surprising than Dr. Novartis's explicit expression of emotions, because this time even the "Break of the Ring" and the "Senior Woman of Steel" who had not had any reaction before are looking at this.
"It's the defensive measures left by my stodgy master...No, it's impossible to stop you." Dr. Novartis thought of a possibility, but he rejected it again, "Besides, if it's us" "Apostle", except for me, he should be kind to you all. "
"Yes... I didn't encounter any obstacles when I entered the workshop. The self-discipline puppet left by Master Yoguru recognized me, and they also entertained me for tea." "First Pillar" laughed self-deprecatingly. , "It's just that when I planned to go to the room where abnormal energy fluctuations can be detected, I ran into a small trouble... Specifically, in the next instant, I found that I was directly sent back to the entrance of the studio."
"..." There was a strange silence. Obviously, the "Apostles of the Snake" all possess special skills, and with the ability of the "first pillar", the problems encountered naturally cannot be as simple as a simple illusion or a teleportation trap. Therefore, each of them thinks from their own standpoint, what does this mean.
"Old man Yoguru, I am afraid that he knew the existence of that thing, but he left it deliberately." After thinking for a while, "relapsed" was so determined, "that's why he said to me in the previous communication. He is sure that neither you nor I can steal that thing...even if we know it is there."
"Yes." "The First Pillar" confessed generously, "I tried it a few times later, all with the same result. I used the tools the "Leader" gave me, but it still failed... So I can only conclude, That thing is definitely nothing ordinary. After that, I called the guidance terminal in his workshop, and as expected, there was a message for me...or rather, a message for us. "
"Really?" "Seventh Pillar" raised his eyebrows, "Is the message left by Lord Yoguru?"
"Haha... you deserve it." "The First Pillar" was taken aback, and then looked at Arian Hurd with a slight admiration-because the latter had already determined the essence of the problem, "No. Yogurt. The master never does these unnecessary things... That message was personally left by Heliga Kholzwill. The recipients of his message are all the apostles of the "Snake of the Body". "
"Then... what's the message?" Maria Bell asked impatiently. She didn't have much interest in this at first, but the apostles' obvious arguments in their words gradually aroused Maria Bell's appetite. Especially when the name of Heliga Kholzwil, who was identified as the subject of special attention by Maria Bell, appeared after the incident in the Big Tree of Green.
"It's almost what I said just now... the specific details, you can find and check it by yourself later, I have sent them all to the inbox of your car or the base." "First Pillar" said, "but he is in The message specifically mentioned that he was very interested in the details of the actions that the "Association" would take after the failure of the "Second Pillar", and stated that if circumstances permit, he would not mind further cooperation. As an expression of the sincerity of the possible negotiation, he told us the name of the secret object hidden in the old man-made house in Yoguru... Fragment of the "Heart of Lockham". "

"That person seems to be going to give up." Somewhere in the Mainz Mountains, a dark-skinned man in a black cloak was looking at the foot of the mountain with indifferent eyes-just now, the entrance of the workshop, fifth The figure of a strange man appeared again. However, he was not talking to himself, but obviously talking to someone.
"After all, the phantom body formation can be regarded as the secret knowledge circulated within the Saiike cult." A pleasant female voice sounded, "Even if it is incomplete, it is not that easy to break."
During the conversation, an imperceptible gray streamer popped from the chest of the man in the cloak, and immediately turned into a figure beside the man. Although it can be seen from the looming state that it is not a real human entity, it is already possible to see the appearance and dress of the woman.
The girl wore a large gown with light gray and beige as the main color, and a big blue peaked cap on her head. She seemed to wear nothing on her feet, standing barefoot as if in the mud; while in her hand she held an extraordinary-looking staff, on which various runes full of mysterious power were alternating. Flashing.
"Don't look at me like that, Nirevain. Didn't I say there will be nothing wrong." Looking at the worried eyes of the man in the cloak, the girl said lightly, and then she used her staff lightly, called Nirevain. The hood on the top of the man's head fell off by himself, "It is rare that there is such an interesting thing to hide from that boring woman... Vampire, if you let me have fun, I won't go to her to complain. "
"It's up to you... I'm not afraid of you or her." Nirevain curled his lips-he wanted to put on the hood again, but found that he couldn't lift the hood no matter what he did. Simply gave up, "But I don't think the Saiyk cult will let you run around...After all, you are now their second priest."
"To be precise, in a few years, after Master Marshlik retires, he will be the chief." The girl added, "But the times are different, Nerevain. Dragon Break is already a must-have anyway. The battle is defeated... It’s better to take this opportunity to develop and grow, instead of wasting resources on boring established facts. Nerevain, you brought back last time, the handbook on the secrets of shadow magic I have read Now...I want to meet the kid who was...by Bernardo?"
"Not for the time being. At least until the old man fixes the thing." Nirevain curled his lips, "Alice, I know you are in a hurry—"
"I'm in a hurry? What's in my hurry." The girl named Alice tried hard to pretend to be an understatement, but she didn’t pretend to be very like, "If you have nothing else, it’s nothing more than a Meditation."
"What about the magic analysis of that piece of salt?" Nereva reminded helplessly.
"Oh yes... there is that. I forgot." Alice patted her head, "but it shouldn't be too difficult... Although the original technique has not been resolved yet, Master Marchrik is pretty good about it. Interested, so he allowed me to lay down other work temporarily. But I have to say, the master does not believe your rhetoric, he said, "This ghost can't be something from Acavill, Nirvana You must be lying to me". "
"After all, you can't really tell him the truth." Nirevain chuckled, "Let him maintain such a tacit understanding with me. Except for Bernardo's people, there shouldn't be too many of our people here. Come."
"Um... But Nirevain, do you really think that old man can fix that thing?" Alice nodded, and then remembered something, "Isn't it safer to leave it to me?"
"No problem, since you have decided to leave it here, let the people here feel more at ease." Nirevain shook his head, "What's more, if it is handed over to you, it will definitely cause the ancestor Shenzhou. What I think of you over there..."
"I would like to taste the soul of the battle mage of the High Elf Council." Alice said contemptuously, "But forget it... after all, you provoked this matter, so you can decide what to do. After that, I will give you the analysis of the salt, and then don’t bother me to meditate...until you say "timing". "
After speaking, the girl's figure slowly retracted into the man's cloak and slowly disappeared.
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