Vol 2 Chapter 1175: Torz's restructuring plan

Generally speaking, the first grade of Tolz students is quite busy. After enrolling in April each year, there is no longer vacation before the final exam in early March of the following year. Although some aristocratic students will take advantage of the aristocratic privileges given in August to return to their hometowns, Quan as an extra summer vacation, but for those aspiring and ambitious middle- and lower-class aristocratic students, miss a month of courses , It basically means that you are greatly lagging behind in your studies. If you just want to graduate with a single, but if you want to go further to college, then a beautiful Thorz diploma will be necessary.
As for the great aristocrats, the strict elite education they received is not less than that of Tolz's courses. If it continues to be decadent, it is very likely to lose its original status. Therefore, the great aristocrats usually have quite high demands on their children, especially those eldest sons who are recognized as heirs to the titles of nobles.
For Juses, that's pretty much it. Due to the accident on Rufas's side, Juss was surprised to find that he had become the number one heir to the El Barrea family. He has already demonstrated the ability to be pro-government in the previous civil war, so he does not need a regency council to act as a temporary agent, and there is no need to worry about this power being divided; but it is obvious that after the end of the civil war, their original positions are high. The powerful nobles can conceivably have to deal with all kinds of troubles and entertainment. Because of this, it is understandable that Euses does not want to stay in school for too long.
Besides, this semester itself is quite special. As the civil war that lasted for two months severely affected the school’s teaching plan and progress, after everyone celebrated the school’s return to normal through a banquet, the teacher team headed by Principal Van Dijk also reported to their respective classes. It conveyed the question: How should we deal with the subsequent months of this semester?
It is not that Tolz has not had any examples of teaching being affected due to some unexpected circumstances before, but it seems that he has never been delayed for such a long time. Therefore, it was suggested that the curriculum should be deleted accordingly to ensure that it can adapt to the learning time left in this semester. However, Tolz's curriculum can be regarded as a large-scale education in a short period of time, in order to clarify many basic concepts, in other words, there is not much room for deletion. Therefore, although a considerable number of students expressed support for this proposal, more students and teachers turned their attention to another option.
That is-from now on, before the final exam at the end of the semester, the already intensive courses are even more twisted together, and then forcibly indoctrinated to the students.
Of course, even so, there are not many gaps in the two-month course. According to the estimates of several instructors, even in the most optimistic case, the entire process will take an additional fifteen days. Fortunately, Tolz's original vacation time is at the beginning of March, so it will not affect the following semesters.
What's more, after that, it is still unknown whether Tolz is still the same. Everyone knows that some of the privileges of aristocratic students in the school will probably disappear in the future. Based on this, the entire foundation of Thorz's course may be adjusted significantly along with it.
Therefore, when Heliga and Lien came out of the room together, and after the two took a leisurely walk into the classroom, everyone was surprised and surprised, and Juss also asked Heliga a similar question. As expected, Heliga gave a rather surprising answer. Since the course hadn't started, there were not only students from Class VII, but also a considerable number of students from other classes. They all got in when Heilija seemed to be talking about something secret.
"Actually, it shouldn't be necessary." God Heliga said mysteriously, "About this... Prime Minister Osborne told me that he has plans to temporarily suspend the school's enrollment for one year."
"Huh?" Everyone was shocked when the words came out.
"Although it's probably just a draft, I don't know how much it can be realized in actual operation." Heliga curled his lips-he could expect everyone to have such a reaction, "The Prime Minister's policy is that he feels that he will support it. Erz’s past educational policy was too lax... and most of the graduates would not participate in military affairs. This point, he and the military representatives have always been quite criticized. He wants to change the school to A more professional military school."
"So... his idea is that the school will not admit new students in the new semester this year, and then from next year...?" Juss asked.
"Well. At least if you are in the second grade, you should still follow the previous method. However, this should not be the case for the new semester starting next year." Heliga nodded, "He has a good idea. Many details, but mainly, on the one hand, he wants to completely break the old class division and teaching method centered on the nobility; on the other hand, he intends to expand the scale of the school."
"Do you mean to enroll more students?" Alyssa asked, "But now Torz enrolls 120 students every year, and facilities such as dormitories and playgrounds are already a bit tight..."
"Yeah... so even the scale of the school itself will be expanded. On the one hand, it is to make room for students, on the other hand, it seems that some new courses will be added... It seems that the school will begin to teach mech soldiers in the future. . Moreover, he seems to be planning to expand the semester from a two-year system to a three-year system. In short, all his policies are to turn the school into a more serious military academy..."
"But... Will your Royal Highness Olibate agree with this idea?" Patrick on the side seldom expressed his opinion-usually he doesn't dare to interrupt the topic between Class VII. "By the way, Tolz originally It seems that the education policy of his Highness has been gradually implemented during the long period of his highness as the director... The former Tolz was indeed a purely military school."
"Yeah... it sounds like the prime minister just wants to remove the noble element and restore everything to the old system." Juses nodded, "Although the school should be originally regardless of status... It's just specific to the actual operation. It is inevitable that there will be various problems."
"Yes...Olibate is not willing to do this." Heliga sighed. "However, it's hard to say at this point... The specific method should be discussed soon."
"Soon?" Lien heard something in Heliga's words.
"Hmm...Actually, I said goodbye to you this time." After a pause, Heliga explained in the silence of everyone: "After your various problems are resolved, I will almost formally ask to drop out."
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