Vol 2 Chapter 1214: Removal of malignant tumor (medium/two in one)

The underground waterway in the imperial capital is really a magical situation. No matter who it is, whenever he feels that he is in danger, he immediately drills down here—when Heliga and Rekert come to a secret door leading to an underground waterway near the avenue of flames, he sees Looking at the alloy gate that had been pried open with violence, I couldn't help but think so. Although the Republic’s spies were ambushing in the imperial capital, probably everyone knew it well, but since they ran into it, it was impossible to give up the investigation.
Reckett seemed to be planning to do it alone, and did not intend to seek the help of other intelligence service members or members of the gendarmerie. Heliga didn’t ask the reason, but he guessed that it was because he didn’t want this matter to be resolved to the point where the chief of the Intelligence Bureau and the other party’s leader needed to discuss it: he could eliminate the potential threat that this matter might bring at this stage, Then it might be a better choice to treat it as nothing happened. Independence is always conducive to stability.
The beasts lingering in the underground waterways are not difficult to deal with, but being able to wipe them out in groups so cleanly means that the agents of the Republic are not bad. Heliga thought while looking at the beast corpses piled up in the corner of the corridor. He used fire magic to clean up the corpse, and at the same time turned on the detection spell-the reaction was rather weak, and there was interference from the crowd from the surface, which showed that they were still a considerable distance away from catching up to the target.
However, compared with the scale of the entire underground waterway, the opponent is not too far away. Therefore, the arrest of the opponent is probably only a matter of time.

"Huh...huh..." After running to a hall-like place full of broken stone slabs and pillars, a short-haired girl in a special agent combat uniform was finally able to relax a little and catch her breath. While taking out the tactical power guide, she checked the pre-installed tactical map system-it seemed that she was not stunned by the labyrinth of underground waterways, and in general she was running away from the entrance.
The intelligence bureau of the Imperial Army responded very quickly—especially, the special agent named Kaila found that he seemed to underestimate the famous "scarecrow"—the director of Mingming Wuxiang had repeatedly emphasized that he must be careful about this. The number one person is even better than being careful about the famous Director Simon. But I didn't expect that I was still exposed; it would be a bad idea if I hadn't noticed the secret entrance of the underground waterway earlier.
I was sent to the empire to collect intelligence after the civil war in the empire ended. The above judged that after the empire had just experienced the civil war, the government authorities of the empire would definitely focus on negotiating with the remaining aristocratic armies and restoring the basic order of the country. The guards of the major cities inside will be relaxed accordingly, and this is a good opportunity for intelligence investigation of the empire. Facts have proven to be the case-more than a dozen intelligence agents who have penetrated into the empire through secret channels have successively sent back quite detailed assessment reports throughout the empire, which has provided a very important reference value for the empire's strategy after the establishment of the Republic.
However, in the imperial capital, Kaelah and her partner were allowed to carry out some additional actions, taking into account the imperial capital as the power center of the empire, the precious information that may appear at any time-this allows them not to follow the original plan, but to proceed according to the situation. Timely action. And after his companions left first, Kayla accidentally learned that the emperor Ukent would appear in public-the emperor who has lived in the palace for a long time appeared in public, and the potential intelligence that this may bring is naturally of great value; Kaai After consulting his superiors, La decided to stay in the imperial capital for a few more days to see how the situation would develop.
Unfortunately, things went wrong on the first day. At the place where the commendation ceremony was scheduled to be held: Delekels Square, Kayla just scanned the surrounding security arrangements with a scrutinizing gaze, and felt that she was being stared at by a pair of cold eyes. After a simple test, she understood that her bizarre behavior had caused her to be targeted by the Imperial Intelligence Agency, and she must immediately prepare to evacuate.
Fortunately, like the new generation of force guide "ARCUS" developed by the Ryanforte Agency, the Urnu Agency of Kalwad also has a test of a new generation product. Fortunately, it was sent to their group of spies. It is said that it will be equipped with an experimental positioning system and a voice control input system on the force guide called "RMADA" in the future, and it is said that there is an optical camouflage stealth that has not yet been fully developed-after this product is completely completed, this This kind of optical stealth can be maintained stably for a long time, and now it can only be used in an emergency, and it can only be used once.
Knowing that she must act immediately, Kaila set up blindfolds decisively and simply, and then ran towards the underground waterway entrance she had previously discovered without hesitation. Although she is only a sergeant who has just enlisted in the army, her grades are among the best among new recruits since the establishment of the "Central Intelligence Department", so she has also been treated differently by the head of the bureau, Wuxiang Loulan; After the previous missions were successfully completed, the chief of the agency once told her that if nothing else, she would soon be promoted to second lieutenant. Achieving this achievement when he was less than 18 years old, the future is quite bright.
She didn't know where there was an exit for this huge underground waterway—but she was smart and quickly devised a trial and error scheme with the help of the force guide. By observing the behavior of the beast, observing the displacement records and wind speed readings on the force guiding device, Kaella quickly found a possible exit located in the southeast. She quickly wiped out the beasts along the way, then came to a sheltered place to hide herself, took a short rest, and drank some energy drinks to replenish her strength.
"I was recognized just by observing a little... The luck is really bad, I didn't notice that the character like "Scarecrow" was nearby. Kaila breathed a sigh of relief. Her stamina had recovered to a mere seven-or-eight. She stood up slightly, and after careful observation, she found that there seemed to be no one around. However, just as she was about to leave the bunker and continue towards the possible exit. , But suddenly heard the sound of rapid footsteps!
There is no time to think about it—she has observed the blind spot of her position and the direction from which she is. She instinctively realizes that there is no time to run away now; besides, if she moves her legs now, she will definitely be heard and catch up. Therefore, she did not hesitate to activate the stealth function, which is said to be still in the experimental stage. According to the technicians dispatched by Urnu to the "Central Intelligence Agency", the current version of the optical camouflage just cannot be maintained stably. But the actual stealth effect will not be much different from the official version. In addition, this kind of optical camouflage can still be observed in the eyes of opponents with better eyesight when wearing ordinary clothes, but if you wear this special combat uniform for intelligence agents and keep it still, it is almost Impossible to be detected-in the test, even the best sniper among the Kalvard special forces could not tell whether a person was present during the optical camouflage.
Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with this "RAMDA" test machine in his hand-after the optical camouflage is turned on, Kaella did find that she was well hidden, and with the help of the dim light of the underground waterway, it became more difficult to detect. She exposed part of her head and observed the situation outside. Soon, the owner of the footsteps rushed to the area where Kaila was hiding.
The red-haired young man at the head looks to be the "scarecrow" Rekert Arandall; and the young man next to him who seems to be the same height as him is dressed in black casual clothes and under the dim light. Can't see each other's face clearly. And his silver hair couldn't match anyone from the Imperial Intelligence Bureau.
"It's here..." Reckett stopped and looked at the surrounding ruins. "Do you know what this place is?"
"It's the cloister that you bombed when you hunted down the "Imperial Liberation Front" when you worked with "T.M.P" before. "A voice that sounded like a teenager replied, "I've heard Captain Claire talk about it." But even so, you failed to catch them. "
"We miscalculated... I thought that there were only two passages to the outside near here, one was the one we used when we came, and the other was the exit under the horse racing field to the north... by the people of Tolz at the time. We discovered that the hidden exit in the direction of the Sky Cemetery was ignored by us." Reckett sighed, "Although Kleiya finally found them, they have already left in an airship. They did not carry anti-aircraft weapons. I had to stare dry."
"So that's it..." the young man said softly, then raised his arm and pointed it in the direction of Kaella-and then, Kaella was horrified to find that her body seemed to be being dragged by an inexplicable force! She was about to scream, but her good military qualities kept her calm.
I don't know what strange guiding magic or detection device it is—Kaila is very sure that she must have been discovered. It's over now, she thought with some frustration. Although the deviation of the mission this time was caused by the additional actions agreed by the superiors, and as long as you surrender to the opponent, you can enjoy relatively humane treatment in prison, and then wait for your superiors to use the empire captured by the Republic. The spy went to redeem himself. However, the taint of the mission failure and being captured is something she cannot accept.
However, it seems unlikely now. That "scarecrow" possesses the strength of the chief, and it is quite easy for the chief to beat her and the recruits of the same period. If you can't resist it, surrendering seems to be the only option. However, Kaila still had such a fluke: As long as the other party did not persuade her to surrender, she could still be regarded as undetected and continued to remain silent.
"..." However, unexpectedly, Kaella found that the other party fell silent. Afterwards, the boy put his arm down and said to Reckett who seemed to be waiting for news: "No traces here. Probably to the racecourse."
"The exit over there doesn't seem to be a secret... After all, His Highness Olibate had a lot of trouble there." Reckett seemed to have considerable trust in the judgment of the people before him. He didn't ask much, just Accepted the result, "But I remember it should be locked."
"In that case, how about we separate for the time being? You go to confirm the situation on the racetrack, just in case, I will go to the sky cemetery and take a look along the road." The boy suggested. Although it was a proposal, it seemed that he did not give Reckett an option to refuse.
"I see... just do it. If you find anything, please let me know... Of course, I will notify you as soon as I find it." Reckett was silent for a moment, agreed, and then-let Ka Ella was a little surprised that Reckett actually took the initiative to salute the other party, and then left after getting a perfunctory return from the other party.
"What's going on?" Kayla felt confused-she had clearly read from the "CID" intelligence that Reckett Yarlander was a captain and was expected to be promoted to a school officer in a short time. ; As a 23-year-old young man, this is a very rare and remarkable speed of promotion, but in a sense it is also considered to be the special preferential treatment of Gillies Osborne’s henchmen; The voice sounded younger, a respectful salute from a young man who had just passed the voice change period.
Is the opponent a nobleman? That should not get the preferential treatment of "Iron Blood" subordinates. Is it the royal family? But what she heard was the news that Prince Cedric was recuperating in the hospital, and it was unlikely that the crown prince could have this kind of action... Kaella’s brain mechanically pieced together all kinds of information, and finally got it. There was an answer that seemed crazy and absurd, but the only explanation.
The opponent is Heilija Kholzwill; in the database of the Central Intelligence Agency, together with Prime Minister Osborne, the only two persons who were judged to be the
highest threat
to the Republic of Kalvard one.
"Okay... "The Scarecrow" was also distracted by me. Rather, he probably noticed something, so he left wisely. "Heliga turned his gaze at a ruin. The optical camouflage on Ka'era had disappeared completely at some point, and the power guide pre-installed with many novel technological gadgets also flew to the side.
As the other party got closer and closer, Kaella finally saw the unwavering purple eyes under the silver hair. He didn't carry any weapons, and he didn't seem to be afraid that he, a well-trained spy soldier, just looked at himself with a slightly novel attitude, and the "RMADA" that fell in the distance.
"Although I heard that the "rats" from Kalvard were mixed in the underground waterways of the imperial capital, I was not very interested at first. But... something that Captain Arundel said just now made me change my mind. At first glance, this mouse is quite cute. "This is the truth-Kaella is only one year older than Heili, and her small face and turquoise eyes under her short red and golden hair are indeed quite exquisite. But Heilijia is obviously not purely evaluating her appearance. of.
"..." Kayla, who wanted to ask the other party what he had planned, resisted the thought of asking, and waited for the other party to speak first. This is the little detail taught to her by the Chief Wuxiang: In the face of disadvantages, it is best to wait for the opponent to move first.
"Me and Ms. Wuxiang Loulan of your country have had several fate... If I remember correctly, she is the boss of your "Central Intelligence Agency", right? "Heliga's eyes were placed on the "RMADA" force guiding device that fell behind Kaila, "I think, rather than handing you to the Intelligence Bureau, you might be more willing to listen to my proposal and tell I have some things I want to know. But before then...I'll take this strange little gadget."
As soon as the voice fell, the "RMADA" force director Guiya Moment behind Kaella flew directly into Heliga's hands.
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