Vol 2 Chapter 1217: Li En's recent situation

"The guard here is really tight... and it seems that you can't see the traces left after the fierce battle on the day the "Brilliant Devil City" appeared. "In the end, Li En apparently accepted Heliga's proposal after serious consideration. On the afternoon of January 31 before the ceremony, the latter came to the platform of Heimdall Central Station and saw the train to the Imperial Capital. Li En. In order to avoid causing too much commotion, Li En deliberately changed his hairstyle, put on his eyes, and deliberately showed a different temperament from the past, fortunately he was not recognized on the road.
According to Lien, the Tolz members expected to attend the ceremony, in addition to the two of them, seem to be Juss, Patrick and Tova Herschel. Needless to say, Euses, Patrick was invited because the emperor believed that he was a great credit for protecting Tolz from being further infiltrated by the noble anti-thief during the civil war, and Tova was because of his role. The outstanding performance of the "Red Wing" acting captain.
Of course, the original list should also include Angelica Rogner's. However, the daughter of the Marquis of Rogner seemed to have encountered something urgent recently, and in the end he had to be absent from the ceremony. In any case, Li En secretly came to the imperial capital without telling many people; therefore, when he and Heilijia left the station together and headed to the place where he was staying-on the way to the famous hotel "Sky Hotel" in the Garnier district, he saw countless Regular soldiers and gendarmerie members busy in the street. At the same time, from time to time, soldiers will randomly ask pedestrians on the road, which obviously disturbs the normal life of the people to a certain extent.
"The imperial capital's loyalty to Prime Minister Osborne is quite high. As long as the imperial capital hall says that this is a measure set by the prime minister, the citizens will not have too many complaints." Heliga was half serious, half ironically. Said, while pushing open the door of the hotel room, "Besides, he did not really die after being assassinated. Instead, he returned at the end of the civil war and ended the war. It also gave him more admiration."
"Really..." Speaking of Osborne, Li En's expression began to become a little absent-minded, apparently thinking of the complicated relationship between him and the prime minister. It seems to be quite big..."
"So, he probably intends to go to Clos Bell in the future, give some speeches to the local citizens, and then win over some important local political and business people to help maintain order. And the pick is really a good time. It was my Royal Highness's expectation. It’s time to visit Liber.
Heliga snorted,
That’s why he needs you to help him level the Republic’s army... The air force poses a threat."
"I also thought that this might be the case behind this... But, I think I should be worthy of my own principles in general." Li En smiled bitterly-he was being used by his own father, as a gunman, of course he knew it well. However, this does not mean that he is really slaughtered. "At Tangulam Fortress, my main task is to shoot down the Republic Army's patrol boat, and then cooperate with the ground forces to repel their army. Moreover, the front line was tight before. At the time, I shot down a Republic airship that wanted to attack civilians on the outskirts of the city..."
"The Republican army is pretty dull... actually attacking civilians?" Heliga frowned.
"It seems to confuse ordinary residents with military transport vehicles that transport military supplies." Li En sighed. "Once the battlefield gets messed up, it will become like this... and I remember it seems to be an age difference from ours. Not many girls have come forward to protect their younger brothers and sisters..."
"In the final analysis, letting the Republic Air Force enter the west of Tangulam Gate is already a sign of a strategic problem." Heliga snorted, "I wonder if it was Rufas' layout error or what..."
"According to the local garrison, it was because the Tangulam Gate was too conservative in its design. Therefore, in the face of the Republic Air Force's "swarm tactics", the air defense firepower is quite insufficient. Plus the Empire’s air force is pretty...well. "Li En said euphemistically-the slow development of the Imperial Air Force is what Nethalt said clearly in class, and it is a reason that everyone knows. "So, after this, the Imperial government seems to be planning to start the project with Tangulam. Construct a new type of fortress based on the gate. "
"I've also heard about this... In fact, the Chief of Military Supplies and the Chief of Civil Engineering Engineers of the Imperial Army are also in the Imperial Capital. They will also attend the ceremony as representatives of the Army. You can ask them in detail at that time." Hai Lijia said, "They are all living in the Sangker District under the arrangement of the Imperial Capital Hall, near the street where the embassies of various countries are located... That was originally the guesthouse specially set up by the Imperial Capital Hall to settle prominent figures in various places."
"Haha... I heard that you were also invited by Governor Regnitz to go there?" Li En asked half-jokingly. As for why he knows—
"It's better to say that he said the same to everyone." Heliga also smiled, "but I don't want to see the old men in the military department looking up and lowering their heads. Before, I was exposed to the light of Her Royal Highness. Staying at the Karel Palace...but it’s not nice to stay there all the time. Anyway, if you want to come, I just want to find a place a little bit off and make do with it. If Patrick and Uss are willing to go Touch with those old fritters, then let them touch."
"Patrick is shrewd... He and Juss said that he would take an airboat and then stay at the airport hotel." Lien shook his head and pointed out that Heliga's fantasy scene would not appear. "As for Tova. Long... It seems that her hometown is in the imperial capital, so she only needs to go home and live for a while."
"That's right... I should have thought that none of the young people want to mix with those old men who are all over the sky with scrutiny and arrogance." Heliga spread his hands. "But if Marshal Van Dijk would follow Going together, the group of people might look at the face of their old boss and stop making irresponsible remarks to the students."
"Sure enough... you know. The head of the academy is planning to return to the army..." Li En's expression seemed a little worried-the rumor of Van Dijk's return to the army did not appear in the school, "but why?"
"My personal guess is that the prime minister wants to use the aftermath of the civil war to do something about the military system of the empire... Therefore, he invited an old boss with high prestige to come back for his town. As for the marshal himself. I don't know how I think about it... I feel that it is a relatively negative attitude, which means that he actually does not want to return to the army, but there is nothing to do after comprehensive consideration."
"..." Li En was silent. He was thinking about several possible reasons behind this.
"Okay...Don't talk about it. If you are interested, you can ask them to understand after the ceremony tomorrow." Heliga himself planned to do that. "There is still some time today...You can go to a place with me."
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