Vol 2 Chapter 1235: Before the exam

Li En refused the request from the imperial government, and a small wave of discussion was set off in the school. In addition to the review, this topic has occupied all the discussion topics in leisure time in a short period of time. Most students thought that there was nothing wrong with this, and the moral kidnapping behavior of the imperial government was time to stop; even a small number of noble students thought that it would be a happy move to let Prime Minister Osborne deflate here.
This also made Li En noticed that the look in his eyes seemed to change a bit. It seemed that Li En had never expected that Li En would have learned to reject others. As far as Li En's own thoughts are concerned, rejecting this commission did not make him as uncomfortable as expected. It seems that, as Heilijia said, sometimes it's good to let yourself go a little bit.
There are still two days before the final exam. Having finished his coffee and taking a break, Lien decided to go to the library to find Macchias and Gaius. The three agreed to review the subjects of economics and history together.

"Take it." Heliga gave Fei a notebook. "Just look at that. It should be enough."
"Oh." Fei took the notebook, opened it and looked at a few pages, and found that it didn't seem to be Helika's handwriting, "Is this...?"
"It's Ling... When we met before, she happened to see the school's guided mechanics and mathematics textbooks." Heliga sighed, "Then she asked me and you if you need help, and then... um."
"Really... Then I'll accept it." Upon hearing Heliga's answer, Fei put her notebook back into her bag without hesitation. Just kidding, with Ling's mathematics level, being a lecturer at Lulei University of Technology is all talented. but…
"Did you hide something else in private?" Fei heard Heliga's subtext.
"It's kind of. But you definitely didn't plan to take the first grade exam, right?" Heliga thought for a while, letting Fei know that there is probably no problem, so he said, "I'm going to try it out."

Tolz's final exam usually starts at the end of March and lasts about a week. After that, the students will have a short vacation, followed by the courses for the second academic year. During such a short vacation, students usually do not choose to go home during this time unless they live close to Torresta. Therefore, for non-aristocrats and students whose hometown is closer to the school, they stay at school for two years.
However, the situation this year is slightly different. The main reason is that although Heliga and others believe that the reform of the school system should start after all the first-year students in this class have graduated, it seems that the mecha courses will soon be added to the students’ luxurious menu. . Because just a few days ago, Principal Beatrice had already received a request from the government, and the school needed to provide the necessary convenience for starting the mech soldier course in the next semester. At the beginning, the government even considered another part of the reform requirement, that is, to force graduates to join the army after graduation from the next semester. However, Marshal Van Dyke had already explained before he left his post, and in the end, there was a silent game. Later, the government took the initiative to make concessions.
The selection of the mecha instructors has not yet been decided, but the warehouse for storing mechas has begun to be built. This large building with a height of 12 sub-dimensions and covering an area of ​​1,800 square sub-dimensions (75×24) is expected to accommodate the "Gray Cavalry God" and 12 other mechas. Except for the super giant "Giant", all regular and high-speed mechas will be installed here for students to learn. The old technical building was demolished in the plan. In addition, the rare guidance talent George Nome among the students is about to graduate. The new guidance workshop will be taken care of by the government designated personnel, and will be combined with the armored soldier warehouse. The maintenance area is integrated.
Therefore, in order to free up enough time for this rushing project, the semester that was messed up for various reasons has shrunk again, and the exams half a month in advance will be revised again for this purpose. However, among the students in these two classes, there are an unusually large number of students with excellent overall results. In fact, almost half of the students have already met the criteria for early graduation. It is nothing more than the level of graduation evaluation among them. Among them, the overall strength of Tolz VII is the strongest. Almost all members except Heliga and Fei have completed all the necessary credits, as long as they can complete the extra second grade in the last two months. Course credits will do.
Of course, Heliga did not accumulate enough attendance points and usual test points because he enrolled halfway through the school. As for Fei...Although the overall performance of the middle reaches of the school is not bad, combined with the fact that she does not have a Sunday school foundation, and the fact that she is two years younger than most students, it can be said to be quite good. It is a pity that the school’s performance The rules will not be compromised for this reason. It’s just that the school’s rules and regulations will be compromised elsewhere-when Heliga entered Heinrich’s office with a smile and had a cordial and friendly conversation with the director, the two sides reached a consensus, so Heliga and Fei was also included in the consideration of the rest of the students.
He absolutely did not use his privileges to "convince" the director, absolutely not.
All in all, for other first-year students, they only need to take the first four days of the exam-it is a comprehensive test for all first-year course exams. As long as they pass this test, they can actually be said to have got Tolz's. Graduation certificate, but the degree certificate has the lowest "F". If you want a more beautiful resume, you have to work hard in the second-year curriculum. Depending on the courses chosen by different students, they need to take nine to twelve exams, which is different from the mid-term exams that all students have a unified standard. However, as far as Class VII is concerned, as early as when they joined, they had already been brutally enrolled in twelve courses by Sarah instructor in the name of "elite education"; therefore, it didn't matter.
The next three days are the exams for advanced courses and advanced courses for the second-year students. Both the difficulty and the depth are much higher than those of the first-year. According to the school's internal statistics, most students will reduce the number of courses by at least 40% when they enter the second grade. After all, the credits of seven second-year courses are enough for them to get a "B" degree certificate. It can be said to be a proof of gold content and full recognition. For example, Tova Herschel, who still conquered twelve advanced courses in the second grade and had more than enough experience in all of them, Tolz hasn't appeared in many years, and it doesn't represent most students.
In short, the students of "Class VII" will experience an unprecedented, seven-day final exam journey. Everyone’s goal is to pass the test, but the specific goals set are slightly different; Euses Macias is similar to Emma and Tova, and everyone has chosen more than nine second-year courses for It is the same "A" level degree certificate as Towa. Lien, Gaius, Laura, and Alyssa chose a more secure solution. They think that the "B" level is already a difficult enough challenge; Fei and Miriam decided to carry the laziness to the end. The "C" level is enough to be worthy of his conscience. As for Heliga... he used his lewd prestige to ask Director Heinrich to quietly register for all the exams for himself, but no one knows yet.
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