Vol 2 Chapter 1241: Brothers Heart-to-heart (Part 2)

The "Red Wing" cruiser Carrejas, the final product of all the support and resources that Prince Olibat has received over the past year or so in operation. It has a total length of 75 sub-moments, a maximum cruising speed of 3050 Sel-moments per hour, and a cruising radius of 39,000 Sel-moments. This high-speed cruiser has performed outstandingly in the civil war, and its follow-up has also been paid attention to.
Oribat named this cruiser to the Yanor Royal, which in fact also contributed the most. In other words, nominally, this red cruiser belonged to Emperor Yukente III. However, the supreme ruler of the empire was not so cheeky. He took the fruits of Olibat’s busy schedule to occupy directly; and considering Olibat’s performance in the civil war and his post-war status The emperor himself affirmed the fact that the previous government's idea of ​​taking the "Red Wing" from Olibat in the name of strengthening the unification of the army would be difficult to implement.
Fortunately, although Carrejas is the best in speed and cruising ability, even if it looks at the mainland, it is second only to the Liber Kingdom Air Force flagship "White Wing", which is nearly two-thirds smaller than the "Red Wing". Although the fact that it sacrificed firepower for speed is quite clear. Carrejas, who does not have the ability to carry large-caliber lethal artillery, was not regarded as a big threat in the imperial military circles that pursued the doctrine of the artillery giant ship. Moreover, His Royal Highness Olibate is not like those old and stubborn aristocrats who are completely at odds with the prime minister. Maybe the two sides still have the possibility of cooperation. Recently, Olibate generously agreed to the list of seventeen members of the mission nominated by Karl Regnitz to Liber, which reinforced this impression.
However, it seems that his brother does not seem to stop here. Cedric's finger ran across this ambitious schedule-three "Carrejas II" class heavy cruisers. Construction undertaker, Libel Kingdom, Chase Central Workshop... Delivery time, the end of 1205, early 1206, mid 1206... The total length is 109 sub-moments, the maximum cruising speed is 4500 Sel-moments per hour, and the cruising radius is 62,000 Sel-moments. Equipped with 2×VLM vertical launch modules, each module has 6 launch tubes and can hold 78 missiles. In addition, three 22.5 sub-dimension cannons, a 45.5 sub-dimension forward guided main gun, and 18 3.5 sub-dimension long-range cannons covering the entire hull are also installed. Just looking at the overview map in the file, Cedric felt that this thing seemed to be different from the original "Red Wing". Compared with the apparent lack of firepower of the first aircraft, the firepower of this advanced-class warship of the same type has reached a frenzied level.
What's more, this ship will also be equipped with the latest "Capel" guidance computer system, and reserved space and interfaces for upgrading. In addition, the multi-functional guidance radar, 3 joint heavy guidance engines and two spare diesel engines can accommodate 12 mechas and 4 small guard boats in a huge hangar... etc. These Cedric or The data that you understand or don’t understand all indicate that this ship, which will come out in the near future, will be an air fortress that is different from today’s Air Force airship.
"How about it, did you get taken aback?" Olibate reminded him as he watched his brother staring at the airship's parameters and plans, and did not say anything.
"Ah... yes. Brother, this... shouldn't you be joking?"
"I hope it's a joke." Olibate sighed, "But it's a pity, it's not. This is a plan that was set long before the beginning of the Civil War, and now the first phase of the project has begun. It should be this year. In August... the first "Karejas II" can be built. However, I do not intend to make it appear as soon as it comes up. "
"Huh? Really?" Cedric was surprised. "Isn't "Red Wing" created to put pressure on the prime minister and the nobles? "
"In terms of responding to provocations, this ship is a bit too hot. Moreover, it is no more than a few months ago. When the nobles and reformers are at war, they need to be crushed in the name of the royal family and give them a warning." Libat shook his head, "The existence of these ships is the product of compromise after I lowered my bottom line many times. Heliga and I have discussed these matters many times. Some of them reached consensus, and some of us quarreled fiercely. Yes...but this is the only thing I have experienced after experiencing the civil war, and I feel that it is extremely correct."
Olibate paused. Perhaps sensing the weight of his brother's words, Cedric did not ask, but just waited for Olibat to speak out.
"That is... the order established by force is stronger and more lasting than everything else." Olibat's tone was a bit bitter: I really thought that as long as I had a good ideal in my heart, I was fine. Overcome all difficulties. However, no matter how beautiful the ideal is, it needs to have the matching force to defend it, otherwise it will not have a reassuring continuity. Relying on the cooperation of the "Red Wings" and a small number of remnants of the regular army, Olibat struggled to fought long and arduous battles with the aristocratic armies in the west; while Heliga relied on absolute strength and small conspiracy. The eastern part of the empire slaughtered the Quartet. In the end, when Heliga was able to command most of the regular army, and Olibat himself took over this part of the command, this feeling became even stronger.
Previously, it was difficult to do perfect things after racking their brains. After receiving strong military support, it became a breeze. Olibate knew very well that if he and Heliga had not led the action, but had been resolved by the regular army, he would not have gained such huge benefits and prestige after the war. The reason why he was able to make himself a nominal commander was also because Heliga received a rare precedent privilege from the emperor.
I know very well...that is my father reminding myself, what on earth do I need to do more and keep my own results?
There will not be a second chance like this. The emperor will not remind the second time. If you need strong support, then strong strength is indispensable. The empire is a traditional continental country, the army has been completely controlled by Prime Minister Osborne, and the navy is basically insignificant, so there is only one way to choose.
Fortunately, the rigidity and arrogance of the imperial soldiers gave all this opportunity; even if they were smashed in Libel thirteen years ago, there were countless imperial soldiers who stubbornly believed that the air force could only be used for the army. The so-called high input of the auxiliary arms that were layed down only stopped at an acceptable level after maintaining the enthusiasm for two or three years. Unlike the steadily advancing Republic and the rapidly developing Liberty, the empire’s air defense still seems not so secure.
Cassius Bright’s thinking back then should be carried forward by himself and done better.
It's just... if something similar is done in the Empire, it will almost certainly be noticed. And if you put it in Libel, you must be more careful to avoid being discovered and revealing flaws. Especially this kind of thing is likely to break the balance between the republic and the empire. If the republic learns that Olibate has placed such a huge military business order with Liber, will it do something unexpected? Woolen cloth?
Therefore, all of this is the top secret among top secrets. Fortunately, Libel has extremely rich experience in shipbuilding. The large investment brought by the mission this time can also allow the "ZCF" to use the expansion of production scale to cover things up a little. Moreover, Olibate has a second set of plans. If there is a perceived risk, it is entirely possible to transfer the unfinished battleship to another secret base through special means.
However, Olibate did not intend to hide this from his brother. After all, in any case, I do not have the idea of ​​mastering the highest power. If all these efforts are successful, I will leave the rich legacy of all projects to my brother. It doesn't hurt to let him get in touch with these earlier. In addition, there is a clearer and more direct purpose that Cedric finally had to consider seriously.
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