Vol 2 Chapter 1245: Busy coping

Liber, Gransell King City.
Since the Floating City incident came to an end, the power center of the Liber Kingdom, which has maintained a quiet and peaceful rhythm, has become a bit busy today. At least, when the prince of Kolotia finished her morning routine and began to prepare for a major event in the afternoon, she did indeed feel the change in atmosphere.
"Just this one." After staring at the huge open door of the closet for a while, Kolotia decided to be more conservative and use the pure white dress she used to. Although the other party had greeted him and did not need to be too formal in reception, and that person would probably wear a rather casual dress to attend, but after all, Kolotia could not be as free and unrestrained as the other party. The meticulous performance of her etiquette as a representative of the royal family is the way she will choose.
Several maids of similar ages began to carry out the orders of the Wang Madam, and skillfully took off the dress, and then began to wait for their masters to change their clothes. Colotia obediently let the maids play around, while secretly thinking about the instructions of Lieutenant General Cassius to her the other day. Most of Ereponia's missions are members who have been friends with the prince, but some seem to be more loyal to the imperial government; they have to deal with the small tricks that may appear in front of these people.
While thinking about the tricky problems he might encounter, Kolotia was surprised to find that time flies quickly. She didn't notice that half an hour had passed before the maid Xia gave a voice to remind her. She sat down in front of the big dressing table and began to prepare people for makeup. This was one of the daily routines that made her feel the most tedious for diplomatic occasions.
"No matter...this kind of thing still has to get used to it. Anyway, it's a little bit easier than them...it doesn't seem to be." While thinking about the same thing that two friends of the same age are doing right now, Kolotia Comfort yourself with at least not needing to drill underground waterways. However, for the work of both of them, this seems to be a daily routine?

"Okay... this should be the last one." The girl with a pair of pony tails smashed the jelly-like soft monster in front of her with a stick, and rubbed the leftover material stuck to the long stick on the side of the rock with disgust. , While pulling out the power guide, "Gransell Underground Waterway's wanted beast... Obviously Mr. Cruz is sitting in the capital, how can he save so much!"
"The monsters we deal with urgently are all species that can only live under certain conditions... so they are not considered a big threat." Joshua put the knife into the sheath early, "If it weren't for this time, Special commission, if we must wipe out all the wanted beasts we have explored, I am afraid that no one will actually take care of it."
"Yes... They are all in the depths of the underground waterway. The average strength is quite high. It is a bit too difficult for the rookie guerrillas, but it is not attractive to the intermediate and high-level guerrillas..." The two of them came together, and there was a girl with short light chestnut hair tied with a cute bow and ribbon on her head, and a rather sharp tachibana hanging around her waist. "This time, the royal family added extra money so many people came to participate."
"Really...Would you like to be so realistic." Esther sat down on another clean rock, and then began to play with the force guide in her hand, "But... "ARCUS"... It's really convenient. . Olivier would occasionally do something useful...like now, you can record the details of the commission here while you haven't forgotten it, and then copy it to the guerrilla handbook when you have time. This way I don’t have to copy Joshua’s notes every time. "
"Hmm~mm~ So even if you organize your notes once a month, you won’t be told by the seniors." Yanilas nodded her head hurriedly. With one word, I began to discuss how to be lazy and let the side be serious. Joshua was speechless for a while, "That... didn't you remember what Mr. Ainan said before?"
"What's the matter?" Obviously, they did not remember. When Joshua mentioned it, I didn't even have any impression.
"One of the cooperative projects of the Epstein Foundation and the Association. It is said that in the future it is very likely that the files of all active guerrillas will be archived on the Daoli Network. Just report to the front desk of the Association after completing the mission." Xiuya patiently explained, "In other words, it can be sorted out by the receptionist in the future, and the guerrillas on mission don't have to do such troublesome work... At most, they occasionally check whether the information is true."
"Yes...Is that so!" Estil was surprised, "Doesn't it mean that you only need to contact Mr. Ainan after completing the task and explain it verbally?"
"Theoretically, but the headquarters of the association still recommends that the guerrillas record it by themselves." Joshua sighed, and he knew where Estiel’s focus would be. It also helps to clarify the thinking...especially when doing some long-term commissions, you need to contact the previous information. If you sort it out by yourself, it should be more convenient, right?"
"It seems to make sense... but doesn't this mean nothing has changed!"
"No... simple tasks like this don't have to be so troublesome, don't they..."
Yanilas watched the two naturally enter the bickering mode, quietly swallowed the question that was about to be asked, followed behind them without saying a word, quietly admiring the daily scene.
"These two people, when will they be able to achieve a righteous fruit?" Yanilas whispered in her heart to the questions that her guerrilla colleagues had discussed countless times in private.

"Everything has been arranged according to your instructions. The reconfirmation has been done again and there is no error." Maximilian Sid is reporting to his immediate boss, Cassius Bright, "About the airport. The contact with the flying agency on the side has also ended, and the other party thinks it would be fine to postpone the time by three hours, and there will be no major problems."
"That's good. Your work is getting more and more smooth... It's not easy to get things done at the airport." Cassius smiled, "The places where your majesty and your majesty attend should also be treated with the same security level. You. Just work harder."
"Yes." Sid saluted cleanly and left. Cassius took a sip of the coffee on the table, then picked up an investigation document from a private company and looked through it carefully.
For a long time, "Sword Saint" seemed to think of something suddenly, stood up, took three steps in two steps, and strode towards the communicator on the side...
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