Vol 2 Chapter 1248: Analysis (below)

The Liberians participating in the meeting are all the central figures in the power of this country, and they are the elites among the elites. Some things, even if they hadn't explained to them by Olibate, they themselves had vaguely noticed. But now that some people connect these scattered and suspicious information through a main thread, their thinking is much more active, and only a little bit of dialling can form a complete chain of thought.
Because of this, the communication problems that Heliga and Olibat were originally worried about have hardly appeared. Next, as long as they read the information that they thought could be disclosed to Libel, they were all done.
For a while, no one spoke. In the huge meeting room, there was only the sound of paper turning over and the occasional sound of night wind blowing through the window. As the queen herself finished reading the last one, she placed the report on the table with a solemn expression. Principal Collins, who had already considered the terms, took the lead to speak: "According to your... What they are after is the "cruel and grand struggle", and the chaos and wars that have engulfed the entire continent as a result. As a politician, he has this kind of madness, because it symbolizes the realization of the struggle between the two great treasures of the empire, and it will inevitably happen after the empire’s precious products gradually wake up. Things. Moreover, His Majesty Yukent also knew about this... Right? "
"It's not that I don't see any clues, but the idea itself is scary enough." Cassius looked sad. "To be honest... Back then, the empire allowed our country to be eaten up only by the power of the noble warriors. Suffering... If now, under the influence of this unnatural motive, coupled with the reorganization of the empire’s armaments and technological progress over the years..."
"Regardless of the final result, the occurrence of this incident alone is enough to cause greater losses and turmoil than the "Hundred Days Campaign." Our country naturally wants to avoid this matter as hard as possible. I think if you two bring these news, it must not be unprepared to ask for help, right? "Queen Alicia didn't show her worry directly on her face like Cassius did, but she said slowly with the reservedness of some kings.
"About this matter, I have talked to Your Majesty Ukent in detail. Your Majesty believes that the wicked power behind the empire has harmed the empire for a long time, so he made up his mind to appoint a prime minister and look for opportunities to get rid of him. Although his majesty still claims that he Trust the Prime Minister Osborne unconditionally...but to be honest." Heliga said his own judgment, "Your Majesty basically unconditionally condoned the confrontation between me and Olibat against the Prime Minister after the Civil War, not only granted In the past ten years or so in our empire, only Dr. Schmidt has won the honor, and he has repeatedly pioneered titles and military ranks, and promoted many times-even the right to act cheaply in wars has been retained..."
"Plus, the father arranged for the future emperor of the empire, Cedric to be by his side, intending to get close to him, but also to his...well, he deliberately ignored his private life." When it came to this matter, Olibat was a little bit close. He glanced awkwardly, "To sum up, we think that my father, today's emperor, does not rely on and trust the prime minister unconditionally as before."
"That said, it really feels a bit too much. If it's just a simple post-war recognition, it really doesn't take such a big fanfare. But... I think maybe it's not that simple." Queen Alicia thought for a moment, originally thinking To recognize these conclusions, she shook her head slightly, "I have been with the emperor Ukent for a long time... Although many of you may not be familiar with the emperor Ukent when the prime minister was not promoted, I I still remember his style of acting and what he said to me at the banquet of his enthronement celebration."
"Never put eggs in a basket." Principal Collins chuckled; he already understood his king's thoughts, "I was accompanied by Her Majesty the Queen, and I also vaguely remembered the emperor Ukent's words. Moreover, he did this for a long time, didn't he? "
"Yeah... I also sighed at the time. As a ruler a generation younger than me, he knew the balance technique early, which is not necessarily a good thing... Maybe he could also be able to hold the inside of the empire at that time. The militarist forces that are eager to try it out before the "Hundred Days War" broke out. This was indeed the case. "
"You mean...Since His Majesty Ukent understood this early, his bet on Prime Minister Osborne after the "Hundred Days" is actually...abnormal? "Heliga heard the overtones.
"Yes." The queen nodded, her gaze at the bright moon outside the window, "Moreover, this can be explained. The reason why he uncharacteristically allowed the prime minister to monopolize the power and suppress the nobles, instead of using checks and balances like before. It was because he believed that this was a special method that he had to use in order to solve the problems of the empire the year before...even a great emperor like the "Lion Heart Emperor" could not solve a problem. And what he is doing now is to confirm...or at least expect you to have the same important bargaining chip as the prime minister on this issue. In areas where the emperor Ukent can control the situation, you and the prime minister can equally share. "
"Moreover, he is indeed helping you in other ways to smooth out the resource disadvantage compared to the prime minister..." Cassius said slowly, "Let Heliga and His Royal Highness make a public appearance in front of the media with great fanfare, creating time and time again. The explosive news that is beneficial to you is to allow you to break out of the siege of the Imperial Media Group, which has long been controlled by Prime Minister Osborne, and to completely invalidate their monopoly on the favorable news of the reformists; and to bring Heliga and the three His Royal Highnesses closer. ... even closeness, is to suggest his inclination to all royal nobles and local forces, to win support for you; even the errand he arranged for your Highness, this errand to Libel—"
"It's all needed to make up for the shortcomings in the "technology" and "capacity" that you most urgently need. "At the side, Mr. Maddoch rubbed his hands in excitement. He may only be able to understand other things, but in the end he understands this one-if you want a gun, apart from competing with the imperial government in the country." The production capacity and resources of "RF", Liber's side is unique to Olibat himself, and he is uniquely endowed by nature. The relatively confidential accounting mechanism of "Z.C.F" can also ensure that resources are not leaked to the greatest extent.
Kolotia on the side was stunned-is this still what the media say every day, weak and incompetent, the waste emperor Ukent III who was emptied by the power?
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