Vol 2 Chapter 1253: New things in the old place

"It should be here soon." At dawn, the originally peaceful lake was broken by the sound of the speedboat's engine. Heliga was driving the boat in the direction Ling was pointing, and the latter seemed to be comforting the somewhat impatient former.
"There shouldn't be any problems here." Heliga looked around, "Ling, do you want to speed up a little bit—"
"No." Ling said irritably, "Ling herself doesn't care, but this ship is an old-fashioned passenger ship, and can't bear your toss. Besides, Ling didn't coax you this time, it's really coming soon. "It seems to be to prove that what Ling said is correct. As soon as the voice fell, Heliga saw the silhouette of the building looming in the fog.
"Oh..." Heliga angrily gave up the idea of ​​using magic to speed up the broken ship. He bypassed the small peninsula where the lighthouse was located, and parked the boat in a small harbor surrounded by various engineering ships. "I still miss it this way."
The place where the two are located is not elsewhere. It is the secret base built by "White Face" Wiseman on the small island in the middle of the lake surrounded by dense fog when they formed an association to engage in a conspiracy in Libel. Although the entire base was abandoned after the "Gospel Project", Dr. Russell took a fancy to this place and decided to use the existing equipment and buildings here to make some "floating cities" fished out of the lake. "Experiments related to fragments. Moreover, from Ling’s words, Zhong Helijia learned that, for some reason, perhaps it was compensation for the "white face" messing up Liberty. Some clearly contained equipment and products that only the association had mastered the crystallization of technology. No executor or apostle took these things back, but left them here for Dr. Russell and the others to study.
"I want to make this place usable, and Ling has a credit." Walking into the huge research building, Heilijia watched Ling put the ID card symbolizing identity authentication back into her wallet, by the way. Seeing her triumphantly said, "Heliga, do you know what was the biggest difficulty Libel encountered when he wanted to rebuild this place into a research base?"
"I think about it... can't you restart the devices and functions left by the "association"? ",
"Guess the direction is correct, but... Forget it, Heliga is not an insider after all." Ling chuckled and waved her hand. "In fact, there was a problem with the energy supply of this base. When the professor was here, here. It uses equipment that has transformed the "Gospel" to extract energy from the "Floating City"... to be precise, it is indirectly extracted from the "Ring of Radiance." However, after the matter was over, these devices were useless... If you simply wired it from Chase or Wangdu, the engineering difficulty would be huge. And if there is no conductive energy, many of the equipment here will not be able to start... So before last autumn, this place was purely used as an archaeological warehouse... Just the archaeological ships that Heliga saw in the port. Some sundries fished out of the water will be piled up here. look. "
Ling opened the door of a warehouse, and what Heilijia saw was all kinds of things entangled with water plants and other sea creatures, like discarded engineering parts. Occasionally, a huge stone was placed here, just because of some strange label on it.
"So, how is this problem solved? Did Ling help Dr. Russell to solve it?" Heliga glanced at the various, but seemingly worthless things, and was a little curious about the answer to this question.
"That's right... Although he put forward the theory, Ling helped me to do things specifically." Ling said in a complaining tone, "Tida's grandfather was completely focused on "Patti" during that time. "Il Matil" has no time to take care of other things at all. "
"Then...what should I do specifically? Like Clos Bell, do you build a pyroxene-consuming conductivity generator underground?" Heliga thought, this seemed to be similar to what he had heard. It seems that Libel is quite interested in the concept of humanoid weapons.
"That way, you don't have any technical content... You can find any senior engineer from "ZCF" to do it. "Ling shook her head, "Moreover, that would greatly increase the cost of the entire plan. So Dr. Russell came up with the crazy idea of ​​using the "Four Wheel Tower" to build an energy field... But because that might involve particularly dangerous things, it was finally rejected by Her Majesty. However, one of the theoretical ideas caught Ling's attention. "
Heliga didn't speak, and waited for Ling to continue speaking quietly. Ling was also unambiguous, pulling Heliga and walking towards the end of the room where the elevator was located. In that small maintenance room, there was an advanced terminal used by the major terminal rooms of the Clos Bell underground waterway. Ling skillfully retrieved the images from it and pointed them to Heliga one by one.
"Specifically, Dr. Russell's idea is to use the data of the "Four Wheels Tower" that he analyzed in conjunction with the research results on the "Floating City" to intentionally gather the guiding energy by guiding the underground spiritual veins. Around this base. In this case, the guiding force of natural recovery is sufficient to meet most needs. "Ling said of Dr. Russell's whimsical thoughts, "but "Four Wheels Tower" after all... is something closely related to ancient treasures, whether it is the royal family or the church, they tend not to interfere casually. However, Ling actually found that this idea can be used..."
Heliga gradually understood what Ling meant. It turns out that although the idea of ​​using the "four-wheeled tower" to interfere with the ground veins is too crazy, it is still possible to use the same idea to interfere with the energy in the surroundings with other equipment. It just so happens that the location of this base is an island in Lake Valyria, not a city or a village. Even if you do this, you don't have to worry about the conductivity of the surrounding area being affected. According to Ling's calculations, it is only necessary to bury a circle of equipment at the bottom of the island around the island, and then the guiding force pressurization device designed by her can be used to guide the surrounding guiding energy to the vicinity of the base, thereby solving most of the problems. Although in this way, the device used to generate high-pressure conductive force still needs to continuously transport pyroxene as fuel, but the amount required is much smaller than that of an energy tower, and it only needs to be transported by airboat on a regular basis. NS. After several months of trial operation, all the engineers participating in the plan agreed that the base was operating in good condition and it was time to start construction.
"Originally, Dr. Russell wanted to propose that this place should be handed over to Ling. Ling also hesitated for a long time whether or not to accept... Mainly because he didn't know what you were thinking." Taking a closer look at the silhouette of the device, Heliga was suddenly hugged by Ling from the side. "But when I heard that you were going to take Ling to the empire...Ling made up my mind, even if Tida and Estiel were the others. Disappointed, I have to refuse the invitation here. Therefore, I temporarily decided to bring Helija here..."
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