Vol 2 Chapter 1259: Support Section Suspension Investigation

"The acting Duke of El Barrea?" Guy Bennings repeated the words of the imperial official in front of him-he was called back by a phone call from the chief who was on official duties, and then he learned about Erre. The modern principle of one of the four great nobles of the Ponia empire wants to see his notice.
Crossbel has been occupied and ruled by the Empire for three months. Many of the original autonomous prefecture departments have been banned or reorganized, and a large number of professional bureaucrats from the empire have settled in them, but the police department is one of the exceptions. Maybe it was the result of a political transaction, but Guy Bennings was surprised to find that the police system had basically not changed much; except that the chief of the police department was changed from McDowell to a security officer from the Empire. The establishment and most of the members of the Search Division I, Division II, and Transportation Division were reserved. Only a few search officers with Republican background were ordered to resign and leave. In addition, the "Secret Service Division" where his brother was located was also suspended. During the investigation, I don't know exactly what the situation is, but Lloyd and the others are still all right.
He and El Barrea had never had any friendship—not to mention, the current Governor of Clos Bell is also a member of their family. Therefore, Guy couldn't help but wonder what this conspiracy was. However, after inquiring about Arios before, the latter just said that this is not a conspiracy, just go there by himself-Guy thought, Arios would never lie to me, he was so sure, it should be really nothing. Things.
"Yes... Acting Duke Euses El Barrea called you to go. You have no right to refuse, unless you resign from the police department." The imperial official announced the order without expression-under imperial rule, This has also become part of the higher-level order, "Although there has never been a case of assigning the Crossbell police to the empire... But since the Governor's Palace has checked and allowed it, we don't have to ask more. There will be special people who will follow you. Go with you. When you arrive at Bariyahat, you will go directly to the Ducal Palace. You must not stay or wander in the city, nor go anywhere outside your destination, understand?"
"Still arrogantly." Guy snorted coldly, "Well, I'll go. When will we leave?"
"Tomorrow afternoon." The other party replied, "We will help you with all the cases handled by you. It can be suspended or transferred to other investigators. If you don't want to do it, we can also do it for you."
"Dudley and the others seem to be pursuing a smuggling case involving religious objects... Ronal is also busy dealing with the medical university..." Guy thought for a moment, and his subordinates seem to have things to do now. , So he decided to take the opportunity to inquire about it sideways, "I want to ask, what is the situation of the "Secret Service Section" that is currently undergoing a suspension investigation? Can you leave the matter to them? "
"In principle, the suspended department cannot..." The imperial officials thought for a while, "but their situation is quite special. When the department was established, they were actually considered non-staff personnel, and before the establishment was changed, Cross Bell has already been taken back by the Chinese government. But I still can’t draw a conclusion to you, because the information related to them is currently strictly required by the Governor’s Office to keep it confidential.

"If I remember correctly, the reason you are investigating them is because their establishment procedures are not complete, right." Guy squinted-everyone knows this is just an excuse, the real reason is because of the imperial government. I wanted to do something to Qia, but probably because of the demands of Heliga's faction, I couldn't do too much. Lloyd had seriously considered whether to use Arios' relationship to take Qia to the Duchy of Remiphylia to avoid the limelight, but in the end he gave up because of Qia's strong opposition. A few days ago, it seemed that Qiya had mysteriously disappeared and was only discovered by Lloyd and others. However, after that, the pressure on the imperial government was much less, and Qiya was also silent about the whole matter. Resolutely, even Lloyd and the others couldn't ask anything.
"Allie McDowell and Tio Prato are nominally the expatriates of the Closbell Self-Government and the Epstein Consortium, respectively, and Randy Orlando was also transferred from the garrison. Assistance personnel. In the entire department, only Royd Bennings has the qualifications of search officer, which does not meet the requirements of the lowest department." The imperial officials have naturally prepared relevant explanations long ago, "Sergey Luo's behavior is not compliant. What's more, he also had instances of soliciting unscrupulous people from the old city to participate in affairs...He was also investigated separately."
"Although it is not in compliance with the rules, this was originally a matter within the police station. They will get the official establishment very quickly, if it is not for your interruption."
"Pay attention to your position, Guy Bennings." The other party was insulted. "Ellie McDowell's grandfather once assisted Dita Kuroys, as evidenced by our country’s participation in the Commerce Conference, and is currently investigating. His role in the whole thing and possible accountability issues. In view of this, his family is naturally not suitable for any government work during the investigation. Randolph Orlando was once a member of the "Red Constellation", right Dangerous hunting investigations have always been our country’s rules. What's more, there is also evidence that the "Red Constellation" apparently assisted and ally during the pseudo-regime of the so-called independent country. As for Tio Prato, there is evidence that she was only fourteen years old when she was hired. Considering the nature of the work in the police department, this does not comply with the child labor law... Accept the inquiry afterwards and provide the necessary written documents. In short, we have rules for their investigation, and you cannot deny this. "
"...Damn." Guy whispered-the imperial government did understand the law thoroughly, and there is no way to refute these orders. "But Lloyd Bennings is a regular search officer with a search officer qualification. , It does not meet the several situations you mentioned above. If the "Secret Service Division" can no longer continue to operate, why should he be suspended as well, instead of working in the first or second division? "
The "Secret Service Division" was originally discussed with Chief Sergey, and its purpose was to bring something different to the lifeless police world of Crossbell, and by the way, to the guerrillas where Arios was. The association will have some healthy competition to break down the barriers that have always existed. From this point of view, its mission has already been completed, even if it is no longer active, it is not a pity. If Lloyd could come to a subject, of course he would be quite happy.
"Lloyd Bennings was named for investigation by the Governor's Mansion. Only Governor Rufas and the relevant personnel of the Imperial Intelligence Service knew about it." The Imperial official shook his head. "I also think he has nothing worth investigating, but the laws of our country also Given the governor’s autonomy, we have no right to intervene."
"..." In the end, the conversation between the two parties ended in a not very friendly atmosphere. Guy pondered over and over: What is the meaning behind this?
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