Vol 2 Chapter 1270: The seventh riding god?

It's no wonder that Cassius is so strategizing and well-informed, so surprised. Because what Heliga told him was indeed a little bit explosive.
Gillies Osborne, it is very likely that he has not appeared so far, the starter of the seventh riding god?
"You let me slow down." Even so, he was actually shocked at once, and soon healed, "Why do you say that?"
"Well...First of all, there is indeed always one place for "God of Riding". "There are seven "riding gods" in total. This is what Heliga has known for a long time, and it is also a saying that most people have heard. The earliest source of this statement comes from one of the most treasured family forces, the "witch", which has been the case since the creation of the riding god; this also explains the subsequent doubts, "but, by coincidence, the empty one has never been seen in the empire. All kinds of infighting... I asked Levi's "El Prado", it retains almost all the memory of participating in the struggle of the riding god... But even so, he has never seen six of them. "
"According to the information disclosed by you and your Highness... "Gray" belongs to my little junior brother Li En, and "Cang" is controlled by Clo Ambst, who is temporarily cooperating with you. "Silver" is the secret of Saint Lianna, "Purple" probably belongs to the "Hunter King" who is thought to have been dead, "Gold" belongs to Reinhardt on the same front as you, and "Fei" is in you It is sealed in the hand, and it is expected to find a way to make it available to Prince Cedric. "Cassius thought for a moment, "It's true...Now the "riding gods" are awakening one after another. This posture is bigger than the four riding gods' struggle in the "Lion Battle" back then... If the purpose of the black hand hiding behind the scenes is Provoking disputes and wars, then it will inevitably regard today's world as a good opportunity...There is no reason to hesitate at the end. "
"Yes...Because the other six stations have already appeared, so must the only one remaining." Heliga was not surprised that Cassius had followed his own thoughts—even if the latter had just learned about it. " "Riding God" and the story behind it, "This is a logical judgment. The reason why I think the Prime Minister is suspicious is mainly due to two reasons."
At this time, Cassius was completely tired and listened to Heliga's analysis intensively.
"First, from the prime minister, I have seen some characteristics and experiences that only the initiators of the "riding god" have. "Heliga said, "Half a year ago, Crowe Ambst shot through the Prime Minister's chest with an anti-material sniper rifle in Drekers Square. It was definitely a deadly injury, and there was no rescue. Perhaps the chief priests of the Codex country may have a way to borrow some ancient relics, but they have no signs of cooperating with the prime minister. "It's better to say that they are actively contacting me now-Heliga didn't say this sentence.
"In other words, Gillies Osborne was indeed dead at that moment. It was not a blindfold, a stand-in, and it was not..." Cassius pondered for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "It turns out that... is the "Hunter King". And "The Saint of Steel"..."
"Resurrection from the dead...there are few ancient relics that can do this, and most of them have strong side effects." Heliga recalled his understanding of ancient relics—there are only a few ancient relics that can achieve similar effects. The relics, the church has detailed records, and when he knew that the current French king wanted to win him over, he decisively used the channel of Kevin to connect with the priests under the French king, and among them were like Wiseman back then. , Who knows the ancient relics very well—even worse than they are. Although the internal fighting between the canonized province and the ceremonial province is intensifying, at least so far, they are still selling the face of the King. This level of contact will not cause vigilance. "Although it cannot be ruled out that the prime minister has obtained other churches and has not grasped it. Yes, the possibility of a powerful ancient relic... But as the saying goes,
If it’s not necessary, don’t increase the entity
-there is no need to discuss clues that cannot be proved and falsified, and that will make the problem too complicated."
"And the "Hunter King" and "The Saint of Steel" are both models of resurrection from the dead, especially the "Hunter King"... When the mysterious man approached him, he basically told him clearly that he was using "riding The power of the gods resurrected him, and the saint was able to live until now because of her "Silver Riding God"... In this way, it is also very possible that Prime Minister Osborne, who has also been "dead" once, is also sure He is the owner of the riding god; and with his ambition, courage, and means, it is not surprising that he can attract the favor of the hidden "riding god" who has not appeared for thousands of years. "Cassius sighed, "Wonderful...wonderful." "
"And, besides that, I also got a very weighty hint... But because the intelligence source is too sensitive, I can't tell you the details, I can only say that it is his reminder that gave me this direction of thinking." It seemed that he had doubts about whether Cassius believed this judgment, so he added something like this.
"Haha...I understand. What can convince you must be a very important thing... I guess." Cassius gently stroked that moustache, "I can predict this situation. It must be in contact with both the mysterious side and the secular side... and it is probably an ancient relic. Then think of the most sensational thing about you recently, that is the "Imperial Medal"... The source of information must be the "Black History Book", The relevant figures are naturally members of the royal family. Did you guess wrong? "
"Oh..." Heliga was bored, "I regretted it as soon as I said it, because you can surely guess it. But now you know why I don't want to say it."
"Well... I understand the difficulty of that person, and I understand you." Cassius waved his hand, "Just as a secret in my heart. I won't tell anyone...including Your Majesty."
"Okay." Heliga and Cassius clinked their glasses gently. "In that case... I'll just say it by the way. I want you and Richard to set up a channel through which to keep a secret way to communicate directly with me. Do not tell others about this, including Her Majesty... or even Olibate. In addition, until I give a positive answer, neither you nor Richard should step into the empire, including Crossbell and Northumbria. "
"Have you even kept it from your Highness?" Cassius was surprised, "What is so mysterious?"
"Something that cannot be "cursed" to detect. Heliga cleared his throat. "The empire is called the "Earth of Black", and the land defined as part of the "Earth of Black" is covered by it. I have a hunch that it is now awakening and is getting stronger... Therefore, he also knows more and more about all the information that may hinder it. Therefore, an intelligence station that is not monitored is extremely important. "
"As you said before, Joshua is unaffected as the orphan of "Hamel" because Libel's land is protected by the "Four Wheels Tower" that forms the seal of the "Ring of Radiance" and cannot be The mysterious side of the empire affects... right? "Cassius understands, "Okay. Although in principle, this matter must be notified to the Queen... But I also understand the importance of acting by chance. I promise you. This afternoon, let's go to Luan to find Richard-it happens to be about the same as His Royal Highness and their schedule. You should also be able to reunite briefly. "
"Well... before talking about business, just look for the innocent, carefree feeling before." Heliga laughed, and poured the last bit of wine in the bottle into his glass.
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