Chapter 170: Situation analysis (middle)

"I don’t know Richard, nor have I met him. I don’t know what his personality and style of affairs are like. But according to what you just said, even if he has always had some ideas about the situation and rulers of his country. If he is worried, he has maintained at least the most basic rationality and logic. But the coup he planned this time... how to put it, it feels like he made such preparations eagerly, not after Logical thinking and careful consideration."
"What do you say?" The queen was completely aroused by curiosity.
"From what I saw and heard along the way, his actions were a bit too aggressive, and it even seemed to be a bit emotional. The best example is the plot to kidnap the Doctor and plant the Guards. It stands to reason. It is said that Dr. Russell is the core of the development of science and technology in this country. Whether it is from the economic development of the country or the construction of large-scale guided weapons in the Richard plan, this character is indispensable. From this In a layered sense, it’s not too reckless to pretend to be the guards and directly attack Chase’s central workshop in broad daylight? And it turns out that it is such a reckless action that made Estiel and the others almost all of a sudden. He found loopholes and emptiness. Unless he has full confidence in his plan, he has to deal with these details. Otherwise, either he has completely neglected to prevent it, or he has no time to take care of... no matter what This possibility is not an easy performance."
"Um...I don't understand it very well, but it sounds like I went to battle with Warcraft before I was ready..." Although Esther was caught in the twists and turns in Heliga’s mouth, she stared at Venus. But I have to say that the intuition of single-celled organisms is really amazing. Estil relied on intuition to make a precise summary.
"Yeah... that's how it is." Heliga spread his hands. "This whole thing feels full of a certain sense of disobedience... Even if he was dissatisfied with the current ruler before, even if he He has doubts about the new successor ruler, but at least before, he still has enough reason and logic. In fact, even if it is the coup plan itself, there are many things he has done well, but on key issues ..."
"Then what do you mean? In my opinion, it is also possible that he has been anxious about this situation for a long time, and eventually his emotions broke out."
"No, it's not that kind of feeling." Heliga shook his head, "If that is the case, if the passion transformed from a momentary impulse is acting, when the action arrives at this time, his plan should be different from before. That kind of strictness is right... But now it gives people the feeling that his whole person is very stable, but he always makes stupid mistakes in some details... It feels like he is walking in a straight line with his eyes closed, but people are closed. When he walks, he will go crooked unconsciously, and there seems to be such a person beside him who will always give him directions when he is about to get out of track."
"Someone instructed?" The queen understood what Helija meant. "To be honest, I didn't think about this situation... I had doubts about what you said, but in the end all of them were rejected. In Libel, they will Who has this kind of energy? Dunant’s child has absolutely no such means, I am afraid he was just led by Richard’s nose; Cassius is also impossible. If he had such thoughts, he should have stayed in the beginning. In the army, with his abilities, he is far better than Richard of his age. If he has the intention, stay in the army. I am afraid he has already done what Richard wants to do now, instead of embarking on a complete A different path...As far as other military and political figures are concerned, no one hides such energy as far as I know."
"Then, he is someone outside of this country's power." Heliga said meaningfully. "You may be unhappy when I say this, but to be honest, Libel... After all, the country is still too small and the country's water is too shallow. …If foreign forces infiltrate, I shouldn’t be surprised.

"Haha, it's okay, this is a fair evaluation, especially when compared with your home country." The queen is open-minded and did not express any anger at Heliga's words. "In fact, foreign forces have tried before. Infiltrate Libel’s regime...but you only know one thing about it, but you don’t know the other.
"How do you say this?" Now it's Heliga's turn to listen respectfully.
"I know, what you just said, because of its small existence and being dominated by the surrounding powers... is based on the Krossberg Autonomous Prefecture, right?"
"Yes." Heliga admitted honestly, "I have been there for a long time."
"The key problem with Krossberg is that they are not a sovereign country, but are part of the empire and the republic in name. Because of this, the power entanglement of the autonomous state is complicated and the situation is much more complicated than that of Libel. Naturally, it is much more difficult to solve. Although Liber is weak, it is also an independent country recognized by the Codex countries. He has all the power to decide on national affairs. Although we are not good at fighting, we also have our own complete military system. As a relatively sovereign country, The weaker one, especially considering that we are caught between the two mountains of the Empire and the Republic, what we need to worry about most is the economic sanctions and military threats of the big powers. Because of the small size of the country, spying and other activities are not easy to develop. With Richard and the Intelligence Department, it is difficult for anyone to make waves."
"You make sense." Heliga nodded, "Then, the possibility of the Empire or the Republic doing this is basically ruled out... But this is what I worry about the most, because it means..."
"...Meaning that there are forces outside the state apparatus that are controlling this...?" The queen said softly, the last possibility.
"Yes." Heliga's voice also became a little heavy, "The mainland's top hunting regiment has the capital to fight Liber's army, but they rarely use these twists and turns, and they only take money. There will not be too many independent ideas in handling affairs. Although the Guerrilla Association and the Qiyao Church are very powerful, one aims at protecting civilians and the other monopolizes almost all the basic education and medical markets of the entire mainland. Moreover, they have good relations with the royal family. , They have no need and no position to do so."
"..." Estil was completely dizzy this time. The atmosphere fell into a strange silence.
"...This is why I came here. As the supreme ruler of this country, I would like to ask you to give me some pointers-is there anything in this world that has such power, but has always been silent? What about the organization? And—if there is one, I can assure you that I have found some clues and hope you can give me a legal status to freely move around in this country."

P.S: The flash 3 speed pass ending comes out...what's the matter with this...MD...I'll talk about it when I play it again, I feel that many things in the outline have to be changed
P.S2: Do you like watching this kind of longer detailed dialogue? If I don’t like it, I will write less in the future... I personally like to write like this, because it is natural to promote the plot...
P.S3:10.1 is on the shelves. So far, I think there should be more 4-5 chapters that day? (It's not as big as T.T who is more than 20 on the shelves)
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