Chapter 236: Commission of the Kingdom Army

"'s no wonder that it was commissioned by the Kingdom Army..." The royal capital Gransell is still very lively and prosperous, and a group of people who rushed there also learned about this time from Ainan in the Wangdu branch. The details of the commission.
It turns out that this commission is related to the "non-aggression treaty" that the Queen recently tried to advocate. There have been many years of grievances and accumulations between the Kalvard Republic and the Ereponia Empire, and Liber, who was sandwiched between the two great powers, naturally felt very uneasy about this. Therefore, for the opportunity to promote this treaty this time, Liber’s side was naturally prepared for security and planning work. Because of this, the head of the military was worried that the guided communication would be intercepted by criminals, so he simply went directly. Called everyone to the royal capital.
"It is not mandatory, and it is not easy to implement, but my grandmother said that the restraining force formed through this kind of treaty may help establish a friendly atmosphere between countries." Koros explained the plan to everyone, because the queen was early With this intention, she was also deeply influenced.
"Then the meeting, talking, and signing this treaty at Elbe Palace... Indeed, in case something goes wrong during that period, the problem will be big." Jin nodded, "Then entrust..."
When Ainan was about to contact the military leader to explain the matter, an unexpected incident occurred. Abel's palace found a lost child. Since no guardian could be found, he hoped that the association would take over. As Estir and Kroth were in good spirits, they happily agreed. Taking this opportunity, the rest of the people dispersed separately to prepare for the next action.
"Fei." As soon as the two girls walked away, Heliga called Fei aside, "I'm sure they will definitely bring back the little girl they saw at Elreden Pass that day."
"The one who claims to be Ling..." Fei was very impressed. "I actually always thought that kid was weird... but I couldn't tell."
"The so-called mom and dad are totally lifeless...some kind of doll." Heliga whispered, "the result of the life detection spell feedback. But from the outside, there is nothing strange, different from ordinary people. Place. Don't you think..."
"...This kind of technical ability is currently only possible with "association", right? Philip came to a conclusion, "But..."
"Of course, under common sense, no one would think that a child about ten years old would have any problems... But isn't a living example just in front of me?" Heliga smiled bitterly, "Opponents do not play cards according to common sense, we Naturally, it cannot be inferred according to common sense... Anyway, let's keep an eye on that child."
"...Do you need to tell Esther them?" Fei thought for a while and asked.
"...No. They won't believe it. But if the association really wants to do something, and Ling is one of their "executors"... I think, although the direct reminder is probably nothing Yes, but it is better to pay a little attention to the action. "
"Yeah." Fei nodded, "I really hope our inference is wrong."

as predicted. When Estir and Kroth returned to the association with the little girl as delicate as a doll, everyone except Heliga and Fei showed surprised expressions. Facing the fact that they have become the focus of everyone, Ling did not have stage fright, and was a little bit spoiled, holding the hands of her peers Tida and Fei to the second floor of the association. The look was pure and innocent, completely without the shadow of Heliga's previous reasoning.
"Ah... what a lovely child..." Lieutenant Colonel Sid, who came to convey the meaning of the Kingdom Army, coughed slightly. "Then let's talk about the entrusted matters... This is how it is. "Non-War Treaty" During the period before the conclusion, we received a lot of threatening letters..."
"Threat letter?" Everyone's attention was drawn. "What's on it?"
The samples taken contained only seemingly bluffing threats, no signatures, and no other information. Originally, the military only wanted to treat it as a prank, but when it was learned that the embassies of various countries, the city where the queen is located, and the major When news agencies, transportation agencies, and cathedrals have received letters with the same content, they can no longer be treated as ordinary pranks. Having said that, the intelligence department that the kingdom has always been proud of was completely annihilated during the coup d'état during the year. On the one hand, the military has no way of starting this, and on the other hand, it is difficult to mobilize manpower and resources under the current circumstances. To carry out investigations and preparations, so as a last resort, they had to be entrusted to the association.
"As long as the association can afford, let them settle down one by one-this is what Brigadier General Cassius said himself." Lieutenant Colonel Sid looked helpless, "In fact, there is one more thing. I was recently transferred to The captain of the Royal Guard Team is responsible for all the security work around the Royal Capital during the signing of the treaty. In order to prepare the guard system, we need as much information as possible, so I hope to cooperate with the Guerrilla Association, which has a high mobility advantage, to do this together. Time work."
"Wow, after a few months, Comrade Sid has become so smart and strong." Heliga joked, "No wonder I got promoted so quickly."
"...I am ashamed." Lieutenant Colonel Sid lowered his head instead, "I almost made a big mistake during the coup d'état... If it wasn't for the Brigadier General and Your Majesty's care...and your help and contribution... "
"Hey... can't say that. After all, even the highest commander of the Kingdom Army was suppressed by him? But speaking of Richard... I think Brigadier General Cassius has something to tell me? "
"... As expected of you." Lieutenant Colonel Sid even used a respectful statement to a child, "It is true... Your Brigadier General hopes to use the opportunity at the time of the conclusion of the agreement to have a discussion with you. In fact, this is also my time. One of the contents."
"No problem. Just reply to him like this. You have to be careful with your work."
"You really have a deal with Dad, right!" Estelle exploded. "When I met at the fortress, I denied it together?"
"At that time, I just didn't want to cause you trouble... Well, it's not a big deal anyway. After the incident is over, I can tell you if you want to know."
"Ah... Speaking of that." Estelle showed a somewhat sorry expression, "Although we really want to leave right away, we still have one thing we can't put aside..."
"Is it about the little girl just now?" Ai Nan said with a smile, "I have already thought about this." After that, a brief plan sheet that was written at some point was already on the paper.
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