Chapter 254: Warcraft Riot

"Warcraft has become extremely violent?"
"Yeah... we are very troubled with this." The old man Lugolan in the Perth branch was still healthy. After a short greeting, everyone didn't talk nonsense and went directly to work. "Since the looting happened. After the thief boat incident, the security of the army became tighter, but after that, the monsters in the mountains and forests suddenly fell into riots."
"No wonder it turned out like this..." Jin curled his lips and looked at the reports and commissions on the wanted monsters posted on the bulletin board. "However, there are many monsters in Perth?"
"The Perth area was originally very vast, with dangerous terrain on all sides. There are often fierce monsters jumping out of those places." Aga nodded, he is very familiar with this place, "but I have never seen such a number... …And at this level, it’s as if all the monsters have agreed to show up in this season..."
"It's impossible to communicate with Warcraft, right." Esther murmured, "But in this way, we also understand your difficulties, Grandpa Lugolan."
"Yeah... Cruz took the time to help clean up a few orders before, this time I can only ask you. Of course, if you have any clues, please find out what happened to this monster riot."
"Where there are abnormalities, there will be associations." Heliga sneered. "Association never hides the meaning of his existence... But this time it is a little different from before."
"Not the same? Tell me a little bit." Jin said.
"In the previous incident, the executors of the association took copies of the black gospel and caused various strange phenomena. They also called this an experiment... In other words, projecting images, guiding the ground, and controlling the war Cars, eroding the spirit... These are all kinds of actions that cannot be done by humans, and are forcibly triggered through the phenomenon of the gospel. But this time... Since Agat has already said, the monsters here are extremely violent. So how does this degree of exaggeration feel different from before."
"So what do you mean?" Agath, a single-celled creature, doesn't understand Heliga's meaning at all, but the amazing insight and judgment shown by the boy before has prevented him from sarcasm. "I listen. I don't understand."
"I understand what he meant." Shelazard nodded. "Those executors call these behaviors experiments collectively, right?"
"Yeah...ah, can't it be said..." Even Estier had already figured out what was going on. "The phenomenon and the purpose are inconsistent... That is to say, this experiment has already reached the next stage. ?"
"Probably that's the case." Helija nodded, "So although the current situation may not be as unpredictable as before, from the point of view of danger, we must be more energetic."
"Ah, it's great to see that you are so energetic." At this moment, the concealed door was gently pushed open, and two figures familiar to Esther stood in front of them. The woman standing in front has wide eyes and drooped eyebrows, her smile is generous, and the silk ribbon behind her head is like a bunch of red clouds, which is just right with a red dress. In her petite body, there is a sense of majesty inexplicably.
"It's Maybell and Miss Lila. It's been a long time." Esther greeted enthusiastically. She yearned for a high-quality woman such as Maybell who has a career and excellent temperament, and she has been with her companions. After talking about this, Heliga commented on this: "Big Brother Estier, don't think about it. Be your girl with peace of mind and marry the soft girl Joshua."
Of course, if this kind of comment is spoken, it will definitely cause Estir to be beaten into anger, so Heliga just casually slandered in his heart, and did not dare to really say it. After greetings, everyone learned that Maybel not only became the mayor of Perth, the Libel business center, at a young age, but also a graduate of the Royal College of Denise and the senior sister of Kroth.
However, in the hot chat, there is a person who seems to be a bit contrary to his existence, and that is Agath. Since the first sight of Maybel, Agat has fallen into a very strange silence, saying nothing, just standing there normally.
"Also... Agat Krossner. It's been a long time since I saw you." Maybel noticed Agat and said generously.
"The mayor knows Agath?" Esther was taken aback.
"Yes." Maybel sighed, "I have entrusted him several times and received a lot of care from him. Besides 10 years ago..."
"Cough." Agat coughed vigorously, and Maybel gently covered his mouth and said: "Ah, it's a gaffe...cough, um." It seemed a little flustered at that moment, but soon, Maybel was overwhelmed. I adjusted my state and returned to my previous calm and confident appearance: "Today I heard that everyone is here and came here to say hello. I heard that you are hunting for international criminal organizations that have caused riots throughout the kingdom, right? Our Perth City’s position is that no such criminal organizations are allowed to exist. So, please let us participate as much as possible in assisting you."
"I'm looking forward to your performance." Unexpectedly, Agat's reply was quite tit-for-tat.
"Then, let's say goodbye first. If there is anything, please come to the mayor's mansion to find me." As if he hadn't heard Agath's words, Maybel calmly bowed his head slightly, and then was accompanied by the maid. Walked out slowly.
"Agat, I can't be a little more enthusiastic?" The old man Lugolan was obviously prepared for the scene before him, and finally he could only say so helplessly.
"Huh, leave me alone. Work is more important." Agat was a little flustered, as if he wanted to divert the subject. At this point, everyone could see that there seemed to be some story between Agat and the mayor, but due to the atmosphere, no one asked directly without interest.
" guy." Old Lugolan smiled bitterly and shook his head, and took out a document, "The wanted monsters that need to be wiped out...that's all."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Not an easy job."
The giant beast in front of you has a huge torso, sharp minions and swift wings-if anyone sees this scene, they will be surprised, because it is clearly a monster that only exists in the legend, the ancient dragon.
The only difference from the legend is that a strange black object was placed on the forehead of the giant dragon, and the aura emitted by the whole dragon was also a little chilling.
"My lord bless...this experiment is coming to an end..." Even a super expert like Levy felt a little bit painful and helpless at the scene before him, and couldn't help cursing inwardly, "Damn... Again……"
The dragon, which seemed to be asleep in pain before, slowly opened his bloodshot eyes again with a burst of purple miasma rising.
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