Chapter 301: True posture

"Soul Sword"-that is the realm that the legendary Red Guard sword singer can only reach.
With the supremely determined heart and unique understanding of sword skills as the stepping stone, it can be opened, leading to the pinnacle of the ancient sword-the legendary "soul sword" holy sea.
Almost all sword singers, after long-term efforts and training, can create soul swords that meet their inner expectations. But it is a sword that is purely supported by spiritual power and is essentially nihilistic. It is a symbol of piety in the Tao of the Ancient Sword, but it cannot be used as a weapon-but Nirevain knows that in the hands of the most powerful beings among the sword singers, the soul sword surpasses this essence. , Has become a truly powerful artifact. And its use can be said to be arbitrary and cannot be taken away by anyone.
Others may not be clear, but Nirevain was only shocked by the sight before him. He himself has never practiced the ancient sword, but he also has a certain understanding of it, because his former best friend and later enemy, the late Vivek, one of the three Morrowind Gods, is a red guard sword. Saint.
Because of this, he can also understand that the threat of the dragonborn in front of him is unprecedented-that is the drastic change of the whole person.
In Heliga’s eyes, the pure white soul sword was gradually condensed and formed, almost turning from the phantom into the essence—Bernardo stepped out one step, slashed with a sword, and the bright brilliance burst into the air. Across a beautiful arc of light.
And at the same time that Bernardo made the move, Nirevain also acted at the same time-his originally dark and shriveled skin began to emit something similar to water vapor, and the color changed from black to red-it was from the dark elves. Stunt, Ancestor's Wrath.
As the name suggests, Ancestor's Wrath is to temporarily possess the power of one's ancestors in previous generations, which can enhance the fighting ability of the dark elves-but this trick is not so simple when used on Nirevain. . He is the reincarnation of the ancient hero Nireva, and he is also a devotee favored by the two demon kings. For him, this trick is equivalent to the dragon descendant using the "dragon form."
The light of the knife swept across, and the world almost fell into gray at that instant-time stagnated, and the world was divided; while Heliga, who quietly watched this scene by the side, did not respond, as if she was stupid at that instant.
"Is this... Red Guard's ancient swordsmanship... Well, I didn't expect that after Vivek, the next existence that let me learn about its power turned out to be you." No matter how the Dragonborn moves, he has not suffered any harm before. Nirevain, looking at the body with bleeding beads on his chest and the robe that had long been torn by a big opening, showed a wry smile, "cut off the laws of nature, cut off the one thing in the world--"
Nirevain was injured-if you let the top masters in Tamriel know it, you would definitely be surprised. He is almost invincible in people's hearts, and there are only a handful of people who can rival him. However, at this moment, he looked at his wound that had not been injured for hundreds of years and muttered to himself.
"Um...Yes. You should understand now." Bernardo grinned reluctantly. He was hurt more severely-not only the dense blood hole covered his entire wrist, but also blood oozing from the nose and the corners of his eyes, "The burden of this trick is really not light..." After that, he fell. In the cold soil, the blood kept flowing out.
"I'm okay." He stretched out his hand gently, stopping Heliga from supporting him. "Compared to that, did you see my trick just now?"
"I saw it." Heliga nodded, "What is it--"
"I, Dragonborn." Bernardo said while struggling to stand up, "Red Guard's sword singer, heir of ancient swordsmanship. A practitioner of shadow magic. One of the custodians of ancient magic. I can pass on the additional powers under these titles to you through shadow magic... Only this, the inheritance of the ancient red guard sword...
"So, I have to let you see it... Maybe in the future, you will be able to comprehend this power... This power can surpass everything, and even the gods will tremble... The power that even the mainland can sink ...Maybe then...cough cough..." Speaking later, he began to cough up something like blood, splashing it on the ground.
" one can withstand this kind of power, except me..." Nirevain knew the truth of the matter and couldn't laugh or cry. "If that's the case, why don't you say it earlier?"
"Hehe... I also... occasionally want to see how surprised you are." Bernardo wiped the corners of his mouth and showed a smile. His body is no longer the kind of emptiness, but gradually turned into The glow and particles disappeared in place.
Like a block of ice exposed to the scorching sun, his body suddenly turned into a strange and indescribable shape, and then slowly flowed down along Helika's body-eventually, slowly disappearing beside him, In his shadow.
"Remember. You can only believe in yourself, and your tested companions. Don't be bound by any restrictions, go your own way. Well, I...hehe, maybe I can't accompany you."
After leaving this sentence equivalent to a last word, the pile of weird substances that Bernardo had turned into disappeared completely-leaving only the scratched ground around and the large forests almost destroyed by various explosions, which proves He fought an unknown battle here.

"Professor, the weird energy fluctuations coming from the woods by the lake have stopped." On the airship "Gululias", Camparella was staring at an instrument in the room, her expression stern and complicated, she knew him. Almost all of you can say that he has never seen him so serious. And standing aside, the man he called the "Professor", the chief designer and the highest executor of the "Gospel Project" is also standing aside at this moment, his face is dignified; in his hand, the dragon Lei Gunat was On the surprised strange staff, the light slowly condensed.
"No, you can't get anything...that place seems to have been imposed an incredible "enchantment", even the leader's wand built with "outside principles" can't crack...except for the one who has been following the guerrilla Apart from the young people who acted, who else is here? "
"There is also a man with a black cloak who has been there for a long time." Camparella said, "The power is powerful, and the origin is unknown. This kind of enchantment is probably made by him... Is the purpose to prevent us from stealing? Any information about him?"
"No...maybe not." Wiseman slowly retracted his staff, with a complicated expression, "The power of this enchantment feels above seems that there is a...that has built a unique small world in this continent. The feeling... If you have to say it, it's a bit like... I don't want to attract the attention of the whole world, this kind of feeling."
"However, judging from the surrounding trees, it seems that a fierce battle has taken place... Hehe, with this destructive power, even the main artillery of "Pattier Matil" is probably..." In the mess around the world, Kemparela stroked his chin and said, "Can stop man-made detection, but can't stop the spread of power? Or is it because the power is too strong, this level of destruction is already the result of the "dilution" of that level of enchantment? "
"Haha...I will inform the leader of this matter after the plan." Wiseman put his mind away, "Although I am also interested in their affairs, after all, the "ring" is here for us. Saying is the business. "
"Hehe, that's what I said." Kemparera bowed softly, "Then, let me have a little more fun... Mr. Kilbat, I should be at the academy now..."
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