Chapter 317: The sincerity of the church (two in one)

"Oh, Estill, it was really hard for you just now." After finally getting rid of Mulla's "hunt and killing", Olivier had completely lost the majestic look just now, and said with a smile.
"Thank you for your size!" Estil dissatisfied, "what the is going on! Explain clearly to me!"
"Don't be like that, her political IQ is basically zero." Heliga smiled bitterly and shook her head. "Actually, it means literally."
"Yes. Because there is a suspicious conspiracy being carried out within the empire, this intrusion is also part of their plan. So I will come forward and kill them." Olivier pretended to be mysterious.
"So..." Estelle seemed to have caught some point, "I did it just now...?"
"That's right. First pretend to be serious negotiations, and then the Elseo will play...This is the script that I and Mr. Cassius thought about." Olivier said triumphantly.
"Well, that's how it is." Cassius also walked out of the Elseo with a smile, "By the way, Heliga is our contact, and almost all the details of the contact between us are done by him. ."
"That's it." Heliga nodded, "Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, for example, Dr. Russell failed to make the equipment to restore the power of the spacecraft in time...The original plan would be embarrassing."
"Dad!" Estelle's dissatisfaction has reached its extreme - she looked at her hippy smiling father with resentful eyes, "You have you in everything! The royal capital's guard plan, Colonel Richard You arranged it! This time you conspired with Olivier! In the end, it was your biological daughter who knew nothing!"
"Oh, don't look at me with such terrible eyes. The two of them are also accomplices." Cassius hurriedly sold the two teammates. "I listened to what you said just now in Daoli Communication. Here... thanks to your blessing, the El Saiyo can achieve such a good appearance."
"Mr. Cassius means that it is precisely because of your stupidity and the characteristics of your brain that you can compare the superiority of his plan." How could Heliga, who was sold by Cassius, just let it go. , Decisively came up with a malicious extreme interpretation, and then watched with satisfaction as Estir turned his vicious eyes to him again.
"Wait, Guidance Newsletter?" The crowd watching the excitement discovered the blind spot, especially Shelazad, who knows Olivier best, looked thoughtful. "Could it be that Olivier, again With that ancient relic..." Sherazad was referring to the fact that she used an ancient relic to talk to someone on the deck of the spaceship. Heliga seemed to be there at the time, so she couldn't ask directly. It was also because of that incident that made her feel that Olivier was actually a spy from the Empire.
"Shhh!!" Upon hearing this, Olivier hurriedly stopped Shelazard from continuing, covering her mouth while looking around in a panic, "Shela, don't talk about this, if someone It sounds bad--"
"Now, what are you hiding?" A smirking, somewhat frivolous voice came. It was Father Kevin, who had been missing for a while, "I just remember it now, it's too late."
"Father Kevin?" In addition to Kevin, Dr. Russell and Captain Yulia came with him. "Everyone is here."
"It's okay if you are fine." Yulia's first concern is naturally her Princess.
"Oh, it took me more time to transform the power guide... Fortunately, everyone is okay, and the Elseyou is able to operate normally." The doctor brought the Elseyou why it can work in this situation. The secret of heaven-that is the large zero-force field generator he has worked day and night to produce.
As the companions gathered together again, after a short greeting, everyone began to talk about business.
Kevin brought another important piece of news—that was, he received a contact from the church headquarters, in which he informed him of a matter about the ring of glory. It turns out that the floating city suddenly appearing in the air is not the body of the ring of glory—but some ancient relic hidden in the center of the city, and the gospel is actually a terminal for operating it.
The Ring of Radiance is equivalent to the administrator of the huge system of Floating City. Through its powerful force, all the power of the surrounding Qi Yao is used as the energy source for the operation of all equipment and services in the Floating City. The guiding force used by the Semrians itself has the same root as this force, so it is normal that it will be absorbed. The large-scale conduction stop phenomenon is because the ring regards all foreign equipment as heretics, depriving it of all its performance and making it powerless. In other words, if you want to solve the problem of hunger and cold for the people who lack guidance on the earth, the only solution is to land on the floating city and weaken the ring of glory.
The plan has been set, and everyone is fighting for the first place, and no one has the intention to shrink. Then everyone scattered around, making their own preparations.
However, before leaving, two people stopped Heilijia and conducted some private conversations. One of them was Cassius—because the affairs on the ground were really busy, he couldn't get out of his body and could only watch silently on the ground. He said some words of encouragement, and Heliga just listened. But the invitation of another person was indeed somewhat surprising anyway-it was Father Kevin and Joshua.
"What's the matter?" The combination of these two people surprised Heliga, "What's the matter?"
"Mr. Joshua...may need a little extra help." Kevin considered his words. "He seems to mention that you also know some stories about "Stigmata"? "
""Stigmata"? Heliga frowned. "Is that the kind of curse Wiseman once put on Phil?" "
"I think it's something like that." Joshua said. Heilija felt that he was a little bit eager when it came to this topic, which didn't fit his personality. "But the suggestion against Feixia was broken by you... so I think……"
"Could it be that..." Heliga reacted. "The method Wiseman used to control you before was - use that?"
"Yes." Joshua admitted frankly, "Although Wiseman said that he would not care about me anymore... But with the character of that viper, he can't be expected to keep his promise. There was a problem while fighting in the floating, I found you and Father Kevin."
"You want us to help you dispel that suggestion, don't you?" Heliga understood what Joshua meant.
"Yes...Wiseman used to be in church...well, he studied for a while, so he has studied the "stigmata", and it is not surprising that he used his technique after desecrating the stigma on Joshua. "Kevin nodded, "But I actually don't have much confidence in removing this hint alone, because I heard that he was very impressed with your handling of the "false stigmata", so I ask you to help. "
"Understood. If I can, I am willing to help." Heliga immediately promised-now he has inherited all of Bernardo's cognitive and illusion spells, and there should be some ways to deal with such hints. "Start now?"
"No... wait a minute. I have something to tell Esther... After all, it is not impossible that accidents will occur when removing the "stigmata". "After Joshua finished speaking, he left first-it seemed that he was really worried about this matter.
"I think Joshua is actually just a shield you pulled?" Joshua left, but the peculiar atmosphere in the room had not disappeared-because the atmosphere did not come from Joshua, but Father Kevin.
"Forget it...but I'm seriously planning to help him. After all, the blasphemy of "Stigmata" is also a felony written in the canon. As a victim, if there is a chance to rescue Joshua, I will not let it go. But you are right... Actually, my main purpose is to talk to you... Of course, thanks to Joshua, I also know some of your secrets. "
"So? Ask it straightforwardly." Heliga has never felt much about Kevin and the church behind him, but experience tells him that this monopolizes all basic education and medical care on the mainland and covers all countries on the continent. There are spreading organizations inside, and they are definitely not as beautiful as they seem.
"Through Joshua's words, I am sure... the reason you told me last time against "association" is not false. "Kevin didn't ask his own question directly," But this involves some deep-seated secrets...It stands to reason that I shouldn't leak it to you. But the general manager said that he can give you some green light on intelligence... well, as a payment in advance. "
"Hehe, it seems that the deep secrets of the church are involved?" Heliga disapproved, "Does your chief want to use this information as a good performance in exchange for my help?"
"At least in this matter, I think your help is still necessary." Kevin took a deep breath, "So I was sure just now, you did not deceive us-so, this condition, you agreed , Or do not agree?"
"If the purpose is the same, you can help an organization like the church and get familiar with it. Why not do it?" Heliga smiled, "Just tell me... if it touches my bottom line, I will call you to stop at any time."
"Okay... Then I'll tell you." Kevin paused, as if to give himself some time to make up his mind. "My real mission when I came to Libel this time is actually to get rid of the most Bad traitor, Gerug Wiseman."
"The real mission? In other words, is it the goal to be achieved no matter what?" Heliga was a little surprised. He always thought that the church wanted to ask him to help deal with the association-"How did he provoke you back then?"
"He was originally born in Northumbria Autonomous Prefecture. Because the ancient relic "Salt Piles" lost control of its power, large areas of fertile land were turned into a sea of ​​salt, and many people lost their homes. It was in this situation that Wiseman was adopted by the church, raised up, and finally became a bishop, plus a priest of the temple. "
"It can be said that the church has the virtue of rebuilding him." Heliga nodded in a dark and complicated way. "It sounds like he betrayed the church and joined the association. It is indeed a bit inexcusable."
"If this is the case, although it is annoying, it won't make the church's senior leaders tremble with anger when they hear his name ten years later." Kevin smiled bitterly and shook his head, "The most terrible thing is, Borrowing the authority of the bishop, he looked through many banned books and classics. Not only did he learn a lot about ancient relics and the "hinting" methods commonly used by the church, he also learned about the existence of the "stigmata" and carried on it. A lot of research. Gradually, he became obsessed, not only satisfied with literature and research, but also often abandoning his duties, and went to the places mentioned in the banned books to conduct field trips alone. In the end..." Kevin squeezed his hands together, "He even used At the convenience of his position, he used homeless orphans and children whose parents were not well taken care of in his local church to do his experiments on "artificial stigmata". "
"...So, because of this, he went to seek asylum in association?" Heliga whispered.
"No... it doesn't seem to be that way. As early as the bishop, he seemed to know that the church would only become more and more dissatisfied with his research. Therefore, as early as many years ago, he began to plan a rebellion into "association"... Therefore, he did not hesitate to sell information to the association from a long time ago. "
"So...the church wants to deal with him for good reasons. But..." Heliga looked at Kevin and said word by word, "To deal with such a bad person, I think they will not just send Here is an ordinary knight? Wiseman now not only has the brand new power and knowledge given to him by the "Leader" as a protection, he is surrounded by a large number of powerful enforcers who want to kill him, it seems It's a difficult thing. "
"That's why you...and your help are needed. But you are right. I am really not an ordinary horse knight—" Kevin closed his eyes, and a little bit of force began to start some strange power. Circulate in the room.
"This is..." Heliga looked at the faint light behind Kevin, and looked a little surprised. He didn't expect Kevin to be so frank, "Is this proof that you are "different" from ordinary knights? "
"Yes... this is a genuine "stigmata"... every knight with a "stigmata" on his back is one of the twelve guardian knights of the Starcup Knights-I have always been hidden among them Fifth place, "Foreign French Hunter" Kevin Graham. By the way, this is also highly confidential, except that you have obtained the special permission from the chief, other people theoretically should never know before Wiseman is resolved. "
"It's really surprising...Just to get rid of Wiseman, do you disclose all the information?"
"Not only that... I have already said that this is just a "meeting ceremony" from the chief executive. After this matter is over, she seems to want to talk to you in person and talk about the follow-up plan. "
"I think if there is a follow-up to what I do, then the reward for me should not be less, right?"
"Hehe, of course." Kevin gave a commercial smile, "Church...or our "Guardian Knights" rarely show such trust to outsiders... In fact, the general manager's attitude is also changing back and forth suddenly. , I am not used to it myself. "
"Really..." Heliga said softly-the attitude of the church did give him a strong sense of disobedience. However, for some reason, there will always be a figure in his mind that appeared not long before and disappeared soon after.
"Hehe... will it be him?"
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