Chapter 319: Red and white crossing

"There are still about one thousand two hundred Celsius from the floating city."
"Understood. Take back all the stabilizers, increase the speed to 80% of the maximum speed, and try to pass through this minefield." After hearing the observer's report, Yulia ordered her orderly. Under her command, the Elceiu was swiftly avoiding the syndicated assault boats patrolling around the city, approaching the floating city.
"'s really unhappy." Seeing the small dots on the radar that represent the assault boats gradually disappearing, Esther said angrily: "Anyway, we are going to the floating city, why don't we just rush in? What? The performance of the El Saiyo is far beyond that of the assault boats of the association. If some of them can be eliminated, it should be able to help the father and them share some pressure."
"The idea is good, but the risk is too great." Heliga answered Estir's doubts. "First of all, the Elseiu is positioned as a cruiser, and its advantages are its powerful cruising ability, cruising speed and maneuverability. Although the ship is also equipped with attack methods such as main artillery and machine guns, if you must say, I am afraid it will not be much better than the associated air force that is positioned as an assault boat. Even if the operators on the Elsaiu are highly skilled, However, when the hardware facilities are not actually dominant, once it is dragged down by the locals, whether it is to call in a large number of reinforcements or attract the attention of the "Gululias" main ship... Our ultimate goal is difficult. Reached. Don't forget, our main purpose is to land on that "floating city". "
"That is to say, even if we encounter an enemy, we can only run away?" Esther was downcast.
"Um... I will give priority to that." Mu La, sitting in the gunner's position, said-by the way, he is a versatility elite that the Imperial Army focuses on training, so it can be used for all kinds of tasks in driving airships. Said it is a familiar road--, "But if the opponent is difficult to get around, we still consider getting rid of the chase and landing on a floating city as the first consideration."
"Hey... Although it's uncomfortable, it can only be done like this." Estil lowered her head. After all, she understood the truth, but it was difficult to eliminate the worry about her father and the people on the ground.
"I understand." Joshua said softly at this time, "but we are working hard here for the sake of—"
The timing he chose to brush his favorability can be said to be perfect. The companions also saw Joshua's thoughts wisely at this moment, and no one would unwisely choose to destroy the atmosphere. However, the sound of the siren resounding through the cabin interrupted the thoughts of everyone present.
"What's wrong?" Seeing the amazing amount of data on the side of the dashboard, Yulia was taken aback, "This response is equivalent, is it—"
"That's right... it's the "Gurollias". "Joshua said solemnly, "It seems that it is hovering near the sky city. "
"Report, at eight o'clock, the 250 sub-moment super battleship is approaching." The observer's voice seemed a little nervous, and it was the first time that he read such a large number from the data sheet.
"There is no doubt that it is it." Heliga also said solemnly, "There is only one detour."
"The maneuverability and maximum station speed are the advantages of the Elseo." Joshua said eagerly, the only one who knew the detailed performance of the opponent. "But the opponent's hull is equipped with amazingly powerful main guns and a large number of The automatic turret has no dead angle coverage in all directions, and it is impeccable in both offense and defense."
"In that case..." Yulia responded immediately, "Now it's too late to bypass the opponent's perception... Follow my instructions! The Elseyou speeds up to 100%, towards four o'clock, and avoids with all her strength. The enemy battleship is pursuing, while advancing toward the floating city!"

The originally calm clouds suddenly became violent and surging. The Elseo, which was moving steadily through the clouds, suddenly looked like a frightened bird. Looking at the surroundings in a hurry, it seemed that everything was full of danger. A thick cloud layer suddenly began to sag toward the center violently, forming a huge vortex. The vortex was spinning more and more eagerly, turning deeper and deeper, and the cloud layer seemed to be scraped by a spoon, becoming thinner and thinner. When the clouds dissipated, a red battleship with a crimson body emerged from it, rushing towards the white wings with teeth and claws.
This is a delicate duel between the two ships that represents the latest battleship technology. It is also a contest between Chase Central Workshop and Shisan Workshop, and it is a contest of belief and technology between Dr. Russell and Dr. Novartis. The former has a high-performance engine to support the extremely fast, dexterous Elceiu, at this moment like an albatross in a rainstorm, dodges one by one missile attack in a thrilling manner; while the Gululias is It is the eagle of the air overlord with fangs, sharp teeth and a huge body. The hideous muzzle all over the body is aimed at the White Wing, which is enough to destroy the town in an instant, consisting of hundreds of missiles and dense machine guns.
Heat-tracking missiles followed closely behind the Elceiu, which had stopped and turned continuously in the air, and refused to let go of the white wings. But at this moment, Dr. Russell’s proud new engine has finally played its role-the Elsaeu, which is full of speed, is like a sharp arrow that cuts through the dawn. After adjusting its direction, it traverses a beautiful trajectory. , Rushed directly into the clouds at an incredible angle. The three missiles instantly lost the target they were tracking, and they ended their mission with a powerful explosion. With a burst of energy, the El Saiyo penetrated the clouds and ascended directly into the sky.

"It has been out of the track of the Scarlet Ark." As soon as the observer said these words, everyone in the cabin breathed a sigh of relief. After experiencing a direct confrontation, everyone once again made it clear that the association is a lawless criminal organization with incredible power, and if the Elseyou confronts such a giant battleship head-on, it is absolutely impossible to win. At this moment, everyone really had a sigh of aftermath.
When the proud high-performance engine of the Elseo roared at full speed, bringing everyone to the top of the heavy clouds, the city in the sky that could only be seen on the ground before was already close. Everyone can take advantage of the wide view in the cabin to appreciate its beautiful panorama.
This is a garden like a fairyland, beautiful and full of trees. Buildings full of technology and simple beauty, from ancient civilizations stand among the verdant trees, babbling streams, staggered and quiet, dividing the entire city into neatly organized areas. And in the emerald-like lake in the center of the city, a strange tower went straight into the higher sky, shocking people. Looking down from a high altitude, the layout of this floating urban city is exactly the same as the patterns printed on the sacred scriptures of the Qi Yao Church.
However, just when everyone was shocked by the treasures and crystallization of this ancient civilization, a black mecha was approaching towards the Elsei with a slight roar.
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