Chapter 326: Before the final battle

Just when Nerewa worked hard because of him and for his former best friend, the exploration of Sky City was also proceeding gradually.
After the efforts of the technical team headed by Dr. Russell and the core helper team headed by Mulla, with the sufficient and well-maintained spare equipment in the warehouse, all the functions of the Elsaiu have finally been restored. At the same time, the powerful people who were divided into several groups of explorers, on the one hand, with the help of Princess Kolotia’s royal lineage, the authority to almost unblock all the novel equipment of the entire floating city, and finally they were free to carry mobile devices along the way. Tida, who violently cracked all kinds of password doors, cleared the entire floating city periphery.
The base camp at the rear is stable, the exploration ahead is smooth, the crowd is high, and the efficiency is improved-driven by such a virtuous circle, one of the base camps of "association" calculated based on previous intelligence, the former industrial area of ​​the floating city was finally breached .
There are not only a large number of red lotus hunters, various humanoid weapons and military beasts patrolled and guarded there, but also the scary-looking "Red Ark" moored. Perhaps it was because of the lessons learned by Joshua and Heliga in different ways. In the absence of the executors, the warship entered the alert mode, and it was once a spacious passage that Estiel could pass through in strides when he fled. Nowadays, all kinds of traps and electromagnetic nets are sealed, coupled with the appearance of humanoid weapons and hunting soldiers from time to time, making the entire battleship almost a solid fortress, extremely difficult to break.
However, these seemingly impossible things are nothing more than just a little bit difficult in front of the people who are cooperating more and more tacitly. The seemingly dangerous traps can be bypassed, violently cracked, or attempted to forcibly destroy; as for those patrolling hunters and automatic weapons-they are not strong in individual combat capabilities when they originally occupied the advantage of numbers. The opponents of the fighters are now the main force of the Floating City Raiders group, not to mention what types of fighters are available, with reasonable matching, tacit cooperation, and balanced tactics-how can the hunters have the power to fight back? They have been beaten steadily and retreated, and even in the end, once they find traces of their opponents haunting, they will pretend to hide away without seeing them.
Of course... there are also some brainless people among them. The Raiders who saw the national hatred and hatred together not only did not retreat, but also clamored to rush up, even doing "put them together, then catch them back to Kempa." Master Leila takes credit for such a mindless act—such as someone whose name is hard to pronounce correctly for some reason. When he threw away that high-tech weapon as he did when he was defeated in the past, and then knelt on the ground, begging for mercy as if pounding garlic, everyone actually felt funny and unreal in this situation.
Of course, things were completely on track after that. Jost finally saw his captured brother and his companions on the airship deep in the cell at the bottom of the "Red Ark". The three brothers and sisters unanimously decided to join the team of explorers, with the primary goal of restoring the "Lynx" and assisting Esther and others for the next step of exploration.
At this time, when everyone was done and they were about to leave the "Ark", the outer terminal display suddenly lit up-it was Wiseman. He pretended to "congratulate" Joshua’s successful reconciliation with Estiel, and then pretended to be awe-inspiring, accusing Joshua of abandoning Levi and Ling. Many of his companions - many people gritted their teeth during this period - finally, he blatantly issued an "invitation" to everyone, hoping that everyone would be able to witness the moment when the "Ring of Radiance" was awakened. This hypocrisy and arrogance, the attitude of putting everyone in the eye, angered everyone present. Everyone immediately decided to return and prepare for the final battle of the "central tower".
The people in the floating city are being filled with outrage due to Wiseman's provocation. As they step up their preparations for war, the land they want to protect is gradually improving. The large number of "zero-force field generators" left by Dr. Russell before leaving not only restored the communication between the association and the military, but also allowed some important non-governmental organizations, such as business associations, to restore daily contact. At the same time, the Queen's many public speeches and guarantees, in line with the prestige accumulated by the royal family over the years, have gradually eliminated people's anxiety. The most important thing is the greatest threat to the lives and property of ordinary people. The large number of automatic weapons left behind before the association was also gradually wiped out under the full encirclement of the Royal Army. The focus of the "association" at this moment has been all placed. "Floating City" and "Ring of Radiance" did not care too much about these existences that were left to disrupt the situation. As for the imperial army, under the double pressure of Oribat's royal authority and the strict orders of Lieutenant General Sykes, the army stationed in the border town did not cause much trouble. Although Lieutenant General Sykes can often hear Prime Minister Osborne’s deliberately creating pressure, he has gradually seen something wrong-although these steam chariots seem to be completely new creations, look carefully. You will find that most of the engine and power system are still made with old parts that have been eliminated before, and they have been backlogged for many years in the warehouse. I think the reformist forces in the "RF Agency" will not be able to make it for a while. New parts are coming. Then, even the elite third mecha division is configured in this way, how can the prime minister assemble what he said, a dozen divisions?
"The imperial army has not moved, and the domestic situation has improved...well, the only thing that is more anxious is that it is not far from the truce limited day agreed with the imperial army..." Cassie looked at the reports. Uth rubbed his eyelids that he hadn't closed for a day and night. "Although according to Heliga, the Imperial Army is probably just bluffing... But the defense of Harken's gate can't be relaxed... Now that the enemy forces around the major cities have been wiped out, should we simply take this opportunity to mobilize some soldiers there to relieve the pressure on the defenders there?"
"Haha... Mr. Cassius, I'm still busy at this time." The old woman's voice interrupted Cassius' thoughts. Looking back, the queen herself was standing there, holding a cup of black tea. "Lieutenant Colonel Sid, they are very worried about you."
"...Let your majesty serve me tea? This kind of encouragement is really rare." Smelling the fragrance, and seeing the queen herself come, Cassius seemed to feel his mental fatigue and relaxed a lot. "Does your Majesty have anything to say this time, and came to Reston Fortress from the King City in person?"
"Yeah... I received a contact that I had never thought of." The queen took out a letter, "Because there are so many things involved... It should be that we should pay more attention to and think about it apart from this change. Thing."
The queen's ambiguous statement aroused Cassius' interest. With a little curiosity, he took the letter, and as soon as he saw the mark on the envelope, his accumulated fatigue was wiped out.
"Holy Province?!"
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