Chapter 337: The last gatekeeper

"It turns out that this is how things happened..." As he walked and listened to Olivier's explanation of the ins and outs of the matter, Jin finally knew the general course of the matter. save……"
"The relationship between their "executors" is also very complicated. Olivier also expressed some doubts, "but in short, in this incident, they will not appear to disturb us. "
"That's good...I was a little worried at the time, Xuela..." Jin groaned. When Luciola fell from the air and briefly crossed the second-story platform, Kim Jong and Valut were in a fierce battle, so although he noticed something was wrong, he didn't have any chance to save him—though he was sure , Varut also noticed this scene, and there was a slight pause in the action. Sherazad and that Luciola seem to have inextricable connections and fetters, just like he and Valut...Although they have embarked on a completely different path of life, Jin is sure that if Wal One day when Lut died while performing the mission of "association", he and Wuxiang would definitely feel very sad...Even though Varut had already resigned from his division and was incompatible with the two, it has been the same for many years.
Therefore, for Shella, the importance of Luciola and the mental trauma caused by Luciola's jumping off the "central tower" must be great, and this is something that Jin cannot understand. So when Olivier proposed to meet with Shera and tell the story clearly, he agreed without hesitation.
"'s really troublesome." Agath grumbled on the side, he was still at a loss for these complicated situations.
"Shera!" Seeing the sunlight coming in from the upper part of the corridor, Olivier stepped forward impatiently, rushing up the stairs quickly while shouting her name.
"Olivier?" Sheila, who was still immersed in grief, heard a familiar voice in a daze. She turned around suspiciously, and saw Olivier rushing out of the entrance, panting. , There are Agat and Jin following closely behind.
"It's you..." Sheila said faintly, the sadness in her heart could not be suppressed, "The battle is over? Sister she... she..." Halfway through the conversation, her lips trembled slightly, but she couldn't speak.
"...It seems even more than imagined..." Olivier and King looked at each other. The former's eyes were full of helplessness, while the latter had some sympathy. Fortunately, the truth is not as desperate as Sherazad's heart is.
"Shirla." Olivier knelt down softly, speaking softly, and at the same time handing over the handkerchief, "Be brave and strong. Your sister will definitely not want to see you like this... Calm down and listen to me. ."
"...How did she go...?" Sheila took the handkerchief and asked softly.
"...Listen well, Shera, not dead."
"What..." Shelazard was taken aback, "What?"
"She did not die, it was the "weird thief" who rescued her. "Agat confirmed, "They disappeared together afterwards." "
"..." Shelazard was taken aback. She looked at her hands and then at the faithful expressions of her companions. The despair and sadness in her heart gradually disappeared, turning into an indescribable ecstasy. "Sister she..."
Tears couldn't help but fall. Olivier said nothing more intimately, but patted her on the back as a comfort.
"It's really great." Seeing this scene, Jin said to Agat with a light smile.
"...Ah, yeah." Seeing his companion regained his vitality, Agat nodded with approval, but he didn't hear the deeper meaning in Jin's words.
"Hey... let you see the joke... Indeed, even if my sister dies, I can't just live like that." She wiped her tears away, and Shelazard cheered up again, "Sorry, everyone, I have been waiting for a long time. ."
"Haha... it's all right." Jin Haha smiled, "Then, they are next.... I don't know how their results are?"
"Ling that girl seems to have already left the stage... When I was fighting with my sister just now, I saw that huge machine lifted into the sky and left." Sherazard curled her lips, "It's a shame that a few of them can defeat that. monster."
"Really... Then, only... the man is at the end."
As soon as this word came out, everyone was silent.
Because they all know that "Sword Emperor" Reinhardt is not on the same level as the previous executor.
Moreover, after listening to Joshua's story about what happened in the past, everyone also unanimously reached such a consensus: Levi's determination and consciousness to participate in this project may be almost unshakable.
"If this is the case, we have to be fully prepared."

"Are you here?" The voice came first before the figure was seen. And this indifference is mixed with a little calm and indifferent voice, and everyone is naturally very familiar. Who else can it be if it is not the "Sword Emperor"?
Looking forward, the silver hair, gray robe, weird sword, and peculiar formation-the shining gold under Levi's feet covered his low-key and indifferent body, but no one can ignore this figure. The oppression behind.
"Levy..." Joshua's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.
"I thought I would have to wait a little longer... I didn't expect it to be so fast. Hehe, it seems that your companions have achieved good victories... Well done." After a few rare words of praise, Levi looked up and down the appointment. Xiuya and Estir, "It seems that you have also made some progress."
It seems that "Professor" is not there... It's strange, I still want to meet this man behind the scenes. Heliga looked around curiously, and apart from Levi, there was only the black mecha that caused the "El Cyiu" to nearly fall, a copy of the "Fantasy Music" on the top of the huge "Central Tower".
"His, he should be busy with his plan at the bottom of this central tower." Levi curled his lips. "It's you... Although you don't know what happened, it seems that you have more control over the power. Skilled."
"Don't say it doesn't matter to you...If that's the case, shouldn't you feel more or less threatened now?" Heliga said softly.
"There is no need... in the head-on confrontation, none of you can beat me." Levi's tone did not fluctuate at all, as if he was talking about what to eat for dinner, "Your friend who didn't know where came from. Apart from that, you are... still close to the fire."
"Have you seen him?" Heliga was a little surprised, and Nerevain didn't mention it.
"No... it's Camparella and him. He seems to warn us not to interfere with your affairs too much... Hehe, if it is the threat of ordinary people, we will ignore it, but his existence like that really has to let The spirit of twelve points."
"and so?"
"So, if you can choose to give up on this--" Levi's hand, "Rock Eater" let out a sharp sword croak, "That would be great."
"Ha... I refuse. It's not against you, but I really want to see the "professor" after I step over you. "
"Really..." Levi turned his gaze to Joshua and Estiel again, as if he had heard the answer as it should be.
"So... what about you?"
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