Chapter 364: "Encouragement" from the Prime Minister

The conversation with the man in front of you—especially when your position has a direct conflict of interest with him, the pressure on the entire spiritual level is very terrifying. The evidence is that after only a brief conversation that lasted less than twenty minutes, Olibat felt that his shirt had been soaked with sweat; and his spirit had become a little weakened by the previous pressure.
Olibat criticized Osbornzai's policies related to the activities of the Intelligence Agency and pressure on neighboring countries, but he was fooled by the prime minister who had been mentally prepared. In this regard, Olibate partly sighed, and partly expressed seriously that, from the perspective of Osborne’s actions and aggressiveness, if it were not for the protection of the Intelligence Bureau and the Railway Gendarmerie, I am afraid that the prime minister would have been assassinated by hostile forces. The head is different.
"Yeah... Your Highness's concern is very reasonable, and something similar has indeed happened." When he said this, Osborne glanced in the direction of the door intentionally or unintentionally, "but please rest assured, there is" "Those children" looked at the situation, I was very safe. "
""Those kids"... Like Reckett, right? "Olibate's eyes flashed, "In China, I think the existence of the "Ice Girl" can keep you from worrying about everything. "
"Yes...Although the character is a bit strange, the work efficiency is very high. This time, the operation of the south, including the itinerary adjustment and the policy of responding to terrorist attacks, plus the announcement and diplomacy to neighboring countries, are all handled by him. Thanks to him, I will be able to go to Crossbell with peace of mind from now on—"
"Cross Bell?" Olibate couldn't help but interrupt Osborne. "Your Excellency..."
"I know, Your Highness... You are worrying about me. It really makes me terrified." Osborne's next words calmed Olibat. "In recent years, Closbell has entered due to the intervention of various forces. An unprecedented state of chaos-because, hehe, although my position with the imperial government has never hesitated, "Crossbel belongs to Ereponia"... But the actual situation is that all forces have different Involved, they all have their own interests. This time I’m going to have some talks with the representatives who support our country over there, because the inflow of funds from the Republic has recently increased a lot, which has caused our power over there to be suppressed..."
"I admire your courage for fear of hardship and danger... But even if there is no problem with safety, I still feel that it is not a wise choice to let the prime minister of the empire step into such a place."
"So, isn't it the same for you? Your Highness." Osborne's rhetorical question left Olibat speechless. "Dive into the floating city, fight against the completely unknown forces of ancient civilization, and complete the inspection safely. Besides, except for the child of the Viscount’s family, Vandel’s guards and guerrillas are like companions, His Royal Highness has no protection—compared with your accomplishments, my actions are just drizzle. Moreover……"
Osborne smiled slightly, and easily guessed the most secret arrangement of Olibat.
"His Royal Highness has been regarded as a hero in the domestic public opinion... In this case, His Royal Highness rides on the "White Wings" Triumphant Capital... Hehe, a large number of media mainly based on the "Empire Times" will surely give a lot of exaggerations and reports. Such a gorgeous return will surely meet your expectations. "
"...Do you know everything?" Olibate said softly.
"Yeah... this little matter does not even need to be investigated by the "Intelligence Department", just pay attention to the content of the exchanges of those reporters outside of the interview. "Osborne said with a smile, as if what I just said was nothing more than a normal routine, "Please use this opportunity as much as possible to consolidate your position." Your Royal Highness, I have great expectations for you... but. "
"Have hope for me? I really didn't expect that... I thought you would preach to me—"
"Why?" Osborn asked in surprise, "His Royal Highness and I were originally on the same stand! Your Highness, I know, you have been hating this huge Ereponia that has gradually degenerated and fallen aristocratic class, and hate this being pedantic. The system bound by old rules, right?"
Olibate did not speak, but nodded slightly.
"Although I am exaggeratedly called the "Iron-Blooded Prime Minister" by the domestic media... But my position in the empire, to be honest, is not strong enough. Although in the imperial capital, my supporters accounted for the overwhelming majority, but in the territories dominated by the princes, especially the "four famous sects", my supporters were few. I do have 70% of the available power in the regular army, but the remaining 30% is still vacillating. Moreover, the nobles still have a considerable number of "leaders" and a lot of top hunters hired by money in their respective territories. If you count all of this, the position between us is probably going to turn around. After I have said so much, you must understand that now is the crucial moment for me to fight for the future dominance of the empire. "
"So, you lay the railway network across the country, use the imperial capital as your base camp, and develop your power to the entire empire...At the same time, through economic and political soft attacks, you will eliminate some weak autonomous prefectures and small countries, thereby using their resources. Gives you a voice, doesn't it?"
"Hehe... Your Royal Highness really knows me. In that case, let me solemnly invite you again-please assist in my plan, Your Royal Highness. With your help, the reformers can be said to be more powerful and more capable. Let the rotten aristocratic forces return to the future and collude with each other, and get warm, and you will first step like a collapsed dam-isn't that what you want to see most?"
"...Before answering this question, there is one thing I have to figure out." Olibate didn't answer immediately. After a long silence, he said: "Prime Minister, what is the relationship between you and "Association"? "
"I don't quite understand what you mean." Osborne said solemnly, "It's just that in order to promote the reform of the empire, we must use everything that can be used-this is my political philosophy."
"That's it... we did get along well." Hearing Osborn's words, Osborn's eyes showed a little hopeful light, but they were quickly dissipated by the following words, "but because of this , I want to reject you."
"I really don't like those decadent aristocratic forces... However, I have a deeper confusion and fear for your actions." Olibat said sincerely, "Your actions will make the empire fall into something impossible In the enthusiasm in the reversal... mobilizing the power of the entire empire and overturning the world, it is indeed possible to defeat the corrupting aristocratic forces. However, once the gear of fate starts to turn, it can no longer be stopped. Everything in this world, including you And I will inevitably be swallowed into the torrent of this era-by then, we will not be able to control the future direction. Do you understand this?"
"Of course." Osborne smiled slightly-seeing Olibart finally put aside the hypocritical etiquette, and revealed his inner true thoughts and truths, Osborn, a skilled politician, finally showed his way for the first time. Kind of arrogance and conceit: "Because that is the first step in my reform."
After speaking, the prime minister stood up.
"His Royal Highness, if you intend to change your mind and cooperate with me, please send someone to inform me. Before that, please consolidate your position... At least, don't be bitten or used by the nobles you hate. My words... Haha , Your ally, I'm afraid you will be a little impatient."
After speaking, and the prince nodded to each other, Osborne strode towards the door.
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