Chapter 368: Rain of roses

The royal capital Gransell, in the airport, an ordinary regular ship with a bland appearance is slowly taking off amid the powerful roar of the steering engine. From the outside, it is hard to imagine that the prime minister of the Ereponia Empire was sitting in such an inconspicuous boat. However, in a sense, this can be regarded as a kind of protection for his eminent identity, commonly known as "make a lot of money in silence."
At the airport berth, the usual busy but orderly empty boats and cargo ships have been cleared out at this moment. The reason-the sturdy and streamlined white-winged "Elceyo", docked outside the port, is preparing to go.
"Trouble you." Olibate solemnly thanked Yulia-since he set a date for returning to China, Yulia, who is solely responsible for related matters, decided to scan for his return on the day of Olibat's departure. Clear all obstacles. If it weren't for the sudden visit of the Prime Minister, I am afraid that the final destination is the flying boat to the Duchy of Remifila, and the flight will be delayed for several hours.
"It's nothing... Compared to this, is that person the "Iron Prime Minister" himself..." Yulia, who had been preparing the airship, didn't learn that the neighboring country's prime minister had already been in Libel until the moment before takeoff. The overnight news really surprised her.
"Obviously there should be a dedicated flying boat, but did you deliberately take a civilian boat..." Shelazard, who came to see Olibate and the others off, was solemn in the dusk, thoughtfully, "Is an extraordinary person."
"Hehe, because of this, it is interesting to challenge such an opponent." Olibat has adjusted his mentality and said with a smile, "I also asked you to see you off, Shera, I'm so sorry..."
"Because of the task, it just happened to be on the way." Sherazad's words are half true and half false, and it is right to go along with the task. However, she insisted on choosing the task of the royal city, and the price was that she originally belonged The job was lost to other people, "And looking at you like this, I'm afraid I won't see each other for a long time."
"Yeah... My dream is to be happy with a beauty like you, Shera..." Olibate made such a joke without hesitation. After the battle in Floating City, both of them slowly started to face it. Own feelings.
"Yes yes yes, in order to be able to get out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible, you can do your best." Shelazard is not a pure and innocent girl, she dealt with this kind of adult jokes without red heart, "I look forward to you I can come back when I have time... It would be better if I could be with me until dawn."
"..." Olibate's face went dark, and the handsomeness and self-confidence on his face disappeared for a moment. Seeing this scene, how could everyone not know that Olibate was thinking of the last time the anti-alcohol medicine was split in half, so naturally he burst into laughter.
"Well... it's time to go." Yulia urged.

The regular ship "Calabria" to the Duchy of Remifila is moving at a constant speed above the clouds. Osborn and Reckett stood on the deck, not paying attention to the harsh cold wind.
"Prince Olibat...hehe, a good result." Osborn seemed to be very satisfied with something, with a happy smile on his face, "No matter what he wants to do, we can make good use of it."
"Because for you, all factors are "chess pieces." "Lecter said lazily, "Whether it is the prince, I, "associate", even yourself..."
" is true. This is a big chess game involving the whole world. No one can stay out of it." Osborn nodded naturally, completely unaware of how incredible he said. "A game of intense excitement that can shock the soul, played in the unit of the state machine...Don't you just want to watch this and choose to follow me?"
"I don't deny that...but." Reckett suddenly put on a terrible expression, "How do you know this chess piece will not betray you?"
"...That's okay." Osborn's face was calm and unwavering. "Do you think I didn't expect that possibility?"
"Huh. I'm just talking about it casually." Reckett immediately changed into that indifferent appearance, "Speaking of which, how are the others now?"
""Children"... whatever it is, it seems to be going very well at the moment. If this continues, the prince’s efforts are probably just in vain..." Osborne sighed and said deliberately, "It's really no way, do you want to be merciful..."
"Hey...what a nasty uncle." Reckett sighed, but he seemed to have noticed something suddenly, and said seriously, "I said, Lord Prime Minister, you... it's better not to underestimate his existence. ."
"Oh?" Osborne raised his eyebrows, wondering what Reckett was talking about.
And as if deliberately choosing this opportunity to respond to him-the originally calm and watery cloud layer broke open instantly under the sudden and strong pressure, and the "Elseyou" abruptly emerged from the cloud layer, firmly leaning against it. Beside the "Calabria", walking side by side.
On the white-winged deck stood two men, one with blond hair and white clothes, with a handsome appearance; the other with black hair and black robes, with a solemn expression like the same statue, meticulous. The appearance of Olivier and Mulla made the Prime Minister's face a bit of surprise.
In this situation, a ghostly smile appeared at the corner of Olivier's mouth. He magically conjured a rose from his hand, then threw it into the air, then drew the force gun, and hit it accurately—the petals spread out and fell on the deck of the Calabria. On the shoulders of Osborne and Reckett.
"This is..." Osborn frowned.
"Rose petals." Reckett picked up a piece from his shoulder and sniffed it lightly.
"Dear passengers--" At this time, the flight attendant announcement of "Calabria" sounded, "Appearing on the right is the famous continental high-speed cruiser "Elceiu". Today, His Royal Highness Olibate of the Erebonian Empire will take this ship to the imperial capital, and the crew of His Royal Highness Toben will greet the passengers—"
"Thank the goddess for letting us meet today. I offer you beautiful roses and the blessings of the goddess on your journey, and I hope you can return to your hometown safely."
After speaking, Olibat put away his gun, with a sense of provocation in his confidence, he looked at Prime Minister Osborne who was still in a daze. Afterwards, maintaining this handsome posture, accompanied by the "El Saiyo" slowly disappeared to the end of the sky.
"...Idiot..." After a long time, Reckett sighed.
"Haha...hahahahahaha!!!" Osborn laughed wildly after silence, and the joy in his eyes was almost uncontrollable, "Lecter, you are right, I underestimated him... you Let me look forward to the extent to which I can devour my "Iron Prime Minister"! Prince Oribat! "
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