Chapter 465: Crazy move

Huh-before Heliga could react, Joachim took the lead. With an astonishing range and speed, he took steps, like a beast attacking its prey, rushing towards Heliga.
"This speed..." Heliga frowned. The reason was-even though he was completely in an unexpected stage, he did not react to Joachim's sudden attack! Moreover, with this speed and impact, it is impossible to avoid it.
"Cut..." Joachim, who knew that he had no power to bind chickens, had such super physical abilities, it must be because he sighed at Heliga, who had moved some hands and feet. Look at Joachim with a contemptuous attitude—as a fanatical believer who lurks in the shadows and willingly endures so many years for his ulterior purposes, there is really no room for underestimation.
Since you can't escape, let's go ahead - as expected, Joachim rushed towards Heliga with a gale, and the powerful impact made Heliga sure that Joachim is different now. However, Heliga, who had prepared for a long time, used "Dragon Skin" to cover the part that was in direct contact with Joachim, and the fragments of the cuffs were torn apart, revealing the skin that gradually turned from turquoise to fair.
"Ha... this is the secret technique mentioned in the intelligence. Is it the only secret technique you can master?" Joachim was not discouraged without a single blow, stepped back two steps, and smiled: "It is indeed... It’s as powerful as the one mentioned in, even my current blow..."
"You guy...couldn't it be..." Heliga looked at Joachim's frenzied smile, with an uncertain premonition.
"Yeah... as you said." Joachim took out a small bottle with a few fluorescent red pills in it-similar to the blue pills scattered on the market, but this one was red. It is even more disturbing. "Although I have never been able to determine who it is... but I can feel that someone has been hindering me behind my back... So it's no good not to be prepared, right?"
"It's really interesting... I only suspected you a while ago. Why did it get in your way?" Heliga completely ignored Joachim's jokes in his dark eyes.
"Ah... This is a long story... The first time I was attacked from the warehouse of "Rubacher", I had an unpredictable hunch at that time. "Joachim said, "As for later, when the existence of "True Knowledge" was exposed, I obviously felt that someone was obstructing the actions of "Rubacher"...that's you. "
"It was just a coincidence...Who knows the huge conspiracy hidden behind this?" Heliga curled his lips. "If you really want to say it, it should be the anomaly of the fellow Yaniste that has exposed you."
"Yes... Yaniste... the poor man who is willing to dedicate his life for the future of Closberg and has completely despaired of modern politics." Joachim smiled comfortably, "In the original plan, he should Stay here, and become the last barrier to swallow the searchers who get in the way... But probably because of your relationship, the head of the police department has been transferring that guy to another treatment department and paid back not too long ago. The guy who hadn't awakened from the coma was taken away from the hospital...but, thanks to him, I can get some extra help."
"What help?" Heliga asked sharply.
" will know soon," Joachim said softly. "Compared to that, how much time do you think you can delay?"
"Me? Procrastinating?" Heliga said in a surprised and pitiful tone. "You don't really think that just now is all the abilities I have?"
"Of course I dare not, it's just...ooh!" Before Joachim finished speaking, Heliga suddenly appeared in front of Joachim, "Chilling" in his hand, and the target was Joah. Sim tightly held the medicine bottle's right hand. In surprise, Joachim managed to dodge with the amazing reaction power he trained by taking a lot of this red "true knowledge", only a string of blood beads flowed down the cold blade, and finally condensed Into ice.
"I..." Without waiting for Joachim to finish speaking, Heliga acted again-this time faster. Because this time, Heliga didn't use the ordinary movement method anymore, but used the dragon roar-"Whirlwind Essence". Under the power of the dragon's roar, Heliga's figure transformed into a burst of pure white, something close to the plasma, and then appeared behind Joachim with an incredible face--then, "Chill Crack" pierced precisely Joachim's wrist was weakened, and the bottle full of small red pills fell to the ground.
"General - be honest now." Before Joachim could react, the cold, blood-stained blade was pointed at Joachim's throat. Feeling the cold that almost pierced his own body in his throat, Joachim still did not confess his fate or roar in amazement--still his unhurried appearance.
"Yes... Yes. This variety of thaumaturgy... is really impossible to guard against." Joachim exclaimed half-truthly, "It's just that General... I can't see it."
As he said, a strange feeling filled the small office. In the broken bottle on the ground, the strange miasma surrounding the "true knowledge" pills suddenly began to boil. Under Heliga's puzzled gaze, Joachim's pierced arm also began to emit miasma, and then began to heal.
"You guy..." Heliga was startled for a moment, and then exclaimed: "Can "Zhenzhi" actually be able to achieve this level? "
"It's better to say... After gradually getting rid of the shackles of the mortal body, "true knowledge" can help mankind achieve unpredictable great causes. "Joachim proudly said, the whole body was even more miasmic. While he was speaking, his arms began to swell and eventually broke through his blood-stained doctor's uniform, which was more than three times thicker than a normal person's arm. It was normal. His skin also began to become rough and cracked red.
"The "true knowledge" I drank is enough to make my body break through this room. "Joachim grinned, "You can try to fight here... Of course I don't have the confidence to defeat someone of unknown depth like you... But I have enough to take me so that you will try your best before killing me." . In that case, the aftermath of our battle will involve the entire hospital, as well as the doctors and patients in it... It doesn't seem to be a bad thing to have such a funeral. "
"You guy..."
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